>What if we made Bioshock again....but in space????????

>What if we made Bioshock again....but in space????????

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>>507741513>What if we made a spiritual sequel....for the System Shock franchise????????

>>507741513>what if we made bioshock again but way way way way way way worse...... and bioshock was fucking horrible to begin with????


>>507741513>What if we made a good game.Woah

>>507741762It's better than Biocock tho.


>>507741861Nothing you do in any game ever matters. They're video games, they're not real

>>507741861Technically, every mimicable item is a different enemy.

>>507741894maybe but only because bioshock fucking sucked ass, this game fucking sucks too

>>507741861>implying the previous Shock games were known for enemy variety

>>507741952>>507742076fuck off damage control retard game sucks

>>507742207I had a good time with it

>>507742092Nah, it doesn't. It's quite easily the best "immersive sim" game by now. Also the original Prey was only interesting for the portal gun gimmick and nothing else. It was mediocre.

I don't even particularly like Bioshock, but that's particularly insulting to it to compare this garbage to it

>>507742207I had fun.

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>>507741513Its not though. Sorry to parrot but it really IS the enemy variety. The mimic was cool but blobmen Ico monster could NEVER be as cool as space pirates. Yes, im still mad

>>507742117damage control jogger tranny

>>507741513this game is a million times better than bioshockbioshock is just a game for idiots no matter how you slice it, the story, the gameplay, everything, it's just dumb

>>507742092Do you like dishonored ?

>>507742351>portal gun gimmickfound the retard who never played it

what if we made a better successor to system shock than bioshock?

>>507742283>>507742351>>507742510tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny


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>>507742602I am right. You are wrong. Cope, seethe, etc.

>>507742727You sound extremely intelligent and level-headed, I will surely consider your opinion regarding various things

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>>507742207good to know the only people who dislike this god tier game are brainlets

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>>507741513It’s worse than every Shock except Infinite. It’s still okay, though.

>>507743334looks fucking stupid bioshock is better

>>507741513they did and it was good. unfortunately, they named it wrong and it had a middling reception.

>>507743334Wait, you can break the glass? What the fuck, never even occurred to me

>>507742547I fail to believe people actually care about the prey 2 that never happened. it wasn't even by the same developers and it's not like this prey took away from the already failed game, so why even have this dumb conversation except to regurgitate something some youtuber said would've been cool

>>507743606My first run was human only so the corpse room (I think? maybe the crematorium or some shit) was locked without alien fuckery. had to get creative

>>507743334I loved the random shit you can do in this game.Like turning yourself into a coffee cup to squeeze into the small window opening

>>507743916I just tried to shoot through the little slits. I guess I just kinda assumed that the glass is indestructible

painfully average. found myself just speeding through to complete the game once the side missions got boring about 15 hours in

>>507743646Nah dude it would've been cool. Bounty hunters are impossibly cooler than Muh gordan freeman clone in SPAAAAACE. Imagine a space noir with aliums on the arkane engine... Tuned for weapon variety and with waifus. Instead we got a fucking tech demo tier game in arguably one of the worst eras for this genre.

>>507742207I got this game for 8 bucks and got my money's worth. If you pay full price for any game you are an irredeemable retard.

This game is for inteligent people only, if you did not like it, you are a moron.

>>507741861What powers were useless?

>>507741513This game is better in terms of gameplay than bioshock. Its also a better immersive sim that bioshock

>>507741513>cracked years ago>denuvo still not removedCome on arkane. You removed it from dishonored 2.


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>play one play through avoiding all the alien splicing >just trusty guns, wrench, dart gun>actually had enough fun to play through the game again >went full typhon powerIt was worth it. The gameplay is actually unique and fun when you turn yourself into a coffee cup and fly through a window to unlock a door or hide from enemies.

>>507743516No, it really wasn't. And you clealy haven't played prey>>507744095No, it was more open ended than the vast majority of fps games and is better in terms of gameplay than most fps games. Very few games do what this game does. By definition it cannot be average.

>>507744615not even they remember this boring game

>>507741513>What if we made Bioshock again....but in space and pozzed????

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>>507745385It wasn't that pozzed. The progressive aspects were minor enough that my enjoyment of the game was unaffected.

>>507741513>BioshockThis game is more a System Shock successor than those Bioshock embarrassments could ever be.

>>507741762This game is a proper immersive sim, Bioshock is a shootang game with powarz.

>>507741513>what if we made a good game

>>507741861>FUCK YEAH I LOVE WHEN IT WAS ALL A DREAM AND NOTHING YOU DID IN THE GAME MATTERED AT ALLFuck yeah, I love judging the entirety of a game on the ending. Because I'm human garbage that watches them on youtube instead of playing them, haha!Haha!


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>>507742092>It's shit, it sucks, sucks shit shit sucks shit shit shitBrilliant review, you truly have changed my perception of this game.

>>507742207>damage controlstop spouting buzzwords you subhuman nigger the game came out in fucking 2017

>>507744259This game is absolutely worth the full price tag, it's one of the best games of the last 10 years.The fact that it infuriates retards is further proof of this.

>>507746805No! It had a lesbian couple, therefore it is bad!

>>507743646They don't. Back when this came out, word went around Holla Forums that this had a lesbian in it, and they went fucking ballistic. Their favourite scapegoat was that scripted trailer of Prey 2, a game whose development stopped back in 2013, years before Bethesda bought Arkane studios. Then they decided to skew the timeline and pretend it was cancelled so this could be made, and that Prey 2 being cancelled was a crime, and not a mercy kill.We are so much better for having Prey 2017 made, but they're too inbred and retarded to even play it.

>>507742710Shit, what if we made a better successor to system shock than system shock 2?Yeah, I went there. Fuck you all.

>>507741861>FUCK YEAH I LOVE WHEN IT WAS ALL A DREAM AND NOTHING YOU DID IN THE GAME MATTERED AT ALLAnyone else this is the stupidest opinion about prey? I see it all the time too 'wtf it was just a dream nothing mattered'First, it doesn't matter if it was a simulation because initially you don't know that plus it's stuff that happened in the past and secondly, it does matter, what the fuck. If you play like an asshole then it's proof the experiment failed and that there's nothing you do with typhon and if it does work then it's proof that there's a chance humanity still has a future.

Reminder if this game had better enemy and weapon variety it'd be one of the GOATs.

>>507741513Prey is so much more interesting gameplay wise over Bioshock. I love Bioshock but there really is only variance in how you handle combat. But you cant really stealth things or explore in your own unique way. The game is also mostly linear.

>>507743516It's good to know 8gag sends their dumbest shits to do their work.

>>507744225>Muh gordan freeman clone in SPAAAAACEYou haven't touched this game, stop trying to discuss it, you fat embarrassment.

>>507741513Prey is a comfy Shock game.

I loved this game.

>>507745013It's like they made a video game about you.

>>507745385>What if I reviewed a game.... without playing it?Am I right, fellow centipedes?

>>507741513More like>What if we made Bioshock again... but it was actually the game they told you Bioshock was?

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>>507741513>Sequel never everAt least it lives up to its predecessor haha....

>>507743334That is literally the only other use for that stupid fucking gun [assuming you don't just chad hack everything.] The other is to distract enemies and only boring motherfuckers do that.

>>507741513More like:>what if we made Bioshock into a proper immersive sim, and made it good... but in space?????I've been playing through this recently and loving it. I glue gunned my way up to the top of Alex's office and unlocked the escape pod, but decided to go back and help Morgan's ex-girlfriend. If I went back and took the pod, how much more of the campaign would I be missing out on?

>>507744756This begs the question where are all the prey webms?

>>507741513bioshock in space also woke 4 some reason

>>507741513>and way better

>>507748750A lot.

>>507748679Shut up, faggot, I'm still butthurt about System Shock 3.

>>507748750Quite a bit. I want to say nearly half the game, there was quite a bit of the campaign left before you could get into the pod.

>>507748734You can use it to make the little balls that explode kill themselves, since they go after moving things

>>507749002Duly noted. Wish I hadn't decided to forego the Typhon powers AND play it on the highest difficulty available right out the gate, getting into fights can be absolutely punishing at times.

>>507748934Are you just copypasting this shit, you retarded slav drone?>>507748750Most of it, the escape pod ending is a fakeout that bars you from more than half of the game.

>>507749081Derp. Quite a bit left *after* you could get into the pod.

>>507748750Using the escape pod is a bad ending, but you can just load your last save

>>507742727lmao you fucking slope skulled invalidopinion discarded

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>>507748734god the hacking is so bad

>>507749141That's almost exactly how I cleared it first time. Honestly going human abilities only is the easiest way because you get the inventory upgrades and the slow mo power which can break all combat paired with a shotgun or anything really.I do share the "lack of enemy variety" complaint but everything but outside of some backtracking later game it's amazing.

>>507742434It's funny how perceptions are fucked when you haven't played the game you're trying to discuss.

>>507749141I played it no needles on my first run through and it was probably the best decision I ever made in a single player gameEven basic enemies remained threats until the end and I had to use every tool and liberal GLOO gun pathing to complete encounters

game rips desu. better handle on its themes than Nier: Automata

I liked Prey a lot, but fuck those military robots, and fuck the cist enemies that hone in on you.

>>507749932ugh, don't remind me.

>>507749932you can take those out with the dart crossbow lol

>>507741861All your taste is in your mouth.

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>>507741762>>507742092>>507742207why do people on this site have such sit tier tastes?

>>507744426Well the game penalizes you for going hard into typhon skills by having nightmare spawn more and turrets turn against you.And since you can get by fine with just your weapons and tools, it can be hard to justify investing in typhon skills outside of just for the fun of it. I got the force grenade and mimic skill, and I only ever rrmember to use the latter when I wanna squeeze through small openings

>>507750267Every time I'd shoot the hives, they'd send the buggers after me anyways. Does it only work with the crossbow? I usually just shot them with the pistol.

>>507750351you can destroy both the hives and what they spawn with the crossbow

>>507749701>>507749789Oh yeah, when I went to the area with the cinema the Nightmare spawned for the first time. Is there actually any way to kill that thing?

>>507750351The idea is that the noise the dart makes attracts them then they self destruct

Why did they need to steal the name of a completely unrelated game for their Bioshock/System Shock ripoff again?

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>>507750459Yeah, it's actually really susceptible to being shot. I took some shots at it with the semi-upgraded shotgun, and I killed it rather quickly. It was almost anticlimactic actually.

>>507741513Ok and?

>>507750508Because they're owned by Bethesda who are the biggest jews in the industry. Take a look at the people on their board, it's fucking nuts. None of them even like video games, and they send lawyers after people for the dumbest fucking reasons. But yeah, the game was initially supposed to be called Neuroshock or something similar, but Bethesda being the big brains decided "Hey, how about we reuse the title of this other game we own?"

>>507750684>The biggest Jews in the industry>Not EA

>>507750508Arkane was told to make whatever kind of game they wanted, as long as it was called Prey. This is on Bethesda, not the development studio.They made a brilliant game that should have had a legacy of its own, but the name they were forced to use was a poor fit for it.I never cared much for the original Prey. It had a decade of development and felt really underwhelming once it came out. It was a fun shooter, but it had a really protracted and troubled development cycle.

>>507750459Yeah. I tended to use the gloo gun and then nuke it with kinetic blast, psychic shock and then finish it of with the beam weapon. If you know roughly where he will spawn, you can also set up a bunch of hacked turrets to aid you.

>>507750882Sorry, let me rephrase myself. Bethesda are the least competent jews in the industry. They make baffling decisions that would be seen as horrendous to anyone with a marketing degree. They think on such a flat level it's genuinely disgusting. So the title of the game's a great example, because in the movie industry, sequels and things with brand recognition often get much higher revenue because audiences are attracted to things they know. It's why there's a billion sequels; they sell even if they're dogshit. So Bethesda's marketing division thinks "Hmm. Neuroshock sounds too original. Audiences won't know that the shock part means it's associated with games like System Shock or Bioshock. So hey, how about we plop the title of this other alien game we (and by we, I mean another studio who we got the rights to) made a few years ago. It's still "fresh", right? It's only like, ten years old." So deciding to follow this rule to the fucking edge of a cliff, they rebranded the game and made a lot of people angry in the process. Casual consumers don't know what Prey is, and hardcore fans know and are infuriated after the cancellation of Prey 2. At least EA knows how to market their crap.

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>>507750337>Introduce badass abilities in a game that are pretty great.>Game penalizes you for playing aggressive and investing skill points into it instead of being passive.Fucking hate games that do this.

>>507751407Now, I agree that Bethesda are incompetent retards who make bad decisions, riding on the Skyrim gravy train as they've done for over a decade. I don't think "Neuroshock" was ever a thing, Arkane was told to use the name "Prey" before they even planned the game they were going to work on.

>>507750508its a much better immersive sim than bioshock ever was. And its way better as a game than the original prey.

>what if we made system shock 2, but not as good

>>507741513It reminded me more of Deus Ex than Bioshock. It was an okay game but nothing I'd spend money on.

>>507751664Anon, I should point out that Bethesda Game Studios & Bethesda (Big corporation) are entirely separate, and barely have anything in common besides the name. Also, information on the original name is still up in the air because of early design documents that showed it to be even closer to SS than it is today. Danielle Sho was meant to take the role of Shodan, thus her name. The idea got scrapped, although the character remained.

>>507748890There are DOZENS of us!

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>>507751407>They make baffling decisions that would be seen as horrendous to anyone with a marketing degree. They think on such a flat level it's genuinely disgusting.I thought that was Activision

>>507751558>>Game penalizes you for playing aggressiveIt doesn't, it just raises the ante. If you choose to go full violence it increases the challenge to compensate.This is simple game balance, not whatever crybaby bullshit you're getting your cumsocks in a twist about.

>>507751720>immersive simyikes

>>507741513I thought it was alright. Honestly it feels like they got really excited over the idea of mimic enemies and then had to make a game to justify it.Not quite as good as SS2 or Arx Fatalis/UU, better than Bioshock.

>>507751558Eh, the nightmare wasn't really a big deal once you learned how to deal with it, and turrets could also be easily dealt with. I played as mostly typhon my first time through, and I actually thought it was pretty neat how the game reacted to my choices. It makes sense that the automated defense systems should recognize me as a threat if I'm mostly typhon, and that typhons themselves hunt me down as an anomaly. Hell, I was glad when nightmare showed up, as he provided a lot of mats.


>>507751879this shit spooked me good

>>507741513It was a decent game, good way to kill some time. It's a solid 7/10.

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I didn't like it. Guns were WAY underpowered, but one or two powers were so overpowered that they broke the game (even if you went human-only). The combat, stealth and "puzzles" were all very janky. The endgame was also piss-poor (and not just the ending). It feels like they changed direction halfway through development. I really don't understand the acclaim it got, just because you can do some meme things such as >>507743334Good thing it didn't sell

>>507741861>I LOVE WHEN IT WAS ALL A DREAM AND NOTHING YOU DID IN THE GAME MATTERED AT ALLYeah, I liked God of War better because I actually killed Zeus, like in real life.

>>507752334>Guns were WAY underpowered.Bullshit, that fucking shotgun breaks the game. It's made even worse when you have the DLC one they give you at the very start.Why do retards weigh in on games they watched on youtube?

>>507752417You bastard.

>>507752491Shotgun was good, but goddamn I thought the regular Pistol was fucking amazing.

>>507752656it's a waste to update it because of the captain's golden pistol later on

>>507752709I didnt know about the golden pistol.

So, what did you lads think of Mooncrash? I think I enjoyed it more than the main game.


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Game is up there as one of the best of the decade. Anyone who says the game is shit have either never played it or are way to low IQ for immersive sims.

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Good for like 5 hours, then gets boring and repetitive.

>>507753093Pretty good.

>>507741513The only thing Bioshock has on NuPrey is art direction. NuPrey is the superior game. Fight me faggots.

>starting months prior to release Holla Forums was shitting on the game relentlessy>made it sound like a walking simulator, so I didn't really bother to check it out>buy it months later on sale>it's one of the best games of the decade >realize Holla Forums doesn't know shit about anything and taking you fags seriously is a waste of time

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>>507753931Literally the only thing wrong with prey is combat and weapon variety. I like both games but Bioshock has a leg up on prey in combat.

>>507741513System Shock>Bioshock 1>Prey

>>507753723You have low attention span>>507754182/v/ is full of manchildren who think that anything which doesn't have BANG BANG every five seconds is a walking simulator.

>>507754182Yeah the game is definitely one of my favorites.

>>507754386>You have low attention spanLow attention span for boring games.

>>507743334>not turning yourself into a coffee mug and rolling into the office through the broken window

>>507751879I shot the glass on my first run.

>>507754182if it doesn't have weeb-bait, half of this board will laugh it off

>all those biocucksReplay it. I fucking dare you. The game is a subpar shooter with shallow RPG elements. It won't even let you have an inventory. There are so many ways to deal with an obstacle in Prey while the splicers are your only real obstacle in Bioshock and choices boil down to either shooting, zapping or sending a mobile turret. The late 2000s must have been really tough so everybody ended up dickriding this painfully mediocre piece of shit.

The most dishonest game of all time.

>>507754935Uhh, no. Whether or not a game is Boring is subjective. Most people seem to have enjoyed the game. The fact that you got bored in 5 hours means that you have low attention span. Stick to cawwadoody and other games suited to a low iq individual such as yourself

>>507755352>Most people seem to have enjoyed the gameShit taste.

>>507741513>It still has Denuvo>Sold less copies because of Denuvo and underperformed their sales expectations>We will never get another Prey now because people like me pirated since they refused to remove DenuvoFeels both good and bad.

>>507755417Taste is subjective. But you are a manchild with low attention span.

Did this shit ever get real DLC? I remember something vaguely about the moon, but I think it was a shitty horde more or another gimmick mode instead of an actual SP expansion on the base game.

>>507755494>Taste is subjectiveBrainlet.

>>507753723This>fighting the same spoonful of annoying enemies while going back and forth between the same bland environment doing a hundred lame side quest the game constantly dumps on you every second I dropped it and went back to Dishonored its just way better

>>507755602low iqstick to mariopic related is you

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>>507755462how long can you play offline before prey needs to check in online because of Denuvo? is it the same for all games or are they diffrent

>>507750275this. it was a great game. Holla Forums is just dumb.

>>507741513>What if we made Bioshock but the gameplay didn't feel like garbage, the map was way more open, your tools were way more clever and multifaceted, the themes were more nuanced, and it was just overall better in pretty much every way?????

>>507755462That's not the reason it underperformed lol. Nobody's buying your act, you don't need to pretend to be moral. Pirates who try to justify their actions are the worst. You just want free shit, that is perfectly natural, nobody cares that you think that way except boomers who don't browse here.

>>507747771Can you blow them out the airlock?

>>507741513and it was better than Bioshock. What is your point? I get the feeling this thread is occupied by like a single person aggressively shitposting because they got filtered in a game that isn't even hard. Sorry user, there will never be another good bioshock game, maybe you could play through the first one again and get off Holla Forums for awhile.

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>>507755553mooncrash comes with Typhon Hunter its a multiplay hide and seek were its one human vs five other players who stalk, hunt, and hide in plain sight as Mimics better than mooncrash its self imo

>>507756185no but you can do that to a black guy

>>507751879This was my favorite moment in the game>>507741861>FUCK YEAH I LOVE WHEN IT WAS ALL A DREAM AND NOTHING YOU DID IN THE GAME MATTERED AT ALLim so tired of brainlets pushing that idiotic narrative. its NOT a dream for the thousandth time. the player himself is the typhon, the game is one big test to see if you can empathize with the characters, even though for us they are just ai pixels and nothing compels us to care.>I FUCKING LOVE THE 3 ENEMY TYPES AND THE COMPLETELY USELESS POWERSthe powers are too powerfulbut yea the enemy variety sucks, gunplay too.>>507745385honestly the relationships were developed to an extent, enough to make them believable. didn't feel like it was shoehorned for any agenda. or is your problem with the lesbians to begin with?>>507748750Its also a spoiler for the real ending, that was put there to encourage inattentive players to go back and piece together the story.

>>507756016>gameplay didn't feel like garbage>prey

>>507756446lmao took me a moment to remember what you were talking about

>>507756586>probably played on console

>>507756323So Prop Hunt? I'm honestly surprised that wasn't in the base game. Is Mooncrash itself a proper expansion to the base game? I haven't played the game since launch, but I've been meaning to replay it going full alien since I did straight human last time.

why was rhe lesbian stuck outside without air to begin with

>>507756323too bad that thing was made on unreal engine 4 and arkane or whoever made it never even patched it

>>507756446What CAN I do to the lesbians? Are they hot lesbians, or just short haired cunts that never stop talking? Because the first kind are good, and made for dick.

>>507741513I like it better than bioshock

>>507756850>Is Mooncrash itself a proper expansion to the base game?no its you going into a moonbase and see how far you can get intill you die or complete the objective the map chages each time you die here is more info on it prey.fandom.com/wiki/Prey:_Mooncrash


>>507742207I don't know about the game, but you suck as a person

>>507754279>combatI look at it in terms of gameplay. Bioshock had acceptable at best shooting mechanics. And that was pretty much the gameplay outside some random objectives like take pictures or turn a valve or play pipe dream on windows 98. Prey's gameplay as a whole was better. The combat mechanics were also acceptable but unlike bioshock that wasn't the whole game>weapon varietyWell yeah. Bioshock also had larger quantities of water.

>>507757207They're mostly just audio logs, and they're actually not insufferable. you find one dead and the other outside the station who then presumably runs out of oxygen

>>507742627whats so dumb about it

>>507755321>honest spirits

>>507758517i like bioshock 1 but i will probably never play it again since i figured out the best way to play the game is to use the camera to spam pictures of everything to get bonus abilities, but starting every fight by taking a bunch of pictures is not fun to me

>>507759723Wow you figured out how to gain bonuses but werent smart enough to max them out in the first two encounters with an enemy. What a smart boy.

>>507761003you stop gaining xp after 4 or 5 pictures of the same enemy what are you saying

>>507761643I'm saying you can take 4 or 5 pictures of my balls to suck on later.

>>507741513>what if we made video game.......2?Fuck off

>>507741513t. someone who hasnt actually played this masterpiece.

this game sucked dick. way too long, hardly any enemy variety, and you're just dicking around at computer terminals half the timeabsolutely horrible game

>>507762462Concession accepted, I cachinnate

>>507763690thats only because you chose to play it that way because in prey (TM) you can Play Your Own Way (TM)

>>507750535>>507751351Damn, wish I hadn't run off to cry in a corner when it spawned now.

>>507759723>i figured out the best way to play the game>not funDid you?

>>507749745>you haven't played the game you're trying to discuss.prove I haven't played either one, you retarded negroid

>>507755168>doesn't have weeb baitYou can literally play as an Asian girl, I thought Holla Forums would have been all over this.

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>>507765512She's not kawaii uguu enough for waifu bait.

>>507741861Looks like someone didn't pay attention to the end. Not surprising.

>>507741513>what if we shake things up, just like old times?

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