Was this a good game?

Was this a good game?

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No.Berserk has no good adaptations.

>>507735161Ps2 game is ok

>>507735008It's pretty good for the time. draconus is better

I know it has an amazing soundtrack

>>507735161>Came out in 99Did it have any influence on DMC?

>>507735712This. I'd often read the manga while listening to the game and anime OSTs.

>>507735867Maybe but don't count on it

>>507735867Probably not, but imagine a Berserk game made by Itsuno.

>>507735008Good for the timeNowadays probably frustrating to play

>>507735008It’s ok for a short DC game. Pretty arcadey and that’s great. Only problem I had with the game was how bullshit Zodd and the mandrake hallway chase was.

>>507736761I played it again recently and it's actually pretty comical how bad it is by today's standards. Loved it as a kid though.

>>507735008No, for some weird reason they added a stun if you hit the sword on a wall, then gave you a shitton of indoor levels and the camera was shitty.


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>>507737175I forgot about the camera and the amount of time wide swings were fucked over in this game.It’s strange because there’s decent wideareas where that issue doesn’t apply, yet so many hallways with enemies crammed in instead of an open arena.

PS2 game is better than DC, but no, none of them are really "good".berserk, frankly, only has the golden age arc that's any good for suitably adapting into a video game. Problem is it's just a generic musoubait at that point, which we have in the form of that band of the hawk musou which is... Serviceable, but again, nothing special. It tries to go beyond it but it's just mediocre in every regard.I wish someone would take the time to make a berserk game that goes through the golden age up through and including the eclipse, and doesn't go past it. Just a self contained game.


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BalZac. His name is ball sack. Damn.

>>507735008No, it's like every non-sega dreamcast game where it's almost a good game but it's just a little half baked because the console was a weird middle stage between 5th and 6th gen hardware. The PS2 game is pretty amazing though.>>507735867If you want an influence on DMC, look up a PS1 game called rising zan.

>Berserk>Fans can't agree that literally adaption of the material besides the original manga is truly good, many of them are considered to be actively bad>Has been going for 30 years but the author still hasn't finished because he doesn't give a shit about the IP anymore>Was always just devilman but in medieval times anyway


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>>507737757>berserk, frankly, only has the golden age arc that's any good for suitably adapting into a video game.You think so? I think a dev would have a ton of shit to work with beyond that. There's the Black Swordsman arc that takes place before it, and the Tower of Conviction arc as well. Both arcs involved Guts mowing down countless enemies, the boss fight potential alone should be substantial. Imagine fighting Rosine or Mozgus and his cronies in a combat system developed by the likes of Platinum or Capcom.

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>>507737757I cant really see your point about golden age being the only suitable one. Something like the arcade game works fine in concept with doing a self contained plot during black swordsman.Just depend on the devs with action aspects.But if they want to do a golden age game, it should be something like a tactics game, like FFT in a sense. Would work well with the army aspect of it and working notable fighters as unique units.Could even bullshit a second half with the neo band of the hawk and the apostles fighting the Kushkans.

>>507738594The thing is black swordsman really only has a pair of fights, the two big apostle battles. Everything else is just slaughter. Guts is a monster past the golden age, and barely ever fights against anything that puts up the slightest challenge. I mean the entirety of the lost children arc is to display that exactly. He's a terrifying beastly man with no hesitation or afterthought for tearing through THOUSANDS of beasts. That's cool, but like, what the fuck do you do with that?


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How can I play this game without buying a Dreamcast?

>>507735161Why? Why is it so hard for those Japs to make a good adaptation? Hiatus is no excuse since Hunter x Hunter got a 150 episode anime made by Madhouse of all people.

>>507738942Emulate it?


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>>507738942Don't, its not really good

>>507738115Saying things are derivative of Go Nagai is a bit of a moot point

>>507738487>>507738615WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?????

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>>507738942Redream or flycast

>>507735008It was great


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>>507738487>>507738615Post the walk.You know which one.

>>507738852>He's a terrifying beastly man with no hesitation or afterthought for tearing through THOUSANDS of beasts.Isn't that the basic premise behind Hack n' Slash games? You think of DMC, Bayonetta, God of War, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear Rising etc and all those game basically fit that description - slaying a bunch of mooks until you get to the challenging boss. Honestly, it sounds right up Berserk's alley.

>>507738615lmao that's so bad.

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>>507739836Honestly the only reason it'll fail is because it'd be an anime adaptation.Very few good games came from anime. I can't name one, but I havn't played many. Everyone i've played was bad though.


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>>507737917How many chapters do you think are left anyway?

>>507740205Well, there's a first time for everything. Also, I remember playing a Digimon game way back when that was pretty cool.

>>507737450>>507737329>13 yo girl lusting after man in his late 20sWhat the hell is Miura thinking?

>>507740385Not him, but I'd say around 80

>>507738868what chapter?

>>507740935So around 25 years left. Cool.

>>507740334This shit looks like it costed 5 dollars to animate.

>>507735008Pretty good for what it was. And the soundtrack was fucking excellent.

>>507735008Good story and voice acting, kinda average gameplay. If you're in a hallway, only use vertical attacks.

>>507738594>Guts will never be this cool againIt hurts bros.

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I really like the PS4 Berserk: Band of the Hawk. But I'm a musou fag so disregard this post.

>>507742040Lost Children doesn't get enough appreciation.

>>507740851Are you shitting me? That's perfectly normal in real life.

>>507735008God no.

I want a game where you can play as Rickert and do this.

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>>507743074Kek I remember reading this chapter. Rick instantly became the best character in the series in just one page.

>>507735161this but all the music in both animes are kino

>>507742065>play the "Guts vs. 100 soldiers" mission>all the characters say "...Did Guts REALLY kill one hundred men?">meanwhile, you kill well over a thousand enemies in every other levelMusous are retarded.

>>507735161>adapt berserk>Cut like 20% of the storyi don't fucking get it,you are gonna catch up eventually

Sometimes being edgy is cool

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I played two missions from the PS2 game on the hardest difficulty and could tell it was a good game, but I'm not good enough to play it.

>>507743578You know it.

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>>507744186It amazes how different Guts' character was back then. Not that his character is bad now, just the stark contrast between constantly angry ball of edgy rage from back then and the more stoic and slightly mellowed out guy we have now is a sight to behold.

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>>507743074lmao that lil nigga bitch slapped griffith and didnt disintegrate wtf

>>507737450she likes to eat bee secretions...

>>507735161This isn't an adaptation. It is a new story, and it is canon.

>>507740334>a throw away ps2 game from over 15 years ago looks miles betteryoutube.com/watch?v=zH2SwUSoyDwjesus christ what a disservice

This game's OST is so fucking good.youtu.be/-_-59f9mgfM

>>507743074Seeing that faggot Locus SEETHING on the steps was fucking fantastic.

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>>507744681It was always cope to deal with all the shit he's been through and to scare others away so that he didn't have to deal with the pain of losing more friends.

>>507745538>Talking to my normie friend who hasn't read berserk >said he he liked the CLANG sound without me even bringing it up

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>>507737917Don't forget - you're here forever.

>>507735161>Guts' Rage>adaptationBased brainlet. This game is a canon side story not found in the books.

>>507735161'97 anime was good, faggot.>>507737148I also played it recently and I can't agree. It's aged better than Drakengard, and even Drakengard has that bubblewrap-popping addictiveness when you're setting entire troop units on fire.

>>507746129The game is still bad.Your point? None.Don't you ever reply to me ever again.

>>507740385Probably not as many as you'd think. Seems everything's slowly coming together. The Four Kings are obviously a counterpart to the God Hand and may very well be the actual God Hand, with the Idea of Evil's goons being imposters.The Kings and the Hand are gonna have some showdown and Femto and Guts will too.He's gonna go normie as absolute fuck with the climax, I guarantee it.

>>507746390You've never even played a second of it, otherwise you would've known it wasn't an adaptation. I have zero reason to take credence in your opinion of this game.

>>507740385We're in the end game, I agree with the other user, probably 80ish.

>>507746494kek imagine /a/'s reaction. All their nihilism ripping at the seams as the story manages to have a happy or bittersweet ending and the true God vanquishes the idea of evil at its peak./a/ would call it the blunder of the millenium.It would also be a based as fuck ending.

>>507746608You fucking worthless little maggot.You disgusting imp.When I'm done with my duties I will buy a used Dreamcast, play this game and make a thread on Holla Forums about how bad it is.You better be ready in the next coming months.Wait for me you filthy slut.

>>507746706It might just be the hiatus fatigue talking, but that doesn't feel like enough chapters to wrap up the story in a satisfactory way.

>>507747239you cheeky fucker

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>>507735008it was interesting in the year 2000, you could do a lot better nowadays

>>507735008the '97 anime is god tier, the ova's were good/great when it's not 3dshit

>>507735008It's the only berserk written by mirua, so in my book it's the only good berserk game

>>507735161Berserk Musou gets pretty good once you get the berserker armor. Too bad you gotta play through the whole game for it.

>>507737329>>507737450>>507737887>>507738868>>507739180>>507739372Wow I thought Berserk was all edgy and gritty and stuff, gonna read for this cute girl.

>>507748585>It's the only berserk written by miruaWhat about the manga?

>>507748972It was, but then Schierke introduced the good side of the spiritual realm, and the bleakness balanced out. Even Guts is less grim now that he's seen the good guys in action.

>>507749079*berserk game

>>507748972It was but the autor got into loli and shota.

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>>507748972Berserk is a story about how a angsty teen becomes the most edgy man alive and then learns to calm the fuck down

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>>50773516197 anime was good, Guts' Rage is alright but great for it's story and music, Berserk Musou is legitimately good. The PS2 game is also great now fuck off.Only the recent CG 'anime' is trash.

>>507749250Angst is when you're upset that Mom made you do your homework. Not when you're upset that your adoptive parent sold your asshole to some dude, and forced you to fight as a mercenary since childhood.


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>>507749250Pretty much exactly this. Miura used his own maturity as a catalyst to Guts's development.


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>>507749250Papa Guts is best Guts

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>>507749997holy shit

>>507746494It does seem like there's nothing left for Guts to do aside from kill Griffith and his merry band of faggots. Unless he goes to that assassin clan hideout where Rickert is heading or something. I mean, I don't want that many detours but stopping off at one or two places for the sake of developing a few characters a little more (like Serpico and Isidro) couldn't hurt.

>>507750512Yeah, I'm feeling the same way. Maybe a couple more short arcs leading up to endgame.

>>507750234i agree other then the fact that every girl in the party wants to fuck him

>>507750672Well I mean can you blame them?

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>>507736525>Puck constantly repeating "It fears fire!" type lines only like a sarcastic retard

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>>507751079Yeah I've never felt like guts gets more attention from women than he deserves. Plus the one he actually wants attention from literally can't even look at him without having a panic attack.

is Holla Forums full of pedos or what? not that i'm judging, i just seem to see a pattern


>>507751612What the fuck do you think kek


>>507742659people probably don't wanna go around recommending something with that much cunny in it

>>507750512>>507750595See, the dilemma I have is that I personally want to see the likes of Serpico get more fleshed out before the end, but at the same time I also want a few more people to join Guts' crew like those Bakiraka dudes and maybe Zodd, but then this would be at the expense of the people already part of Guts' crew. At any rate, I think everything is designed to set up a parallel between Guts and Griffith, where one day Guts' Behilit will activate and engulf the rest of the current gang, and then he's left with a choice between sacrificing them in pursuit of Griffith or refusing the sacrifice and then God knows what happens.

>>507744681Blacked, sacrificed, betrayed, cucked, falsely antagonized. Haven't read new chapters, maybe more.

>>507747192Didn't Miura already confirm that the ending wasn't going to be happy?


>>507752816Oh yes, much more.

>>507752816there's always more when it comes to guts, Struggle and endure.

>>507753379That faggot is too busy playing idolmaster to give a shit

>>507743863There is a line that acknowledges this in the game. I forget the exact wording but it is self aware.

Millennium Empire was the beginning of the end and Fantasia is absolute garbage>>507750512>Isidrogod I fucking wish.poor kid has potential for interesting development but two joke characters weren't enough for Miura so he had to butcher him, too

>>507756774>Millennium Empire was the beginning of the end and Fantasia is absolute garbageWhy?

>>507756735Sometimes when you kill over 1,000 enemies, Guts will mutter to himself "They'll need to think of a new nickname for me now."

>>507757313guts party became increasingly worse, especially with the introduction of schierke who brought with her all the terrible magic garbage.furthermore you feel barely any story progress on guts side, almost like miura doesn't know what the fuck to do with them.the saving grace of millennium was the kushan war which remained interesting.griffith's half of the story if fantasia was somehow even worse than guts bits but at least now it seems to be setting up for something interesting with rickert.still I have lost all hope for guts party. At this point I just wish he'd kill them off and continue with whatever crazy idea he has for rickert

>>507757568Ok, that's kinda funny.

>>507758540Schierke is great though.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will.

>>507758992I admit she's not bad in of herself, it's just that the rest of the party gets shafted hard for the sake of fellating that goddamn loliwitch

>>507759245Miura realized how retarded that was and retconned it for now

>>507758992Silke would be a fine character if there was a new chapter every week and not twice a year.

>>507759487I don't think that's the case, it's just that her magic makes her more useful to Guts than the others so she shares more panel time with him.

>>507760063Fair point.

>>507737450>honey is tabooI don't get it?

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>>507760942it's not just that. with her appearance serpico's character progression comes to a screeching halt and he never does anything interesting againisidro's degraded into a joke buttmonkey.farnese received a shitload of development but it's too much related to all the fucking magic bullshit

>>507753379>Miura>being even close to having an ending plannedGood one.

>>507748972>edgythat was before Guts found companions that make him actually feel alive again user....

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>>507762890he's gone on record that there's about 80% done m8


>>507746494>The Four KingsI completely forgot about them but weren't they mentioned way back when Griffith was "birthed" at the tower of conviction?

>>507747239I guarantee you won't be able to beat it, the games controls are so bad to the point of being unplayable, I hope you like raging

>>507736761>implying games age

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>>507762323give the guy a break user he's been stuck on a ship for literal years before having his limelight fight with guts remember

>>507765461>go back to your battlefieldfuck you guts

>>507762323I don't see how Shirke's arrival coincides with any character's development halting. Besides, Serpico's had plenty of development. We know pretty much his entire backstory and there have been chapters that depict how he's subtly changed from who he was at the start. The thing is that his character is not an independent one, it's directly tied to Farnese. He goes where she goes. The only way you can develop him further at this point is if something comes into conflict with that dynamic.

>>507749834Also, im a post op woman if that makes any sense! :D

How'd he get so good at drawing fantasy armor? I cannot for the life of me draw such consistent lines. I dunno where to start practicing

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>>507766151>if something comes into conflict with that dynamicIndeed and the story has been foreshadowing this entire time but it's been going fucking nowhere and that's the issue.It just feels like a majority of the guts bits are just padding to keep fans happy while he develops the part Miura actually cares about, griffith's empire>>507766951decades of practice