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Other urls found in this thread:

you gotta be retard to doubt dutch, man always had a plan.


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>>507737550Are there mangos on the moon?


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>>507737550How come I can't join the Klan?

>>507739573you can, they accept women now

>>507737550Let's rob a the saint denis bank dutch

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>>507737550Insane that people enjoyed let alone got invested in this shitstain of a game. Story was a mess, characters were fucking idiots, etc.

>>507740102Your taste is a shitstain

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>>507739102>>507739338ohhhhhhh Black Lung, you got the 'rona!

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>>507741125looks like we gotta quarantine him, Micah.

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>>507737856Bill, please.


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Dutch more like cuckch

>>507737550how did they release online without any ability to actually be a fucking outlaw? you can't rob banks or trains.. what the fuck..

game fucking sucks, i love how they spent 30 billion dollars or whatever so that every gunfight blocks the, i'm sure, well-acted reactions of npc's behind a giant red dot with flashing X's around it, and first person mode doesnt actually aim you down the sights. what the fuck.

>>507745893>behind a giant red dot with flashing X's around ityou don't even need deadeye if you use the lockon aiming

>>507745893>He doesn't know how to aim-down-sights when using first personIt's not Rockstar's fault you're a clueless retard

Good thread


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>>507747402How come she had a diferent voice in her first mission compared to the rest of the game? Supossedly it was the same actress but it sounded completely unmatching with her other misions.

We WILL get into smash bros ultimate, my friends! Every single one of us! And we're going to have two, NO! FOUR STAGES

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bros... i dont feel so good...

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>>507748826Wait, who's that between Micah and Dutch?

>>507749097>Tfw low honor cucks didn't even get the chance to truly live this KINO moment.Disgraceful, truly.


>>507749120that's Red dumbass.

>>507749161I just skipped a bunch of those shitty stranger quests lol

>>507749120That's Uncle after taking the rejuvenation potion the lady looking for the dinosaur bones gives you, you did finish her mission right?

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>>507749120That's Big Hoss the gang member who joins you in Chapter 3.


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>>507749764They fucked up desu, they should have left it at the broad strokes giving him shape and stop there. NOt to mention that this finished version is kinda shitty and amateurish and doesn't even make sense seeing the proccess of how it was being painted on.

This thread.

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>>507749764So, who was he?


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>>507750012Did Arthur have her?

Ah, Mr. Van Der Linde, we finally meet. You think you and your cohorts can just roll on into town and do as you please? Well, I'm Diddle The Kid and this here is my town and I will not allow it.

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>>507750378>implying Vince isn't a bandito



>>507750303>Tfw get anxious when i go exploring as John that maybe either Uncle or god forbid Jack are fucking Abigail so i keep rushing back home.

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>>507750378And I heard as it were the noise of thunder

>>507750375Jack is literaly Arthur's son.

>>507750752>not Javier's

>>507750920>not Bill's

>>507747734wut, never noticed anythingmight just've been time passing though. they spent 5 years recording cutscenes.

why is rockstar so obsessed with "we just wanted to do one more score" as a main plot device

Now it don't feel right? I coulda told you th--- *PFFRLLLBT*

>>507751203It's them coping with still going as a company despite being on a steady decline after San Andreas.

>>507751203this question doesn't make any sense. it's dutch who's obsessed with it, and it's core to understanding his character.

>>507750378>Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.

>>507751554the main plot device in GTAV is that the main characters in the past decided to do one last score before calling it quits and they fucked up which sets the events of the rest of the game in motion

>>507750986>not Abigail's

>>507751724is it really that surprising to you that two franchises where you play as thieves have characters whose motivations involve wanting to steal shit?

>>507751748>not Jack's

Did Arthur redeem himself?

>>507752085>not not

>>507750536it was satan sent by god

Wooden doors, Dutch!? Are you listening to yourself!?

>>507750375Read the journal, he says she was a good woman and he regretted letting john have her.

>>507737856I just wonder how much money they really needed. I dumped a fortune into the camp funds and had even more in my pocket.

>>507753434>What? Six million? That's bullshit Arthur I raised you better. jesus christ rockstar

>>507737550how's the performance on PC?

>>507754032Dutch was hiding the money from everyone. There were no plans to move anywhere.

>>507752159He did what he could, in the end, he tried, he really did user. Most of the gang made it out thanks to him, the ones who still had good inside of them that is. It all rests on Jack Marston's shoulders I guess, he should be the one who finally ends everything.

>>507754032he was always using the money for himself dummy. nobody knew how much they had except him. they were all just useful dummies for him.

>>507754515>>507754202not true, at all. the money was always meant to be hidden stupid, he fully intended to get everyone out but they always ended up getting into deeper and deeper shit that made it more expensive and less plausible to actually support them to escape and live a nice life.

>>507754467>john didn't listen to arthur and looked back>jack didnt listen to john and looked back

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>>507737550I don't remember Dutch saying this. What part in the game did Dutch find out Arthur was a giant faggot?

>>507754706No he didn't retard. Dutch just wants people to follow and believe in him. It's why he keeps reaching for new goals even when there's nothing stopping them from settling down now. The moment they settle down is the moment people stop having a reason to look up to him and follow him.It's why he creates the mess in guarma. It's why he unconsciously gets closer to micah, who doesn't question him, and drifts away from arthur who betrayed him.If he actually wanted to settle down he could've done it at any point in the story.


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>decades of wanton slaughter? but of course, Arthur my boy, we kill for money>racism? RACISM, ARTHUR? boy I raised you BETTER that that! you know just as much as I do that any negro, any BLACK MAN, is twice the man even I could hope to be!

>>507754707John was willing to put it all behind him, it was sadie that had the revenge boner.

>>507755226Dude he fuckin' left Arthur in the boat. I couldn't believe it.

>>507750032>still hear his voice saying thisGod i really love Arthur. What a fucking mad lad in my second EVIL playthrough.

>>507755226>It's why he creates the mess in guarma.Guarma was out of their hands really. He's just trying to get a boat and get the fuck out and they get stick in the middle and arthur is just such a badass he tanks the cuban navy himself on accident.

>>507752249>NooT NooT!!!

>>507755226I'm also not saying dutch is an evil person. I dont think he consciously misled the gang. He's just like arthur in chapter 6 in a way, except dutch deals with his fear of being alone in a completely different way, ie doesn't deal with it at all. He's in complete shock.

>>507755295this game is so progressive, it really lets me take out my anger on those stupid racist PIG white men that are so dangerous and scary!

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>>507754032I think Dutch wanted to at least get close to the amount from the Blackwater Job, which was $150,000 I mean the plan wasn't just to buy passage out of the country, but to buy land once they arrived. Considering how many people were in the gang, that adds up quickly.Micah was right when he said the gang had too many mouths to feed, and that they really needed to trim the fat down to "a few good killers" if they wanted to keep moving and acting the way they were.

>>507737550I should really finish the game sometime before the lockdown ends.I bought the game at release and dropped the game sometime after Dutch got his head trauma and everything started going downhill, I don't want to see Arthur slowly die of TB too.

Pitch the third and hopefully last game in the series anons. My take would be to start playing as Arthur when the gang just started, just Arthur, Hosea and Dutch, eventually the others start coming in and finally it all ends at the Blackwater heist, where we see how Dutch finally went fucken mental and betrayed everyone when Arthur and Hosea weren't there. The rest of the game should be a fast forward into Jack Marston's campaign, he should redeem everyone but I just don't know how since he already became what everyone else didn't want him to be

can i play as a low life murdering piece of shit, or will the story cause inconsistencies with my play style choice?

>>507755339Nah, as soon as John heard that Micah was back in the area he was 100% down with going to kill him. I think he even says that if Sadie doesn't take him, he'll just go do it himself.

>>507755818murder and destruction is fine, but you can't pay for a whore, or be racist. you're also basically forced to be feminist too

>>507755489Also not having Hosea around to check him lead to things spiraling downhill very rapidly. God fuck I hate Milton so much. I new he was going to kill him in that scene but I was still mad as fuck when it happened.

>>507755928are you serious u can't get prostitutes in a game like this? why can they do it in gta 5 but not in a western setting

>>507755724Might as well finish itGuarma is pretty short despite all the hate it gets, it's only like 4 missions and they blow by in less than an hour Chapter 6 is similarly pretty fast paced if, like you said, you won't be going around leisurely exploring as TB Arthur because it's painful to hear him hack up a lung just from drinking some coffee

>>507755818I had the exact opposite problem for the first half of the game. I was a good guy, but the Arthur in the cutscenes was still not redeemed and it made me avoid the main story completely.


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>>507756082Quite based.

>>507756054prostitutes and sex bad, but disgusting psychotic physical violence good. it's the western dev way.

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>>507756028>Hosea's last real exchange with Dutch is begging him not to do the job and ultimately giving up, saying "You'll damn us all">says nothing when he's captured and shot, just the look of a broken manpoor hosea He was legitimately too good for the gang

>>507750378>Diddle the Kid

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Why does Holla Forums always shit up these threads complaining that you can't roleplay as a klan member? Does it bother you THAT much?

>>507745893i dont like deadeye either. my solution was to not use deadeye.

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>>507756353Yes. It's retarded to be a murdering psychopath but you can't DARE express a negative opinion about niggers or women. Fuck, you can't even express a POSITIVE opinion about being white!

>>507756254holy shit that's gruesome

The way arthur rambles for a bit about his dad before coming to a sudden stop and delivering that "im afraid" line was a gut punch. Roger did it perfectly.>>507755747With Dan houser gone I don't want them to continue the series. I'm pretty sure the focus will switch to multiplayer and faster releases anyway from now on.

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>>507756459that's not even that bad compared to the other scenes the game has to offer.

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>>507747402She never asked arthur to change any more than he asked her.

>>507756432make your own game then. Call it Alabama Warrior or some shit.

>>507756353I think it's neat that the Klan members won't attack you. They'll just tell you to stay back and watch if you're so interested.I ran into a group of them trying to light a cross on fire, but they fucked it up and lit themselves on fire and ran away. But the cross was still there, so I threw a fire bottle at it and it actually went up in flames. Drank some whisky and watched it burn. Surprised they let you do that.

>>507756634he asked her to join a band of criminals who go around mowing down people for a dozen dollars or so?

>>507756459bear attack

>>507756613>I wonder what put the hole in the roof of this cabin?

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>>507756703They'll attack you. One of them asked why I didn't help and ran at me with a knife.

like buddha said you know, we are all just here to fuck

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>>507756742He asked her to leave her sick father and retarded suicidal brother behind, yes.

I am having fun.I am at Chapter 4.How many more hours if I want to finish all basic side missions and the main story?

>>507737550This game would have been way more dope if they scrapped this gay ass gang and just made it Blood Meridian. Also better gun play and more brutality.

>>507756703I met a Klan leader and some initiates but somehow the initiates end up shooting each other, I can't remember the exact details, and then the leader says I have to die for witnessing it and comes at me with a knife so I had to shoot him. I was just trying to find plants to increase my herbalist rank.


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>>507755928Why would you want to be racist, and why would you not support for every human to have the same rights and freedom

>>507741125i read that and somehow took me a solid 5 seconds to process it and i spat out my tea, thanks cunt

>>507756676no, you make your own game, and call it "sissy faggot shoves dog dildo up his ass while tweeting about social justice".

>>507756975by the end of ch4 you will have finished most stuff. ch.5 is super short, and ch.6 goes quick.

>>507757063because some ""humans"" are clearly lesser, or evil. like niggers are retarded and violent animals, and jews are evil.

>>507741125>Micah is such a fat weak pussy that he can't even beat a man 30 seconds away from dying of Tuberculosis lol

>>507757115Its already in beta, m8

>>507757224Americans are also retarded and violent, yet here you are.

>>507756064I don't know if it's really hate. It's just really weird and out of place, and like you said its over so fast you're just left wondering what the point was. Also dutch was right to kill the old lady. The minute she needed 2 people to open the heavy iron door and then calls you idiots and asks for more gold I knew she was going to betray you and assumed the next part of the mission was having you fighting off an ambush.

>>50775712810 more hours?

>meet with the ex slave owner in his camp>arthur spits on him and curses him>get positive karma for killing him

>>507757243He knew that the whole game. That's why any moves he made against Arthur up until he got sick were sneaky little backstabs. I'm sure he told the O'driscolls where Arthur would be holed up.

>>507757921Yeah killing the woman seemed fine, I don't understand why Arthur was so shocked by it. She pulled a fucking knife on Dutch and wasn't going to let them go any further unless they payed her even more. She wasn't just some poor old woman, she was a scammer who was about to gut Dutch.What I did find odd was that they didn't take the gold bar back from her corpse. That was their last gold, and she's dead. Take it back. Don't just leave it there. What the fuck?

>>507758139Seems consistent with arthur's character and upbringing. What's the problem exactly?

>>507758139he wasn't even a slave OWNER. he re-captured slaves that had escaped. he did not own slaves himself.

>>507758310Yeah he was definitely in contact with the O'Driscolls and set up the entire meeting just to get Arthur out of the wayWhen you manage to escape and come back to camp he's clearly not happy you survived, and even Dutch acts kind of weird> were comin' for me, right?>.....of course, Arthur, of he wasn't

>went to the midnight release of RDR1>fell in love with the game>sequel comes out almost a decade later after I already switched to PC gaming>PC port is fucked up, can't pirate it either>still haven't got to play it >mfw

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>>507758310>>507758518>go to check out Micah's proposed new camp site>it's in the middle of a dry creek bed completely exposed and visible on all sidesHe was trying to get the gang fucked up the whole time for sure

>>507751293this contra doesnt even make sense

>>507758612the port is alright now, not great, have certainly played decently looking games that performed way better but it's functional

>>507758612good for you, its shit

>>507758612PC port works perfectly fine now.

>>507758643And that was BEFORE he became the Pinkerton' lap dog. Arthur would have solved half the gang's troubles by leaving him to hang in Strawberry.

>>507756414I completely forgot about it for most of the game because I never ate and my cores were always shit. Once he got sick I was eating the big game that gives you the gold dead eye for a day and figured I might as well use it if I've got it.

>>507756054You can get a bath and hire a lady to give you a pg rub and tug. Marston is married, and Arthur is pining for someone and if anyone wants some ass at camp just give karen a bottle of rum or get raped by sadie at knifepoint in the middle of the night.

>>507759474Arthur also has like zero self confidence If you look at your reflection in the mirror he's like>you sad old fuck>you miserable bastard>you're old and ugly>no wonder they all leave you

>>507758612Quit being a poor worthless faggot and just fucking buy it you dumb nigger

>>507755632>Micah was right when he said the gang had too many mouths to feedReverend Swanson never shot up Strawberry, Micah.

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>>507759746t. rockstar employee

>>507759474>>507759697>>507756054It's also worth noting that many years before the game Arthur knocked up a prostitute and had a son with her, and both of them were later murdered during a home robbery over $10I think he's over fucking working girls

>>507759853Yeah Swanson only shot up morphine

>>507754032Dutch never planned on quitting the outlaw life. All his talk of settling down with private land was to keep his cult of personality in line. If he really wanted to settle, he coulda laid low until they could retrieve the Blackwater stash and live high off the hog forever. But since that was never gonna be his endgame, he just kept stringing them along with one last score, one last big score...


>they killed my wife and most of my children>I signed 3 peace treaties and they broke them all>they say they want to sign a new treaty>I will trust them againbruh

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>>507760419he doesn't trust them but the only other option is the end of his race. eagle flies and his band of retards got fucking wasted by oil field workers.

>>507759697In my arthur's defense he was probably covered in pig shit and dressed like a retard with a wildman beard when he said things like that.

>>507756303Shoulda gotten out when his wife died. But I think he knew his lifestyle could only end one way, that's the look he gave before his execution.

>>507739573This, why was there no built in lynching mechanic

>>507760634If they ever revisit the Red Dead world, which I doubt, maybe you could play as a young HoseaHe does mention that in his youth he was way more wild than anyone in the gang


>>507756883>Out of all the characters to quest with in the game, Arthur resonates the most with artists>He could have been a genuine transcendentalist the calibur of Thoreau, but thought of himself as too much of a goon to leave his path of violence.That's the real tragedy. Not the TB, Arthur's life was over before it could begin.

>>507760532Its about the lies we tell ourselves to protect the things we love, and it makes Arthur question what lies he tells himself and if they were worth what he was protecting.

>>507760620You Made me laugh user, thanks

>>507760419he doesn't trust them at all user, but he has no other choice. His people are sick of war and any fighting would just result in further slaughter.

>>507758969Gotta say, respect for Micah in being the truest outlaw of them all. Rest of the gang was playing Robin Hood for their delusional Dutch, Micah knew what he was at the end of the day.

>>507760419>You can meet him in the postgame>He's going senile and barely holding the remnants of his people together.Talk about bad end.

>>507755632>Micah was right when he said the gang had too many mouths to feed, and that they really needed to trim the fat down to "a few good killers"Yeah he says that's how he prefers to roll, but notice that once Micah strikes out on his own and has his own gang it's like 100 fucking guys

>>507755593>being upset when virtual klansmen are killedlol

>>507760532Those weren't the workers; those were professional guards.

>>507761238Where do you find him in the postgame? I thought he fucked off to Canada

>>507737550To the moon, that sounds baaaaaddddd

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>>507761350If you go to the train station in the mining town he's there. You can also find Tilly in Saint Denis, Mary Beth in Valentine, and Pearson in the town where you killed everyone after Sean got shot.

Would Arthur have survived if he actually had legit faith on Dutch?Who knows, maybe if he had then Dutch could have eventually brought everyone to Tahiti, and they all years and years together in their shared farm, like a big happy family.

>>507761350Yeah, you can meet him at the Annesburg train station one last time as John.

>>507761258Rockstar has never been good about gameplay and narrative cohesion (see the entirety of GTA4).

>>507761491>Tfw robbed Pearson and molotov'd him.Das it.

>>507750378>Diddle the Kid>mfw

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>>507761258One rule of Rockstar games is to take every mission reality with a grain of salt. Since it's the last mission they make you plow through 100 bad guys living on some barren desolate mountain that makes zero sense if you give it any thought. But if it was just Micah and Dutch it wouldn't be a very good final mission.

>>507755593>praxisfrom playing a video game?

>>507757063Races are inherently inequal and browns are unable to maintain civilization. That combined with the imminent climate disaster, peak oil, and resource shortages make it abundantly clear that providing subhuman with "equal access" to scarce resources is a gigantic drain on every system, both man made and natural.Why do you still have the same belief system as a toddler?

>>507755928I can't believe you retards are still triggered by that shit after all this time.

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>>507761238Can you finally kill him in the postgame? Hate all the self righteous hack bullshit surrounding the indians in this game.

>>507739102I don't care; these threads are comfy

>>507762189>I said the word from 7 years ago!>now you are silly!

>>507762345That part honestly bugged me, isn't TB contagious as shit? Shouldn't half the camp be infected? Arthur didn't wash his hands before he touched that soup ladel.

>>507755928I think that's a consequence of having thieves and murderers as your protags. Good writers would set the heroes against fellow thieves and murderers and make the story a play between two forces that each have their own reasons for survival, or against the law while showing that the law has a point in hunting them down while still carrying their own problems.Bad writers just make the villains prejudiced, cause that's easier than making villains with nuance. Never mind that most everyone around that period would be hostile towards everyone else for a complex myriad of reasons, but hey, gotta keep the bad guys identifiable for the smoothbrains, right?

>>507762668Did he infect all the indians?

>>507762634Anon if you dont want to get called triggered, stop being triggered.

>>507762803>red dead genocide

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>>507762517Did you even beat the game?

>>507762517>tfw you find a way to shoot the Indians on the reservation

>tfw grew up in around farms >can smell scenes in this gameWet grass, horses, mud, leather etc i was truly immersed in this one.

>>507761905Racial unity is the ONLY way to stop the Jews, they know this and make blacks act bad to cause a divide.

>>507760419Those indians questline should have been optional.Didnt care at all about them and it had no impact in the overall plot.

>>507737856From the very first encounter i knew Dutch was a brainlet that had no plan and was in a constant state of playing pretend that he had anything fucking clue of what he was doing. The whole scene of him playing up the Dutch Defense chess moves only affirmed how badly he needed others to believe he was smart, he was an actor and nothing more.

>>507764143I bet country boys can enjoy a level of immersion city boys can't experience.

>>507764143>mfw the pig farm

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>>507764253>when Lenny calls out Dutch's favorite author for being a retarded hack


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>>507764765I loved the ambient dialogue in the camp.

>>507747402>helped her save her brother from the cult>"hey you need to save my dad too">has he changed?>"no">have you changed?>"no">are you willing to stand up for me and tell your faggot dad I'm not a loser?>"no">is there any chance we get back together?>"no">alright fuck you, no>get a letter later on in the game>"oh boo hoo I regret not marrying you now if only you could have changed boo boo hoo"I give Rockstar immense kudos for not making it mandatory to help this idiot. Arthur's got his own problems.

>>507758612>PC port is fucked up, can't pirate it eitherYou dont sound like you tried it yourself.Its true the port is garbage but its completely played from start to end, even on a 2015 PC like mine.I finished it like two or three months ago on PC, and at this point the port is probably running even better.Anyone who actually loved the first game already played RDR2 by this point, theres no excuse.

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>>507750378>Diddle the KidFucking lost

>>507765052She literally asks Arthur to run away with her land leave her family and your gang behind after their date in Saint Denis and Arthur says no.

>>507764898>chapter 2>jack has two sticks and asks john to play swords with him>john sort of mumbles he's got stuff to do and wanders off>chapter 6>see john play swordfighting with jack back behind his tent

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>>507765052She figured that out at the end of the daddy mission. She asked Arthur to elope with her. It was Arthur that couldn't give up his "family".

>>507765343and then the cunt micah ruins that moment

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>>507765052>Arthur's got his own problems.which is exactly why he doesn't go with her when she asks him to run away with him after the share en entire day of fun and flirtations. he could have easily vanished with her but he was too worried about dutch leading the gang into oblivion.

>>507764765Damn. Lenny had Dutch figured out and he didn't even realize it. Dutch also "speaks prettily, but says nothing of any real interest".

>>507764152Nope. Keep the ovens warm and dont stop until Africa is a wildlife preserve. History is a long string of half assed genocides.

>>507765742hell yeah. dutch is conning the gang into being his gang.

>>507755747>RDR takes place in 1911>Jack's epilogue takes place in 1914>new game you play as a slightly older Jack>set in the mid 1920's during prohibition>Jack went hard libertarian after the feds murdered his dad, became a bootlegger>opening of the game has Jack in the back of a paddy wagon>driving across a bridge>camera pans out to a view of a foggy city skyline>LIBERTY CITY: 1924

>>507765510There were so many times even before the big reveal I just wanted to go do some reconnaissance with Micah. Have a little accident. I know they tried to make him as vile as possible, and goddamn did they succeed.

>>507764765>>507765742Uncle had him figured out tooThis exchange gets real tense real fast until Uncle decides to defuse it with

>>507765451>he was going to do it if they didn't get GUARMAED and TB'd

>>507765894Not that shitty, boring place again

>>507737550>THEN WE ARE TAKING A ROCKET SHIP TO THE FUCKING MOONi thought we were going to tahiti

>>507765894Nah, chicago if you want to go full untouchables.


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>>507765984Dutch could do it, but he'd drive off half the camp. Hosea would probably leave. Can't justify murdering a gang member over an insult.

>>507765894>RDR with cars you can drive>they're all worse than a horse

>>507750378>I'm Diddle The Kid10/10 post

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>>507764898>bill gets mad at everyone and then and laments that he's turning into his crazy alcoholic father>uncle tells some hilarious tall tale like how was worshiped as a god in africa>mrs. grimshaw starts beating mary beth again>pearson wishes he was in the navy again and tells a sea story about monstersthe camp was kino

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>>507758139>"M-murdering slave catchers is g-good?!">Yes.

>>507766193Gee, I don't know Dutch. Seems to be like you need to be Japanese yourself to produce mango, and you and me just don't qualify.

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>>507766394>society if Arthur had just a LITTLE MORE GOD DAMN FAITH

>>507750668One of the four beasts saying, "come and see" and I saw

>>507766193Shut the fuck up, Dutch. I invested in Marko Dragic's comfort automaton months ago. The prototype is almost done, then I'll retire to the country with my mechanical bride.

I just don't know, Dutch. It's all the same.

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>start a mission>follow the person on your horse while they talk>arrive and collect thing>ride away while being chased and shooting the pursuers>repeat5/5 ahmazing game omg

>>507766482The Great Dutch Dynasty

>>5077534342018 was a different time, user


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>>507766393Some are rare, this is Sean and Molly's only

>>507762857Anon, if you don't want to be called a faggot, stop being a faggot.