What was his fucking problem?

what was his fucking problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Probably autism.

He went too fast.

He's gotta go fast…but he's going nowhere.

Sonic OVA was one of the best video game movies ever

nice pic user. Who's the artist behind it?

Simon Stalenhag simonstalenhag.se/
He paints some wild stuff. Basically it all an alternate universe version of the 80's.

I'm checking his stuff out now. It looks incredible.

seriously though its like you could make a movie or tv series out of it.

this > chili dogs

what did he mean by this?

I wanna bang that squirrel.

You know he looks so innocent despite all the autism associated with him.

I want furries to leave.

Man, what WASN'T his problem?

He just needed Bartleby by his side

Is it a universe where The Thing is good and didn't flop upon release?



It's an alternate universe where the thing eats electronics and polymers instead of organics.

This reminds me how much it pisses me off that a unique character like Sonic is associated with autism while actually autistic shows like Steven Universe gets off scotfree to e-celebs besides the more cancerous fanbase.

Because being singularly obsessed with going fast is autistic.

That's a potentially great concept and I wonder if any movies have done this before.

I thought making shit like inflation and mpreg porn is what makes sanic shit autistic.

well for 1st pic there is this youtube video where thomas the tank engine is a biomechanical abomination.

No, that's degeneracy. People like you just use autism as a general slur for everything you don't like because you're a filthy newfag. Despite what you may think, the terminology we use on image boards has functional meaning. Until you learn it, lurk.




i wanna fuck that pink colored slut with all the force of a mammoth.

Just making expressions in a Genesis game isn't dated 90's shit.

Also how many characters do you know are small cartoon creatures that turn their bodies into weapons and ram them into enemies? Only other characters I know are the Powerpuff girls.

Looks more like the 90s to me