
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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>>507721456God I wish that were me

This is a video game board

>>507721456>what went wrong?v3 ending

>>507721769>implying they're not video games


>>507721456>what went wrong?The games being ported to moblie phones, going to be butchered, that for sure.

>>507721845glorified books aren't video games very sorry

I've never played a dingdongrongdong game. What are they about?

>>507723424>gameyou read them and have a quiz inbetween to make sure you're paying attention to its shit story

>>507721456>what went wrong?V3's ending

>>507723424Kids get trapped in a school by a jackass teddy bear, need to kill someone and not get caught to get out. Kinda like Ace Attourney meets 999 with a splash of Persona paint.>>507723690Who hurt you?

gonna have to use this thread to ask what are the best games with a gyaru MC?

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>>507724097>Who hurt you?danganronpa and Holla Forums

>>507724884gonna have to use this thread to ask what are the best doujin with a gyaru MC? sauce me user.

>>507724097It sounds fun. I start with the first right?

>>507725137e-hentai.org/g/1626993/ff3c6b5518/enjoy fellow gyaru lover


All coomers, trannies and fujoshis that are the absolute majority of danganfags should be lynched and hanged in minecraft>>507721769This.

>>507727570fuck off nobody asked plus you're white


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>>507724065retard alert

Can someone give me a quick rundown of the v3 ending?

>>507729882the entire Danganronpa SERIES (anime, games, spinoffs, etc...) was just reality TV bullshit from the very beginning and V3 kills off the series in a literal sense.

>>507730146thank god, unfortunately there will be no more fujoshis to troll...

>>507721456Who is this semen demon

>>507729882V3 takes place in a world were Danganronpa 1-3 were games and anime just like ours, except people were so into the series that they made a reality TV show version of it where real kids get brainwashed into thinking they have ultimate talents and/or are in the world of Danganronpa. Everyone get's all depressed because their whole life was a lie until Shuichi argues that even though their pasts are fiction, they are still real people and it's wrong to have them to be forced to kill each other. In a final vote the outside world sides with Shuichi and decides to end the killing games for good and spare the remaining student's lives.

>>507722005If phones can run 3d shit like RAID SHADOW LEGENDS. I think Danganronpa will do fine.

>>507730146t. speedreader

>>507721456>What went wrongI would say that the series started going downhill once the fanbase became more fans of the anime tropes and aesthetics of the game rather than the actual quality of the story and writing.The first game is actually really well designed in the sense that the pacing of gradual reveal of the mystery was very engaging and masterfully done.But the fans never raved about how well the story was plotted, only over how cute Junko looked or how funny the hall moniter guy was.And because of this each other game is written and plotted like shit, with dr2 unable to make an ending that worked, and v3 being a legitimately bad game. But no one cares as long as the girls have big tits, and the boys are all perfect cinnamon rolls. God damn I hate weebs, they are the enemy of good writing


>>507723424They are murder mystery VNs with a unique premise and many gameplay and choice elements. You solve individual murder mysteries while slowing uncovering the grand mystery of the game. That mixed with an unique presentation and a load of anime bullshit

>>507731217why is good writing and cute girl mutually exclusive? if they could not make a good story its not because they put cute girls in the game is because they failed in that department

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>>507729882So v3 is actually set in a world were Danganronpa is so popular that they started making real world killing games of it.Much of the elements of the game, like the absurd characters, the rehashed plot, and the scrappydoo-esque monokubs are all supposed to be foreshadowing that Danganronpa in universe is a show that has well jumped over the shark.Basically the ending twist was planned before the rest of the game and so they made the rest of the game shit so they could foreshadow the ending

>>507721828>went went wrong?Wrong, DR3 ending. V3 was good.

>>507731695You *can* have good writing and anime shit, but once you only start focusing on the anime shit, and attract fans only looking for more anime shit, the writers start to slack.Like if Fallout fans hadn't cared about the writing in those games ad only cared about the combat, you would see the combat get prioritized over the writing.Also having more down to earth scenarios is good for this type of thriller mystery, and the crazy characters who party and just hang out downplay that tension. So in this context there is some exclusivity

V3 is shit because it established an alternative universe that no one cares about

>>507732576What's even worse is that they didn't bother going all the way with it. They still trot out the bloated lore of the Hope's Peak arc again. Ruining the whole point of having a new game with a disconnected story.

>>507732218I agree with your point about how it would be more immersive if the characters are not anime, but they still can be attractive just not over the top anime.In the end I still disagree with you thinking is that big of a deal considering different people are in charge of art and writing and a story being bad is most likely due to the writer being bad himself UNLESS they force him put a certain character stereotype in his story out of the blue which I doubt happens

>>507732992Oh I must not have read your post that well, of course attractive looking characters are no problem to writing.But in anime, having just a character who is attractive isn't enough, usually an otaku would want those characters to be engaged in a bunch of cartoon antics or situations they would fine 'kawaii' And placing them in front of the actual pacing of the game like Dr2 does with much of it's plot, can take you out of the game and or harm it's pacing.

>>507733413you know what, although sidequests dont make that much sense in a VN a good way to avoid these problems would be to put these kind of over the top characterizations mostly out of the main story, then they could do both I guess

>>507731974>ruining the series>goodnice joke

What will save this thread?

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>>507721456She died.

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>>507731217>only over how cute Junko lookedCan they really be blamed though?

>>507734062DR3 ruined the series.

>>507735451Yes.Them liking a bunch of anime tropes over what actually made Danganronpa unique is what doomed the series

>>507721456Creator was forced to make creation much lighter in tone than he wanted and after that forced to make more.

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>>507735987GOD I wish i was naegi so i could pound that despair pussy every morning, afternoon and night

>>507721456>what went wrong?They still haven't made an anime for the 2nd and 3rd game. I don't care how much they gotta trim down or butcher it, I want my damn anime!

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>>507735472>DR3 ruined the series.and then V3 killed it off

>>507737090Fair enough.

>>507721456Her being the most popular characterIf you have a problem with the series, chances are it can be traced back to her

I love my gorgeous wife!

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>>507741043If Tenko was real I would totally be her simp

>thread desolves into the same crap everytime it starts to diewowreally sure is >>>/vg/ in here

>>507741239>thread on Holla Forums>is shitWow that's never happened before

Post best girl.


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>>507742312she based

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>>507742654he said girl, not lines of code

>>507743194She's female lines of code.

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>>507743343lines of code don't have a gender SJW

>>507743506This set does.

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How the hell did they get Junko so right the first time, bros? It's almost unfair towards the other girls how absolutely perfect she is.

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>>507744312Good taste

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>>507748906Because the series is dead, retard. Wait until the next major announcement.

>>507742654based. if I had any Chiaki pics on my computer I'd contribute.


>>507721456fandom. literally the fans.

>>507750121Lucky for you I have around 2,000.

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>>507750694Excellent taste user. I admire your dedication. If you ever want to throw them on Google Drive or Mega, that'd be great.

Why are western cosplayers all BPD sluts?

>>507751049>westernanon, all women are BPD sluts.

>>507723424They're a shitty umineko

>>507729882Everything was a dream.

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>>507749357We're getting fucking monthly announcements though>>507751975She should be blushing too

>>507750865It's gonna take a while to upload them all.

>>50772185753 installments of Junko every time

>>507752586As it should be.

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>>507752536Yeah, and we already got last months and talked about it a bunch, wait until the next one.

hehe dangly grandpa xDD


>>507755324he means dang it ron paul

>>507756268I don't get it.

Mondo... there was a better way to show Chihiro your strength in the locker room.

>>507752568If you do that, it'd be awesome. If not, no big deal.

>>507757956600 left.

>>507758281You are credit to team, user. Thank you.

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How many pictures of your waifu's do you have anons? I have __400

Hiros prediction about him and Makoto having babies with the same woman is honestly one of the funniest jokes I've seen in a video game. The payoff in the bad end is great

>>507757347does it involve>rape

This is now Junko appreciation thread. Post Junko.

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>>507758281Dunno how far along it is, but I gotta pass out. If you want to send me the link, that'd be great - I'm at Fernando@(81 times 114) on Discord. Writing it that way to avoid spambots reading the archive. Thanks based user.

>>507763818Unfortunately I don't have Discord. Hopefully you check the archives in the morning.mega.nz/folder/6khlUIqD#bmiqjgRywIbMQpznOROAAA

>>>/vg/ >>>/trash/>>>/vg/ >>>/trash/>>>/vg/ >>>/trash/>>>/vg/ >>>/trash/>>>/vg/ >>>/trash/>>>/vg/ >>>/trash/

>>507721456>>>/lit/is that way

>>507721456holy shit user that's what zoe quinn looks like??

>>507766461You gotta let it go, man

>>507766629but it looks just like him

>>507766461>zoe quinnLiterally who?