Fighting Game Girls™

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>507723678do tomboys exist

FG girls best girls

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>secondary thread

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>>507723779my mom was a tomboy

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>>507723806what's the deal with the whole "poison is/isn't trans" thingI don't follow street fighter muchis this something hinted at, blatantly stated, or just some weird headcanon?

>>507723779i was friends with one in high school a few years backshe was a lesbian but she showed me pics of her and gf having sexi think she wanted to have a threesome with me,her,and her user


>>507724108>>507724139Show pictures

>>507723876twitter is the other way around


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>>507724236sorry user I wish I saved thebut that was years ago

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>>507724125Poison is trans because she was originally just a man in drag to allow you to beat on a woman in a beat em up game, only it wasn't a woman.

too many sluts in this thread

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>>507724953>Cammy will never be cute again

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>>507723876wrong website bud

>>507723779Not anymore, they think they're boys now because of tranny propaganda.

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>>507724308>>507725112>YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW OUR HIVEMINDlol

>>507724493your mom died?

>>507723678that's a pretty unattractive ass there makoto

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Fucked a married lesbian tomboy in my class. She said my cock was bigger than her wife's strap on and wouldn't stop saying "HUGE HUGE HUGE" while I fucked her.


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>>507727086Did you do your patriotic duty and cumin cider?


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>>507725080Kill yourself Joshua.

>>507723779Yes, but they are fucking disgusting. Stick to 2D.

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I love Ramlethal!

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A quick PSA: don't main a girl character just because she makes your pp hard. Always play the character whose playstyle suits you best. There's always porn.Now, if you happen to like how the girl that makes your pp hard plays, go to town.

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Sentai mom.

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>>507724236i'm not going to put a picture of my mom on hereshe looks like the woman that got hit in the head with a golf ball by a sony employee

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>>507725080Chidori will always be cute

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>>507723678Fuck you tomboy niggers. Your asses always get beat by Best Ninja Girl.

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there's not enough Makoto fanart in the world and it hurts

>>507723678Mak is best girl.

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>>507733094Look, Ibuki is great and all, really, but Makoto is the one who makes my kokoro go doki doki. If I didn't like tomboys so much, Ibuki would be my girl

>>507731397But doing j.C into 5C for half the person's life is fun as fuck.

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Is this the tomboy thread?

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>>507734573Yeah it is. Darli made me move away from Haohmaru for the first time. Wu is also fun if you want to just fuck with people.

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>>507724125>2 Random mooks from Final Fight are women, Poison & Roxxy>While still in early development Capcom gets antsy about American audiences reaction to beating on women>Developer changes the two women into trannies>Capcom still decides to replace Poison and Roxxy from the American release of the game entirely>From this day on Capcom still plays around with the idea that Poison may be trans by throwing in random references in other games that Poison is unfeminine, or manly>Nobody remembers Roxxy or at or cares whether or not she's trans

>>507733231Fat titties


>>507725309of course a twitter tranny would quote nobody


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>>507738450Lili is legit one of my favorite characters in Tekken. Not to play as or fap to, I just like her.

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>>507723779>>507728169Yeah, 3DPD Tomboys are utterly awful to hang out with. 2D >3DPD exists for a reason

>>507738450>>507738856These two need to fuck already.

>>507739169It exists as a cope.

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>>507739363Everything in life is a cope until you die. Might as well enjoy the cope process

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Lilith Lilith Lilith Lilith

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>>507739876She really puts the Butt in SuccuBUTT huh?

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I love dead girls

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>>507733231I can't believe a cat married and fucked that

>>507740356Pussy got pussy

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>>507739572Shut the fuck up Asuka nigger. You can't even cope with your dead mom, motherfucker.

>>507723779i hope so bros

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>>507741225No need to be rude at me for stating the truth, user.

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>tfw tomboy wife grew her hair out after getting back from deploymentShe's stunning bros

>>507742237Baiken looks so cute hereI don't like it

>>507742534We're really glad for you, user.Now shut the fuck up

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>>507734939Bullet is cute, cute!

>>507725080Shut up cunt. Muscle Cammy > Smol Cammy

>>507723678I hope now that China Flu has cancelled all tournaments Capcom uses this time to put Makoto in the game

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>>507725171Sad truth right here.


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SF still is the best

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>>507742534I'm happy for younow ruin her career by making her into a broodmare

>>507723779Yes but they are RARE, rarer than the rarest gemstone. Not to mention they're practically on the verge of extinction in these trying times, with all the SJWs and trannies running around.I met one on a trip last year. She was a total autist, but I managed to get close to her, got her number and everything. I never talked to her again after the trip though.

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>>507731397ThisI play hazama but bullet sends my dick into overdrive

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>>507739876>>507740052Goddammit, she's too fucking sexy.she has her own game bros!

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>>507723678Anatomy is a little fucky around the ass/thigh/vagina region.

>>507745554Because if we weren't autists that fucked everything up, we wouldn't be here.

This girl is so happy.

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>>507745040>Not to mention they're practically on the verge of extinction in these trying times>tfw childhood friend fell into that sjw trap some time after high school

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>>507742534>deploymentbro, i have some bad news for you

>>507741083Fucking hell, Blazblue is fun, but 80% of the story and characters are pure cringe.

>>507746000>tfw the girl that liked you in high school became a man

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>>507745626Lilith proved backs can be sexy

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>>507746321The story doesn't make any fucking sense.>Nine fucked a cat>Terumi trapped the world in a time loop of destruction for several centuries>Hakumen is time travel Jin, but also the vessel Terumi needs for Susano>Whatever the fuck is going on with Hazama>Jin is a Yandere for Ragna>Ragna has 2 Yandere's after him>Celica raised Ragna and Jin, and died after losing Nirvana I guess?>Whatever Relius' deal is with the dolls>Whatever the fuck Izanami's deal is, idk what she's after>Fucking ObserversBlazblue is a clusterfuck of "This seems cool" mashed together to try to make something semi-coherent but 99% of players don't care to look into the lore and those that do just end up confused.

>>507742534You should fuck a baby into her. Several in fact. Fuck her into an early retirement so the other military dudes can't try anything.

>>507731397Play guys and beat up the girls.

My favorite. Too bad her series is dead.

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>>507747762Pretty good


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>>507746909got any more? My Capcom folder could use more Lilith

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>>507748240A ton actually

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>>507748240Holy crap she is small but she is fucking jacked

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>>507747762>White hair>Red hairbased taste.

>>507746986Characters and story honestly feel like they came out of an edgy 13yr old's doodle book.


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>>507747762Pretty good, but I feel like it could use more Mila.

this is my wife, talim

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Every girl posted so far was fucked by me

>>507731968So kinda like this?

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>>507747762Good taste.

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>>507723806this is the ideal female


>>507748767shes fast as ass!

>>507748868>>507731968i'd fuck your mom

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>>507750115she is 10/10 in 6

Filia fans, unite!

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what do we think of kolin?

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What's with this outfit? And why the spikes on her boots?

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>>507750559We don't.

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>>507750671you sure?

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>>507747762Not bad, outside of Katarina who's just kind of boring outside of her tits. I also prefer Mature's look but Vice would be the better gf.

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i love kolin's dumptruck!

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>>507723779No. Dumbshit anons have confused their doujins for reality.

>>507725171i hate shit like this man

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>>507723779Yes. The best ones aren't from the west though cause they're all gay, bi, or trans. I hear the straight ones still exist in Mexico and Japan.>>507724139>she was a lesbianAw, that sucks man.>>507724108Is she still a tomboy? Or did she get rid of her tomboyish personality?>>507725171>bisexual tomboy>trying to be FtM because she was convinced by internet people that she's actually trans instead of just a tomboy>gets gangraped by assholesThis is fucking depressing.

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>>507727086Based.>>507738450>>507738856>>507739197>lesbian shitNo way fags.

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>>507725171I love how extreme people can be sometimes, it's like you can't be friends with someone and keep them at arms length and help them if you don't want to fuck themWild

>>507727086>bigger than her wife's strap oncan't believe you fell for that shit

>>507753038I don't really care about Yuri, but I think Lili is a fun character. It's actually canon that she finds Ganryu attractive too, because he reminds her of her dad or something like that.

Remember to find your tomboy gf and protect her from the sins and degenerates of the world!

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>>507725171from that "tranny orgy" part it sounds like some over the top doujin but with these degenerates you never know.

>>507723678This is what peak performance looks like. You may not like it, but it's the truth.

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>>507753316There should be a game with a shotgun named Tomboy. Only problem is that DMC5 already sort of did that by naming one of Nero's robot arms Tomboy.

>>507723678I love her tomboyishness, but, why does everybody always draw her really weird?

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>>507753234That's ok. I just really hate that stereotype of "tomboys/cool/tough women are all gay/bi". It's disgusting.

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Still waiting...

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>>507753520>There should be a game with a shotgun named TomboyLike you said, DMC5 kinda beat you to the punch. I just want a game where you play as a tomboy trying to rescue her boyfriend from evil and the gameplay is like a 3D beat em up in the vein of God Hand.

>>507741468>tomboy Elana

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>>507753626We need to protect that guy from her!

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>>507736352>retard newfag thinks greentext is only for quotingretard

>>507753326>porn sick sex obsessed trannies>gullible girl who trusts internet trannies It's pretty believable. What doujins are you reading where 5 trannies gang bang a tomboy?

>>507747762The only thing holding Laura back for me is her hair. Now if her left side was just a mirror of her big feathered right side...

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>>507753913God I love short messy hair

>>507753797I mean, River City Girls is about two girls beating up people to save their bfs and one of them is a tomboy.

>>507753913Valentine's Day look is perfect.

>>507753901I've never seen that said so well.

>>507727086and then everybody clapped


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>>507740324>>507753332based squiggers

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>>507754643oh hey I know this one, because that was me, I was very drunk, and now I see people repost it in dumps like twitter. As if those savages will ever understand

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>>507754643Dis man be a true tomboy nigga

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>>507724953why are her arms firehydrants

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>>507754903God bless you. You can't truly explain the experience of vision to those born without sight, nor music to those born without hearing. Likewise, you can't explain the appeal of tomboys to those born without taste.

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>>507755272I'm getting too old to chase that dream anymore so I hope I can at least keep some anons from giving up easily

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>>507754643>>507754910>mfw trying to get with a tomboy who's also a dancer for cuddles and consensual sex in the missionary positionIt's going well but fuck she isn't making it easy. Going to make this feel so much better if we date.

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>>507725112>right website budFTFY

you guys just want to have sex with women >:[, that's naughty.

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>>507731397Thats soulless. Play the character you like and learn to adapt to its playstyle. Even if it's not ideal. Otherwise it feels like settling.

>>507754048>River City Girls is about two girls beating up people to save their bfs and one of them is a tomboy.Few things:1. One of the devs of the game is a huge cunt.2. They pulled a twist with the ending because of a joke on the whole localization differences between the western and eastern versions of the game. The ending was dissappointing at the time.3. They doubled back on that ending with the "true ending" where they get with their bfs and everything was fine, only I already lost interest because of that other ending they did.Still, we need more games with tomboys saving boys from danger and making them their lovers.

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>Hey nerd! Where is last night's homework!?!? I don't have time for stupid shit like that! Wrestling is all that matters! What do you mean you didn't do it?

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>>507755458Unfortunately I'm a girl fetishist... :(

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>>507755458Yea... Been having sex with myself for so long that it's gotten boring. >:[

>>507755539The original ending is better

>>507754643>a girl who reserves her feminine side for those she loves instead of using it to pull in menBiggest bullshit lie there is. Most of them are whores who have 90% male friends because ''girls are too much drama xd''. They turn out to be the biggest disloyal sluts. Ask me how I know

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>>507755717Still simultaneously the cutest, hottest, and most bad ass thing I've ever seen.

cute friends

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>>507755846Both endings were underwhelming and rushed, but the one where they actually get their bf's was the better one.

>>507755481You deserve a cookie. :D(Glad my character is nearly S tier)


>>507756005I forgot how Ibuki's story in SF4 was literally her Quest for Cock.

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>>507725171>tell someone who was raped by 5 people she shouldn't have done socomplete fucking asshole.

>>507755912>confusing 2d shit with 3d

>>507756018Underwhelming and rushed endings are the norm for the genre.

>>507755481What if the character I like is also a playstyle I like.It's Jack-O. Fight me.

>>507753901i don't understand this comparison, they're not even in the same sexual markets. people obsessed with traps are gay males (often into crossdressing as well) and people obsessed with tomboys are mostly straight men into femdom or straight men annoyed with women to the point they want women that behave like mennormal straight men prefer girls who exude femininity like B. Jenet

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>>507755912> 90% male friends because ''girls are too much drama xd''i mean everyone knows girls who say this caused the drama to get the evicted from their female groups

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>>507756234O. well in that case, carry on.

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>>507752648I'll take "What are containment boards?" for 800, Alex!

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>>507755481I play grapplers. 90% of female characters in fighting games are some sort of rushdown, mixup, or spacing character. Forcing myself to play whatever girl I find the most attractive always ends up with me not having fun.I'm not going to play Rose over Sodom, Bullet over Tager, Valentine over Big Band, etc. Sometimes I like female characters for their gameplay and looks both (Darli from SamSho, Kanae from Blitzkampf, Love Heart from KOFXIV) but those are just happy accidents.

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I have already coomed 5 times today.

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Post "girls"

>>507723779pretty much just cool fitgirlsemphasis on the "cool" partso pretty rare

>>507725171>Got cucked by literal men in dress tranniesFUCKING LOL. In fairness, if she fell for that so easily then she was probably mentally weak to begin with at a very questionable psyche. She probably would've snapped on you at some point down the line for "confusing her in her gender identity" like she already tried to claim once. He'd probably be dead right now.

>>507723779if by tomboys you mean the full package of what a tomboy should be, then no way in hell never everif you just mean some boyish chick, then sure whatever, by the truckloads

>>507751979>>507750992>>507750559>>507753565>>507753716>>507755357>>507756189Am I the only one who finds the shape of Kolin's ass in game to be really weird? Combine that with her face and its just a no from me.Cammy till the end.

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>>507756917kolin is the ass queen

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>>507756884They do for a very short time. If they get on the internet though, or befriend someone who spends a lot of time on it, kiss that shit goodbye. They will be brainwashed into thinking they are trans. Without fail.


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>>507723779They aren't females.

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>>507749217>ChieUnequivocally based.

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>>507757113Yeah, I don't know man.It just looks strange. Not properly proportioned, not perky. I'll stick with Cammy.

>>507757405this is the worst opinion i've ever seen in my life

barebreasted bimbo fighting game

>>507753332Reminder that Double would give the best blowjobs cause she's a shapeshifter.Also, Juri is the best SF girl.

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>Western games bent on ugly "feminist" females that will be forgotten in a day>Based Japanese fighting game devs provide endless supply of thicc strongs and tomboys with lasting appealI have wanted to fuck Chun-Li sense before I knew what fucking is.


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>>507725171>female who behaves like a man and tries to look like a man starts thinking she is a literal mangee color me surprised

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>I never give up...

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Poison in V is fucking illegal.

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>>507757162post more josie if you have any

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>>507725171>I completely forgot its a tf2 thread but i enjoyed ur story anonAAHHAHAHAHAHpoor dude though

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>>507757405>>507723779>>507757651this literally happened to mebest friend from elementary school was a tomboy and she turned out to be gay, but then she went even further and cut off her tits and changed her name which was already gender neutral and took fucking male hormonesnow they just post textbook libshit garbage on facebook all the timethey might as well have died

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>>507754903Only true patricians can ever hope to understand.

>>507757690Juri and Cammy are in a tier above all the rest.Menat joined that tier with SFV.

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>>507725089I would.

I sometimes wish R6 was a fighting game so I could post my operatorfu in these threads and she would get more attention.

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>>507731397Jokes on you user, I do both. I specifically find girls that suit my playstyle. Tekken 7 and Under Night are the only games without one. Here're all my mains>Tsubaki in Blazblue (Fuck Izayoi)>Juri/Lucia in SF5>Vanessa/Mature/Sylvie/Vice in KOF14>Narmaya in Granblue>Chaos in Undernight with Pocket wind girl

>>507745850Bullshit. I still come here for pure, unfiltered opinions and news about all types of games because no where else online does that and I was married to a UK model for 10 years, got divorced and I have a new big titty goth GF.You are never leaving.

>>507749217>Chie and LadyBased beyond all measure

I play fighting games for the cute boys, thank you very much.

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>>507758018Don't have anything lewd, just shots of my customs.

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>>507731397>he uses a female

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>>507758127You should have tried to save her.

>>507758127my tomboy childhood bff just turned out lesbo, never did any tranny shit though thankfully,still actually friends with her, not sure if that's a good idea but what can you do

>>507758403Fuck off with your tumblr chart back to >>>/lgbt/. Poison isn't a tranny.

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>>507747762>Laura still has no good art all these years laterFuck this gay earth.

Tessa is an underrated Capcom girl.

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>>507756204She deserved it though

>>507758706weak self insert bullshit

>>507758403At most a futa/newhalf.Fuck off, tranny.

It's sad that I can't masturbate more than once every few hours.


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>>507758706I wonder how long it'll be before these retards are saying shit like "if a man says he wants to have sex with women, he's trans"

>>507756204play with trannies, get raped

>>507725171>Chad transsexuals who can’t pass cucked an user out of a tomboy

>>507758702>>507758940too bad then

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>>507756359why does this shota have tits?

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>>507757405I'm assuming this isn't a mainstream opinion, because it doesn't sound very spectrum friendly.What's with trannies saying whether everyone else is trans or not, like those lunatics who said Peter Parker must secretly want to be a girl because he doesn't know how to tie a bow tie?

>>507758883Level up

>>507759279"gender is a spectrum" is an abandoned creed the moment a young man likes a feminine hobby or a young woman likes a masculine hobby

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>>507758706>deviantart profileLet's see that hairline, sweatie

>>507758753Poison needs to join the 41%.

just bought thisfeels good man

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broke: hating trans people because of politicsbespoke: hating trans people because they somehow ruined both twinks and tomboys simultaneously

>>507759894>he doesn't hate all threeThey're the unholy trinity.

>>507759020It's all children's arguments, like when you'd fight over who the puppy liked better or who got to be the red ranger. Only time it bothers me is when they claim a little boy wearing high heels once means he's gay/drag/trans/whatever is the trend of the day.Back on topic

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>>507759683Only SF fig I have is that Kotobukiya Juri fig. Its nice though. Would like a nice Cammy one too.And Menat.

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>>507759632Poison's pre-modern trannies, so she's cool(she's also pre op)

>>507760046>shippers made thisRyu and Chun aren't gonna fuck.

>>507757405>tomboys are the grossest fucking aestheticit's not that bad, but it's pretty badcould be far worse, tomboyfags have a long way to go before they sink to barafags levels

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>>507760040what? there's nothing wrong with effemenate males or boyish females as long as they still recognize what they are and don't try to turn it into some political crusade against normal people and demand privileges for being weird

>>507759894Real shit is hating them because of all 3 reasons and because they are disgusting human beings.

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>>507759894When I am king by divine right, I will personally hunt down and execute all trannies as vengeance for all the tomboy lives they destroyed

>>507760168Trannies like him need to dilate along with Seth.

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>>507759683Gonna cum on or what user

>>507760298>don't try to turn it into some political crusade against normal people and demand privileges for being weirdYet.

>>507760079kotobukiya juri is hnnnngh

>>507759475SNK is a miracle of the universe.

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>>507760671I want to marry that bird

>>507760671>still causing controversy

>>507758734More like getting cucked.

Fucking love these threads because of how they remind me of how much of a retard I am. Legit thought I was gay for a few months.

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>>507759683Can you remove her clothing for us?

>>507723779>>507725171Trannies ruining everything.

>>507760890How the fuck do you THINK you're gay?Surely you'd be able to tell just by looking at some dude and waiting for the boner to happen or not

>>507758018Goddamn I love Skarlet

>>507760890What do you mean you thought you were gay? Were you like experimenting for a while or something? I'm just confused as to how you can think you are gay for months and then suddenly realize you are indeed not a homosexual.

>>507761352I thought i was dating a dude and never found out until we fucked. its a long story but the thread is gonna die

>>507761603You gotta spill the fucking beans now user, don't leave us hanging.

>>507725171Fucking saved.

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>>507760367ok. I'd totally fuck Princess bowser, she's got some serious saber face going on.

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>no IrohaFaggots

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>>507761808Chaps are surprisingly hot. Like, a chick in chaps with no underwear? I'm with it all the way.

>>507756204>breaks up with somebody she knew and worked with irl because of modern and untested identity politics that are obviously bullshit then skips work to go to an orgy>not her faultI'm sure you very well could be trying to bait, but the world doesn't need enablers or expected forgiveness.

>>507762038>fuck Princess bowserThat's gay.

I wish SFIV & SFxT was active on PC

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>>507760671They cucked out on their twitter


>>507762179>Blackedlol faggot.

>>507723779My girlfriend is a bit of a tomboy, but she likes doing girly stuff now that were in our mid 20s

>>507762236>nooo you can't be made to maintain professionalism on a corporate account not the hecking community managerino

>>5077565426 times now.

>>507762426>nooo you cant have balls! You have to succumb to a sjw's feefees that didn't intend to buy your game to begin with

>>507731397The only archetypes I don't like are charge characters and stance dancers. Still plenty of choices beyond that.

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>>507762426Question is though, was it that bad? They're no different to other cooperations to the point of promoting suicide.


>>507762675Blame China.

>>507761708>in community college, in CALIFORNIA>first year as well>college im at is pretty liberal>took a sociology class because i needed the units>get late to class on first day >walk in and there's only two seats open next to the door>a few minutes later someone else is late>some far east asian dude, found out they're korean>extremely cute, like cute enough to question my sexuality>they seem extremely shy or their face is just red from being sick>they take a seat next to me and class moves on to topic we have to discuss with someone next to us>topic is about how crime exists in society or some shit>i do that thing where you look around because nobody knows each other and you're waiting for the other person to talk first>korean dude is looking down at their desk>decide to talk first since we have to share our answers and i know this dude is probably gonna die if he has to say something>bring up some stupid shit like how in asia crime exists mostly in high collar areas, no idea if its true or not>ask him if it is >he opens his mouth and whispers i dont know in broken english>at this point i realized this was gonna be what the semester next to them would be like and i start to plan out how to become his friend>class ends we share our answers and the teacher tells us to share our numbers with each other to help out>got korean dude's number and found out his name is Eunji >day ends and i go home to figure out if im gay>decide to keep going and see if i amshould i continue? i feel like im typing an essay that sucks

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>>507762064I want to impregnate and marry this bird

Best Capcom girl.

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>>507762796suresounds interesting

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>>507752774You know this morning I had a thought, that modern children's shows aren't teaching kids about friendship or being comfortable with your self or growing your talents proudly. They're all about a teaching a single specific lesson each episode that's usually some newage social acceptance something or another, and I was thinking maybe they aren't learning core values people need to grow up, maybe its really just telling people to be spiteful if they don't agree with some political message. I wasn't expecting to remember it at this point in time or ever really, but your post made me remember and I swear to God if I ever have little girl I'm buying her a DVD boxset of Pretty Cure and that's what she's going to grow up watching.

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>>507762912Very classic. However, I'd like to ask if you have any pics of Jaycee

>>507751103Where is the peenus


>>507763221In your heart.

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>>507755912Okay, how do you know about it?

>>507723779yes, they are the best bros that you can have


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>>507763190Recently learned that Laura shares a VA with MvC3 Felicia. Not that important, but interesting. The girl that does their voices is pretty cute too.

>>507723876yes and? Where do you think you are?

>>507753928who are you quoting?

>>507763340Dated one. Broke up with me. After the break up she messed around with literally all her male ''friends''

>>507758403The creators literally said she's female dumb fucking liberal.

>>507763158It does look like anime is a good choice for that. Think about how many are still about family, friends, responsibility, and so on. That or I'd just buy old stuff like BTAS and stuff from that era.


>>507762426Those tweets had a positive response except for those cumdumpsters

>>507763158>Pretty Curebasedand curepilled

>>507762426>Promoting fighting games and fighting game girls which are the epitome of sexy design>But you can't acknowdlege that the deliberately sexual girl with giant tits and asses on screen are hotClown world.

>>507757405i love this tweet, not for the content, but because the whole world bullied that tranny into suicideit was awesome

Reminder that trannies are just cultists. If people were allowed to live as their true selves, as either tomboys or femboys, they would be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, sometimes they get groomed into thinking they have problems that don't exist and that it can only be "treated" with drugs and bodily mutilation. But in reality, no one is ever happy when they "transition". It's just a meme that ruins lives. The tranny fad needs to die and people need to start accepting and loving themselves for who they really are. Natural traps and tomboys who don't get tricked into taking damaging hormones or getting heinous surgeries are always a million times happier and more attractive than these tranny abominations. If you support or enable trannies in any way, you are not a good person. You are part of the problem. Trannies are an active death cult that recruits through bullying, gaslighting and harassment. They go out of their way to make people feel uncomfortable with their true selves so that they feel more dependent upon the tranny cult and its backhanded encouragement. If you have any love for tomboys or androgynous men, or if you just don't like seeing people get hurt, it's your job to speak out against trannyism and point out the damage it causes. It's not a real sexuality. It's not a real identity. It's not even a real mental illness. It's simply a dangerous fad started by fetishists and enabled by politically obsessed sycophants, and it needs to be stopped before more people ruin their bodies and their lives.

>>507723678Is a girl still a tomboy if she likes vidya/anime but isn't into sports?

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>>507763654Hell even the ones with gay characters, the message is "it's okay to be different". I was unironically cool with anything gay or trans when I thought that was the message, now it's "CALL ME MAAM OR THE TRANNY GETS IT".

>>507764141I'd say so. It's a different breed of tomboy, and equally as important and deserving of our undying love.

I'mma just post shit.

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>>507764141That's a Tumblr girl, and a huge red flag.

>"Post hot VIDEOGAME girls!">Devolves into transgender debateI think that all discussion of transgender issues should be banned from 4chan because clearly you people can't handle it and use every single thread topic as a way to invite debate about it. And every single time I jump into the debate, people get mad at me for "going off topic" when it was some random Holla Forumstard dipshit that brings it up first every single fucking time.No, "the transgenders" are not taking your precious "tomboys" away and I fucking hate this narrative. It's really fucking difficult to actually start to transition, requires multiple doctors to sign off on and getting the surgery (which a lot don't) costs thousands of dollars. People don't just do it on a whim and most transgender people are born this way and realize that they're trans at a very young age. I don't understand how you people get this fucked up idea in your minds that you can make your own decisions about your identity and that you're capable of rational thought yet somehow other fully grown adults just aren't capable of making their own decisions about their identity so you have to jump in and make it for them.This narrative comes entirely from selfishness. "No!!! My tomboy GF is transgender??? I can't love them anymore!!! They have to be a girl or I can't love them even though I am literally fetishizing tomboys BECAUSE of their masculine traits!" or, "NO!!! My fictional dream tomboy gf that I COULD have had doesn't exist because the TRANSGENDERS have probably BRAINWASHED HER!!!"Because it's completely out of the question that you love unconditionally and respect someone independent of their gender identity or just be gay and like men. Because hey, if people *choose* to be transgender, can't you just *choose* to like your transgender tomboy gf despite them being a man?You people are like the person that made pic related, but instead of it being a retarded joke, you honest to god believe that this is real.

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>>507725171>have tomboy gf>start putting her in dresses and making her do girly shit instead of enjoying the tomboy gffuck this faggot


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>>507764390He said vidya and anime, not HunieCam and Dr. Who.


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reminder that fg c*mbrains can't make it out of bronze

>>507764406>you can make your own decisions about your identityBut I never did?I was born with a penis, the end.


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>>507764356post sweat


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>>507723779No, but I wish they did.

>>507764406If my tomboy gf is transgender, she's a tomboy bfCope, dilate,seethe

>>507764730>>507764697If I can find something. It's a bit difficult finding things that I can post here in my folders.>I immediately find something to post.Well, I'll try to find more user.

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>>507764406Mentally ill poster

>>507754903Alcohol and tears are the oils that grease the gears of a poet, user. We're glad to have you and I hope that one day, you'll find that tomboy you dreamed of.

>>507723678My balls ache from this thread.


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>>507727086we salute you, champ

>>507763038i'll move it quickly>fast forward a few months and im a friend of his>know some stuff about him like how he lives in the us by himself, cant drive, and eats pop tarts in the cafe area microwaved>most of the time im talking to him with the occasional uh huh and yeah>seems like he doesnt really listen but towards the end of the semester he remembers my birthday is the same day as our final>gifts me a 4x4 twix bar because i joked about how twix is the master race of candy bars>after final i decide to make a move, dont really care if im gay at this point>ask him if he wants to get dinner since i also live on my own>he tells me no>says that i can go to his place because he'll make me dinner instead>internal reaction is happy screaming>keep cool face and say alright i'll drive us there since he takes the bus to school>i finish my final early and go research gay sex just in case something happens>he finishes a few minutes after me though so i only got the condensed tips>drive us to his place and it looks like a girls home>frilly shit everywhere>live, love, laugh sign on the ground not hung up yet>eh whatever im gay too at this point so i cant make fun of him>he makes kimchi fried rice and its pretty gud, cant drink since we're underage so we just have some red bull mixed with baja blast>apparently its his special brewGonna continue, reached max word count.

>>507726870based and tronne pilled

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>>507764910>I'll try to find morenice

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>>507765346>>507765130I just realized I don't have a dedicated folder for it, so I may not have any more than that. I love Krekkov and never thought to save any of his work cause I'm stupid.

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>>507764406Every single person I know who ended up becoming Trans did it because there was some other mahor issue that the gender disphoria was masking. (Depression, an Abusive relationship, Getting Ganondorf'd by the rest of your family etc. etc.) They all thought that by being Trans they would get accepted for who they were, when none of them realized they were already being accepted for who they were...

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>>507764406trannies are dumb lmao


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>>507758127>and cut off her titsThat's just depressing. All boobs are precious. Even modest ones.postan fightan girls

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>>507746325OH MY GOD THIS HAPPENED>high school years>go to local card shop>androgynous looking girl starts showing up to play weebshit card games to get out of the house >enjoys herself and doesn't feel threatened by the regulars since she isn't that conventionally attractive>don't talk to her too much but honestly had a crush on her but i 17 and she 14 so i NOPE'D the fuck out of any horny thougths>after six months or so she stops showing up >people come people go so i don't think much of it>5 years later>see "her" again at another shop and "she" is still playing games with other groups>still kinda cute but she got a dyke as fuck haircut, grew some muscle mass and has visible cutting scars>HEY user IT'S ME REMEMBER ME?>o-oh i'm sorry it's user (male) now but it's been so long so it's fine.>other than FTMing user (male) hasn't changed a bit>turned out after some grilling from her newer friends that she is too poor to properly transition but decided to take the male pill because she felt super insecure about not being attractive>i could have made my intentions clear and at least partially avoid her going down the tranny path>begrudgingly accept "his" decision

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>>507749779Thats a rednecks daughter

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>>507755539>best girl is unplayable and not even a fucking enemyFUCKING WAYFORWARD WHY EVEN TEASE ME LIKE THIS

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>>507765090>we chat and hang out for a few hours before we decide to watch a movie>decide to watch promare since i had a rip of it from before it came out in the us on my phone>we sit next to each other stiffly on his couch>pretty sure he was as horny as i was at that point>decide to do the whole lift arm and put it around the other person>before i can even wrap it around he straddles my lap and starts to make out with me>he gets really into it and starts eating my face pretty much>my hard on is pretty obvious at this point and it looks im gonna rip my pants>notices he doesn't have a hard-on but think he's just small >he sticks his hands down my pants and grabs it>he starts to rub it inside my pants and i decide to return the favor>stick my hand inside his and get ready for a dick>nothing>there's nothing there>feel around something i slipped inside her>she starts moaning and i just realized i was not gay at that point>cant tell whether or not its a good thing or if im just that stupid>whatever we end up taking our pants off and i get to see it completely>no scars no marks, just a completely shaven pussy>get a condom and put one on before getting in her slowly>she says that its her first time>birthday is just full of wins today>start pulling her shirt up and see that she has boobs but they look like she's just budding>she's completely female>go at it for a few hours until i run out of condoms>she cleans me up with her mouth to end the session>want to spend the night at her place but i have to feed my neighbor's cat>decide to just come back afterwards>picked up some more condoms and did it throughout the night>fall asleep when the sun comes up>wake up at noon and she's cooking steamed egg with rice>completely naked with just my shirt on>decide to check again and she's a girlThat's how I thought I was gay and found out I wasn't in the span of a few months. Sorry for taking so long, I'm sure no is reading at this point.

>>507765689This is an okay post, but it operates under the assumption that transitioning doesn't work for a majority of people. Your hypothesis doesn't account for all of the transgender people that transitioning does work for and also, "every person I know" is still a very VERY small handful of single anecdotal incidents that don't form an entire trend.>>507766303Exactly. This guy gets it. Love and attraction is independent of gender identity. If you like someone, you should like them independent of what genitals they have.

>>507766105>>507765130This work?I'm also almost out. Just a few Juri pics and everything after that is too NSFW for this board.

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>armpit licking

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>>507765090>>507766239lucky fuck but also>go research gay sex just in case something happensfucking kek

>>507766356>Love and attraction is independent of gender identity.

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>>507762796>>507765090>>507766239You lucky bastard, FUCK YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH

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>>507766870One more after this and I'm done.

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>>507764512If I wanna tryhard I'll play racing games because I'm actually halfway decent at those

>>507766239>>507765090>>507762796cute story but you actually are a dumbass. pretty sure you're bisexual as well

>>507766960Last one. Enjoy them anons.

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>>507767052the beauty and the beast

>>507767052Search this page

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