How come SMB3 levels in this always end up being the best ones?

Attached: super-mario-maker-2-nintendo-direct-how-watch-start-time.jpg (708x472, 71.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:'ll

>>507742943I've found smb and smb3 are abstract enough that you can do some creative stuff with the level sets.

You finna post levels faggots or what?

>>507742943SMB3 is the most balanced style, just enough limitations, just enough tools, no SMW kaizo item-juggling, while still having more to play with than the basic SMB style. It's also the second most aesthetically pleasing style.

>>507743330Sure, just finished a ghost house level>2-3 Spooky Shell ShackG2L-MGM-BDF


>>507743330Speak English, nigger.

I uploaded 5 user levels to Youtube today. One of them:Minekart Madness: Banzai Assault (WCP-DBB-HKG)'ll post the list of levels for the authors to watch if they want.

>Get Mario Maker>Hype to play all these cool levels>Almost everything is like 10 seconds long or gay kaizo/speedrun shit

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>>507746267Yes, to play good levels you need to pan. Remember to click on the star when you find an author who makes good levels to create a catalog.Now with Super Worlds the experience is much better in this regard, especially if the author has made a SuperWorld carefully and not just set his levels at random.

>>507746528Is there even a way to browse Super Worlds or am I just retarded?

>>507746528*correcting, you need to search exhaustively (my translator fucked my sentence in the last post)

>>507742943I wish that they could’ve done it like Mario Bros. X where you could mix and match styles

>>507746580The game offers 10 random ones and if you enter a Creator's Profile, you can play his Super World by choosing "play".

>>507746079Keep your good work, anonLoved your reviews

Here the levels I found in the last few threads and uploaded to Youtube. If you are the author of one of these and want to see someone playing, search on YouTube like this:>Mario Maker 2: "level_name" by author_nameI still have 24 level IDs that I will record when I have time. If someone posts an ID on this thread, I will add it to my list to record later.

Attached: 4chanlevels.jpg (610x911, 283.93K)

>>507747291For you, who's the best author here?

Because SMB3 was the best 2D Mario, and always has been. I never understood SMWfags.

>>507742943It's obvious, SMB3 is the best Mario game. Of course using its tileset would lead to best levels.

>>507746079>>507747291Absolutely based, keep being awesome, anonLoved seeing someone actually clear my P-balloon level without using the balloon, I could do each individual section, but never in all of it in one straight go

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>>507747291You found every big coin of my levels

>>507743434which one is the first?


>>507748525SMWAt least in the individual level department. SMB3 has a better overall identity in its aesthetics, its levels fit together nicelySMW meanwhile has better individual levels, which works better for a game like Mario MakerBut fuck it, with world-maker up, 3 has that advantage back

can't believe I'm asking this, but how the fuck do I get gud at 2D marios?

>>507750171Depends, what aspect do you struggle at?

Is changing the optional collectibles from key coins to big coins in my super world partway through going to be too much whiplash for players?

>>507747437It depends, there are several different styles and I don't think there is an author that stands out completely.One of my favorites is KingDuck, all his levels please me.Tinglemies makes levels that are great for more casual players. His levels have thousands of likes.Linnon makes good themed levels, but he is a little inconsistent at times.Mondo made a Super World that was very good, especially from world 4 onwards.Tony was taking themes that are considered bad and trying to create good levels based on them, and he managed to achieve the goal in my opinion.C-Diddy makes the weirdest levels on Earth, but they are strangely entertaining.IAmCola does some well-made levels, if he makes an entire Super World it will definitely be worth playing.In general, the levels posted here are much better than the average. Some makers still need to improve. For example, I like the levels of AngroSaxon, but they have some errors like a door that sends you to a part of the level that if you enter at the wrong time you will not be able to come back or things like that.

>>507751121Is Mondo's the only Holla Forums world worth playing? I've played it but I'm hungry for more worlds

My reworked ludwig airship level KGW-PQ7-DTFMy new bullet bill levelCCH-5W3-C2HMy new Frog Mario levelsSRX-0VM-21HGDP-NPS-DMF

>>507751556 XGABEX or someshit was my favorite I think,

Alright Holla Forums, gimme your SMB courses and I'll play em. In return, here's a course I finished a few hours ago, and it's all about seesaws, monty moles and bullet bills.Super World 2-1: Hurdles, 6QG-M0D-MYF

Attached: SMB1 Run.gif (500x320, 15.33K)

>>507743434SMW is great because you can throw items up. you can't do that in smb3 or nsmbu

>>507751556I've been shilling my world in the past few threads. If you're wanting more worlds, you probably haven't seen it yet: JJJ-T4D-Y3G.It's got six worlds, each one keeping to a single style, (With one exception in World 5.) I tried to start out with basic Mario stuff, but get more and more unique with the themes as it goes on, with ideas like a snowy highway or jumping through a thunderstorm.

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>>507753223That is what he is referring to when he says it doesnt have item juggling.

>>507751556If you want a smb3 style world that is almost entirely traditional. My world might fit the bill.KGK-4WP-4DG

How come every week I start with silver medal in weekly points and lose it the next day?

troll levels are complete shit and cant even watch mario maker streamers anymore,HOT GARBAGE >>>>>>>> troll levelsTrolls levels are so boring. >hurr durr 50/50 each section>hurr nope you had to go the other way durr>hero a derp twice twicee hurrrr durrrr>haha key death!>hahahahah actually nit a key death hurrrrr durrrAnd its just pathetic when the streamers have to still keep acting surprised or laugh at troll shit. Its just boring.Hot garbage was fun because it actually takes skill to beat hot garbage levels. Also its fun watching them suffer and figure out how to beat the garbage levels.

>>507752121>>507753482>>507754136Thanks anons

Bit Crusade 3 is an adventure series of Mario levels that play in the traditional sense (scaling difficulty, hidden rooms and level theming). So if you like traditional Mario stages you’ll probably like these. The game utilizes all 5 styles so there’s a little something for everyone. Every stage has 5 red coins that are optional, but open a bonus room at the end of the level. Currently at 7 Worlds and 35 stages.Maker Code: 6H6-M6D-PPFFinally got a new stage up too.8-2: Battleship Blitzkrieg S95-GC2-5WGSMB3 style stage where Mario tears through a bullet gauntlet, the front lines of an airship fleet, and faces off against 2 of the Koopalings, Roy and Morton Jr. in a series of battles before he puts them down for good.>>507747291Wanted to say thanks for playing the mostly complete super world, and that I’m glad you enjoyed them. When I go back to tweak the series the first three worlds are gonna get some design overhauls to bring them up to the quality of World 4 onwards. Did you have a favorite stage or one that really stuck out to you?

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>>507755161Cool world my guy

>>507754252No clue, my guess is maybe for that brief period you’re technically in the upper percent for points until the flood for the popular tab rushes over. One day we’ll know the algorithm but I sure as hell don’t now and I’ve been playing since launch.>>507750171Learn the momentum that each story e has for movement, keep the tip of your thumb over the run button and jump by pressing the middle joint of your thumb so you can always run if you need to.>>507750409Might be a bit weird but if it doesn’t drastically overhaul your level design it shouldn’t be bad. It’s hard to Telegraph that kinda stuff especially since descriptions don’t appear in super worlds.>>507742943It’s hard for me to pick a favorite style, I feel like they all have something to offer which is why I don’t restrict myself to just one for long.>>507751556Hell no, plenty of folks in the threads got good shit that’s better than mine. Many of who >>507751121 listed are all good creators, and there were loads more at the launch threads. Was kinda hoping the update would bring a bunch back but I guess not.>>507756442Thanks dood

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>tfw ryu will never randomly play my world

>>507756521*momentum that each style has

>>507751556I actually just finished my Super World! It's a full eight worlds all in SMW style. I tried to make a fairly traditional super world, with level themeing, increasing difficulty as you progress, and an emphasis on platforming. If you do give it a try, let me know what you think!>SB3-L8W-7FF>>507747291Hey, thanks for recording my world, user! It was awesome seeing someone play through it, and I appreciate your feedback along the way.

Attached: Blustery Bridge.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

>>507757557Glad to see you get some mileage outta that webm

>>507757821Yeah, sorry I post it so much; I have no other footage actually from my world apart from some old Lamplight webms, which I've also run into the ground

>>507757946Oh no it’s fine, just makes me happy that you like it enough to use it. It’s why I make them in the first place so people have a way to show off part of their level in motion. Don’t have a capture card so I can’t do YouTube vids like the other user.

>>507758562I appreciate it! I think you did the Lamplight webms as well, a while back.

>>507742943Need feedback on level balance for a first world:NWF-RYR-MBG

>>507742943Can you download levels? I was thinking about buying this but I don't have a steady internet connection thanks to the lockdown and I would have to download stuff overnight to play later on if I got it. Is this doable?

>>507742943Here's my level

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Why is Levelhead better than Mario Maker?

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>>507747291Are you Nintendo Thumb you youtube?

>>507760805You can download levels, but it is not very practical. You cannot play Super Worlds offline (full games with world map). Each level is about 150 KB, so if you have a way to route the internet over your cell phone to the Nitnendo Switch, you will have no problem playing the game, however.I only recommend this game if you have internet all the time.>>507761091Is it really good? I saw some videos and didn't get too excited about the gameplay, although the level editor looks really decent.

>>507761384No. Nintendo Thumb aims to document levels in a "natural" way, playing blind and not editing when he dies.I practice at user levels and upload it after I manage to finish without dying and I have no specific goal, I just do it to pass the time.>>507761009I`m gonna play, but the thread will probably die before...

Can Holla Forums beat this?This fucker spent more than 400 hours making the level and more than 100 hours trying to upload

>>507762285These threads are hard to keep alive sadly

>>507742943Because it's unironically the better game.

>>507751121Thanks for what you said about my thematic levels, about the inconsistent of my maps you may be referring to the greglands, this map was made by a friend of mine (Greg), I just put the finishing touches on because he was not very good lol, Koopa Village I tried mix as many elements as possible in one course but even I agree that the Bomberman part is not so good (although I have revised it countless times to make it better) unfortunately the stage was not as good as the rocket launch facility or scary tower.Keep up the good work of publicizing our stages, you’re doing something amazing

Searing Conveyor Castle: [81T-GJC-1XF]I made a hard Mario 3 castle level. Thoughts?

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>>507753118I really liked your stage, though I having a checkpoint kind of invalidates the time limit thing>FBF-0D6-J7GThis is the only SMB level I had, it's nothing mindblowing in terms of mechanics, but I hope you like it

>>507761624It's really hood yeah

>>507764114Neat level, solid concept, somewhat lousy execution, but otherwise fun.

>>507764114True, but I figure I should set it low to make the player hurry their ass up, anyway. Also with how I did the bullet bill hurdles, I felt like people would hate the course if I didn't put some kinda checkpoint. Glad you liked it, man. Did you like the green turf? I swear to god, semisolids for the ground and the mushroom platforms make the course themes go a long, long way in creating some kind of visual interest.As for your course, I'll give it whirl right now.

>>507765269It did look pretty good, yeah

>>507764014This level is really fucking good. Going in and out of the castle is really cool, and looks amazing. It felt fair the whole way through, and the little puzzle bits were a nice change of pace. The Morton boss is difficult while not having 50 projectiles flying at you, though the combination of the treadmills and the wings makes it unpredictable.

>>507766167Okay, so I missed out the record for your course by just over a second. What the hell did the other guy do to go so fast? Shit.The course alllmost has a good flow to it, but it's those skewers. There's no variety in how they work and they totally get in the way. What if a player had to climb a vine to avoid the skewers? Or they could speedrun it by jumping up the vine and the cycle is just right to where they avoid getting hit. Also if it helps at all, skewers can destroy the cloud blocks, too.

>>5077606481-1 and 1-2 were boring, 1-3 was visually interesting but not great, 1-4 was decent, and the shell kicking level was just flat out bad. You need to make the first 3 levels more interesting to play and flat out replace the ghost house level.

>>507762378All that time and energy to upload a level in a game that was dead since MM2 was coming out