So can we all admit now that the anti-classic fags were 100% percent right? Classic WoW has turned out to be a failure...

So can we all admit now that the anti-classic fags were 100% percent right? Classic WoW has turned out to be a failure.>The current hardest raid in the game is being cleared in 30 minutes by guilds that aren't shit>90% of the playerbase only plays the game 3 times a week for at most of 2 hours, the game is treated as a way to chill with 40 other people in discord and get shiny loot along the way>clueless blue parsing dad gamers have Thunderfury's>no skill involved even in pvp, all the top wow pvpers have switched back to retail>high ranked players are mostly frauds who abused/abusing the honor system>Battlegrounds are broken, it's impossible to solo queue and play because you get matched up with premades specifically looking to stomp pug team every game to maximize honor>have to be a literal NEET to get into a decent premade>getting from 1-60 on a fresh account currently is harder than vanilla because nobody is leveling even on full servers, everyone is 60 already and is just paying a mage to run their alts. >you aren't allowed to make characters on populated servers anymore>layers are back>Chinese guilds in every server are the only ones out in the world doing stuffThe only reason I stayed so long is because its the only game i can play with certain friends and even they find it unchallenging and boring.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>507724106>>90% of the playerbase only plays the game 3 times a week for at most of 2 hours, the game is treated as a way to chill with 40 other people in discord and get shiny loot along the wayGood. That's exactly how it should be. Playing the same game more than a couple hours a week is a mental illness.

>>507724106>The current hardest raid in the game is being cleared in 30 minutes by guilds that aren't shit>90% of the playerbase only plays the game 3 times a week for at most of 2 hours, the game is treated as a way to chill with 40 other people in discord and get shiny loot along the way>clueless blue parsing dad gamers have Thunderfury'ssounds based, stopped reading there.

>>507724282>>507724464Every classicfag was talking about unforgiving and challenging classic was going to be compared to retail when in fact Classic perfectly caters to the "braindead retail player" that classicfags hate.

>>507724798WoW was always the casual theme park MMO poster child.But at least it was/is an MMO.

>>507724106They also stealth added Wargames into Classic without any announcement.

>>507725671Bait video by people who never cared for the game. If you actually cared about Classic, you would have played on the private servers in the past 13 years.

>>507724106Played for 2 months total(release month and after BWL dropped), had my fun, quit. Anyone that was expecting this to have the same staying power it did back in 2004 is dumb as shit, but the people that were expecting a complete failure are equally dumb. It's just a fun little time waster. I will say the community is not what it used to be and filled with tryhards that farm world buffs for MC alt runs but I played with friends so I wasn't too affected by this.

>>507725671Cringe video. Wojak edits are going to viewed in the same vain as rage comics in a few years.

>>507724106I never played WoW before classic. I subbed at launch and have been playing since. I'm finally in a guild that can clear BWL easily!

>>507726109I fucking wish but these retards keep making more and more every day.

>>507724106>classicfags honestly thought that the raid they struggled through in middle school was going to be difficult 400 years laterZero surprise.

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imagine paying 15 dollars for the private server experience

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>>507724106>2016; "You think you do [want a return to Vanilla] but you don't.">2019 p1; "CLASSIC HYPE! WE'RE GOING HOME LADS!">2019 p2; "What's with all the twitch chat memes and layering and. . . .">2020; ". . . We thought we did, but we don't. You were right."

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I played it to autoattack a warrior up to 60 and have some fun along the way and that's pretty much exactly what I got. I don't think I played it even an hour after I hit 60

Classic is not a vanilla since actiblizzard are full of trannies which unable to recreate 15yo game.

>>507727390>not paying 15 dollars in order to not read chinese/russian subhuman talk every day

its trash but not because of QoL changes but because of how playerbase changed

>>507729829Lol isnt every server trade chat spammed with chinese gold sellers anyway?

>played for two months>had my fun>no interest for TBC anymore>dont give a fuck about shadowlands anymoreBest investment I had.

>>507726109Live for the moment my dude. It's actually a great video.>>507726053I care about classic, I still play, grinding towards AQ right now. I thought it was a great video.

>>507730452And because WoW is trash gameplay wise

>>507724798and yet everyone quit in the two weeks that honour got introducedsounds like it was too challengeing and unforgiving

>>507732135>and yet everyone quit in the two weeks that honour got introducedthe game is still popular, its doing better than retail but it's a shitty game.

>>507724106Imma be honest with you, i bought ESO to scratch the mmo itch and i wish i had just bought a sub to classic instead

>>507725671Anyone who finds this funny should be banned. Global rule 2

>>507724106>90% of the playerbase only plays the game 3 times a week for at most of 2 hours, the game is treated as a way to chill with 40 other people in discord and get shiny loot along the way>clueless blue parsing dad gamers have Thunderfury's>no skill involved even in pvp, all the top wow pvpers have switched back to retail>high ranked players are mostly frauds who abused/abusing the honor system>Battlegrounds are broken, it's impossible to solo queue and play because you get matched up with premades specifically looking to stomp pug team every game to maximize honor>have to be a literal NEET to get into a decent premade>Chinese guilds in every server are the only ones out in the world doing stuffThis actually sounds exactly like my experience in 2005.

100% ruined by the hype train and power gaming.>2004>nobody knows shit>total faction balance because people want to play whatever the fuck they want>nobody gave a real shit about your build except "Dont take X talent">2019/2020>Strictly enforced Meta builds>insane powergaming>90% of people pick the "optimum" race/class comboPowergaming to the point where people were planning their pre-Raid BIS for months before release. Let that sink in>Streamers literally ruin servers>Faction imbalance insane because everyone rolled undead to PvPWoW and most MMO's are at its best when people aren't power gaming and instead using it as a way to socialize under the pretense of game. This is the nature of how its always been, people are just morons.

>>507724106the entire point of classic was the journey. Everyone finished the journey and only the autists are left.

played for 2 months and got boredjoined a TBC private server and am having way more fun

>>507724106None of this is true for people who aren't minmaxers or pvpers.The game is fun, seethe somewhere else.

>been out for like 6 months>hunter bugs still haven't been addressed Shit game

>>507729329what about jews

>>507724106wouldn't call it a failure. it just didn't provide the 2 years of 24/7 gaming that people thought it wouldhere's hoping for TBC classic, with raid attunements and everything

>>507724106Most of these complaints come off as nerd elitism. There is no skill on MMOs. It's only a measurement of who has the most time and patience.

>>507724106>clueless blue parsing dad gamers have Thunderfury'sno one orange parses without world buff autism.

>started classic as a warlock because I liked the aesthetics and the way it plays>have raided on my lock the whole time>now that TBC is basically confirmed I'm going to end up getting fucked over by all the DPS warrior mains in my guild respeccing to the new meta once it dropsFUUUUUUCK

>>507725012whats wrong with wargames that does nothing but add to the game with no effects to players that don't want to partake?

>>507725426above post was meant to reply to this

>>507724106This sounds like an accurate portrait of vanilla tho so OP just a baby?

>>507735761Imagine having to fight for the hunter/mage/warlock token with meta sheeple.

>>507732745>>total faction balance because people want to play whatever the fuck they wantahahahahaah

>>507724106So you got booted from your raiding guild and now you're a persona non grata on your server. What did you do?


>>507732745>total faction balance because people want to play whatever the fuck they wantExcept vanilla was heavily Alliance. The Lord of the Rings films were a major reason why>nobody gave a real shit about your build except "Dont take X talent"And this is how I know you either didn't play in Vanilla or were a shitter that never raided in Naxx

>>507737325I bet you believe blacklists exist

>>507726109Yeah, probs out of topic but expect the honey its 4pm I think all the wojak shit has gotten a little too out of hand and unfunny. Lord knows how a part of me dies when I see another (unfunny) haha go brr picture.

>Buddy got back into classic wow>Buys the zygor add-on to literally tell him what to do >Missing the whole point of WoW The shit was only good back then because it wasn't so widely meta gamed. You didn't care about reaching max level in a fast pace. The leveling was the game. Wow classic and all the expansions hold a spot in my life but I doubt I'd go back.

>>507735761sl/sl mofo.

>>507725671Reddit bait

i just quit finally and the thing i hated the most is the world buff autism that "serious" guilds hadsure, they helped me 99 parse in every boss, but it's not needed because the content is so easy and it basically felt like I couldn't play the game outside of raiding because i had to save world buffs

>>507738840leveling in classic is pretty meh.its just fetch quests nonstop.worst of all is that there's not enough quests in the first place so you will have to redo the same areas the same way but maybe in a different order on every new character.ironically only the aoe farming mages that every TRUE HARDCORE VANILLA ENTHUSIAST hates break the mold and offer a different experience.

All they had to do was take 1.12 and balance it, maybe add some more pvp content at low levels and come up with a better honor system. It's not like it's unknown what the problems with classes were, and it's not like making classes usable for the roles their trees are supposed to have was one of the things that ruined wow.Fixing almost every useless spec would be as easy as giving them a way to regenerate mana in combat

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Classis wow is dead because the comunity is dead.>Cross faction chat not bannable>people online 24/7 cross faction chatting>meta gaming>Discord community rampart>Discord communities run servers>Guilds powerless VS Discord>People just want to level up "alts" to 60 ASAP>Don't give a fuck about leveling people>Pick X/Y/Z talents or you're retarded>Level up in ZONE or you're retarded>Fraction of original playerbaseBasically, comparing to cellphone game lifecycle, WOW has lost the "noob/casual" audience and all it's got left is the WHALES and turboautists who raise the entry ceiling so high normies instantly leave the game.Seen it happen to many games (and mods) in my life.

>>507724106>>getting from 1-60 on a fresh account currently is harder than vanilla because nobody is leveling even on full servers, everyone is 60 already and is just paying a mage to run their alts.i hate this shit the mosti wanted to play really badly a few weeks and i resubbed to this bullshitthe games spirit is fucking dead man

>>507741929No changes asshole

>>507742148why? You autistic retards insist on this and I can't for the life of me understand why

Look through classic streams out of curiousity. Its just people solo farming maraudon.

>>507724106ofc this was going to happen. The game was at its peak in 2004 when niggers and kikes had his own separated servers. now that everybody is considered human, wow economy sucks dick and streamers are pure cancer to the comunity. Asmongold should fucking put a gun in his malformed tooth and blow a hole in his brain.fuck niggers and kikes. they ruined wow

>>507742130Also, like CS, Starcraft, Halo, Quake, the mass appeal for normies just isn't there anymore.When all you've got left is turbo-autist tryhards and fat whales (mobile gaming term) the normies are put-off and leave.

they need to buff the content in tbc or i won't be back for itraid bosses are not supposed to melt in 30 seconds

>>507742446rent free

>>507742454>When all you've got left is turbo-autist tryhardsthis is true and the main problem with the gameprivate server autists have formed a meta and if you don't conform you are shit on>>507742519blame warriors

>>507724106>The current hardest raid in the game is being cleared in 30 minutes by guilds that aren't shitNo shit, that's what giving you class balance and mechanics from the END of classic for the START of classic will do. The buff slot increases alone were just obscene, that's like getting to take an extra 20 players along to kill Rag. The game never had a chance because Blizzard was too lazy to make "no changes" a reality.

>>507742929True. the debuff slot change was ridiculous and should have received compensation on the Boss / trash stats.

>>507724106I gave up back in October. had some fun but I sure as fuck don't have the same motivation as I did back then. Still pretty sure it's the most popular MMO in the world though.

>>507724106Is that truly how it is??? I played vanilla when I was 16, my computer and my internet were shit. All I got was MC cleared, without a lot of drops too. I think the allure of classic is going back to a game and just demolishing it with all your experience and knowledge. Looks like people gamed the shit outta it.

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It's not a failure and all the greentext is BS.What the reality is that I don't want to spend years playing the game nightly for no actual reason. The gameplay loop isn't fun if there's nothing to look forward to.

>>507742929>that's like getting to take an extra 20 players along to kill Raglmao

>>507743680>he doesn't know.

To be fair it was a solved game with a capped amount of content and the average player had an actual work ethic going in, so yeah no shit it didn't last. The big victory is that the autists still playing it were suspended in place for almost a year.

>>507743865>8 debuff slots = 20+ players literal fucking retard

>>507742929The game is literally exposed every patch as being the joke everyone always knew it was.None of the fights have any sort of real mechanics. They're all just basic tank swaps while dps spam one button and healers keep everyone up

>>507743680he's right though, back in vanilla against rag he would submerge at least once every single timeI have yet to see him submerge in classic, even with a shitty pug group because it runs on patch 1.12 and the damage is just stupid

>>507744026I'll bite.>Dots>warlock debuffs>Priest debuffs>rogue>druid>warrior>hunter>mageOff the top of my head, all those classes massively benefited of the cap increase. We're not talking small increases either when taking into account curse of elements, recklessness etc.

Remember when downed Rag world first in literal questing gear, 34 man raid with at least 10 people in that raid being sub lvl 60 characters aand then Kungen had a freaking meltdown on twitter how about "classic wow is not real vanilla"?

>>507744304No he's not right he's a retard if he believes that 8 debuff slots are the equivalent to 20 fucking raiders.And people back then were fucking trash Ive seen Ragnaros kill videos from back then.Warriors unironically pressing rend and nobody used any sorts of consumables.>>507744437Still doesnt measure up to twenty plus fucking players you dumb nigger. You literally dont know what you are talking about.

Forced myself to play until about 30 then quit. I enjoyed myself a decent amount and it was neat experiencing some of the things I had forgotten about since release.But at the end of the day I've already done it all before. It's a solved game now and any attempt I made at trying to recreate that first playthrough would only serve to diminish those memories.Glad so many are enjoying it though.

>>507744580Are you okay in the head?

>>507744549It's really nothing like vanilla raiding. Non-raiders don't realize how big the mechanical differences are.

>>507744304Our first kill we saw his submerge phase and I've seen several in shit pugs, so you're just a liar

by far my biggest disappointment is the pvphow did they fuck it up so badly

>>507744580>No he's not right he's a retard if he believes that 8 debuff slots are the equivalent to 20 fucking raiders.And people back then were fucking trash Ive seen Ragnaros kill videos from back then.Warriors unironically pressing rend and nobody used any sorts of consumablesSo you watched a single rag kill out of the hundreds of thousands of rag kills during vanilla and base your argument on that ?I mean sure there were more shitters but anyone that made it to rag and beyond knew what they were doing because afterall, vanilla was harder than classic

>>507745203> but anyone that made it to rag and beyond knew what they were doing because afterall, vanilla was harder than classiclmao

>40 player raid>suddenly room for curse of recklessness + elements + dots>20+ players suddenly gained MASSIVE dps boost>warlocks, brought along purely to curse boss and wand him, can now DPSIf anyone argues that this doesn't translate in AT LEAST a 30-50% performance increase is stupid and never seriously raided in their life. Or autistic.

>>507743192I think thats true for some people, finally going back and finishing the shit you never got to finish is really cathartic if you're obsessed with completionism.

>>507745203don't take his bait anymore user, he's either autistic or trolling, or both. In any case, you're just wasting your time because he's disputing the "number 20" and not that the raid itself suddenly outputs 30% more damage wich effectively translates to 13 more shitty DPS (but it isn't 20 so he'll never shut up).

>>507744580>and nobody used any sorts of consumablesYou've seen kill videos from after it was easy and we started economizing on GFPPs, then. That was a painful grind that everyone hated, the hours of farming before attempts. Sorry to hear that you're retarded.

>>507745359>warlocks, brought along purely to curse boss and wand him, can now DPS>warlocks dps with debuffsAre you retarded? All their damage comes from SB.

>>507745614I actually watched worlds first and people were clueless and shit.

>>507724106So, I didn't get to play 0-60 when classic originally came out, too yougn to get my parents creddy card. I played janky private serversI got on classic and got 1-45 on warrior on the rppvp server... joined a guild, did a little of this and that. did i get a reasonably accurate experience to the original?should i resub and grind out the last 15?

>>507745359>warlocks get to do more than just debuff and wand>somehow this is a bad thing?C'mon, son. This game has to let EVERYONE have a fun time, not just the turboautists. We don't have those fags from everquest around anymore screaming 'more raids more raids, harder harder, i wanna be the best!' and that's a good thing.

>>507724106>Classic literally more than doubled subs for WoW -> more people play Classic than retail>a failuresure thing, bud

>>507745732the only people still playing are "world pvp" psychopaths so it's going to be miserable

>>507745794I never said it's a bad thing. I said the warlock goes from wanding to actually using abilities without fearing raidkick from removing someone's curse or demoralizing shout. that's an extra player right there.

>>507745794except off-meta classes/specs don't get brought at allmy guild wasnt mega tryhard but they still would not allow any boomkins, spriests, or dps shamans and that's the case for a lot of the pugs i saw being advertised too

>>507745694underage. GTFO.

OSRS Runescape has always been better than Classic because WoW is a corporate sterilized product and Runscape is a hive for the wild west of the internet mentality.

>>507745359warlocks cast shadowbolts only even in classic now.god you are all so shit at the game while waxing on about how hardcore it used to dont even know how the debuff priority works and you have no idea how the debuffs affect raid DPS.

>>507745612I think zoomers that never played vanilla get offended when you dare to imply it was harder because they're pissed that they missed out ?They think every single one of us played at 15fps with a dial-up modem

>>507746182why pretend that you actually played the game back then?

>>507746170explain to me the effect of the debuff slot increase in vanilla then.

>>507746182Tik Tok rotted their brains.That and you have a lot of NEET failures (like Barney) haunting this board 24/7. All they both ever do is shitpost and try to get people """mad""".


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I started on day 1 in vanilla and raided as a warlock, if anyone's curious about how it played.

>>507746505Explain. Aggramar was my first server. (went to shit after they allowed character transfers in cataclism I think)

>>507735298i parsed 99% on my mage on onyxia because i paid a rogue in my guild to sprint through whelps and pull all of them at the start of the pull so i could aoe them down and get a high damage/dps rating lmao

>>507746505for fairness sake, its a smidge less unbalanced from Z-A

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>>507746170And you cumstain halfwit deny the severity of the effect of the debuff slot limit? If it isn't 20 extra people (which no one is seriously arguing except you - who are arguing AGAINST) then exactly WHAT is the impact on the raid? GIVE US A NUMBER or shut the fuck up retard.

>>507746614see server population on left and right, then guess which game Holla Forums thinks is the dead one.>>507746505>>507746657

>>507746824Holy shit, retail is on fucking life support

>>507746505>>507746657>there's a classic server named Hydraxian Waterlords when a retail server already has Hydraxiswtf

>>507746824thats disingenuous because live servers have a much higher limit due to phasing and stuff

>>507747024>Phasing >Technology literally created so you don't feel alone in an MMO-RPG>Because your servers are fucking deadIF anything it's worse.By the by, you still haven't given us a number.>>507746786

>>507747024the only real problem with the images is the sheer amount of servers, but what constitutes "alive" isnt exactly how many servers a game has, but how active its servers are.. the images then speak for themselves desu

>>507746378the debuff increase mostly affects the low priority debuffs that normally get overwritten or fall off.things like ignite, deep wounds and serpent you get to stack more of those. any proper raid was using curse of recklessness and elements even with 8 debuff slots yeah I bet pushing off some shitter hunters serpent sting would totally make the biggest difference.>>507746786you argued that the debuff slots increase the raid performence to a level that is comparable to over 20 players. Thats ridiculous. That would be over 50% extra raid damage through some debuff slots.literally clueless.

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>>507746274millions of people played vanilla, what's so hard to believe ? I mained a rogue back then and remember using shadowpanther a lot for ressources on minmaxing and being an overall better rogue. I mean can you believe that we used guides and addons back in vanilla even though we were ALL GARBAGE players ? hehe that's unreal

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>>507747262>By the by, you still haven't given us a numberthat's not me my man

>>507747024it's the other way around, classic servers have a much higher limit. retail servers actually crash once there's more than 50 people in a single phase, you can't even do world PvP anymore and they had to nerf Ashran (World-PvP-"BG") because of it

>>507746505>Gehennas - LockedBased

>>507747320its easy to tell that you didnt play because you spout garbage.

>>507747319>He thinks the user saying "20" really meant 20 and wasn't just using hyperboleFucking autist.

>>507747263the thing with retail is that your server is basically meaningless since you can do everything cross server, except mythic raiding for a short period of time after a raid releases>>507747376>retail servers actually crash once there's more than 50 people in a single phaseso do vanilla servers, except there's no system to disperse those people to prevent that

>>507747438I'm sorry you can't go back in time and experience what vanilla was and only got to play private servers and classic, you missed out

>>507747549thats some pretty damn pathetic backpedaling here after getting exposed didnt even know how the debuff slots work.

>>507747561Anon, in retail servers are DEAD. You're playing with people from your shard but not your server.I don't know the effects on global chats like defense and trade and whatnot, but I can tell that's some serious hit to the server's community feel.Like yeah you're always with someone on the city even playing in the Aegan peak server. But you never see the same person twice and you can't even invite them to your guild (?)

>>507747561>so do vanilla serverscan have literally hundreds of players on the same layer in orgrimmar with just a little bit of lag but okay

depending on your raid comp it could equal 20 extra playersusing the meme axe and other debuffs to reduce a bosses armor to 0 massively increases a warriors dps, and if you have mostly warrior dps that's a huge huge increase

>>507747612I played back then though, and I know how bad even the best guilds were and how shit the theorycrafting was.proper consumables werent even considered before AQ.

>>507747834Just tell us how many people you think are effectively added to the raid so we can conclude this discussion retard. Unless you're scared to admit classic has even a +1 dps advantage over vanilla. But you wouldn't be so petty, would you?

>>507747921this is bullshit and you know itthere's literally a 10-20 second delay during a raid day prime time ony buff drop when honor was added BRM was unplayable

>>507748031I'd say not more than 3 desu.

>>507748214okay, so classic WOW has [3-20] + dps added to the raid by virtue of being a later patch, thereby making it easier content.Thank you.


>>507747393just dont open it.

the game that ruined an entire genre is garbage. who would have thunk it

>>507724106>90% of the playerbase only plays the game 3 times a week for at most of 2 hours>layers are backbased retard, so the game is both dead and overcrowded at the same time? Layers were brought back to the big servers(I'm on arugal) because they had 4-6hour queues at peak time due to everybody being home cuz of rona.Also thunderfury has nothing to do with skill, it's an RNG + a big grind. There's nothing stopping shit dads from getting it.

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>>507748405I accept your concession.

>>507747954>I played back then though, and I know how bad even the best guilds wereHow would you realistically know that ? Nobody cleared Naxx or aq40 on your server or what ?

>>507747549It's probably between 10 and 20. We had to leave off a lot of really useful buffs/debuffs because there just wasn't room, it wasn't like Wrath raiding where you'd matrix it up prior to the raid to ensure you had every single buff/debuff category present. Autists hear "debuff slot" and think it means "more curse of agony" as they have no perspective from their life in raid finder.

>>507748350also the knowledge of consumables and world buffs and stacking warriorsas a rogue i dont remember using a single flask in vanilla, or any of our mages using them and we killed sapph before TBC was released

>>507748590what debuffs would you leave off?

>>507748590Shhh user, Zoomers don't know what you're talking about because of ability prunning.

>>507748186that's because there's literally over a thousand players phase in for those buffs. classic can easily have 300-400 players in the same area without giant lags. retail can have ~50 before the lagging begins

WOW classic was just a shitty cash grab designed to peak off players nolstalgia for old games. Its the same shit with remasters for games. Every person that bought into this is literally retarded.

>>507748673>as a rogue i dont remember using a single flask in vanillaI mained a rogue and didnt either, no need to unless you were in a legit ''serious'' guild. Though I was chugging plenty of mongoose, winterfall and whatnot. In my guild only the tanks and a few healers used flasks>or any of our mages using them and we killed sapph before TBC was releasedthat's honestly somewhat impressive that you got in vanilla naxx and made it that far. I remember on my server there was only 1 alliance guild that cleared naxx, most guilds never even stepped in

>>507748861I love it when retards act smug while being completely wrong.

>>507749058>classic can easily have 300-400 players in the same area without giant lagsif it can i've yet to see iteven AV lags when enough people are in the same place

>watch world first ragnaros kill>mortal strike and rend on him>no consumables>not even all raid buffs>rogues not using slide and diceyeah I wonder why they didnt 1phase him. mustve been the difficulty.

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>>507749237I've had tons of 40v40 action at the Stormpike GY choke with zero lag, I don't know what you're on about. Did you play on a shitty private server?

>>507749203Get this hothead out of here.

>>507749172>I remember on my server there was only 1 alliance guild that cleared naxx, most guilds never even stepped ini was surprised when i found out this was the norm, especially since the guild i was in was only the third best horde guild on the server (KT) i didn't realize how lucky i was to be in a good guild

Classic was great at launch, the social experience of leveling with an entire server was unparalleled.After 3 months of nothing but MC and Ony though things got much worse parsing culture started. The honour system was the final nail in the coffin though, what a horrible mistake that was. Almost as bad as Arenas in TBC

>>507749657>Arenas in TBCGet ready for SLSL and Gods-on-Earth druids.

>>507749381I'm talking about current classic servers

>>507749758Arenas and flying mounts are the two biggest mistakes blizzard has ever made and have done more to ruin WoW in it's lifetime than almost anything else

>>507749758>TBC Druids in arenasPlease don't remind me

>>507724798>Every classicfag was talking about unforgiving and challenging classic was going to be compared to retail when in fact Classic perfectly caters to the "braindead retail player" that classicfags hate.When they say unforgiving and challenging they mean that needing to be social allows the weeding out of shitty people because you don't need them to actually play the game. Yknow people like you.Also anyone who wants to play WoW every day is a fucking retard.

>>507749758what's the arena meta on tbc private servers? obviously rdruids, but what other dps/comps are viable?

>>507724106I played on nostalrius 1 and it was unironically the best vanilla throwback to me. Blizzard's attempt is full of literal e-peen tryhard cancer that all just shifted over from retail since they couldn't make it there thanks to streamers and youtubers instead of people who just wanna play classic.

>>507750028>Arenas and flying mounts are the two biggest mistakeswhat a shit opinion

>nay-sayers still seething over classic existing

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>>507750319>Blizzard's attempt is full of literal e-peen tryhard cancerthat's literally from private server dweebs though

>>507750058>needing to be sociallmaojust be good and kick shitters? literally just like in any WoW expansion.muh social experience is the perfect recipe for a trash dad gamer guild filled with redditors like you.

>>507750319its the private server people that push the autism you idiot.all those apes and their nuthuggers are private server niggers.they are the reason why your shitty moonkin isnt being brought to raids either.

>>507742130>Cross faction chat not bannable>people online 24/7 cross faction chatting>meta gaming>Discord community rampart>Discord communities run servers>Guilds powerless VS Discordall this crying bout 'current flavor of voice comms'

>>507750248God tier for 2s:rdruid + war/hunter/roguerogue+mageGod tier for 3s:rmpawar + hpal + rsham

>>507750653>awar + hpal + rsham2 healers? how funsurprised it's not a prot warrior, fucking shitters

>>507742130the community is alive though?tons of people playing and enjoying their literally just get butthurt because people dont play the game the way you want it specifically, as in playing the game wrong on purpose.

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>>507750470>lmao>just be good and kick shitters? literally just like in any WoW expansion.>muh social experience is the perfect recipe for a trash dad gamer guild filled with redditors like you.Fucking lul. I quit years ago because it's a bad game all around. For you to try to feel superior when you play WoW at all is pathetic. Classic at least doesn't try to pretend it's some sort of serious competitive game.

>>507750467Not really. 1000k people were watching a*sm*gld etc run dungeons with 3 mages and locks and as a result nobody leveled normally aside from few classes that couldn't join those runs.

>>507750765Rshamn isn't there for healing, rsham is there for purging and interrupts so the warrior could curbstomp all the priest/druids.>surprised it's not a prot warrior, fucking shittersprot warriors don't do damage in TBC, wait till wotlk and then there will be plenty of turtle cleaves.

>>507750805>Classic at least doesn't try to pretend it's some sort of serious competitive game.try joining a semi-good guild and listen to them circlejerk over speedruns and parses

>>507750805hilarious how you suddenly completely flipped the narrative, you gay little twitch speak faglet

Didn't play classic but from what I've seen, streamers DID contribute to removing part of the fun. Asmongold ran a PVP abuse ring, Devilsaur farming mafia and 13 guilds of followers to do his bidding. That shit's just toxic and unprecedented.>>507750605You're wrong. People are more connected nowadays. And that makes cross-faction chat inevitable - hence it no longer being a bannable offence.Faction pride / sense of community is dead. Discord factions / communities > WOW communities, which effectively means a source outside the game is running it. Which didn't happen 14 years ago.

>watch world first ragnaros kill>mortal strike and rend on himisn't arms somewhat not that bad for horde raiding due to windfury ?>no consumablesyou can literally see he has a mongoose pot>not even all raid buffsthat's because they died probably 30 times before downing him that night. when you die your buffs go away>rogues not using slide and diceto be honest it's not even on the dude's bars… it's strange it's like he never learned the ability somehow ?

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>he isn't doing wargames tournaments with the top PVP guiilds on his serverpathetic

>>507750995faction pride still exists retard, and gangs farming devilsaurs and over big shit was always a thing, just because its more visible now doesn't mean it wasn't happening before

TBC classic will fix EVERYTHING


I enjoyed it but I have too much of a life now to raid. A typically guild raid or pug raid that is trying to progress lasts hours, not 30 minutes. And I can't live on 4 hours of sleep for 3 week day nights. Wish I could have gotten into it more, it was a blast.

>>507751280>isn't arms somewhat not that bad for horde raiding due to windfury ?all the warriors in my guild are furythat doesn't mean that arms necessarily isn't good, because i don't know, but fury is still better

>>507724106i dont see how that is a bad thing. Im too busy for Retail. Classic is max comfy. Its the hardcore fags who ruined it for themselves

>>507751280he's also horde and using sharpening stones

>>507751410*raid designs your game that heavily favors ranged dps and forces you to bring at least 5 shamans, 2-3 shadow priests and 2 tanks*Now what?

>>507751280arms is almost ret tier bad.also I was a rogue without slice and dice in vanilla too :^))))>>507751514fury was worse than it is now as it didnt have a real bloodthirst at launch but it was always better than arms thanks to flurry I'm sure.

>>507751314mate, AssmongoloidBALD ran 24/7 devilsaur mafia accross all shards / FACTIONS (collusion) , 13 guilds AND a Honor Kill farming ring.When ever did someone as toxic as that play in Vanilla?

>>507724106t. jealous retail playerSorry kid but nobody wants to kill the literal who using DDR mechanics anymoreRunning 15 year old Molten Core in 20 minutes is more interesting than that

>>507751836>When ever did someone as toxic as that play in Vanilla?Literally any chinese guild.

>>507751836private server guilds did that on my server tooasmongold was copying those people, not the other way around

>>507751920Bugs don't count


>>507751920wasn't a thing in Aggramar, the biggest EU server at the time.>>507751980>private serversWe're talking vanilla VS classic. Private servers' communities are closer to private servers'.

>>507727953What a cunt. Don’t tell me that ugly bitch put that Boston Keene with miracle whip in the box

I quit because the majority of my friends quit over the Hong Kong game incident, and I agreed in their decision. The remaining of my friends who promised to help support our guild flaked out and some even ditched, joined another and then poached from our own guild so that anyone left trying to make it work were fucked. It all made me realize both how Blizzard as we know it is dead, that the average WoW player will always be the creatures they've been conditioned into becoming , and that WoW in general is about grinding so you can get better equipment so you can be better at grinding for better equipment. World Zerg blobs killed any possibility of having fun outside of that. Vanilla is the best among all of WoW, but from Vanilla to Retail, it's all still shit. I'm glad to finally be rid of it after 15-whatever years.

What went wrong brosWe went home... but home... was bad...

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>>507752262your friends sound like onions lives matter kind of people.

>>507751836APES did that devilsaur mafia shit on private servers

>>507752290>We went home...Then why are you still here?

>>507752290You can bring the code back, but not the people. Classic was full of streamers and trannies, a clownworld mockery of the golden years of WoW. It never had a chance.

>>507751827>also I was a rogue without slice and dice in vanilla too :^))))why do you admit to being stupid? or were you 10 y-o when you played vanilla.. ? You never used dmg meters and realized you had more dmg with snd up ?

>>507752404private =/= vanilla

>>507752636I admit it because I'm not one of those fucking posers here that probably havent even played actual vanilla posturing about how minmaxxed everybody was back then (they werent).I was like 15 and just pressed some buttons that feld good desu.vanilla was piss easy so it didnt matter and everybody was bad you can see, you can get worlds first kills by playing like shit in vanilla :^) .

>>507752891>I was like 15 and just pressed some buttons that feld good desu.vanilla was piss easy so it didnt matter and everybody was bad anyways.found the larper. you never played vanilla. Tell me more about raiding AQ40 5 days a week for 5hours, just trying to progress

>>507753053m8 we have literal screenshots from world first raiders not using sns here why are you acting like everybody was so hardc0re when it was always braindead easy?YOU are the larper.

>>507753194it's just one rogue and it's not even on his bars

>>507731621see you when tbc and shadowlands launches

>>507753381ok? he still got the world first.and not having it on his bar is even worse.absolute retard

Other MMOs are your home now. You just don't know it yet. Classic is smelly and covered in mold. Drop it and move on.

>>507751280>isn't arms somewhat not that bad for horde raiding due to windfury ?It actually is competitive with other melee early on mainly due to rogues and fury warriors either not having enough hit or sacrificing too much damage for +hit. You start hitting a wall once AQ40 gear becomes more

Uninstalled Classic WoW the moment I got kicked from a dungeon becauseI was playing Survivor melee/range mix hunter.Fuck this austistic game.

>>507753525>ok? he still got the world first.and not having it on his bar is even worse.again, not everyone in a raid is good, you and both know there are shitters in every guild

>>507754528>play a deliberately shitty unplayable build>WOOOUHHHH I WAS KICKED????? WUUUGGOOOAAAAAAHHHHH????

>>507754528deserved desu

>>507754636I can tell you right now that I dont have anybody this garbage in my current classic raid.Its almost like.People were fucking shit back then?

>>507754528Don't give up your

>>507754758the difference is that people know what's bad todayback then, they didn't. the game is 15 years old has been picked apart on private servers

>>507753993actual logs dont reflect that at all.arms performs way worse in BWL currently. worse than ferals.better than hunter though.

>>507754858>memebuild that barely functionsepbic

>>507754705>traps does more damage.>able to tank a single mob to activate the two hunter trigger skills. tank takes less damage.>wyvern stingthis is bad and unplayable lol !?

>>507755173Yes it is, go play a fucking mage and stop being dead weight you dumb fuck.

>>507724106wow classic is bigger than retail now

>>507744971they didnt, its almost exactly like vanilla

>>507755173you do no damage as melee, you have garbage damage mitigation and you drag the fights out which depletes the healers mana which is ultimately way worse for the already have an offtank for 5mans with you for fucks sake, its your also fuck with the tanks rage generation because he gets fewer mobs hitting him, but a decent tank will just pull the mobs off your ass anyways.AWFUL meme.

>>507755560no it isn't

>you think you want to, but you don'twhy was he so right bros

>>507724106>>no skill involved even in pvp, all the top wow pvpers have switched back to retail>>high ranked players are mostly frauds who abused/abusing the honor system>>Battlegrounds are broken, it's impossible to solo queue and play because you get matched up with premades specifically looking to stomp pug team every game to maximize honorBased, autistic retailfag too socially awkward to make friends or find his own premade to queue with. Instead he blames the system and DEMANDS he get hwl/gm handed to him.

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>>507758481except those people aren't your friends, they just organize people into brackets and if you don't abide they blacklist you from everything

>>507758703How would you even know? LMFAOOOO back to retail bro!

>>507758817because, unlike you apparently, i have experience with these people

>>507724106Source: "dude trust me lol"

>>507726109A few years? More like a few years ago newfag.

>>507758817you dont even play the game

>>507759038>unlike you apparently, i have experience with these peopleYou can make up all the excuses or blame all the people you want bro, it won't bring you any closer to rank 14.

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>>507759546nice retail picture

>>507759546>tells you to go back to retail>is unironically playing retailI won't even tell you to kill yourself, it's inevitable

>>507759739>>507759642Actual retards.

>>507732745Just play an RP server that’s literally what they’re for

>>507746505Once again Holla Forums is shown to have no idea what they are talking about and get btfo halfway into the thread.

>>507724106>no skill involved even in pvp, all the twitch wow pvpers have switched back to retail>Battlegrounds are broken, it's impossible to solo queue and play because you get matched up with premades specifically looking to stomp pug team every game to maximize honorNot contradictory at all, someones salty though

>>507762292PVP ranking in this game is not really about skill, its about organized honor farming and pure grinding.winning helps, but its technically not even needed.its not like TBC arena ratings.or do you mean that premades beating pugs is a skill thing? silly to say, one group is organized the other is not. its playing by completely different rules almost. premade vs premade is a different story.

i have more respect for people that play fallout 76

PVP should force everyone to use the same gear and specs to ensure balance

>>507744826like what?

>>507763492just go play a moba if you want that lmfao wow pvp is all about the imbalance

>>507762638>winning helps, but its technically not even needed.You need honor per hour, for high enough honor you need wins, unless you're on a very inactive server.>or do you mean that premades beating pugs is a skill thing?Well yes, it actually is, thats why premades are winning.Your average player has no idea how to position in BGs or anything... I know a guy who repeatedly beats premades(most of them are bad as well).It's a lot about demoralization, I've seen too many people just sit down and pout whenever they run up against a challenge, you only have yourself to blame for not getting better at the game at this point.PvP system is pretty cancer though, +16 hrs a day of ranking aint fun... I dont understand how people like Vjk function....

>>507742929It's well worth mentioning the itemization changes as well, there were mages doing the same damage in MC in Classic as mages in Naxx in vanilla(ofc theres a lot of variables... but still)

>>507764167if it's all about the imbalance then how do you explain the constant balance changes blizzard made to the game because of pvp imbalanceI will never stop being salty over Blizzard ruining PvE specs because of arena faggotry

>>507746505>Posting a screencap MOMENTS before the weekly resetFuck off

>>507724106>So can we all admit now that the anti-classic fags were 100% percent rightStopped reading there. Nope, having fun. Just hit 60 and started raiding. Suuuuuuuck my dick

>>507746118That hasn't been true for a long time. OSRS and RS3 are as neutered as retail WoW.

>it's another "people can't like things that I don't like" threadYou the niggas who change your order in mcdonalds cuz you're afraid of being made fun of for itGatdam

>>507735761Warlocks were top tier DPS in BC user, the fuck you smoking?

>>507767012yeah that was the point of my post. When warlocks are OP in BC all the faggots playing melee DPS because it's OP in classic will swap to locks