What other games are like this? Other than tactics advance which I’ve played as well. And I’ve also played WoTL too...

What other games are like this? Other than tactics advance which I’ve played as well. And I’ve also played WoTL too. I’m very specific though, obviously the tactics gameplay is the most important, with the grid. But I also want another game like it with the sprites, and the hand drawn profiles for each character. War of the visions looks shitty pay to win

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Other urls found in this thread:


>>507740440check out Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark on pc. FFT is probably my in my top 3 games all time.I think it was crowd funded as a FFT rip off. Job system and everything. I bought and enjoyed it when it came out a year ago. The art is decent and story OK, but the gameplay is spot on.

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>>507741107Thanks user, I’ll give it a look

Might be too anime in its visual presentation for you but Gungnir for the psp is so damn good.

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>>507741612If I had a psp... I played wotl on my phone which is why I was able to play that since it was ported to ios

>>507740440Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together>>507741728Android and pc have a decent psp emulator.


>>507740440What are some games that let me customize the entire party's Jobs/classes like FFT? Preferably with custom-created characters as well. Can be a SRPG or not. Building up a whole team from naming them, customizing their appearance, and deciding their class/abilities is something I enjoy but it seems impossible to find

>>507741612is this a Sting Entertainment game?

>>507746185Yes but it's genuinely less convoluted and obtuse than a lot of their other games.

>>507746094Dragon Quest 3, though your ability to edit their appearance ends at choosing their gender. Other than that, it meets what you said

Yggdra Union

>>507742743this. the answer is Tactics Ogre.

>>507748395my nigga.

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>>507740440Emulate Tactics Ogre for the PSP on your phone. It's by the same team as FFT and is probably a better game. I recommend the One Vision mod for balance


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Jeanne D'Arc on PSPVandal Hearts on PS1I don't know why but the characters grew on me, a bit like in Valkyria Chronicles.I guess it's because everyone in these game have his good sides and bad sides, but are interesting and have a bit of charisma.It was super comfy, it felt like home...I guess that's why I like Persona games too...Baofu, Maya, Ulala, Fuuka, Mitsuru, Haru goddamn I widh I had a fluff gf

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Fell Seal is also on PS4. Spotted it in the store yesterday and didn't know about it prior to.

>>507740440Mercenaries Saga: Chronicles youtube.com/watch?v=zLcKNvtMdhUIt's pretty bare-bones with some visual quirks which put me off just a bit, but overall I like the art style and the combat is just deep enough and different enough from FFT to keep me engaged. Story's pretty lack-luster, but if you're not worried about that this is a satisfying game, just not excellent.But yeah, I totally dig the B-game feel of sprit-based tactics games, as well, and threads like these are my fuckin' jam. I mean, FFT was essentially a B-game in its own time, I just love seeing what development teams can do with the low-expense assets required to render the visual style of these games and all of the writing and battle design that gives depth to the experience. One of my favorite genres for sure.

>>507740440Tactics Ogre series. There's Let Us Cling Together on PSP and Knight of Lodis for GBA>>507746094Tactics OgreEtrian Odyssey Dark SpireDisgaea

>>507740440Other Matsuno gamesAlso you just missed the FFT event in War of the Visions like literally ten minutes ago, it’s basically the FT gatcha

>>507740440Tactics A2duh

>>507748395Bought this and KitN on sale after enjoying Riviera and got filtered hard

>>507750980this, I miss this game

>>507740440Tactics Ogre and Tear Ring Saga series (though latter is more Fire Emblem)

>>507740440>>507741107Seconding Fell Seal. I bought it last week and have already put 45 hours into it. It’s big time based

>>507751779Thanks for reminding me I have to finish Vandal Hears 2.I never got the good ending and it always bothered me, gotta write that off my bucket list.

This seems to be the thread to ask so: What's the best version of Tactics Ogre to play? I have a PS2, PSP, Vita (TV) and 3DS (old version, not New) still in use.

>>507741107This game really nailed early and mid game class balance.Too bad it catches fire and blows up in the endgame and as usual dual wield and double cast are to blame.

If you don't mind microtransaction hell, then FF WOTV is good at catching the feel. Haven't spent a cent on it yet personally and it's fun


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Psuedo sequel FFT war of the crystal visions just came out on android. Go play it I guess.

youtube.com/watch?v=uy8u7Xg3dG8&feature=youtu.beI'm waiting for this to come out, valdis story was great so this will probably be pretty good.

What are some JRPGs with lots of character customization? Not necessarily visual, but choosing jobs, perks, stats, etc?

>>507740440>>507740440I know this seems kind of autistic at this point, but all I need to do is copy and paste and I spread awareness about something cool so why not do it at every tactics thread I see:Remember the Japanese version of the Tactics also has visual-novels that expand upon the lore, they have been fan-translated oocities.org/tuffydabubba/ to read 3/4 of them, otherwise get a ps1 version of the game, patch it with this moddb.com/mods/fft-unlocked-and-translated-novels, then download a ps1 emulator save-file editor emutopia.com/index.php/emulators/item/386-memory-card-managment/303-memcardrex, then download a chapter 4 game save-file from fantasyanime.com/finalfantasy/fftactics/fftactics_saves.htm, edit that save unto your memory card and then grind for all four book artefacts (Veil of Wiyu, Nanai's Histories, Mesa's Musings, Enavia Chronicles) by taking the errands listed here chrysaliswiki.com/item:enavia-chronicles and resetting whenever you get the wrong artefacts.Seems long-winded, but it’s the only way to play all four of them within the game itself like the way their meant to be played. It won’t take that long, and I think it’s worth it.I will proceed to post summaries of all of them

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No love for Bravely Default?

>>507757132OeilvertIt’s angle on the world of Ivalice feels a lot like Vagrant Story, it feels like it’s set in the period but it’s actually set about 215 years before FF tactics. It’s a spy story that takes place in (possibly) the kingdom Sheriluria, which had a war of four saints take place 89 years ago. It has a woman working as a spy for the royal family who is trying to uncover the secrets of an Amnesiac writer who wants to fuck her, who turns out to have belonged to an anti-monarchistic governmental party. The kingdom used to have begun with something resembling modern democracy a few years ago, but that stopped when political intrigue lead to a member of the anti-monarchist party give a speech that caused the party to disband and have the people vote for a feudal monarchy. The heroine along with many others used to work as a spy for the king in the anti-monarchistic for the purpose of disbanding democracy. The guy (Edward Black) who gave the speech was also a spy, but ended up being convinced of being an anti-monarch by the writer but he couldn’t stop working as a spy because his family is pro-monarch - his change of heart had the heroine kill him.The heroine then changes her heart, she finds out with information given by Edward Black that the way to harm the pro-monarchists is to kill certain political figures and this leads to the anti-monarchist party reforming and an attempt at revolution

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>>507757316Fantasy Magience StoryThis is a novel, with possibly some truth in it, of Mesa the Saviour. This story takes place pre-calamity, it’s all about a sky-pirate and his airship, and is a taste of FF12’s Ivalice in FF tactics. The date given is 1822, so this might have taken place right before the calamity. Also, there is a reference to the Ronkon empire which has ruled over the lankom island (inhabited islands to the west of the ‘continent’, probably to the west of the kingdom of Ivalice itself if they haven’t been destroyed by the calamity). The current super-power of this time-period of Ivalice is the evil Paramekian empire (reference to FF2) whose emperor has a grand dream, airships are advanced but their is still advancements being made, the world of Ivalice is going through the Magi-ence (magitek renaissance, a time of reliance on machinery and an abandonment of religion), powerful destructive magi-tek waves exist and mako energy is being used for airships.The guy is trying to the find the city of Caimsunhama while being tracked down by the empire, which he used to belong to. Also, it turns out the city of Caimsunhama isn’t real and it’s existence is a prank that his grandad made up . The idea that this is near the calamity is backed up by the fact that airships are really old by this point, and they are being found in the ancient ruins of Lankom. In these islands another species of humes went extinct, and a manlet race called the Lilliputians existed. Two ‘over-gods’ mentioned are Poseidon, named after the great water city of posiedoom, and Berlea who made a perfect paradise in the island of joy before the civilisation there decayed. The people who lived in Lonkon islands also believed women came from a specific island.Lots of lore

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>>507757174thats not a tactics game

>>507757174loving it, waiting for the sequel.now playing summon night swordcraft and really liking it, do someone knows something similar?still waiting for the translation for 3

>>507757435One of them is a chocobo gambling game, this is really late in the pre-calamity era and the world has ended up in a weird mix between high-fantasy and modern (kind of like FF7). A lot of things that not only resemble modern society and technology are there, but there is still a king ruling whatever pre-calamity country this is and the architecture looks non-modern. Robots are being manufactured and can be bought as personal products, jukeboxes exist, an item is jokingly called lucky charm(tm), loud speakers exist, cafés are common and the world generally seems to be in a capitalistic state though there are still things like armourers and dancers in taverns. There was a war a few years ago, but that’s not saying much. Gambling is mostly illegal in this country, with the exception of one chocobo race-track which the king permits. Horses are mentioned, though ‘no one uses them in this technological age'. Lots of references to FF7 in this one, and one woman talks about how interesting would it be if a meteor crashed down. It may not seem to take place in Ivalice on a surface level, but there are hints here and there that give it away.General story is about a guy who has lost his paper-making business, got fucked in the arse with his insurance and is about to lose his wife (who went on a date with some rich-cunt called Lance) to his gambling addiction and the only way to fix this is to stake all his money on a massive gambling spree. If he wins, he will give up his gambling addiction, start up his business again and wins back his wife - if he loses he an heroes by falling off several floors (the ff tactics unit ko sound is played during this). In the end it turns out his wife had no intention of really cheating on him and leaving him, she just wanted to scare him so he could sort himself out.Written by a psychologist who is called Nanai, in the book it’s from she’s investigating the lives of many people

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>>507740440Advance Wars > FFT

>>507757608The last one is set in Enavia in khus castle, post-calamity Ivalice, it’s about the daughters of Duke Alberto: Alicia (a tomboyish girl talented at the harp, she is very sickly) 16 years old, Maria 14 years old (I think) and Lucia (13 years old). The problem about this one is that it was never properly translated, so all we have is a machine text translation with 50% word accuracy but I could make out enough.Lucia is in love with Kurt, the gardener of Kush castle, while Alicia is a bit of a bitch so there is always a possibility of her telling Alberto and Alberto having him fired. This game is basically a dating-sim, you have a crush meter (that details her passion for Kurt and you control it through your actions. The only piece of lore aside from what’s given in the end that I could pull out is that opera is quite popular in that country, and the girls are all given private lessons. If you fail at the game then Alberto sends you to a far away village (I forgot the name) to receive lessons, and you are unable to confess your feelings to Kurt. In the true ending, I am not sure if this is really the only ending or if there is a happier ending, Lucia and Kurt confess their love to each other (maybe fuck? I don’t know the translation was bad, it was ‘they felt each-other’s love) and Kurt leaves to his mother’s village while Lucia confesses her desire to run-away from him. The very end of the story says that the writer wanted to end the story in this light-hearted moment because they didn’t want it to be a tragic story, the writer then proceeds to prophecies great events that will shake the family like Maria’s illness and ‘the revolution’.The reference to ‘the revolution’ and some other things leads some people to think that Oeilvert is actually set in Enavia and not Sheriluria, but you can’t really confirm either way.

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>>507757701Apples and oranges user

>>507757902OP was asking about games like FFT, how is Advance Wars not like FFT?

>>507758248it's not an rpg for one

>>507757174BD’s awesome but isn’t like Tactics in any way other than sharing an artist

Also, I forgot to mention that >>507757316 was translated 215 years ago (instead of having taken place) by a academic called Kayi "Pumpkin Knock" Montesto, the book is said to have the ability to change history if it ever becomes widely read.

>>507758248The are some extremely basic similarities but I think in general when people think of FFT, it’s not the strategy gameplay they think of first

>>507757701How the fuck is Advance Wars better then FFT? One game is shallow AF the other is a tactics rpg. I love advance wars too.

>>507758315You can level up your real life strategy tactics.

>>507758675>>507757902Stop falling for obvious bait you brainless faggots.

>>507759095what's a strategy tactic

>>507759253Thought I was safe in an FFT thread


>>507757316Isn't oeilvert a place in FF IX?

>>507759891It's named after the novel in tactics

>>507759263Your mind powers.

>>507740440Play hoshigami

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>>507759891Sakaguchi is a huge fan of FF Tactics and Matsuno in general

>>507760627I don't play irredeemable shit games