Golden Sun HD

Hi Holla Forums you probably remember me from March when i told you about the existance of golden sun hd. This time i have an update for you all:The HD port is currently planned for November. But of course this could change due to the current worldwide situation, so take it with a grain of salt. Either way you are gonna get this game sooner than later. You will see why Camelot has taken their longest to reveal their next product, it looks beautiful.See you again soon!

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plz be true

Keep me posted.

I saw a similar larp the other day. Why do anons want to hurt me? Why do I want to believe, even though I know it is false?

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>>507734558My soul hurts, OP.

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>>507734558What’s the gameplay like? Is it still turn based? What is the new graphical style, still Pixel?

>>507734558If you're lying I'm going to make you regret it.

>>507734739Also, ftr no one has purchased so it is definitely fake.

>>507734558Unironically based if true. Plus a good plug for Isaac for Smash

don't fuck with me please be real

>>507734558>Hi Holla Forums you probably remember me from March when i told you about the existance of golden sun hd.Nope.

Camelot doesn't exist anymore


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>>507735496who made the last mario tennis game then

>>507735496You don't exist anymore

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Nintenfags are pathetic

>>507734558>golden sunlol

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>>507734558bullshit. turn based rpgs are falling out of favor, they're not going to remake this.

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>No proof>No actual info about the gameYou lazy piece of fucking shit, you lie about this for attention but can't even be bothered to larp some fucking fake info? I bet you never ever played GS. Fucking hang yourself.

>>507735684>turn based rpgs are falling out of favor,>P5R getting rave reviews and selling well for an enhanced rerelease>Bravely Default II coming out on switch>Pokemon sw/sh broke records despite being arguably the weakest game in the serieswhat the fuck are you talking about?

>>507734558fake and gaygolden sun being alive again would be great and good things don't happen anymore

>>507734558I'm going to call you a faggot for you are OP and a liar, but on the impossible chance that your words somehow will end up ringing true I will remember this day and apologize to you in my heart.Thou art a faggot, OP.

>>507735656>if you bought the ds game you are a retardthis but for anything past the first game. no not before playing the first one cause then you’d be a koolaid drinking faggot

>>507735853At least link the Remastered

>>507736273The second game was objectively superior. But they were developed as one game in mind.

>>507735656That's not how any of that went, except for the characters generally being cardboard cutouts.

>>507734739That would be an instabuy for me and the newest console i own is the old gameboy advance

>retards unironically calling Lost Sun a "second game"It's basically Disc 2 (well, cartridge) of a two-disc game.Same shit like Persona 2 Sin/Punishment and Digital Devil Saga 1/2 all basically being two-disc games.

>>507736498>The second game was objectively superiorNot really, it was a great sequel and some aspects of it were better than the original but some were also worseI preferred the cast of main characters from GS1 over those in GS2 for example

>>507735853the 1st and 3rd ones are so shit

>>507736005I'll give you Bravely Default II, but Pokemon sw/sh and P5R sold because of name brand alone, not the fact that the games were turn based combat. not only that, P5R had unique enough mechanics that it's barely regarded as a turn based, but rather a dating sim. What about all the recent games that changed from turn-based into action rpg? what do you say about that?

>>507737326can we get a golden sun dating sim please?

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If this isn't true I'm going to hunt you down and hate fuck your ass. raw, no pulling out.

>>507734558I remember you, its pretty likely that it is fake but please I would kill for a remake of my favourite game on switchIsaac on smash would be great too

>>507734558>Hi Holla Forums you probably remember me from March when i told you about the existance of golden sun hdNope, can't say I do>The HD port is currently planned for November.Is it a port or is it a remake? How would you make an HD "port" of a GBA title?Can you give us anything more than incredibly vague details that would allow us to verify whether you were telling the truth or just guessing in the event that a Golden Sun game is actually coming to Switch?

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>>507734558Please, I am ready to blow, I can barely hold it in anymore.

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>>507735684>turn based rpgs are falling out of favorHuh? Turn based RPGs are back in vogue. Octopath, Bravely Default, Dragon Quest, etc. And Nintendo doesn't have a first-party one right now (well, they have Pokemon of course, but that's kind of its own special case and isn't the classic sword-and-sorcery style JRPG)

Bravely Default 2 already looks like how I'd want an HD Golden Sun to look.

>>507738608>uncanny valley not-quite-chibis>bloom and other filters up the assBravely Default 2 looks butt ugly.Don't even get me started on Octopath Traveler.What is it with JRPG fans and having dogshit taste in visuals?

>>507738917MUH SOUL.

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>>507734558>Keeping the charadeI have to give props to you for trying this much OPDon't give me hope you fucking faggot

>>507734558I would kill so much for this to be true, you lying sack of shit. Fuck you.

>>507738608>Chibisabsolutely disgusting. Single worst artstyle in the history of mankind.

>>507734558Might be cool if true but I doubt it. One of the main selling points of the game were the visuals, and no way will they invest enough time and money to prevent them from looking like shit.

>>507736641The series could use some good character writers. Golden Sun's gameplay with better characters and maybe a stronger plot would be pretty fantastic. The battles could maybe be spruced up a bit too (either difficulty wise or system wise) but I'd settle for just better characters.

>>507737326>Atlus games>selling off brand namebecause Persona 5 was a huge hit you fucking tard.

>>507734558Who cares? Golden Sun is shit, a port will finally expose these retards who keep shitting up JRPG threads.

>>507744071Even those party interactions would be good, like in the Tales series where you go to certain parts of the map and dialog happens

>>507745284This is sorely neededThe Lost Age had a few moments that vaguely resembled Tales skits, like that scene in Lemuria where everyone tries to get Piers to tell them how old he is, and those were quite nice - but there were barely any and they were only in the second game. Both games need a ton more of those, and implementing them like Tales would make sense.

>>507745284That's a pretty damn good idea. I still would like to see the characters' personalities shine through more in their quest though.>>507744569Golden sun aint perfect but it really does have some strong suits. I'd like to see those weaknesses built up upon to put it in a game that really shines.Then put it in smash bros god dammit hackurai.

>>507734558As long as they ignore Dark Dawn's existence.

>>507738121>>507740873>huge mercury milkersblessed taste

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>>507744569>a port will finally expose these retards who keep shitting up JRPG threadsHow so? If you want to find out what Golden Sun is like you can just emulate it, or you could've even gotten it on the Wii U VC. The only people who would ONLY play it if it got a remake are normalfags who would probably eat it up no matter what it was, especially Golden Sun which is very forgiving in terms of difficulty. A remake or port would probably just make your shitposting even more of an uphill battle.

>>507734558>Camelot making GSyou mean Mario Golf for the switch?? :^)

>>507734739I gotta be honest if we do in fact get another Golden Sun game I don't think its gonna be made by Camelot

>>507749449Who would be most likely to do it, then?Alternatively, who SHOULD do it?

>>507749591I guess maybe outsource it to a third party because Monolithsoft is working on a bunch of shit, Hal labs is reserved for Kirby games, all the core Nintendo teams are working on shit like ARMS 2 and Breath of the Wild 2, and I'm pretty sure Retro is dead. After 10 years of only making tennis games I don't think Camelot is up for the task.

>>507749591any of the good RPG developers. AtLUS or Monolithsoft?>>507750601I wonder if that's why Dark Dawn was so...awkward.


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>>507749449That would only happen if Camelot didn't want to work on it themselves.

>>507735656>80% of the game is getting your boat through the only canal in the worldI remember this feel

I won't fall for it.

>>507735656I like this series and it hurts how accurate this image is

>>507749591I've been saying Level5

>>507760401Ah, yes... give it to the developer with good RPG background, but terrible penchant for puns and fart jokes.

>>507761181Now you understand

>>507734558>another remakeNANI

Imagine golden sun using physics from BoTW

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>>507763546id much rather have a new Golden Sun game set in the distant past during those great alchemy psyenergy wars or whatever that resulted in them sealing it away in the lighthouses. Would be similiar yet different enough and an excuse for a different world map

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>>507764271but it'd need to be 3D?

>>507765324What's wrong with that? As long as it still has random encounters or some similar system.

Give me info on Crystal Chronicles