HEY YOU!Tell me your favorite Animal Crossing villager RIGHT NOW

HEY YOU!Tell me your favorite Animal Crossing villager RIGHT NOW.

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Other urls found in this thread:


the lion who acts like a nig

Raymond and Marshall.

Me. The worst part of this game is having filthy animals/human hybrids running riot on my island. I'd have them exterminated if I could. They are monsters and an affront to my senses.

>>507742843Big fan of Chadder. His house is dope as fuck.

Attached: Chadder_NH.png (360x450, 152.38K)

>>507743030That's some basic bitch tranny taste

>>507742843you are broccolo!

>>507742843boomer is cool

>>507742843Hornsby, with Ketchup as a close second.

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My wife

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Attached: dob.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

>>507743198based chad dergot him in my town and plan on dressing him up like ratboygenius

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I like this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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Dom is based

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This guy right here.

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Weber. That dumbass is my best friend.

Why Rodney of course just look at him!

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Lolly! I want her so bad, I am praying to RNGesus to fill the empty plot.

Attached: 175px-Lolly_NLa.png (175x375, 65.33K)

My best pal in wild world.

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This lad

Attached: Drift_NewLeaf_Official.png (294x473, 119.51K)

>>507747187I have been trying to get rid of Lolly for the past 3 weeks


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>>507743198Based. I can't believe some people hate him.


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This one, doyoing.

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>>507742843Dobie followed by Shep, Lily, and Purrl.

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>>507747186That is fucking hilarious.

Rosie I guess, And I mean Rosie the cat, not her pet pill bug named Rosie that she named Rosie because she's only cute while rolled up into a a ball and pretty gross when she's not.

Attached: Rosie_NewLeaf[1].png (223x488, 24.25K)

>>507742843Marshal, Bob, Poppy, and Agent S. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAA!

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>>507742843>Tell me your favorite Animal Crossing villager RIGHT NOW.I want to shove my entire arm into Naomi's sopping cow pussy.

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>>507748065Well, if she's ever in boxes, make a post on another AC thread and I'll try to get her!

The one and only

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>>507749678How could you ever possibly have a free space open at the exact time as this guy has her leaving though?

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>>507749785Fuck this cocksuckin' piece of shit. Bob is basically the only good lazy villager.

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>>507742843Dodo is 4782HFruits are up for grabPlease leave a msg on my boardNmts are appreciated, but not required

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The owl's sister

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>>507749885Circumstances.You never know, and it never hurts to ask.

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>>507750042Ozzie is fine too, he's my special little retard. He just looks so blissfully oblivious and stupid with that wide-eyed dumbass smile.

Attached: 200px-Ozzie_NH.png (200x238, 46.42K)

>>507748361Unironically my nigga

Attached: Kiki.png (881x881, 950.82K)

>>507750042I like raddle because I can pretend he's a schizo scientist

Smug is probably my favorite this generation, this absolute chad is great.

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>>507750042Screw you

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they need more personality typesnone of these typecasts fit designs, like Raddle the schizo scientist being lazy or Ribbot the robot being a fucking jock

>>507751743Current lazy fits raddle perfectlyHe was experimenting on insects and now he talks to the ones in his walls

>>507751743>>507751813Do any of the characters have unique dialogue to them? Or is it really on 8 sets of dialogue in the game? And why do the villagers not talk about each other like they used to, or write letters to each other and have drama? Do you have to reach a certain level of friendship for them to act like they're part of a town?

>>507752247they do talk about each other, it's just you have to talk to them about 5 times to get all the contextual dialogue out of the way firstBethesda made the same mistake with skyrim's and oblivion's greetings. They made so many but they coded it retardedly so you only ever heard the same fucking one

>>507742843I don't play animal cucking but that racoon that fucks everyone is pretty based

What's the maximum number of wishes you can make per night?

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>>507742843Ribbot and Coco

>>507753754Infinite. But I think the most star bits that will appear on the shores the next day is 40


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>>507743625he looks like foreskin

I still get surprised when I see the other 400 villagers rather than the 30 that constantly get mentioned everywhere


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>>507752938This thread is actually about Animal Crossing, not Animal Cucking. Those names are pretty similar so I can see why you got them confused. Animal Crossing doesn't even have a raccoon.

>>507749303based, rosie is the best peppy

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>>507754379I disliked her at first but I enjoy her now. Her and Goose are my starters, still in town.

>>507743791This desu.

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>>507754303I just found out that this is one of the new villagers.

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>>507752938>that racoon that fucks everyoneif by racoon you mean dodo, yes

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>>507743625I hope I get a nice old man villager like Dobie. I have Chief as my cranky right now that I'm trying to give to a friend. I'm going to miss Chief though, he has a nice singing voice.

You have made a shrine to your favorite villager, right Holla Forums?

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>>507748215based fellow skyechad

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>>507742843>playing AC in nip>Apollo wants to give me a nickname>it's "aniki"Based.

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>>507754505Same thing for me with Katt. She's probably my most active villager, she sends me letters and gifts all the time and she sings a lot. It's great

>Just bought Audie from some dude on Discord for 10 NMT I love it when people don’t know the value of what they’re selling


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HLK73Celeste is here, but I don't expect any stars, it's pretty cloudy. There's some furniture and DIYs laying out for you to catalog and take, respectively.Please water my flowers. I just need the ones in the garden with the fountain on the left part of my island watered, you should be able to see it on the map.Flick is here, but you can only look at him.

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>>507754626when I get her picture of course

Convince me not to make my whole town nothing but cat villagers

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>>507742843Walker is a chill dude. Always walkin

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>tilt camera toward the sky>moon is clipping into a cloudHow did Nintendo miss something as simple as this?

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>>507754824coming for celeste ill bring my watering can.

>>507754676Here's an Apolla design for you

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>>507754952It doesn't get you closer to pussy

>>507754952Shitty smug

This whore said she wanted to leave my island and I told her to go. Before I took her to Photo Studio to make a portrait, now my goal is to expel everyone from the island and collect all portraits.

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>>507742843I Like Chevre, she's the villager I've had the longest out of any game

Attached: Chevre NH.png (183x283, 54.73K)


>>507750140I agree. Adorable

>>507742843>FavoriteSylvia.>Least favoriteGaymond because he is a creepy retard that hangs out in the background being.. well a creepy retard.

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Can anyone come water my flowers please? 2B05Y

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>>507755285Sylvia is based, rearing and ready to take a nap

>>507754963I had him in my New Leaf town for a very short time but then stopped playing for a while and he moved out in that time, Walker is an enigma to me

OctavianBased angry octo


Attached: raymond.jpg (1400x1400, 93.72K)

Invited this guy on a whim and he’s pretty fantastic. Good music taste.

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does anyone has that skye pic with the "please be patient" hat?

>>507755050I'm not actually that crazy about Raymond or Ankha for that matter and wouldn't have them on my island.

Man these threads are really slowing down.

who wants golden tool diys i have one of each via hax

>>507755650There's like 4 up right now

>>507755758The individual tools are pretty much worthless since they still degrade so fast

>>507742843>>507743198Coco is my favourite but chadder is a close second given how much he likes to talk about insurance fraud

My bestie

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Im trying to make the National Park in Johto but I dont have a fountain.Can anyone help me? What do you need?

>add a "villager">literally nothing>just takes up a house and villager space>just randomly activates dialogue out of nowheredid nintendo forget to add textures to this NPC or something?

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>>507755825 im just tired of holding onto them

>>507755868Maybe it's like a chameleon villager

>>507755540>Raymond joins your island.>You think neat.>You have business cat.>All he does is say crisp and talk about being a fucking pop idol and sniffing flowers.>Is a creepy fag.user twitter is that way.

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Tom Nook!

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>>507755842that slut is fucking everyone on my island

>>507755868thats what you get for time traveling you stupid fuck. Next time don't cheat and you'll get nonbugged characters.

>>507755095She's been an absolute treasure since she moved in, every time she runs over to tell me something, it's so cute.God I'm lonely

>>507750108Omw back with nmt


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>>507755852Im an idiot nvm. I just realized the fountain is a Nook mile diy item

>>507750108I'm looking for a cherry. Just one is enough. Do you have any trees lying around with 'em?

>>507742843I got Mitzi from one of my first mystery islands, she's grown on me a lot, she is so goddamn cute.

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hey b-b-b-b-buddy

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>>507754138I found this guy on an island and I wanted him so fucking bad but I had to give him up because I already am doubled up on jocks and there's no way I could do triple jocks in NH


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>>507756693Based on what?

>>507756693b-b-based on what?

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He's pretty chill, was in the island from the beginning and never asked to leave, also doesn't say as much dumb shit as the other villagers, pretty nice

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>>507755868>just leaving white shirts laying around your islandFor what purpose



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>>507753254pls reply

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>>507742843Tiffany is nice

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>>507756867wat geemu is this?


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>>507756859Looks like a guy to me

>>507757030I'm not positive but since its dialog involving actual backstory for once Im guessing Wild World.

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>>507742843KID CAT!

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>>507755868How do you talk to rocks?


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I am the only one who likes Candi

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>>507756867im not your cousin Redd


>>507757278most people avoid rat villagers like the plague


>>507746970based and correct

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>>507757419pun intended?

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>>507757434Really?Well whatever it is it lead to a lot of "Tom and Redd are exes" art.

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Do villagers still visit your house?


I can't chose what peppy villager to get, I want one of each personality at least. Can I get some recommendations?

>>507757823I like Piper

Anyone want any of this bunny day shit? I've got an entire room full of it and I'm tired of looking at it. Otherwise I'm just going to sell it all

>>507757823Ruby is cool. Carmen and Chrissy are both popular. Bonbon is too.Hmm why am I only mentioning rabbit

>>507757823I have Wendy and she's been great to me. Gave me medicine whenever I needed it

>>507757114Why is Nintendo allowed to be racist against foxes?

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>>507758087foxes aren't real

>>507757823I like Bella and Tabby.

>>507757823I like Gabi. She cute.

Attached: Gabi_NH.png (293x590, 200.23K)

>>507757961Legit I will take any balloons or zipper toys off of you

>>507749408Based and melba-pilled

>>507757823I say Bubbles. She's a fat bitch, but the peppy personality fits her perfectly somehow.

Attached: Bubbles_NLa.png (374x488, 45.68K)

Female: MintMale: Ken

Attached: 2e06bb98a2a9b384c717f86a1bf28603.png (576x578, 392.25K)

>>507758174Your island or mine? You got Celeste?Are those all you want? I have literally one of everything.

>>507758087Japanese mythology. They're rivals to tanuki like Nook and share the same magical abilities. While tunuki are generally jerks, foxes are straight up evil.


Fun fact: There ARE apparently subtypes to villagers in NH, but they affect what your villager does, rather than what they saydocs.google.com/document/d/1b2rrEIeNZKnQrvoyD4JtkKSNJs2VAHobCBGKSnO2A_o/mobilebasic

Attached: 1.png (406x215, 128.61K)

>>507742843I love this cute little dork so friggin' much. Pudge is just the cutest.

Attached: Movie_Night.jpg (1280x720, 97.09K)

God there's so many bunny and cat peppy villagers. Fuck, I want a different species. Already got Flora

I like Puurl because she was in two of my towns, I don't think I'll end up getting her this time though

>>507750108Imma go AFK, still gonna leave the code open for another hour or so, so feel free to swing by. Any DIY on the floor is up for grabs

>>507758354Ill host, I have Celeste and Saharah if you want emLRN9J


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>>507757823I'd recommend Sprinkle.

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>>507758827Such a goofball

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>>507757823Cute ugly duckling!

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>>507757823i like dotty’s red murder-eyes that happen every now and then.

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>>507757016jesus those dick sucking lips and tear me off thigh high fishnets.


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Attached: i hunger.webm (480x480, 2.65M)

>instruments play broken notes when you hit them with a shovelNeat


>>507759540At least its not a cricket, those taste fucking nasty.

Attached: motherfucker mike.jpg (449x336, 41.75K)

>>507759707Sorry, I don't know.

>>507759774why do you know that

This cutie!Should I?: etsy.com/listing/804093421/custom-plush-bella-mouse-villager-animal

Attached: Bella_NewLeaf.png (318x488, 44.28K)

The crafting animation for some of my villagers is fucked up, Henry always just stands in front of his bench with a hammer but without doing the animation, and Ruby always starts in the center of her room when I enter before walking over to the bench to start the animation. Weird that it's specific to these villagers.


>>507758440>my shared-personalities have different hobbies oh whewgladys and lolly having the same subtype is a bit of a bummer though

>>507759616and the axe

>>50775970740 bells for normal flowers, 80 for hybrids iirc?

>>507758718your island is really nice. Thanks for hosting :3

>>507760148My Henry is the same way


Attached: Twiggy.png (312x488, 165.4K)

>>507760487Maybe it's related to the house layout.

>>507758718fantastic island my mansimple yet cute


>>507758440Oh damn, I want both Merry and Twiggy but they have the same sub personality

>>507758440Wow, I guess there was something a little special about Raymond after all.

>>507743625Why is dobie exercising cute?

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CG13YBangle is making a giant teddy bear and Celeste is here

>>507756029I get nook being fat but why redd.

>my friend who plays AC very causally has Raymond about to move out because he finds his business design boring and he hated how he’s always frowning>he asked me what he could get for him online>tell him that he’d be lucky to get anything more than 500k from someone since he’s not a very popular villager>offer to take him off his hands for 1 million bells just to be nice>he’s absolutely elated at 1 million bells, thinks that’s a shit ton>Give him the 1 mil and now Raymond is on my island

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>>507758365Wait, are you talking about kitsunes or just foxes?

>>507761285He's trying his best in his old age

>>507758440>Curlos is one of FIVE smug B's along with the meme catFurther proof that he's the best villager

He's been a total bro the whole time I've had him, and his dorkiness is endearing. I accidentally gave him an orange dress over a month ago, and he still wears it every day with confidence.Only downside is that he doesn't have his proper house since he was one of my initial batch, but I don't think I'll get rid of him any time soon.

Attached: carlos_nh.png (1620x1620, 1.09M)

>>507758365Lies and slander. Redd is a good boy

>>507761429Yes, and I had sex with Ankha when she came out of my game into the real world.We truly are real devilish and legitimate daredevils.

>>507761429>someone autistic enough who wants to sell his villager yet doesnt know raymonds worthfake and gay.

>>507760056I don't know how much plushies are usually priced, but that looks decently high-quality, and they're probably one of the only manufacturers of Bella plushies. I'd say go for it, or commission a plush from someone else.

>all I wanna do is sell my turnips, leave a nice note and leave>crashes Everytime I finish selling

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>>507761479I appreciate his effort

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>>507761536Give this mother fucker hats, he rocks them.


>>507761814That's sad

>>507761814>That imagePlease delet

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>>507761814Man this really makes me want this old fuck in my village, but I already have based Lobo

>>507761807Last time I went to a turnip island, I couldnt get a few steps in without getting bing-bongd so I just started net fighting with the host until it crashed



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>>507750042for those who doesnt know how to read moonrunesit literally saysI wish it was food

>>507742843Flurry. Never had a hamster villager before, but I really like her design for some reason.

>>507760042They're a good and sustainable source of protein

>>507756976I get that same issue, uh, minus the high pitched shrieking. I think when they freeze like that they end up failing to load an animation but still trigger the event for it. I've had several of my villagers go to random spots on the island , presumably start to sing or sunbathe, then end up doing absolutely nothing while smiling, eyes closed, frozen completely in place without even so much as the back and forth idling motion. They'll turn their heads to look at me if I get close, but not always. Its creepy.

Attached: Coach_Got_Stuck(4).webm (320x180, 1.88M)

>>507758253Bubbles is adorable>>507757823Winnie

>>507761814DELETE THIS

>>507742843Coomer Egyptian Cat

D6SMH>Able's is selling royal crowns to spend today's riches on, tabi for weebs, ballet dresses, workout outfits, goatees, and a lotta cool stuff. They're closing in around 40 minutes!>Victoria is making a cherry dress so grab a DIY from her if you want more fruit DIYsIn addition, I left many presents around the island, including some gold nuggets, rusty pieces and a Sahara wallpaper and floor!Come on down!

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>>507762301Forgot pic

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>>507762562Aren't those just regular socks

>>507762765no they have the weird big toe section so you can wear weeb slippers correctly.

>>507762765They're socks with divided toes. Check the pic.


>>507761838Anon reposted from /vg/The last letter is incorrect. It's a W instead of a Y

Bangle is crafting the shell rugBuck is wearing an i heart anal shirtI got lots of fossils if you need something just askIf you want to water the flowers in the fenced in grid in front of the museum that would be greatM4y7f

>>507742843Lucha the Mexican bird. I even got him wearing a mariachi outfit. What a fucking awesome guy.

Attached: Lucha.png (360x450, 181.18K)

>>507762562>royal crowns for dupingHERE WE GO LADSTIME TO GO BACK TO MARCH 2020

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Any love for Phoebe? She's in boxes and could use a good home.

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>>507756457I'm glad someone else said Mitzi. It was the first villager I got close with, and I just adore her.

>>507742843Wendy & Pashmina

>>507742843Not necessarily my favorite, but I started taking a liking to Barold. He's actually pretty nice and he reminds me of Terry Hintz

Attached: Amiibo_378_Barold.png (230x322, 82.62K)

>>507763297I need him in my mexican themed island.

>>507763623He's so ugly and creepy I WANT him on the island

>>507763431i would if i could, and how did you get that cake hat in the background

>>507754824Thanks to everyone who visited! I cleared out most of my extra DIYs, and most importantly, I got the BIG sparkles on my flowers. They're beautiful.

Attached: BIG sparkles.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>>507763623I like his house, he's a surveillance officer that sleeps on the floor.

Attached: House_of_Barold_NH.jpg (1280x720, 225.13K)

>>507763623I might replace Lucky with him once I get a portrait from him

>>507764108Hope he locks his doors or that he doesn't sleep on the job.. he might get bopped in the head with a bat.

Based Graham making golden shoesCome by and water my roses pls, or shitpost on my board if it’s not too busy

>>507764078bro.. ur guy looks kinda gay

Dobie needs a cute normal grandma wolf to hang out with

Attached: FFB61A1B-C0D7-4A49-B0B4-4396F0F268E4.jpg (720x720, 78.32K)

>>507764751Oh yah, the code might be useful7X5SD

>>507764756There's nothing gay about kimonos

>>507764906bro... men dont wear kimonos.

>>507765195samurai are more manly than you'll ever be, squirt

>>507765195Maybe they should

>>507762562Great island. Very very cool mazes

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What's something funny to put on the cartoonist's set?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.29M)

>>507763431Who did you exchange her for? Somebody should take her i recommend


>>507742843she really grew on me what what

Attached: cherry.jpg (662x1124, 73.29K)


>need an uchi villager>they're all ugly as sin except for CherryI know Cherry is coomer bait and all but it's really hard to force myself to get trash like Flo or Renée

Attached: 1552933469450.png (277x209, 78.3K)

>>507765860agnes is cool

>>507765297yukata is what they wear.

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>>507765963women wear yukata for the summer festivalsI played tokimeki memorial you can't fool me

>>507765860Hazel, nigga.

>>507765860Phoebe is a phoenix and her house is rad as fuck. She's the best uchi villager.

Attached: arhmdjvjx1r41.jpg (1280x720, 126.42K)

>>507765963>get like four varieties of kimonos in the tailor>meanwhile haven't seen a single yukataThe game has forced my hand

Is there an established minimum amount of non-fruit trees necessary to still enable 2 furniture drops?Trying to make sure I keep the correct number for space and dailies

>>507765429Thanks! I'm glad to have these impressions even though it's far from complete. I want my place to feel like you're in an ARPG ala Ys, but more puzzlecentric due to this being AC obviously.

>>507766216>minmaxingwhat a nigger

>>50776621617 i think

punchy all the way

Attached: stoner cat.jpg (1920x1915, 974.81K)


Attached: punchy stare.jpg (98x117, 12.02K)

>>507766184>have her as my starter villager>she has the ugly first DIY house not even the second one

>>507766647stoner cat is the way to go

>give Katt a guitar>she replaces her music player with it>give her a bed hoping she'll replace her hideous sleeping bag>she replaces the drumkit I gave her earlier insteadnrrggggghaaaaa

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.52M)

>>507766731Same bro, same.

>>507766731>>507766847Saaaame. And now im finding out that villagers can have more than one house. I still fuck with her though

>>507763274You still open?

>>507766647he looks so cute.

>10th villager gave my his photo today>one of my original 2 still hasn't given it upQUIT BEING A DICK, ROD. I'VE NEVER GIVEN YOU A SINGLE GIFT WHERE YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME AN ITEM IN RETURN.

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Shep is my bro

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