Safe to say piracy is finally dead

safe to say piracy is finally dead

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Yes, and Rockstar killed it. All hail.

Minecraft is so fucking great bros

>>507735920It is

>>507735920I just pirated like 10 games this past weekend.

>>507736226name one

If it's dead, now devs can't blame their low sales figures on piracy. LMAO

>>507736464Alien Isolation

>>507736043no joke, rockstar paid like 200k to cracking groups to stay away from rdr2 for 1 year at least


>>507736468so whats stopping them from blaming it on misogyny

>>507736464Code Vein, Sims 4 with all DLC, Greedfall, Octopath Traveller, DBZ Kakarot, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and a couple titty games.

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>>507736870these all suck

>>507736870Now try to play these games for $0Saying "The game is shit anyway" or any similar words/sentences isnt allowed.

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>>507737072That's modern gaming for you. At least I didn't pay a dime for it. None of the denuvo protected games are good either, so it's whatever.

>>507737212Cope, retard. The "The game is shit anyway" words/sentences is the usual piratetards way of coping.Get fucked.

>>507737174Only games on this list I wanna play is Trials of Mana and Planet Zoo. But that's okay, I'm patient if a crack doesn't happen a deep sale will.

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>>507735920Pfff, bullshit, I'm patiently waiting for ToM to drop soon or late it will fall, if anything Denuvo is a pain for moralfags.

>>507735920Safe to say we no longer own our games

>>507737212Hey hows resident evil 3? RDR2? OH WAIT.

>>507737317Not only that but theyre poorfags living in their moms basement, cant even afford healthcare. LOL.

>>507737317Man why are you this upset? Calm down zoomy, I'm just enjoying my video games. None of the major games that use denuvo really interest me. You understand devs and companies aren't your friend right? You don't gotta suck their dick and defend them to impress me lmao>>507737578Have no interest in either one. Never like RE3 and I don't like Rockstar or the games they push out. I know, really hard to fathom people don't like every AAA trash heap shit out by devs :^)

>>507737174Beside trails of mana the rest seem like shit to ME. A crack will come out eventually and if not just wait for a big ass sale.

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>>507736804Kill all men.Then OP will say "Safe to say misogyny is finally dead"

>>507737812Its cost sweat and blood to made video games, once youre over 21, you will understand.>>507738241>crack will come out eventually If you can wait for 5 years, sure.

>>507735920yeah sad to say but denuvo won, nobody is cracking their shit.

>>507738751How does it feel to be mentally ill ?

works on my machine

>>507738751>Its cost sweat and blood to made video games, once youre over 21, you will understand.Why 21 specifically? Is that how long it took you to value their work? How many fortnite passes have you bought little fella? Also what game should I pirate next? Are the Yakuza games good?

I just pirated a couple of games

>>507739242they dont have denuvo tho retard

>>507737317Nice cope faggot>>507737072How low IQ are you nigger?

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Always Online killed piracy first.

>>507739367Not anymore they don't!

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>>507737174>Saying "The game is shit anyway..."Fair enough, but there is a reason none of these games are on cracking groups radar.

>>507739529no new games that has denuvo in the future will get crackerd.

>>507739792Yeah they will.

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>>507739937nope, watch

>>507740050Gonna watch them games get "crackered" and there is nothing you can do about it.

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>>507740149keep waiting years faggot

>>507740237I can do that, I've got a massive backlog to get through.

>>507740343ok faggot

>>507740367Thanks for paying so I can keep playing.

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>>507736690Umm, yes?

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>>507740484I dont pay for games faggot

>>507739580>there is a reason none of these games are on cracking groups radarYes, because they dont have enough SKILL to crack it.>inb4They're cracked shit games before. I can name 3 shit games they cracked.

>>507740592Okay, tell your mommy I said thanks then.

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>>507735920>each game company is hoarding their games and their shitty platforms. >denuvo kills performance and reduces the ability to add mods no wonder modern pc gaming is considered a meme. 10 years ago it never had to deal with shit to this degree

>>507740673ok faggot

>>507740673it's DAD

>>507735920>saves gamingBASED

>>507739170get the yakuza games, they get repetitive if you are playing them back to back tho so i recomend just playing 0 and then just waiting a bit before 1,2,3 etc etc

>>507740850Alright man thanks.

>>507737212Nice cope piratecuck.

>>507740643Your list contains 17 shitty games, so... name 17 cracked shit-games with denuvo.

>>507735920Shoosh! You have been singing that song for years...


>>507740673Fucking SAVAGE, how will moralfag user ever recover?

Safe to say that this is a bait thread

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>>507740967no the guy you anwsered but honestly, modern AAA are kinda boring, only one I give a shit about is resi 3, cause I really like the resi games, I belive the last big game I played was metro exodus.

it makes sense why Holla Forums is so against pirating It's full of genuine boomerfags. just like irl ones they love licking corporate boots so it would make sense why Holla Forums is so against it

>>507735920*kills denuvo*

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>>507741029>no RDR2, Trials of Mana or RE3 RemakeLOL and you only got Zoom Eternal because Bethesda is full of retards.

>>507741328Trials of Mana is the only game you mention that I care about and it'll go on sale at some point for like 10 dollars if it's not cracked by then.

>>507735920>piracy is deadnot really, if anything pc piracy is dead, and even then big doubt.If a new game comes out and I "cant wait for a crack" just pirate it on another system like ps4 or switch.

>>507735920Don't need no cracks when the game cracks itself.

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>>507735920i pirated assassins creedy odyssey a bit ago, but i actually bought the game because i liked itof course alot of tripe a games are hard to crack and good luck cracking future content for said game but pirated indie games and no triple a games is still a jokealso dont know why developers are so paranoid if people love the game they will end up buying it after piracy most likelydam jews

>>507741617>crashes at credits>cant download he demo anymoreok faggot

>>507741001Heh, you WILL say the game is good after its cracked. Until them, keep COPING, piratetards.

>>507741328you can pirate trials of mana tho

>>507741757And you will say it's bad after it's cracked.

>>507741185A bunch of modern games are far better than their previous entries, Witcher 3, MGSV, Doom Eternal, DMCV are all far better than the previous games in the series, saying otherwise is full nostalgia boomer cope.

>>507741721First month sales are crucial.If they can keep it further like for 3 months, some Piratefag with jobs will buy the game. For example : Me. Cant fucking wait anymore because im not gonna get any younger and buy some Denuvo games that are too long to get cracked.


>>507741943>bad Enjoying those AC : Odyssey yet ?? :-)>inb4 tsundere.Cute. Show your girly penis :D

>>507741972next you're going to tell me that the thread on rin is fake

>>507741732There are fixes for those retard.

>>507741969>saying otherwise is full nostalgia boomerim 19 user... I did enjoy doom eternal, dident really like mgsv (peaked with 2) havent played the witcher series yet, havent played DMC3 yet.

>>507741218Late 90s early 2000s were the golden age of piracy though.Hell its young people who are paying for subscriptions and microtransactions.

>>507742102Enjoy what now? Are you hitting on me? How many years have you been transitioning, you're not one of those Ben Franklin looking trannies are you?

>>507742290Penis and i will give you free uncracked games of your choice :)))

>>507742420Can't think of any I really want, sorry.

>>507742497Your loss, PoorTranny.

Fuck video gamesWhere's a good place to pirate porn from places such as creampie gangbangs?

>>507742153not the crash at the credits enjoy no post game and new dungeon.

>>507742124Bypass doesnt work Anymore. It has been fixed by SquareEnixUnless you're playing it before the bypass was fixed, but you better finish it soon since the token will expire

>>507742679and class 4

>>507741721>also dont know why developers are so paranoid if people love the game they will end up buying it after piracy most likelyNah this is not the case for like 95% of piratecucks. Hell I myself pirated Dead Space 1 and 2, loved the games but I already finished them, why would I buy them now? The only pirated game I bought was Dishonored 1 and only because it was on sale and the hard drive with my previous save files died before I finished the game.In fact I have been really thinking these days about not buying a single game that doesn't have Denuvo, just to teach the companies a lesson. I wanted to buy Doom Eternal but when Bethesda fucked up and gave the game for free I decided not to unless it goes on sale for like 20 bucks or I finish my backlpg and decide to just pirate it. Why should I pay money for shit others are getting for free?

>>507742576My loss that I don't want any games? I guess? If I were a tranny I wouldn't have a dick user. Are you confused about how all that shit works? I mean I would understand, I imagine getting ram ranched by your dad as he calls you a pretty girl could really cause gender confusion issues.Thanks for the offer though.

>>507742937>Your Parents insultOh... you poor little tranny.....

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>>507737174>That argument that I can never fight against and constantly spout the memeword of the month at isnt allowed!!get smoked kiddo

>>507742158I literally can't bring myself to play some outdated shit with trash controls and terrible graphics. I understand why those games are legendary, they were the best around during the time of their release, amazing games for their time. But that's then and this is now, the stuff we have now surpasses the stuff from that era in all aspects except maybe plot. Now this is not true for all series, but it is for a lot of them.

>>507741721>also dont know why developers are so paranoid if people love the game they will end up buying it after piracy most likelyLol no, I love The Witcher 3 and i still Pirate the game.People Pirate because they CAN. Especially 3rd worlders Ivan or Kushkah.

>>507743218Did I strike a nerve? You're one of them Ben Franklin trannies aren't you? Fiending for dick picks, throwing your tranny coding dollars at people. Could have just kept yours user, didn't have to go and have it chopped off. Did the nurse at its inadequacy when you went in for your pre-op evaluation. Real shame, get well soon.

the games are impossible to crack... there's just no-one cracking thema cracker needs to set up a patreon or something.

>>507743619Oh no, xe's mindbroken.Play some video games like Trials of Man.... oh wait...

>>507741628It's the shittiest one, yet fast enough to render the denuvo virtual boxes obsolete.

>>507743543Fucking this, the only real benefit of buying instead of pirating are if the game has online multiplayer or if you are interested in the cloud saving your files.

>>507743748they already tried that lol

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>The state of Video game piracy nowadays.

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>>507744021>using reddit to prove a point via shitpostYikers.

>>507737174no problem. if i absolutely want to play a game i will go to a cdkey site. so much cheaper and the cock sucking devs will never get a penny of my money.

>>507744310>cdkey siteYou're get fucked once Steam checked the CD-Keys for scams.Theyre done that discreetly.

>>507743748>patreon for piratingAt that point just buy the game LOL

>>507743973Do Bit coins really give them good income?

>>507743973Yes, and they succeeded at this one.

>>507744521not same poster but I've bought keys for years and have never had a problem with steam. Maybe discreetly for actual sellers, but not for actual people who get keys


>>507744916You'll scream once the sellers is caught and they taken your games.

>>507743973hasnt been a crack since, no?took the money and ran


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cant remember the last time i bought a game, movie, music, book...maybe im the cancer. timmy using his $5 pocket money on vbuck is contributing to the gaming economy more than me.oh well!

>>507745253Or no single one donates to him since they're piratefags.

>>507744521I bough plenty from them even Nier Automata, not a single problem. What's wrong with them? It's like Gamestop but virtual.

>>507745098doubtful. even then paying 1/5th of the cost and having it for years only to get it taken away isn't that big of a problem.

>>507745098It's been about 15 years probably since I got my first key from a grey market site and I have bought numerous since that time. I don't forsee any screaming anytime soon. The worst I did was to activate a slav key for the OG Modern Warfare 2 but even that never caused any problems.

I'll buy the game if theres a store who sells AAA games for less than $5 per game

>>507737174>no handball17weak

>>507744946wait... there's only 3 denuvo protected games released so far in 2020?Is denuvo dying?

>>507737072Name a game you like or kill yourself.

>>507746763>asking a Holla Forumsirgin to like a gameyeah good luck with that

>>507735920Where the fuck is the crack for RDR2, get to it you fucking russian faggot

>>507748241Based Russians don't care about your shitty western games.

>>507735920>Pirating vs Steams SalesWho will win?

>>507748241RGS store DRM is as hard as Denuvo and probably even Harder.

>>507737174Which game would give me the most clout if I cracked it?


Denuvo is expensive. you have the upfront cost + cost per unit and maybe even a monthly fee for servers.also if you know anything about programming you would know that nothing is impossible to crack. some games just reach the point where there so much effort needed for little to no return. according to many scene groups there is too many checks in the game that it is impossible to keep doing it for hundreds of hours. they also said that irdeto keeps increasing the amount of checks with each is a spreadsheet of how much denuvo costs per

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>>507736043RDR2 doesn't use deuvo, idiot

>>507749670Is there anything wrong with doing it for free? The jannies do it for free, fuck off.

>>507740673top kek

>>507749847At lest some companies remove it after a set period of time.I am still hoping squenix removes it for Left alive.I am quirious to try out that train wreck but i am not paying 60$+tip for a game thats may not end up being so bad its good but just bad.

>>507748792also tanks performance

>>507735920It's safe to say but it doesn't make it true.

>>507735920Not true. But even if it was, I would never buy a game that uses Denuvo. In fact I only pirate games that use Denuvo and buy the rest. Publishers loose money by using Denuvo, this is a fact.

>>507737174Jury's still out on those last two but the rest is absolute shite man.At least talk about games people cannot wait to play.>pic related

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>>507739529GO GO GO GO

>>507735920In two weeks you dickless fuckboys will have another thing to bitch about whose content you never actually engage anyway.Don't worry so much about it. Your power to complain about literally everything and anything will persevere.

>>507739402>btfo by tim heidecker

>>507749847>50 - 100 thousand EurosThats dirt cheap for AAA companies and even Indie companies.

>>507737174Literally none of these interest me. Also if only that many games are using Denuvo then the general consensus is that Denuvo isn't worth using. Why shit on paying customers who also suffer at the hands of denuvo when you can let piratechads spread the word on how good your game is, leading paying customers to it?

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>>507752501>Literally none of these interest me.Stop using basic Tsundere Coping words/sentences.>only90% of AAA Developer is using Denuvo>Why shit on paying customers who also suffer at the hands of denuvo99% of Paying costumer dont even know what Denuvo is and doesnt even care>let piratechads spread the word on how good your game is, leading paying customers to it?Only 5% of people do this. People Pirate because they can.

>>507743973>pirate asking people to pay him for his hard workCan you think of anything more ironic?

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>>507753756>Only One (1) guy>Time consuming work>Literally do it from zero again each gameHe should asking for Money


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>>507754052>Time consuming work>He should asking for MoneyDo you know how much work it is to make a video game?

>>507754632A year or Two. Why you ask ?

>>507750887But it's not just Handball 17 anymore, it's games like Red Dead Redemption 2 now.

>>507754930>a year or TwoI worked on an MMORPG for 4 years as a writer and implementer. I joined the team late and left early, game was in production starting in 2011 and wasn't released until December 2017.

>>507755209Yes.... anddd ?????????

Can someone explain this cope to me. I dont pirate but I also dont give a shit if other people do

>>507755301That was time consuming work. Should I asking for Money?

>>507755398Yes ?And ???????

>>507755367Usually when a game is still uncracked, a piratetards always says "T-The game i-is shit anyway !!"But when its cracked, they praised it like 2nd coming of Jesus.

>>507755476So you agree that game developers are right to ask for money for their games.

>>507755614Yes.So with Crackers who spend their lifetime to crack.Individuals is different than Companies.Companies mostly already expecting their loss. Individuals dont.

>>507737174Playing Trials of Mana RIGHT NOW for 0 bucks.

>>507755978Yes, you're bypassed the Demo version before it was fixed.Didnt last forever though. FInish it quick

>>507743973>>507754539>replace decentralized piracy with some "scene" made up of 3-4 faggot e-celeb "groups">faggot e-celebs start begging for money>games stop getting crackedWooooooooahI mean, who could've seen THAT coming?

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>>507749465Probably RE3

So did sales improve after piracy died?

>>507735920According to _them_, downloading a game from 20+ years ago that doesn't have even the original development team around anymore is piracy.

>>507756904No, turns out those people never would've bought the game in the first place.

>>507755587It's funnier when consoletards treat a game the other way around when a game gets ported.

I cant tell which is dead, consoles or pc. I see no games coming for consoles but no games coming for pc either

RDR2 will probably be cracked soon, there's a Social Club emu now.

>>507737174mk11 is kino

>>507756145>demoNah, full game. Didn't pay anything.

>>507757436Not everyone is a Niggers who do it oldschool style.


>>507743748>Paying>For piracy

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>>507756294>people get good at doing something>they ask for money so they can support themselves>except they're pirates and their audience inherently doesn't want to pay for shit>stop working because they can't work for free

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>>507740673And blown the fuck out. lol

>>507735920too bad there hasn't been anything worthwhile to pirate

Greed has taken over every area of society.

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Aren't smooth brains cuter than wrinkled brain? Why do you live in despair with a wrinkled brain? All wrinkled brains do is give you deeper and deeper sorrow, make you hurt and fight with people, hate and fight.Smooth brain is the answer.

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I can't believe we lost, all our vidya will become bricks.

>>507758376>people make and share content on the Internet for free since time immemorial>Scamtreon gets introduced>art scene collapses>game modding collapses>piracy collapsesCapitalism wins again bby.

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>>507743973>his last crack could have been Anno 1800>retards voted for an already cracked game and a shitty fighting game

>>507737174>knows they are shit>"You can't call them shit!"

>>507759126The artists still art, but the really good ones you have to pay for. Get a job, poorfag.

>>507736051This but unironically.

>>507759789No one would pay for art but the rich. You'd be better off saving that money for retirement so you can work for a shorter period of time.

>>507740673Fucking kek

>>507737174Wow, it's a small list of nothing.

>>507760525just wait til it gets ever longer

>>507760570And becomes a slightly less small list of nothing.

>>507741218But it's the zoomers that are brand loyal retards that think piracy is hurting their best friends. Every generation is more brand loyal than the last.

>we've reached the point where PC pirates will need to emulate switch versionsIt's a very real possibility Trials of Mana will be fully playable on yuzu before a crack is ever made.

>>507759126>artist uploads exclusively to his patreon>his entire gallery is just previews with links to said patreon>this goes on for years>0 patronsYou'd be surprised at some degrees of retardation people are willing to put themselves through because of their own greediness.

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Piracy was solved by just not making any games worth playing.

>>507741969>DoomI hate glory kills so fucking much. I understand that some people like them. but the fact that you insist it's simply better instead of not just different ruins your entire argument.


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>>507740758>denuvo kills performanceFrom no performances impact to a small one in some badly optimized games or games that are cpu intensive>and reduces the ability to add modsNot true at all.

I got over Trials of Mana having Denuvo. I pouted a little bit, then forgot about it. No bit deal. It'll be cracked or I'll get it for $10 some day.

>>507765321It will goes $10 before its cracked

What's with all the denuvo shills on Holla Forums

>>507737174Anno is the only game on this list that i actually want to play. The rest are just shit.

>spend a thousand hours cracking the yearly handegg roster update for the blacked audience who will call you lazy for not doing it soonerheh, get fucked

>>507755614I mean, it's not like actual people get paid per sale of the game. You got your hourly wage. You've been paid.Unless we're talking indie, and I don't pirate indie.