Lobotomy Corporation Thread


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Price for the early access version Library of Ruinia has been posted on Project Moons twitter account: twitter.com/ProjMoonStudio/status/1260065494691794947USD: $24.99KRW: ₩26,000JPY: ¥2,570CNY: ¥160A later tweet reaffirmed that the price will increase as more content is added.

Is there any Holla Forums-sanctioned guide(s) for 100%ing this game or just guides in general? There is the wiki and some steam guides but these only serve to get a basic understanding of the game and not clear guides or strategies for anomalies, core supressions, ordeals, etc.I also can't into moon.

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>>507721680Does that mean new floors will be DLC?

>Big Bad Wolf suddenly escapes>wanders into central that is empty so might as well send the rabbits>just runs away and the rabbits do nothingI thought the rabbits locked down the department?

>>507722201It's early access, what do you think.

>>507722547I never bought an early access game in my life so I wouldn't know fuckface

mega.nz/file/8ItTxYSD#wVxwpcfa22SUaia-YAszvm22-9dx0judEpvqC2XGhqYNot yet completely polished and might contain possible bugs but finished in all aspects Crimson Midnight, I've put it at 25% chance to be picked for midnight (so it functions like normal midnight but now you have not 33% each chance but 25% each). I can make version that spawns 100% on dawn if anyone wants to try it out.>>507722201The price of LoR to buy will rise but floors are not DLC, they are free for anyone who bought the game

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>>507722201new floors are slated as free updates according to their twitter i think

>New manualNot gonna lie, if I wasn't already invested in the characters and story from LobCorp I would never buy this substandard darkest dungeon clone #4193572

>>507722480Big and Might be Bad Wolf can transform into a cloud to go full speed if i recall correctly

>Call Rabbits on Geburah meltdown phase 1THANKS FOR DOING IT FOR FREE SUCKERS

>current run at day 33>suppress 3 DIFFERENT Aleph>all i have is blue star and [CENSORED]I can't fucking suppress this shit with my current gear, damn.How do you even reliably suppress blue star without everyone dying from their foot fetish? even in my old run when i had a bunch of gigachads i never managed to suppress it without all the shitters getting sucked in. The facility wide damage seems just way too strong. In my opinion the hardest aleph to suppress without casualties apart from shit like WN and apoc birdAlso, i don't think I'm gonna make it until the weekend

The last part of the manual for LoR is up:projectmoon.postype.com/post/6794667Looks like you can customize your librarian nuggets for free as much as you like.

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>>507724025BS is a DPS check, you have to pop it as soon as it breaches before it pulses 3 times. Basically impossible unless you already have 5+ gigachads with aleph sets already.

>>507721680>USD: $24.99Is that so?

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New to the game. Are the creature spawns randomized? I got an owl on a black tree as my second spawn and it wiped out my entire team. Was I supposed to keep researching the first creature (skull on a cross)?

>>507721680How many days until release?

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Could anyone confirm the latest part of the wonderlab comic has been posted already? Thanks in advance.

>>507723345>no mention of four damage types>no mention of four stats>4 levels of EGO equipment rather than 5 and it's not called EGO>abnormalities only as pages>stagger that is replacement to sanity is simply stun for a turn>Weapon and Armor rolled into one?To be fair, I currently like most things I see related to combat. What I don't like what I don't see, throwing all the good interesting things of LC and giving us mundane replacement instead, like new MC or things I've mentioned above

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>>507724025I'm in the same position, but I also have melting love and the Judgement bird pale aleph weaponCensored is easy enough to supress with a couple bullets to help, and my one gigachad with the blue star armor can tank it's damage for as long as he likes as long as he is sitting in a main room, so with some effort you might be able to beat them both and have the last survivor complete the day before memrepoingAlso a friendly reminder that bullets refill after each meltdown

A is basically confirmed to be at Kether

>>507721680So if I buy it now, will I have to pay more later?

>>507720761I did my first memerep today fuck that green tree I was not prepared for that

>>507724432Semi-randomized in that you get to choose which random abno you add to your facility. You probably researched with the wrong method. Keep trying to unlock it's management tips and you will find out why it wiped you so early.


>>507720761Anon....it's time to make Library of Ruina threads

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>>5077245933 days till release>>507724914No user, it will be cheaper now but it’ll cost more if you wait a month the buy it.

>>507724895in LoR? Where?

>>507724795I don't know, Roland is pretty based in the gook trailer, I don't think his deadbeat attitude translated very well into the subtitles. AFAIK the old manual I translated a few months earlier contained the 4 damage types, not sure what happened to it in the new manual.

>>507722831how long has passed since that brainstorm for the effects, good to see it materialized

>>507725072Ok then I'll buy it at release like I planned.

>>507723845>the one abno that rabbits couldn't handle just happened to run into the are with no agents that could supress it>it's also an abno that can lower the counter of nearby abnos>it just had to be able to escape before running right under the blue star, unleashing it and wiping everything just before I completed the supressionwhy is it always shit like this instead of minor mistakes that can be fixed quickly

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>>507724229yeah, the annoying part is that it spawns in a random main room, probably best to place the chads in central to have the shortest route to anywhere and cuddle up the rest in an elevator and buy more time for them with white shields if i deliberately let it breach.But when it accidentally breaches the day is guaranteed over. but i doubt i currently can make it anyway, so far i only have a set of BS gear and a set of SO gear(Though SO isn't in the facility anymore since i reset to meme repo).I think I'll just go until i get the upgrades from binah, try to suppress tiphereth core and then reset back to day one so everyone profits from Hod and i get all the lob points.>>507724885yeah, CENSORED isn't to bad as long as you kill all clerks so it can't CENSORED them. still need a third aleph then that's easy to suppress. Melting love is pretty easy if you don't let her slime anyone.Also judgement bird would be nice for his gear but i forgot his flavor text and/or got changed in the retranslation and I don't wanna look it up. It's more fun to be almost blind again and just get surprised by what i get.

>>507725169He’s sleeping

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Finally got Silent Orchestra, but now i'm scaredis RNG gonna fuck me?are my teams armor and weapons strong enough? (Armor in image slightly not related)how many restarts are gonna happen because of me not wanting my employee's to die? don't answer that, because most likely, its gonna be too much.

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>>507724692no chapter 9 but at least we had chapter 8 in the past thread >>507443924

>>507721996you literally just play it and you'll get it eventually. if you have specific problems ask in the thread or try your best to overcome it by yourself.you want to shoot your seed of light, right manager?

>>507725846Oh that. Until game comes out none can tell what the fuck is happening with Kether in LoR. In that same manual it was shown to be opened BEFORE MALKUTH, 10TH FLOOR AS FIRST

>>507721996There are no guides since its all learned behaviors and understanding the systems by scamming them, but I can provide some rough tips.-Do not be afraid to commit time crimes. Losses blow in this game, and information is critical even if its acquisition is disasterous, so if shit goes south then reset the day/week/entirety-Prepare, don't react. All threatening information is broadcasted to you, whether it be from ordeals or anomalies. Losses can be minimized by being diligent-Gear-state persists through time crimes, whether it be item acquisition or loss. Make absolutely damn sure you remember this. Resetting the day is the only exception-Pay attention to damages & resistances. Anomalies and armor both have these numbers, and they will become relevant later in the game. Also understand quirks of damage. White can be curative under the right circumstances. Pale is true damage. -Anomaly level vs Gear level is multiplicative. Some gear may have .3x damage taken from a source, but if its a Teth armor and you face a Waw then that .3x becomes .9x and is utterly irrelevant. Same works towards your weapons vs enemies.-Unless you are going for 100% victory, ignore the baby, the train, the slime, the eyeball tree and the camera. Their rules are bullshit.

>>507725898Pray to RNG that you don't reduce its counter. Grab its EGO and never touch it again. Pro tip: once you get enough energy for the day, you can research it once last time without caring for the result and just end the day before it breaches.

>>507725898you're going to get your boxes stolen unless you have incredibly high prudence and temperance


>>507726138I think it’s pretty safe to assume he’s at kether. The thing about it showing kether being unlocked early may just be a quirk with the manul.

>>507720761Scarecrow is easy because he merely breaks out when you make him mad, and he is super weak. Singing machine is the dumb "must have weak employees" abno.

>>507724795it's almost as if it's an entirely different game in another genre.man that sucks, right??

>>507725389A few weeks for sure, didn't count but can check when first discussed it

>>507726356I hope that you're right, but with the way PM tried to shove Angela in our face 24/7 what I'm afraid is that she's new Kether

>>507724145is it paywalled? i can't see it

>>507725898You can just cheese it by moving all employees away from his range and just wait until he finishes. You don't get any rewards, but you don't lose anything either.

>>507726958I think it means it doesn't use in-game LOB points for customization like LC does.

>>507724025BS is just matter of having good enough weapons. I never tried rabbits against it but I'm sure they are useless. CENSORED isn't bad as long as he doesn't make a minion. Your best bet is to get apoc bird and suppress that, it counts as 3 alephs by itself.

>>507726835>I hope that you're right, but with the way PM tried to shove Angela in our face 24/7 what I'm afraid is that she's new KetherDude. Angela is Da’at. Please tell me you’ve gained at least some cursory knowledge of the Kabbalah by now

>>507726976>but you don't lose anything either.

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>>507726510Yes, devs clearly had no passion making it else they would make something more interesting than....this

>>507727604Koreans don't understand what passion is.

>>507727218Nah the rabbits clean BS up easy

>>507727432Who's willing to bet that the Final Boss will be fought at Da'at?

>>507726414I lost like 3 employees from the Green Dawn event with those robot scarecrow things

>>507727432You might be right, you should be right. But we can't always get what we think is right. Disappointment becomes unbearable ones we're proven wrong and I've been disappointed in recent years too many times to try to believe your words

>>507727604>instead of just cashing in on their little cult hit they try to evolve and do something different they love>no passionyou falseflag fags are so easy to spot, but have this (you) out of courtesy

>>507724795wtf bros this new game isnt the same game?????????

>suppress 4 abnosWhy would I ever want to let them out? None of mine can even breach besides I think my WAW but even then no way in hell can I suppress it damn this mission

>>507728808And it's worse

>>507728831doubt.jpgPost facility manager.

>>507728378Are you some kind of fucking retard. There is genuinely not a single reason in the goddamn world why PM would even be hinting at Kether being Angela. I really don’t understand how you could achieve such a magnitude of mental gymnastics to even think otherwise. “Oh they’ve been shoving Angela down our throats so she has to be Kether!” Has to be the weakest and most infuriating piece of goddamn reasoning i’ve ever seen. It’s as if you’ve taken every little bit of nuance, storytelling, and lore for Lobotomy Corporation and either completely fucking ignored it or just didn’t fucking understand it. It’s very obvious that Project Moon did substantial research to ensure the themes they were basing Lobotomy Corporation on made sense, and to completely sandbag all of that time and effort for some really fucking stupid take followed by a post consisting of “woe is me, nothing can be trusted because I was hurt, oh woe is me” is a spit in the face of everything they’ve worked to achieve.

>>507729435I would if I wasn’t a necessary worker, off the top of my head though I have >soda>old lady>brown worm nest>static>fairies>you must be happy>some other item abno

>>507729746Calm down you schizo autist

>>507728831I had the same problem. I ended up completing that mission with 3 Alephs and a WAW

>>507724145>Can customize their dialogue tooCan't wait to see what "creative" dialogue people will post here

Note to future self. Do not try to suppress the punishing bird. Just let him do what he wants in the facility.

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>>507730571>messing with Punishing birdwhy tho

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SOONSoon ill see if i can recreate this employee into LoR.

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>>507729880Shitty RNG user, you ought to get four escaping abnos eventually

>>507730859My little tater didn't stand a chance. Atleast I learned what that red on his chest is. >>507731194He broke containment.

>>507730571Let that be lesson for you.

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>>507730571its one of those lessons that you need to learn yourself

>>507730571>Dealing with Red dawn>See one tiny one left alive, zoomed out really far so I can only tell because I can see the health bar>Go kill it>Turns out it was actually Punishing bird

>>507731401I just started playing this game a couple of days ago so I’m choosing them completely blindly, fuck this worm nest though even my guy who has 100 health and gear that endures red damage still almost dies every time

>>507731769did you miss the big ass message on the screen that tells you the ordeal is over or was the last clown hiding somewhere else?

>>507732027Last clown was hiding

>>507720761>Got the abno that looks like amalgamation of people>Send my highest level employeemeat guy decide to attack after work and kill him>He proceed to one shot the rest of my agents with Big bird in the backThat was a fun first run

>Even librarians need manuals user, I hope you've been keeping up!projectmoon.postype.com/post/6768291

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>Do work on plague mask thing I got>It proceeds to hug the employee for a very long time>Then some clock appearsShould I be worried? Tips say nothing more than they're blessed

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>>507732667They have been cured. Deprived of any injury they may posess.

>>507732667You have been blessed manager!

>>507732667leave the thread now and just continue playing the gameor you'll get a virustrust me on this.some of the stuff in the game is the best stuff I've experienced in gaming in the last decade

>>507721680In case you're wondering about other regional prices, the first three are the exact same as LobCorp's (with yuan being doubled for some reason), so most of the rest will likely be identical as well.

>>507732667He is your only friend user

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>>507732667>Retry>They no longer have the gift, but for some reason they can't do any workIs this a bug or apart of the abno?


>>507731254>ugly employee>tripfagyikes

>>507732667Just remember that when the clock strikes 12, the true fun begins and ends with One Sin.

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>>507733071Shame on you manager, you were blessed and declined said blessed baka my head. It works as intended is all I'll say

>>507720761I guess we have LobCorp thread on week days afterall

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>>507724145>projectmoon.postype.com/post/6786371>Keter>Angela is probably Sephirah of the floor and took over A's office>>507724145>you can potentially assign completely different decks to different Librarians rather than every Librarian using a common deckNeat

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>>507733490Yeah, we had LobCo thread every day this last week user

>>507723994>calling rabbits to do easiest phase Then again they are bad for Red Mist anyway

>>507721996Some pretty simple tips.You only have to restart to day 1 once.On your first run get as many core suppressions as you can, focusing on getting easy abno's. Hod, Gebura, and Binah are the most important supressions.2nd run memrep on info team constantly to finish all Zayins and Teths.After Zayins and Teths are done, memrep on Central constantly to 100% everything else.After all abno's are researched, avoid clerk lovers and trees like the plague, aside from birb long birb and borb, the gift is too OP and apo bird is pretty easy.If you really need to declerk immediately pause once the day starts and a lot of them should be stackedAfter slapping Hod around, up to around day 30 you should upgrade new nuggets to level 4 on everything except justice, keep justice at 3.After day 30 you should upgrade new nuggets to level 5, except justice goes to 4.Always pick good justice trainers like Child Galaxy or Das Shoot. I don't remember the other justice trainers since I haven't played a while.

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>>507733262Aww he’s smiling

>>507724145>for freeThis is not Jewish way

>>507720761>not using the improved version

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>>507724931It's not that bad if you have clerks and exec bullets

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Anyone got the tiny and long roland?


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>>507733826thank you, this is the kind of stuff i was looking for. Someone should really make some kind of doc with this information, there's probably a shit ton of new players like myself from the 50% steam sale. I'm surprised there's not already.

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>>507735153there is literally no way to play this game wrong though and you might be better off with your own pace, number of restarts, meltdowns, etc - even just knowing about the existence of said meltdowns could also be seen as a minor/major spoiler.stop trying to maximize your efficiency in every gamejust have fun you faggot

>>507733826>2nd run memrep on info team constantly to finish all Zayins and Teths.>After Zayins and Teths are done, memrep on Central constantly to 100% everything else.I personally I never liked this option. After 2 runs I had almost 100% already. Better to do 3 runs than reset to check point constantly.Also Don't tell to avoid clerk lovers, at least not Big Bird (who can be easily pleased anyway) since you need him for Apoc Bird and Twilight wing after supression

>>507735153I could make a short 2 minute video explaining all this but not sure how useful it would be at this point, I also would want to make it close to bill wurtz kinda shit since the best kind of "how to's" are also entertaining.

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>>507732667....jesus christ.Three people survived.

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>>507735613I suggest just 2 runs because the later days are a huge fucking grind, especially since the only danger on your 2nd run is just ordeals if you supressed everyone because there's no meltdowns. It would be painful to go through all that a 3rd time.I did say to avoid clerk lovers except the birb trio.

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>>507736238Also, I assume Plague Doctor doesn't count for 100%? Seeing as you can't complete it and all.

>>507736238how the hell did it happen already?

>>507736238Why did you kill my cute wife Faris. I'll never forgive you.

>>507736238Was that one sin hint I gave you what helped or did you look it up? Regardless, sorry for your losses.

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>>507730571Fun fact, if it take bite out of agent it will satisfying its bloodlust and return home, even if agent survive (yes it is possible to tank it). This also mean its pointless to try to suppress it. Just put somebody near its cage to work it and be main target when its escape, it will not breach for long

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>>507736449 I was sort of aware of the existence of WN and the One Sin thing, but I had no clue that it was connected to A GODDAMN ZAYIN

>>507736238wait, did you really blessed 12? WHY

>>507736637Why do you think you always start with One Sin? He's always there with you when you need him in your darkest hour against the devil.

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>>507736509Thanks Manager.

>>507732667Embrace it

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>>507736238Congratulations, you survived the rapture. Now do it the hard way.

>>507735153No, it would be bad idea to convince newbies to only play that way

>>507736758I wanted to see what would happen. I think I fucked up. I sent my best to it.


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>>507736797Honestly One Sin is just trap. He will not help you get WN reward and you still lose 12 agents

>>507737364Somewhat, yeah. Though he does give you an out if you accidentally get One Sin and not know what the fuck is about to happen.

I want to buy LoR to support the devs but I'm fucking poor. I suppose I'm going to do what I did with LC and pirate it until I have the money to buy it.

>>507737467I mean't to say White Night, not One Sin. redact that.

>>507736797Another thing you not always start with One Sin. If you reached Kether on previous run

>>507737692Huh, that explains why I started with WCCA the first time I got that far. Though it was a bug or a sick joke since the only way I could get through the day was to sacrifice my starting nuggets.

>>507736346It auto-completes when he does his thing.

>>507737149>>507735612I meant after theh first few playthroughs of researching abnormalities. The information that >>507733826 is talking about is not something that new players should know, i agree, but i asked because i'm not just starting out.

>>507736346Doc do not count, his true version count.

>Look at video of white night fight >Have to fight strong minions all over the place while also fighting white knight>Completely incomprehensible to me Yeah, don't think I'll ever be doing that. I can't make any progress in this game because I'm too much of a brainlet.

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>>507738372>Have to fight strong minions all over the place while also fighting white knightMore like "have to ignore strong minions all over the place, letting them kill everything, while you hit and run on WN".

>>507738372don't disregard the fight immediately - the rewarding feeling when you beat it and get something out of it is actually worth it in my opinion.you can also tackle it in many different ways. there's strategies to cheese it, or you can just use a few select employees to ease up on the micro (although it takes more patience) .. and if you time the day you fight him correctly then you can earn ALL the rewards without losing anyone since you can just memrep away from your demise.

>>507738372>figure out who turns into apostles>send them as far as you can from WN>trigger him>macro the nugget army avoiding the two guardiansIts not hard unless you are fill with clerklovers

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>>507738372You need to get experience first. Fight other abnos, learn tactics and how to micro.And if you desperate you can always try cheese method (but that would come later)

>>507738372get his armor and [CENSORED]/Mimicry weapon and one agent can solo it if you micro well enough to avoid the two Guardians

>>507738372The only important place during WN is the room he's located in, you literally just death ball him while two other nuggets distract his guards. Bunch them up together in an elevator then go in. Remember you don't lose anything in this game for trying, so your only obstacle is dedication.

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>>507738847Clerk lovers and anything else will often be occupied by fighting Apostles and even if somebody show up close you should let guardians take them out. Bigger problem if there is something with white dmg out (especially Blue Star)

>Teleports to another room and does white damage Nothing personel kid.

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>half my agents get katamaried like 30 seconds into crimson duskWhoops. Second attempt with the robots went much smoother.

>>507739479Big Bird was a problem during my WN fight because he kept coming over to say hi which meant I had to leave the department to avoid getting nommed

>>507738591>>507738629>>507738847>>507739191>>507739430>>507739472I'll try it at some point. But for now I can't even fight the Sephirah's because I can't meet the goals to unlock their meltdowns sufficiently. I've restarted from memory repository because either the combination of abnormalities is lethal, or I upright forgot what my work cycle was and am too lazy to remember it. Game's really fun but trying to figure it out on my own hasn't done me any favors, it's the same with Xcom.

>when work result was good Qliphoth counter increased

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>>507740251>when work was a result, Qliphoth counter decreased

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>>507720761I'm on day 40 with all of the upper core suppressions done but with a really nasty abnormality combo of train and riding hood with every clerk lover in the game (AOB,Big Bird, MOSB etc.) so if anything goes wrong or if I forget train even once it's immediately over.My question is if I do a full reset do I lose all my EGO gear, even the apocalypse bird stuff? Because I really don't want to deal with him again.

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>>507741203You keep gear, but obviously lose gifts/current employees.You also keep all your info and meltdowns/missions you already did

>First apocalypse bird, but I'm blind and don't know how the fight works>want to do as clean a run as possible>get a 0 death run on attempt five>immediately Geburah suppression the day after>heard about the cheese but not the actual fight, so attempt to do it normally.>0 deaths clear on attempt 3 without cheeseI burnt all my fucking luck guys, how fucked am i?

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>>507741203Don't do day 1 reset until beat Gebura

>>507741203If you reset to day 1 you will keep gear, abnormality observations, department upgrades, and suppression rewards.You will lose employees, their gifts (which will make Apoc Bird equipment lose its super buff but it's still good), and obviously you'll be back at Day 1 with One Sin.

>>507742000What's the cheese? Rabbits? I did it what I assume to be normally and it took me a while but to be honest I had nearly no range damage and she was being a bitch during the final phase.

>>507742000Neither of those are really luck, you're probably just good at micromanaging and dodging attacks. These skills will serve you well going forward.

>>507742000Hokma balls____________________________________________________________________________>>507742328Shelter

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Your TCR/TFR rundown, Manager.

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>>507742443Ah yeah, I had shelter and BS but I didn't want to do that. It sounded really dumb and long.

>>507742575I gotta be honest, I don't really care about that stuff and you and the other autist spamming the threads with it can get very tiring.I'd rather get fucking big bird poster back, and he was more big cancer than big bird.

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>>507742596It is. I have no respect for people who cheese Gebura instead of giving her a proper fight.

>>507742818shut the fuck up, clerk

>>507734513I don’t, I’m not even on day 16 yet

>>507743207fuck off you faggot, you people are the reason fandoms like the undertale one come to beyou just can't chill and have to make everything about it

>>507742045>and obviously you'll be back at Day 1 with One Sin.Ackshually, you can end up at Day 1 with something else due to a bug. When you pick a new abnormality but choose to expand a department with no free slots, this abnormality gets stored in a "backlog" to be automatically added to the facility later, replacing the next opportunity to choose. The bug is that the backlog is not removed on restart, therefore replacing the initial choice of only One Sin. To restore it you'd need to restart again, since the abnormality has been added and the backlog is now empty.

>>507743229Honestly I don't really blame you, many abnos are really awful before execution bullets and it gets super annoying and stupid if you have more than one (trees, clerk lovers, QoH, melting love, etc).

>>507743864If you do this bug, skullbro gets added to the pool of regular abnos for that playthrough, too, so you can dump him into central command or something silly like that if you want to.

>>507743864Yes, I know about the bug. I was assuming the game is functioning as intended, and it didn't seem worth explaining to someone who was asking "what happens if I full reset".

>cant do hod 4 different suppression mission because i only got 2 escapee [spoilers]one of them is NT[/spoilers]>Then i get a Fetus right near them and 2 wew escapees >Baby starts crying for the 1st timeYep, thats a memorep

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>>507744119Oh, I didn't know that. Neat, thanks.

>>507744269Iirc you can suppress the same abno 4 times

What are some of the best abnormalities gear wise?I've gotten judgement bird and blue star on my first run and they both seem to give pretty damn strong gear but are there others to look out for?

>>507744645You can do that for geburah, but it has to be different ones for Hod.>>507744269Baby isn't that bad when you have temperance chads, honestly.

>>507744656all Alephs give top-tier gear and you want as much of it as you can getthe Magical Girls are all pretty solid as well

>>507744656Knight of despair is pretty good. Der Freischutz is a good early set.

>>507720761>story seems cool but makes fuck all sense and the dodgy translation doesn't help>go to wiki>all the Seraphs have pages and explanations but none of the other characters or the overarching plot of the game doThat's disappointing.

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>>507744995my other Alephs are mountain of smiling bodies and censored but their stuff doesn't feel as strongEspecially censored which doesn't even come with armor

>>507745431I guess you stopped at day 30 or something?

>>507745431Manager.......did you pirate the game?

>oh good I finally reached Binah , I bet I will finally get some answers on the actual plot>muh wells>muh buckets>muh drawers>muh riverswhat the FUCK is going on

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>>507745486ctrl+s doesnt work anymore in FF, feels manual man

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>>507745646MoSB gear is super strong for specific tasks and the CENSORED weapon is great.

>old lady gear is worse than skull browhat gives

>>507745762Only once you start doing the suppressions thing make more sense

I finally beat WN for the first time but I'm out of LOB and amazingly, Mountain and Dreaming Current (god knows what else) killed more people than the aposticles. What do. My employees have been sliced

>>507745707No I got an ending.I understood that A and Carmen set up a facility to do some shit to save the world but Carmen dies and A loses it and becomes an asshole and makes Angela and then Angela kills him(?) but (you) might also be A without his memories(?) but maybe not and there's also this tree of light that grows each time you help a seraph and then it lost me.>>507745752Of course I did this is 4chan

>>507746373TETH will always be better than ZAYIN even if the numbers are low. There's a multiplier.

I wish I could find out who the artist for this game is. I really like it.

>>507745646MOSB armor can eat corpses off the ground to heal, and it's the best Black resist in the game. Weapon isn't exceptional but its special attack hits pretty hard.CENSORED doesn't have an armor but its weapon pulls double duty, since whenever you take damage it immediately heals you for 40% of the damage taken.>>507746373her gun is good, White damage ranged weapons are essential for anti-panic

>>507745762She's just the one that fishes up the abnormalities from the well, which is apparently where all the abnormalities originate from and would cause a normal person to go completely insane just looking into it or worse falling into it. Luckily A, being the sadistic fuck he is, decided to make sure she can't go insane and has to endure it. Though I think she's kinda into that sort thing given how she interacts with you

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>>507746373Old Lady is Ranged sanity heal. OSaHGD (who i presume you call "skull bro") is Melee sanity heal.

>>507746524True, but yeah, the game literally got a retranslation last week that makes sense, that's what I meant to imply, and I dont think there is a download for it yet

>>507746524The pirated version's translation still isn't updated have fun not understanding shit

Here's that request of Binah making a meal out of an EGO weapon from a few threads back. Hope ya like it user if you're still around. Kudos is you get the reference.

Attached: Binah Blade Breakfast.png (2400x2400, 660.22K)

>>507746561MoSB weapon is pretty good when you are fighting something that runs away since it applies a strong slow. For instance, when you fight MoSB himself (albeit it will do very little damage since he resists black).

>>507721680>25 bucks>And they want to charge more on full releaseLmao they are fucked.

>>507746591I think A specifically made her a Sephirah and gave her that job because nobody else would be suitable for it.

damn, some tools are actually useful>got almost everyone to Justice V thanks to mirror

>>507747059The reference is OPM, correct?

>>507744656Silent Orchestra because the suit + the gift gets you a WHITE immune nugget that can pretty much solo any abno that only deals whitethe magical girls, as other anons saidi feel like Singing Machine's weapon is pretty good, but it has no suitDer Freischutz, but bewareLaetitia, it's like Der but it won't kill yourself, very recommendLa Luna's weapon is fantastic because it gives nuggets around the user BLACK shieldsthe Dreaming Current might feel underwhelming but the fact that it gives 3 suits with no weaknesses (besides PALE, but even that is 1.5x instead of the usual 2x) and decent enough defenses makes it good to suit up the lesser nuggets

I know it's all royalty free stuff but some of the core suppression themes are pure kino.Both of Malkuths are amazingyoutube.com/watch?v=OjEIgZLw2yMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1ALjvLLEJ0

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>>507747408Nice catch. I mainly did the request because I got caught up on Season 2 and figured I'd do a spin on it. Also here's the full size version since shrinking it apparently fucks with the colors in CSP.youtu.be/ENw8znw2Vo4

Attached: Binah Blade Breakfast orig.png (3200x3200, 901.68K)

>>507747405They are but they're still boring afNothing makes me sadder than getting triple tools when picking a new abnormality

>>507745772weird, it still works for me.>>507746524I just don't understand how there can be people out there that get everything the game wants to tell people clearly (not neccessarily all the subtext) and then there's others like you. Maybe it's about attention? maybe you should read slower?the fact that you say>there's this tree of lightand>I got AN endingmakes me think you got a bad one and now you're confused?and how can you still not get that (You), the player is A, that shit is clear as fuck later on>>507746591>>507747316yes, it takes a special kind of psychopath to be able to endure it

>>507747660You always get a triple tool every fifth pick so in essence you should have one in each department if you don't alternate weirdly later on

>>507747660Tools always come in threes user. You are meant to be forced to have one per department.

>>507745762This meme doesn't work anymore now that we have the new translation.

so wait do i get to see other endings if i am for 100% (to get it, i presume, i need to research everything?)or i cant miss them?

>>507747672>it's YOUR fault that the plot makes 0 fucking sense and the translation was garbageFuck you too asshole.

>>507748063They get added to the cutscene list in the menu. Also you can beat the game and later get 100% research and that unlocks the true ending.

>>507748092>plot makes 0 fucking sense

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>>507748173neat, thanks

>>507748063You can see them from the Story tab in the main menu

>>507747809Every fourth pick, since the last expansion of a department doesn't add an abnormality.

>>507748092>the plot makes 0 fucking senseAll the nonsense came from the engrish. Its not even complicated now, most stuff gets an explanation at one point or another.

>>507742818There was unironically nothing wrong with big bird poster. Everyone suddenly started freaking out about it just because a /vg/fag made a shitty compilation which made everybody worried of banishment even though everything was just fine before that. Because of that shitty compilation LC threads noticeably started going down in quality(waifufaggotry/actual /vg/ tier conversations). With Ruina releasing soon and the upped quality of the threads these last few months, the least you could do is atleast be happy with the amount of new OC that've been made for LC.

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>>507748092Yes. It IS your fault you're playing the shitty translation and not the updated one.

>>507748421OC is finerepeatedly spamming the same meme is wojak tierchange my mind

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>>507748470>>507748319So my complaints are totally valid up until a week ago? So what?The game has been out for years.

>>507747526Yeah. They're pretty fitting given the situation sometimes.youtu.be/J-rlqoTTJIY>God, I wish that was me

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>>507720761r/unironicallyoutoftheloop is this the new Holla Forumsermin?

>>507748595just say directly what you didn't understand at all, I'm ready to give you a QRD if you want.also tell us what ending you actually got


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got the game a month ago and im trying to finish it this week after taking a break, not gonna read the thread but i wanted to say that holy fuck i hate the abnos that get all pissy if clerks die, i managed to make it to the suppressions finally despite army in black, mountain, and the monk being faggots

>>507748595Your complaints aren't valid because you're getting facts wrong that even us who played the shit translation understood >>507748624Lobotomy Corporation is a video game

>>507748790the more shit gets thrown at you the stronger you get manager, remember this and don't be afraid of failure

>>507748790just kill your clerks

>>507748790They fucking suck but Mountain's gear is worth itArmy in Black is literally never worth it, ever

>>507748790use execution bullets to preemptively purge clerksgood luck! and now escape this thread before you get spoiled manager

>>507748790Get execution bullets asap, they let you clean up clerks without triggering any of those abnos, practically saved my first playthrough.

>>507748790>tfw got monk, mountain and big bird>practically forced to genocide record team (where mountain is) every day>also have melting love in extraction so i have to genocide that tooand i now have to do midnight for gebura's missioni think i'll genocide the clerks and call it a day, i'd rather not deal with it

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>>507748790also i dont trust this molesting doc one bit, free op ego gift """bless""" my ass this is gonna be another army in black situation. and FUCK malkuth for this annoying shit. btw the tone shift of the story was nuts, this is becoming one wild ride

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>>507747405you just have to know how to abuse them

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is void dream supposed to be busted? sometimes my gigachad are put to sleep forever too

>>507750956i once got it mid-late game and it never gave me a problem

>>507750839What a cutie.

>>507747405Was never a fan of the tools. Especially the ones that randomly have the off chance of killing you if you forget something or rng.


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>>507750120trust him, he just wants to save your employees

>>507750956yeah it bugged out for me too, sometimes.it might have to do with the leak since it only happened for me after longer sessions

>>507750839>da capo + red eyesdelete this

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>>507751190>neat, some notes>what do they do...

>>507750120>he saved info on what employees worked with him from before a resetwhat the fuck

>>507751673I love the notes, but it’s so easy to forget I have them equipped only for the person to explode from gradual damage.

>>507742818First day in a LC thread?

>>507751123got really lucky with the ego gift, all white + red eyes looks fantastic>>507751392i never noticed the resemblance but it's kinda spooky

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>>507752750>user specifically talks about something that happened in the past in these threads>first time here?manager, your prudence...

>>507724374Instantly thought of this.

>25 bux>will only get expensevierohnojust how big is the game to justify that price?

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>day 39>3 days until LoRwill I make it?

>>507753083It only gets expensive-r if you don't buy it now and wait for chapter releases. Also we have literally no idea. 25 bucks isn't much for me but I'm not expecting it to be worth the price.

If you could give NT's EGO some sort of special effect what would it be?

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>>5077534711% chance to absorb red damagestick with the whole "tanky healy" thing

>>507753323we'll get there

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>>507753323Which bosses have you beaten?Also make sure both Extraction and Records are expanded twice before Day 41, or else you'll get softlocked. Mem repo if you have to.>>507753471Maybe an increase to healing that stacks with the gift, to really amp that lifesteal with the weapon?

>>507753595got more of our favorite hag detective user?

>>507753746I just did GeburaAlso I read something about alternating in the past so right now both departments got two pointsCan you please elaborate on what I should be doing to avoid having to reset?

>>507751392 >

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>>507753746i heard something about there being a point of no return at 45 or something, is the two upgrade thing so you can finish one department and mem repo the other side?

>>507754235>>507754983Essentially in order to do a suppression you need to complete a day with the department fully expanded. So if you had just expanded one of them and then hit the memory imprint on 41 you wouldn't be able to do both suppressions before the point of no return at the end of day 45. If you expand both to 2, you can then fully expand 1 and suppress it, then mem repo to 41, unlock its suppression and do it (I think. you might need to repo one additional time somewhere in there, just be sure not to end the day on Day 45 until you're done with both).

>>507755438Do they give you a heads up on the deadline? Seems kinda cruel to screw people for maxing a facility out first before moving on to the next.

>>507755930Angela hints at the Day 45 point of no return, but other than that nothing is explicitly stated. I think it's intended that you Day 1 at least once, for story parallel reasons.

>>507756110Oh when i saw softlocked I assumed that was no longer an option.

>>507756339Ah, sorry if my wording was confusing. You could still even go up to Day 48 if you screwed up the departments, but you'd be locked out of completing Day 50 on that run.

>>507755438thanks for the info, hope I can make it in time so I can discuss LoR when it's brand newAlso so I deserve the random LoR gift code I accidentally picked up from these threads

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>>507753083>>507753228>only now get the image after researching the clockfeels bad my dudes

>>507756528>tfw saw that post but missed it

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>>507756580He served a purpose. He saved them. Even though he could not save himself.

I started a couple days ago so I’ve barely heard many of the songs, but damn I like what I’ve heard so far, I didn’t expect it to be as good as it is

>>507746524>Of course I did this is 4chanEntire game got retranslated like last week and everything is perfectly sensible now so I'd just buy it if you like it.

>>507757567It's pretty damn good>tfw can't feel scared at all when something breaches because you're too busy headbanging

>>507724145>>507755930I don't like the whole "burn weaker cards to level up your other ones", feels too gacha-y for my taste. Everything else is cool though.

>>507757756I always have to pause the game for a bit just to listen to it, granted I’m still just on dawn so I don’t have much to fear anyways

>>507757567One of the game's biggest flaw is that you spend like 90% of the game listening to three songs, there are some bangers in there

>>507754113i like our dynamic duo

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Nothing There is my friend!I want to hug Nothing There!I love you___________


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>>507759906Who is the most meme-able abnormality?

Lewd EGO gear mod when?

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Anywhere to read Distortion Detective for free?

>>507760423projectmoon.postype.com/but english traslation stopped at chapter 9, so you either join us to wait the traslation now that LoR is traslated or you can go use google traslator for the rest of chapters

>>507760112After the nude mod works with the new translation


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>>507760112What a stupid idea.

>>507761024Go gobble a cock and shit down your retarded waifu’s throat, tripfaggot.


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>>507760112can you link the artist so i can beat off

>>507760791It works fine for me.

I was wondering, is there any versions of the mods that adds back the legacy abnormailites (price of silence, playwright's notebook) that's also translated in English?

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does apocalypse bird count for gebura's mission?

>forgot i put someone in the shelter to satisfy the meltdown

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>>507761854I don’t know the artist, just grabbed it off of somewhere. But here is another one.

Attached: E5C8B152-C1F4-4EA0-B3CD-1EF3D4F70C87.png (1280x1254, 609.63K)

Who's ready to take some punishment?!

>>507762016yes, it counts as 3 alephs


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>>507762245fuck off you dipshit thanks a lot for the material though


>>507762545I want the source as much as you do, user. It is probably on pixiv or Twitter or something.

>>507762903>>507762245where did you find them then?

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>>507762903bro i cannot read moonrunes or dmzrunes this shit is too buttcheex to find so im hoping i find them on twitter

>>507763409>>507763089Literally the only result on google image search you monkeys holy fuck.

>>507763409search the Holla Forums archives

>>507763585Fucking kek


>>507763309mom, daughter and dad

>pushing towards dusk event>random bug decides a whole department diesI swear to fuck Shelter is bugged as shit sometimes. There's nothing else in the facility that can kill everyone. But anytime I have to use it for a meltdown, I guess I leave it too fast and it causes weird shit to happen.All of central just simultaneously died and practically nothing else. Red Hood and Parasite Tree got angry because both people working on them just exploded at the same time, along with the whole department and a few people near the department.I just hope Ruina is better coded for the price they're asking. This fucking game still has some of the worst memory leaks I've ever seen.

>>507763813>Help me I'm a literal fucking retard that can't scroll down to where the images are

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>>507763585im the guy who wanted to beat off i found it by reverse image searchingtwitter.com/emoji_LC/status/1256477594729320448?s=20let's suck each other off you big fucking idiot

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>>507763813Manager, it seems you've lost your final braincell.

>>507763971>>507764045literally nothing for me, maybe its my country

>>507763946there is no currently known bug regarding shelter "suddenly killing everyone"especially nothing that has to do with leaving early or something. give us your facility, manager

>>507764365learn how to google search with quotation marks>>507763946post your abnormalities, that's not a bug it sounds like the work of certain abnos

My first interaction with a WAW was this shitty world tree. Not a good start fuck that thing

>>507763946That sounds too specific to be a bug. What other abnos do you have, and what did they work on before that?

>>507764771Doesn't the notepad blow up and damage an entire department? I swear I remember reading an abno does something like that.

>>507765943It sucks but WAWs raise your stats fast

>>507766008Notepad only damages the holder, no one else. Can you just show some screenshots, usually the corpses can tell us wtf happened

>>507766260I'm not him, was just thinking I swear I remember reading the tips of an abno stating it blows up an entire department. Guess I'm wrong.

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>>507764597>>507764771Central has Parasite Tree, Der Freischutz, Queen of Hatred, King of Greed, Knight of Despair, Shelter, Red Hood, and Researcher Notes. Welfare only had Snow White's Apple and Judgement Bird, Discipline wasn't active yet. The upper layer had largely benign abnos and items with the only real considerations being Nothing There, Schadenfreude, and Dead Butterflies. No one had used notepad that day or was currently using it. I was zoomed in to avoid Schadenfreude view at the moment and micromanaging Shelter while Red Hood and Parasyte were being worked in the middle layer.There was no report of anyone going crazy just a bunch of sudden death reports. I looked around and could see that even the workers in Parasyte and Red Hood died abruptly midwork, with Red Hood immediatly jumping to breach. 2 in Welfare were also killed, but 2 weren't, despite all 4 being in the same healing room, and 1 of the two that didn't die was wearing nothing at all.The only member of Central that didn't die was in the upper layer at the time. Nothing else breached or had dropped to zero besides tree and hood.>>507766260The corpses were all over central and 2 in the welfare healing room

>tfw worried about Library of Runia>We barely know anything about the game>We don't even know how long it is>It might not even have abnormalities>It might just be a worse Slay The Spire/Darkest Dungeon CloneGuys help me I feel the doomposting over taking me. Please tell me something you're looking forward to that could make it a great game.

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>>507766431Do you have Der Frei's gun equipped

How many times did it take you guys to deal with Tiphereth's Meltdown? I'm on my 5th try and most of them are due to me fucking up something and it causing a chain reaction. My last one was those fucking little clowns releasing blue heart when most of my employees were hunting down those rolling fuckers with the hammers on the other side of the facility.

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>>507766619Yes, but the wielder was the one member of Central that wasn't there and didn't die as he was working on Nothing There in the upper layer.Also there was no breaches or targets until after the deaths.

Please remember to reciprocate the feelings of the one who loves you the most.

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Does anyone remember the record/extraction unlock order to do everything (missions, suppressions) in one go without having to day 1 reset?

>>507766493Lobcorps gameplay was always a clusterfuck anyway. The story and seting are where it really shines. Abnormalities are confirmed though w don't know how the non-tool ones work yet.Also even just from what we've seen on the manual it's neither like Slay the Spire or Darkest Dungeon.