Why are people so autistic about Tifa or Aerith?Why can't they just enjoy FF7 for the game and follow with the story...

Why are people so autistic about Tifa or Aerith?Why can't they just enjoy FF7 for the game and follow with the story? Why are the waifufags so divided?

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waifu wars are fun, they also generate a lot of discussion

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Because there's a new 2D hentai vid of futa Tifa nailing Aerith.

>>507736136Waifufags are 95% fucked in the head bro, seriously, they're completely detached from reality.

>>507736136Aerith looks like she's going to stick out her tongue and shoot it out in Tifa's face like a frog and wrap it around her head as though she were a fly before pulling her inside of her mouth and devouring her.

>>507736136Cloud really should just marry both

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>>507736884Kinda hard to marry a corpse

>>507736136Because you’re on Holla Forums

>>507736136They've been doing this for decades. They definitely weren't going to stop after the Remake came out.

>>507736997>he doesn’t know

>>507736136Aerith fags are part of the reasons Nomura pulled the time jannies on people to make Aerith live. Waifu literally killed FF7 Remake

>>507736136stop false flagging and kys.

>>507736136You made a bait thread while calling for no drama. Congratulations. You're retarded.

>>507736136Aeris at this point is irredeemable. Literally worst girl.

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>>507736136I think they are woman, their threads are so catty

>>507736136the only waifu that matters is DANCING

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>>507736136Because like Evangelion, FF7 is garbage & only popular for the Waifu's

>>507736136I will fuck both. Stay mad, testlet.

>>507736136Why the fuck would anyone want to spend more than 5 seconds thinking about Remake's horrendous story?

tifa mogs aerith hard

Why not both?Yuffie is also cool

>>507736136i love my two wives so much

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>>507737368Scarlet is an asslet even with heels. LMAO

>>507736136>FFVII is one of the most popular video games of all time>Tifa is likewise one of the most popular waifus of all time>is part of a love triangle with some other girl that no one likesDo the math

>>507736136A fanbase rivalry that has burned for 23 years, there's no getting offa this autism train they're on.Tifafags have lost the moral battle this time though because they keep spamming that butt model that is there to avoid clipping.

I'm a hardcore FF7 fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Midgar where I would often train with Big Bro in the gym and help Tifa with running 7th HEAVEN but one day as I was talking to Tifa we went to the bar basement for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Sephiroth and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SOLDIER, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Sephiroth said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

>>507737368how don't they know how to shape a male groin? Cloud is a woman

>>507738830whoa, sounds like a good deal. good luck user!

>>507736136I prefer to think of them as lesbians after FF7R.

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>>507738830that supposed tifa sounds like queen remedy looking for your soul

>>507739468Cloud and Sephy too.

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>>507738663So how come Tifa still has an ass?

>>507736136why do you think?

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>>507736136FF7R has a story? > Fan fiction Also no one cares to this degree about these characters. These threads are like CNN keeping a bullshit story in the news enough so it can stay relevant. Give it a rest already.

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waifus are the only thing keeping japanese media alive, they've long given up on anything else

>>507739796I don't think so Tim. I plan on staying around a long time just to spite you.

>>507739701somebody took time rendering this image

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>>507736136Bigger boobs and bigger ass winNow you can enjoy the story, loser.

>>507736136They are the only good thing to come out of this "remake", what do you expect?

im honestly surprised they decided to make huge milkers tifa canon, and with a lewd ingame outfit

>>507740876>Tifa canonically has huge tits and a nice ass>Aerith canonically has a flat chest and a somehow flatter assThey really didn't want any guy to like Aerith did they?

>>507736136>follow with the storyYou should've known by the first day the ending started popping up that people were done with this story before it began.


>>507736501it's lame and dumb and only has one poseimagine actually paying 5 bucks for that

>>507736136Why not both?

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>>507739796very based

>>507736136Really? It's not like it's the first medium to do it

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>>507741796These models look absolutely horrifying without proper ingame lighting, holy shit.those pores and bumps aren't meant make their faces look like they've been dug up from a dirt grave FCS

>>507742089they look dirty and used up like the don has them chained up in the Punishment Room

>>507741919I personally think it shows that they want their male friends to kiss them hard and deep.

>>507737368>cloud has a bigger ass then Aerith

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>>507741689blue hearts

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>>507736136Aerith/Tifa is literally Asuka/Rei of vidya, a holy grail of shipping autism

>>507736136fftrannies got no cure to their mentality. They'll die fighting each other even at their own grave.

>>507739468Back to your yurinigger general

>>507737368Drumpf said we’d get tired of winning. He lied.

>>507736482>generate a lot of discussionI wish this was true, but sadly not. It's always the autistic Tifags shitting up the threads with same posts and images.

>>507736136waifu wars are so fucking dumb. Who would waste their energy on this type of shit?

>>507742973>It's always the autistic Tifags shitting up the threadspretty sure you're getting trolled by people pretending to like Tifa or they're you

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asuka best girl

Is Tifa the Hinata of videogames?

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>>507736136Because we paid for the game while you obviously just watched a Let's Play on Youtube.

>>507742973Aerithfags are way worse shitters than anything Tifafags do.

>>507745491no, Hinata is the Tifa of Naruto

>>507736136>Why can't they just enjoy FF7 for the game and follow with the story? Why are the waifufags so divided?because they have nothing else going on in their lives, so they argue about which 3d model they want to have sex with

>>507736136Who has the better feet?

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>>507736136>Why can't they just enjoy FF7 for the game and follow with the story?Sure, let’s actually talk about the game. Post regular enemies from the original that will be bosses in the next part.

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>>507739701>>507741796How do these look so weird? Is it the lighting?

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>>507748309KARA BOGA

>>507746997I wonder if the Midgar Zolum still be an impossible boss fight at that point in the game?

>>507736136Waifufags are on the same spectrum as shippingfags. Which makes them emotionally unstable.

>>507736136>Why are the waifufags so divided?Cause they will never get the whap, pow, bam treatment irl.

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>>507748309Aerith was made for craving BBC


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>>507749163He never was impossible he was only ever annoying.Since people forget the following.You can miss out on the elemental materiaPeople back then weren't good at understanding materia slotting and combinations.So elemental + fire negates MZ's Beta attack.You still need to have HP above a certain treshold but it just makes it annoying that he boots random party members and he can boot your damage dealer.This is why the whole gimmick is Aerith with the invincibility.Yet defeating it doesn't mean you kill it.

>>507750097Do you realize how much grinding you would need to do to have aerith's invincibility outside of midgar bro

>>507749163he will not be an impossible boss, just not fought yetill bet my left nut that midgar zolom is gonna be a superboss, meant to be visited again before the ending

>>507750165>Do you realize how much grinding you would need to do to have aerith's invincibility outside of midgar broThat's why i said it's a gimmick. Doesn't pertain to the first part of my post.Defeating Midgar Zolom isn't an impossible thing it's just a waste of time since it doesn't die.

>>507750310If anything it just whacks you.So you just get a chocobo to outrun it.

>>507750310Not a bad idea.

>>507750097>>507750381The point of fighting MZ is to get the Enemy Skills Beta spell he casts when he dies

>>507749665If this is you Cody I swear

>>507736136tifa vs aerith is the rei vs asuka of vidya. an eternal match

>>507750892>The point of fighting MZ is to get the Enemy Skills Beta spell he casts when he diesWhich is what will kill you not MZ itself. MZ damage is ass. He only has 2 gimmick moves.1 MZ boots your players2 Beta nukes your party Yet elemental fire on armor means you don't need 1200+hp you just need 900+hp. depending on mdefWhich puts that 1 player in the range of being able to survive beta and defeat MZ.


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>>507751193>Defeating Midgar Zolom isn't an impossible thing it's just a waste of time>The point of fighting MZ is to get the Enemy Skills Beta spell he casts when he dies>BRUH YOU CAN KILL MZ HERE'S HOW

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>>507736136Imagine not choosing both

>>507751505Who's the one on the left?

>>507736136If you're gonna post about FF7, you should use a picture related to FF7. You should also learn how to spell Aeris's name.

>>507754663>it's a "stop liking what i don't like reee" episodeit's all so tiresome

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>>507739673Tifa doesn't wear a dress.

>>507741348I mean despite that she is still top 3 in the most recent FF poll while Tifa is in top 9.


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>>507754974Never said I didn't like anything. I'm just saying that FF7 and FF7R are not the same game and no one should pretend that they are.

>>507736997I know Tifa has no personality but calling her a corpse is a bit much

>>507754974its almost like we are on 4chan

>>507754663it's Aerith in the remake you retard

>>507739673because it isnt hard for animators to prevent clipping with a miniskirt. also you can actually see her legs so they bothered to model them properly

>>507736136It's just a fucking Rei/Asuka endless argument for people to "participate in". It was reactivated because the remake made them look different than people thought before so some people switched sides.

>>507755964OP is talking about FF7, not FF7R.


>>507756695>hurr dey iz deefrent becuz sementaksGo fuck yourself.

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>watch maximilian play the 2 reactors>never fucking use lighting on mechs>hp of his team is always fucking low>he dies stupid deaths as a result>get fucked in some of the standard battles and call them hardWhy do you people call this guy a pro gamer again?

>>507757374FF7 and FF7R are two different games and insinuating that they aren't is harmful.

>>507757454ff7r has to be the only game that makes me ill watching people play itthey miss pressure opportunities and waste on oher abilities, also they dont block anything and waste time watching the animation rather than switchit gives you the urge to just take his controller and play it yourself and show him how it is done

>>507757454I watched him play last night and he's actually pretty lame at the game. He has no idea how to actually use materia and never uses Unbridled Strength on Tifa.

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>>507748309Coach approves

>>507757454Who calls him a pro gamer? He's a personality.

>>507758130Seeing him suck up all the time ghost shit made me sick to my stomach. So much for being a FF7 fan. Still not as bad as Pat telling people they're "wrong" for taking issue with the time ghosts. I stopped watching right then and there, and he had just gotten to the church, too. I wonder if he'll still be sucking squeenix dick by the end when he sees how fucked up it's all become?

>>507759538He's excited for a new adventure and frankly he's right

>>507755346That was before Remake though wasn't it? I guarantee Tifa shoots up to #2 at the least, if not usurping Yuna for #1. They really put in work to make her more appealing to the Japanese audience.

>>507759696Fuck off, shithead. It's fucking called Final Fantasy 7 REMAKE, so why is it a new fucking adventure? What a bunch of lying horseshit. Not what was promised, not what was expected, not what people asked for, not what was advertised. Kingdom Hearts 4 had better be the ultimate fucking game if I'm ever gonna by a squeenix game again.


>>507747982Light and wrong shader setup.

>>507759974"Not what was promised, not what was expected" my ass. If you went into Remake expecting everything to be 100% the same you weren't paying any fucking attention to anything they showed or talked about. That's on you.

>>507760540That's the thing. I didn't go into Remake because of all the time ghost bullshit. Also pretty fucking narrow-minded to think the only two options are "100% the same" and totally-fucked-sideways.

>>507760898t.didn't play the gameThanks for your irrelevant dumbass opinion, bye bye now

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>>507738830you're so fucking lucky

>>507761001>"hurr durr, played the game, what a dumbass">"hurr durr, didn't play the game, what a dumbass"Nice system you got there.

>>507737136Why are you dumbfucktards so sure that Aerith is going to live? Her death is essential to saving the planet.

>>507761186It really isn't

>>507736136they're mentally ill. everyone else jumped ship when it became clear FF7R is a shitty, low quality cashgrab.

>>507761229She was in the Lifestream directing it to do its thing at the end.

>>507761241You people call every video game ever made that.

>>507754560Newest character in Apex Legends

>>507761241>when it became clear FF7R is a shitty, low quality cashgrab.But ff7r isnt 1:1 remaster with pretty graphics of the original

>>507761515That's why it's shitfartdookie, it should have been exactly like the original in every single way with the only different being better non-realistic graphics. No redone music, no voice-acting, no changing the iconic dialogue, nothing.

>>507736136Dilate, tranny.

>>507761186Her death helped saved the Planet from Meteor because she was able to guide the Lifestream to power up Holy. But what if Meteor is never summoned? What if Holy arrives in time to prevent Meteor, so she doesn't need to die? What if Sephiroth from the very end of Remake has a different endgame, one that doesn't involve the White or Black Materia at all?

>>507759974Yes, it's called Final Fantasy 7 REMAKE. Not Final Fantasy 7 (2020).Why the fuck would you be excited to want to play the same damn game you played decades ago but just with prettier graphics?Holla Forums spoilers and time jannie shenanigans is the only reason I even took an interest in the remake, as I was going to wait until all the chapters came out first. And I'm having fun playing it.

>>507761964What if, what if, what if, you people are so certain that the entirety of the story starting with Part 2 will be 100% totally changed from the original despite 90% of the Midgar material being exactly the same or close to being the same.


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>>507761995Because changing perfection to cater to normies and failed abortions is incredibly retarded.

>>507761759>That's why it's shitfartdookieNo, you called it a shitty, low quality cashgrab, and only a 1:1 remake with pwetty graphics would have been a shitty low quality cashgrab.

>>507761331She can cast Holy while alive too can’t she? She was just interrupted by Sephiroth. Likewise, Tifa’s biggest story contribution is getting Cloud out of the lifestream, which she can do while dead.I’m team Tifa though because she’s the best playable character while Aerith is boring to control. They won’t get rid of the monk character, unless they give the martial arts schtick to Yuffie. Barret already fills Aerith’s combat role much better.

>>507762398It's a shitty low-quality cashgrab because it fucks everything up to appeal to normie faggots and alienates the actual fans.

>>507736136Because if you think about the plot and/or gameplay for more than ten seconds you realize that maybe the game isn't as great as you thought. But cooming? That's forever.

>>507761995You know what? Great. That's awesome that you're enjoying FF7R so much. I'm glad someone is, because whether I like it or not, it exists as it is, so someone might as well get a kick out of it. I'm not gonna be the one who tells people they're "wrong" for having an opinion, but I will forward you to >>507760898 because it's pretty naive to think that just because I didn't like the time ghost crap that it means I want the game to not change at all, or that it's unreasonable to think that, because it's called Final Fantasy 7 REMAKE, the creators should show some self-control in what they change and actually come out with a fucking REMAKE, as in "don't fix what isn't fucking broken."

>>507762154The questions of Holy, Meteor, Watashi!Roth and Ore!Roth are very much questions that fall within that 10% that could be changed, though.

>>507762864Except not, because all of the iconic parts of Midgar were kept, they're still going to try to get Holy and stop Sephiroth because there literally is no other way besides Holy.

>>507762705>It's a shitty low-quality cashgrab becauseBut it isnt a shitty low quality cashgrab. Only by being a 1:1 lazy remaster with pretty graphics it becomes a low quality cashgrab. And even shitty.

>>507763046Being faithful to the original is not a cashgrab, fucknut.

>>507763225>Being faithful to the original is not a cashgrabIt actually is. Also no, dont call 1:1 something "faithful". Faithful =/= do the exact same shit

>>507763042>Except not, because all of the iconic parts of Midgar were kept, they're still going to try to get Holy and stop Sephiroth because there literally is no other way besides Holy.If he summons Meteor again, yes, but she doesn't have to die to summon Holy nor is him getting the Black Materia to do so fully guaranteed, given that certain events may not go the same way.You're predicating her death as 100% based on major factors that could be changed and that's even before we answer the question of an entire unknown version of Sephiroth who doesn't seem to want to kill everything via Meteor in the first place.

>>507763739They're not going to change one of the defining moments in video game history.

>>507762398that's not me you're replaying to and 1:1 is a disingenuous strawman by faggot shills.

>>507738052Don't have Remake, what's with the shuddling lass?

>>507764037Why not?The entire point of the time jannies is very obviously directed at Aerith's death. They can still recreate the original scene as one of Cloud's schizo visions

>>507764124Characters dance when infront of the jukebox.

>>507764389And they're all destroyed while having accomplished very little.


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>>507764037Probably not, but a twist and iconic moment everyone knows is coming isn't a twist or an iconic moment. Seeing Aerith die for the umpteenth time isn't interesting.

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>>507764698funny funny reddit meme formula hue hue hue.


>>507764592Well yes, that's the point. They put this whole plotline about defying fate that's very intrusive, that's also very much centered on Aerith. Why would they do that unless they're going to make some significant change? I highly doubt it was to let Biggs live. Aerith's death is the event that certainly the characters in the game would want to change not to mention players too. Coupled with the fact that Aerith's death is already heavily being foreshadowed I think it's obvious that whatever the point of the time jannies is it has to do with her death .It could of course be a red herring but that would be retarded with how much the time jannies are in the game.

>>507737368Eh, these models are made that way to accommodate the clothes they wear, and are changed around in actual cutscenes.