>2020>still not a single good Digimon game

>2020>still not a single good Digimon game

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>>507716734If you want a titty thread just say so.

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I want to eat Angewomon's asshole

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>>507717531Poop comes from there.

>>507716734The only reason I never touched Digimon is because all of their names end with monThat’s lame

>>507718727They are all .mon files.

>>507718596It probably tastes like strawberry icecream.

>>507716734stfu cyber sleuth kino

I'd eat her shit not gonna lie

>>507716734Cybersluts is pretty good.

>>507719221Ehh. Depends on who you ask.

>>507718838Yeah this. It's a file extension.

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>>507716734If these two Digimon have sex with each other, they become one body.

>>507719221>>507719557>literally BudgetPersona>good

A cat is fine too.

>>507720225>literallyi don't think you know what this word means

If you came inside Angewomon, she wouldn't get pregnant right? I mean, she's made of data.


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imagine being 10 years old, getting sucked into the digital world, and ending up with a waifumon as your partner.

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>>507720832since you are the protagonist you will get an agumonmax angewomon if you are a good person when you are a kid and that isn't the caseenjoy since protagonist groups end up with the most basic bitch digimons

>>507716734>angel girl is sexy as fuck>devil girl isn'tThey really dropped the ball

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>>507721734>devil girl isn'twhy are you so gay?

>>507721734>devil girl isn't

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>>507721734what the fuck are you talking about

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>>507719221>>507719557That is a lie, that game is a pile of dogshit that can't hold a rocks interest.

>>507721734LadyDevimon is hot as fuck, retard

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>>507718596Digipoop. So it's not real poop.

>>507721734No, they dropped with the fusion.

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cybersleuth is good world series is also pretty nice so this thread is wrong

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>>507716734Digimon World 3/thread

Survive news when

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>Digital monster S. edition>Digital monster WS.edition>DW1>DW Re:digitize>decode>Cyber sleuth >Hacker's memory>rumble arena 1all V-petsWhat are you talking about?

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Digimon World 1, Rumble Arena 1 and 2.

Cyber Sleuth is my literal only experience with this franchise and I loved both. Considering getting the Switch rerelease collection of them to replay them.

>>507722569>That backtracking hellSure user.

>>507722729>rumble arenafucking good shit user

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>>507718838>>507718838>>507718838i raughed

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>>507716734Survive is coming this summer

>>507722826at least it soulful

>>507722826Let me have my nostalgia trip dammit

I was thinking of watching some of tamers, what arc should I put on in the background today while i work

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>>507722494pretty based

>>507723180kek.>>507723158Well yes, the game is at least very beautiful visually.

>>507716734Digimon World 1 and 2003 were both great even though they were very different from each otherEmulate them if you haven't played them yet

Remember that it's not furry if it's Renamon.

is cyber sluts any good

>>507721734Are you deranged Ladydevimon is the sexiest Digimon of all.

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>>507723631>it's not furry if it's an anthropomorphic fox monsterexplain your logic here

>>507723494So why don’t you like it minus what you consider backtracking hell

>>507723717It's okay.


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>>507723717It's only good quality is its passable presentation.

>>507723531DW1 is practically perfect with emulationthe biggest problems of the game were>20 fps>slow ass movement>loading screensnow days with basic use of pcsxr, Epsxe or retroarch you fix it

>tfw no taomommy

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>>507723804Now look here... I didn't make the rules. That's just how it is.

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>>507723717yes, the only big problem is the linear and boring design of the dungeons

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Adventure 01 > Tamers > Frontier > Xros > Adventure 02 >Data SquadChange my mind

>>507723717it will be a lot of fun if overall it's the kind of game you're into.people who accuse it of being anime shovelware garbage like neptunia or atelier are wrong, despite having a small budget it has a respectable amount of content and effort put into it. on the other hand, it's core gameplay is quantity over qualities, train lots of monsters, fight lots of random encounters, complete lots of standard sidequests. if you find the setting/artstyle/digimon/characters charming, then it's a fun game to play and grind out to pass time. I wouldn't buy it for ps4, but playing it on the switch is nice when I take breaks from work and stuff like that.

>>507719221>>507719557Sure, if you ignore 90% of the game and just focus on playing pokemon.

>>507724687no one is talking about anime user

>>507724889>people who accuse it of being anime shovelware garbage like neptunia or atelier are wrongatelier isn't shovelware though it's funmost of the nep games aren't good though yea

>*Blocks your path*

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>>507724992i've played an atelier game and I liked it and found the alchemy system really fun, but it is very clear that those games are easy to make yearly because once the barebones "system" is in place, there is no effort on the part of the developers.

>>507723717It feels like a neverending filler arc of Bleach. Got to the point where i just skipped all dialogue as it's mind numbing bullshit. Absolute terrible writing.

>>507724896>goes after a digimon game>say digimons are badwhat the fuck do you even want niggerit's like saying there isn't any good SMT games and making your reason that they are turn based

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>>507724484Also if you are after a particular mon (lilithmon for example) you end up grinding and having a party of literal digital gods that curb stomp every single battle in the game, even the secret bosses went down with out me even realizing they were the extra dlc bosses.then again I guess thats an issue with most jrpgs like this.

>>507725197i dunno what you mean by effort but ok

>>507725287I said the only good thing about the game is playing pokemon, i.e: raising digimon and -digi-volving them.

>>507723857I like it, but I can't deny that in a playable way it has aged very badly and it shows enough that they want to artificially increase the duration of the game by making you return again and again to the first city with all those slow and tedious random encounters.

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>>507725438and you do that since it's not world series it isn't as good as that but it is a different series from the same game

>>507725123what happened to this franchise

>>507725781series*like rumble arena being a fighting game

Best waifu? Best Waifu.

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>>507725880>what happened to this franchiseYou do realize that a couple of those designs have been part of the serie from the get go right?

>>507726079you think any of the retards that spam cum memes actually play games?

>>507725880>digital creatures produced by data>as the internet gets filled more with porn more fapbait mons are producedYou could have stopped it.

>>507725438yeah because raising digis and pokemons are the same if you say that it can only mean, you need to git gud

>>507726308Speak english you dumb faggot.

For me its Lilithmon + Rosemon BM.Peak aesthetics and performance (2 INT-penetrating moves)

Honestly I really want Digimon to try a real time action RPG rather than just aping Pokémon.And have the cool pokemon like Gundramon.

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post prego

>>507716734No Lilithmon, no buy!

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>>507726721>Digimon is an anime seriesThe first World game predates the anime.

now that i think even more nowdigimon different from pokemon actually made games that are different gameplay styles and they are all pretty decentand didn't stand with only 1 gameplay style and everything else they tried failed miserablycyber sleuth/hackers memories,rumble arena are good proofs of thatis a proof of it>>507726747lilithmon and belphemon are my favorites

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>>507726805imagine a third person shooter playing as Gundramon

>>507727145>they are all pretty decentNo. Only a few in the long list of Digimon games are any good.

Bug Digimon > everything else

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>>507726805>>507727172those styles would have to limit the digimons i still think it's a great idea it wouldn't be pleasing for the fanbase that enjoys world series tho>>507727412ok why aren't they decent then?most people here like saying they aren't but doesn't present any actual argument

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I hope the next V-pet uses a new shell. I know it's an anniversary thing to respect the genesis of the franchise but I'm starting to get tired of the brick cages.

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>>507723717I just gave up on it yesterday after 10 hours. Raising digimon is extremely grindy and unsatisfactory, the combat and the systems supporting it (stats, skills, etc) are all really shitty. It aso takes ages to get through the fights thanks to all the animations.On top of that there's the horrible story that gets in the way constantly. On a particular dungeon I counted over 10 cutscenes. >>507716734Digimon Survive. Maybe.

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>>507725123What is it with digisluts and covering part of their face and why is it so sexy?

>>507725926>fused one and it didn't have Kyoko's voiceDissapointment

>>507725123Too few

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>>507718596The first digimon world gave me a weird fetish

>>507727626Not him but gameplay wise only the ones with INT/DEF penetrating moves are useful.


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>>507722826>nigga got got with the ol' 8luelmao


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>>507728749Too many girls in costumes.

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>>507725123Why 2 Sakuyamon?

>>507730476One is the original, the other is the Miko Mode

>>507716734this is digimon? I was gone for two seconds wtf happened?!

>>507731367they found the porn. duh

>>507731367where were you 20 years ago when these two were created?

>>507731367Digimon has always been like this

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>>507731879look at those thighs

>>507719221If you ignore the dull combat, the boring ass triangle of weaknesses and the huge rng involved trying to make it difficult then yeah it's a good game

>>507731367Digimon has always been thirsty as fuck.

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>>507725926a gentleman of taste I see

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>>507716734who is the artist?

>>507721902Pretty sure that is angewomon dressed up as ladydevimon

>>507729953>Renamon is still by far the most popular Digi-girl>Pokemon continues making more and more provocative designs>Digimon doesn't recognise either of these points and keeps making women in fancy outfits

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>no one in the thread posted the hottest and cutest mons yetguys please.

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Why do I like moosemon?

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>>507724571My friend, you cannot tease people this much without giving the source.

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>>507734908What about the cutest and the funniest?

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>>507735443tfw your ophanimon will never turn into a lilithmon once she realizes that she wants to fuck you.

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Was there a gacha? Or can I get any sort of source on these? >>507728749

>>507736158Yeah, it's dead now.

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>>507735839>lollified mon>has a camel toeWhat in the fuck

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>>507723717Renamon is like the definition of furry

>>507718727You can rename them to whatever you like. No dumb filter like in Pokemon or 4chan

>>507726221We could've but why in god's name would we?

>>507720225>Mom! I finally got to use a YouTubers opinion as my own today!

>>507729953>karabiner drew thiswhat the FUCK

I love DW2 but that should in no way be taken as an endorsement of the game's quality as it's objectively bad. But it's the first Digimon game I ever played.

>>507717413I had Digimon World 1 as a kid and it BTFO'd me. I remember getting the last areas but I don't think I ever finished it. Even now, I pop it in every couple years and train up a Digimon, then quit when it dies because fuck doing that again

>>507736158Yes but more importantly it had a trading card game.

>>507719221Recruiting new digimon and grinding for abi points and stats were so painful to do in these games.

>>507737817And yet I did it for CS on PS4 and both games on Steam. I got even more optimal digimon on steam.

>>507729953I want to fuck that fox.

>>507722729>rumble arena 1Broken mess of a game, allows for easy lockdowns, Reapermon being stuck in that game, ugly locations, awful dub (damn you internet, I can't find a japanese rom)Yet it was the best platform fighter I ever played

>>507738007CS's system was fine and only a slight hurdle. Previous games were retarded.

>>507728723No digimon has any other voice aside from the repeated ones they use, even the ones that they used. Why?

>>507738791>No digimon has any other voice aside from the repeated ones they useExcept Dukemon in CS who is no longer voiced by Masako Nozawa. They even make a joke about that in the game by saying they expected Dukemon to sound a little more higher-pitched.

>>507738669bubble reflector

What is the worst Digimon game? I'm tempted to say World 4 but for all I know there's worse out there.

>>507739109One of the gatchas probably.

>>507739305ReArise is unironically a better game than World 2/4.

will you give in

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>>507736158That card game was amazing, it was braindead easy but the pvp and the tower was so much fun. It's so sad it died, probably it wasn't monetized enough. I can't even remember the name, Digimon heroes I think it was

>digivices sell like shit in Japan/Asia>tamagotchi sells like hot cakes>tfw bamco doesn't want to make a digivice app or proper digimon game FFFFFFFFFF

>>507739627Fuck yeah I would

>>507739627To which one?

>>507717274Have you taken your Angewomon to poop recently?

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>>507737539I wish there was a good resource for getting scans of those cards. withthewill had them years ago but had maintenance and never put them back, plus that place with it's users is a shitholethat game confused the fuck out of me as a kid, but damn those cards were cool

>>507739423Okay, but what about rearise or the one blucomon's from.

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>>507739627>leglock missionarybasedly dangerous

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>>507739789>digivices sell like shit in Japan/AsiaHave have they been pumping them out like crazy then?

>>507720225What fucking faggot has been spreading this shit?I bet some youtube nigger made a video with a shit, uneducated opinion and now everyone's parroting it.


>>507720427It's literally low budget

Next Order is a great game.

I loved cyber sleuth and hacker's memory.I hope we get another game similar to them.

Attached: Digimon Story_ Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory_20180119232955.jpg (1920x1080, 233.94K)

>>507740032>>507739423I meant links not rearise, I got confused.

>>5077402594 str 4 stam leather belt?

>>507739627the only choice

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Forget angels.HerculesKabuterimon chads WW@?

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Childhood is wanting a badass Digimon partner.Adulthood is realizing having a waifumon partner is better.


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>>507740464I liked the little cases where you helped the Digimon resolve dumb shit. I hope there can be more of that but in the digital world next game.

>>507740991Childhood is wanting a badass Digimon partner.Adulthood is realizing having a waifumon partner is better.Enlightenment is realizing that, regardless of what form they take, your partner is your friend and there for you so you should be happy no matter who they may be.


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>>507741340And in any case, you can always evolve them into a waifumon anyway

>>507740292Shame the load times and being console only

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Would you sniff Renamon's pubes

>>507738924Aw crud, I meant that no digimon you use has any voice, even when they're voiced in the story. What gives?Also, I never knew about that with Dukemon, what happened to the VA?>>507741176That post is conveniently leaving out every war-themed digimon>>507741340Thanks for the reflection, enlightened user

>>507741820She's all pubes

>>507741993>Aw crud, I meant that no digimon you use has any voice, even when they're voiced in the story. What gives?I just assumed they meant "this digimon will be voiced by this seiyuu forever, even if it took a human form at a point in the game, they lose that human voice once they transform">Also, I never knew about that with Dukemon, what happened to the VA?I think they just replaced her for the role, that's all. DB Super was going on at the time so she was probably busy voicing Goku.

>>507738791>>507741993>no digimon you use has any other voice asides from the repeated onesGet yourself Volcamon/PileVolcamon and any Etemon variants. Enjoy.

>>507741993>what happened to the VA?Stuck voicing Goku forever. Though seriously, maybe they just wanted another voice, and as a curiousity, she's now voicing the narration in the latest Digimon anime.

>>507723717It's honestly a pretty average jrpg. Making the main protag genderfluid forces the writers to make the dialogues shit

Who's your favorite digimon and why isn't it Renamon?

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>>507741993>That post is conveniently leaving out every war-themed digimonDid you misread the post?

>>507739627Ladies, let me put it in simple terms.Leglocked doggy style pounding while holding hands

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post ACTUALLY GOOD digimonhard mode: not just coomerbait

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>>507742614Now that I re-read it, yeah.

>>507742978I'll start

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I want a Renamon wife to cuddle and impregnate

>>507743557Where is that digimon from? Never seen it, looks cool

>>507743952It's one of Wormon's armor evolutions, so the D-3 that you can raise wormon in and maybe Digital Card Battle.

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>>507734862Good, fuck furfags

>>507742978You finally get it and no longer have to grind, the game is already won

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I like the idea of digimon but I wish the ones you could use had some kind of personality. I know that would be a lot of work to give each digimon you can raise, one. How would you go about it?


>>507741820I would eat them.

>>507746523If all goes well and they don't fuck it up, that's what Survive should be with your Agumon buddy.If I were given infinite budget? Take the personality system from the DS games and apply it to the story. Mons in your party will randomly quip based on their personality traits and certain quests may be altered as a result.

>>507747641How are the DS games anyway? Worth a play? Is Lilithmon in them?

>>507746523Maybe a thing where it takes the personality and what kind of digimon yours is and makes it say things based on that. so if an event happens and you have valiant skullgreymon with you during it, it will say something different than what a valiant meramon or kinkakumon would. but if had a valiant centalmon it would say the same thing a valiant meramon would.

>>507747880The translated ones at least are eh. Too grindy and some evolutions are a chore because of species EXP. Battle sprites are cool though. I guess you can put like an hour in and if it seems worthwhile to you you might as well play to the end.

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>>507747880>How are the DS games anyway?Not that great. Lilithmon is a boss in DS, and playable in Dawn and Dusk.

>>507736506>>507739696Thanks, found the game, now I'm looking for a gallery with all the scans. Gotta see if my niggas Paildramon, Exveemon, Wargrowlmon, Beelzebumon, Gargomon, Terriermon and Lopmon got sick artworks.

>>507742978Paildramon is legit cooler than Imperialdramon.

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>>507749170They did for sure, all of those are at least b-grade in terms of popularity.

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>>507718596That's hot

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>>507749827is this translated yet

>>507749951PSP version yes, enhanced 3DS version not yet

>>507749951The PSP version is, the 3DS version isn't.

>>507750056>>507750046any eta?

>>507750239Sometime after never and probably before never

>>507750592neat thanks

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>>507742978>Rosemon BM>Lilithmon>Alphamon Ouryuken >Chaosmon>Beelzemon BM>Belphemon RM>Gryphonmon>Arcadiamon Ultra

Got damn, this is real artwork? They fucking know their audience. Though, this weirds me out because I can only think of Zoey/blondie from Frontier because this was what she transformed into.

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Has he been in anything besides that ova and the X2?

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>>507752705The show itself called attention to her ass many times, what with the fact she literally used it in an attack

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>>507753103I guess I just didn't notice when I was younger.

>>507741803So is the remake going to have the incestuous undertones the original apparently had?

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The occult club is what keeps me from wanting to play through the cyber sleuth games again. They just keep on and on and on with their useless banter.

>>507754743masaru is the best digimon protag

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>>507755373>>507756649Is it explained why he punches niggas? Is it because he's a special destined chosen one, or can everyone make data come from their hands and he just chooses to punch? Might skip frontier to watch Savers

>>507757757>can everyone make data come from their hands and he just chooses to punch?yes

>>507757757He's going to be the ultimate street fighter. You gotta punch niggas to have that kind of title.


>>507758332>>507758341He doesn't have to, but he just chooses to do it? What a pretty cool guy.

>>507759050You'll probably also be happy to know he doesn't get any forced romance with the older girl on his team.

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>>507760865reminder that it's pretty common for mothers that separate from their child at a young age end up fucking them when they reunite.

>>507740867man i still have the miniature for this. good times.

>>507761461Got evidence of this?For research purposes.

There were, in fact, two good digimon games.

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I find Sunflomon very cute. It sucks that I hate every game they're in.

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>>507725926>Best girl is also best digimonHow can one be so based

what's the best resource for digimon scans?

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I'm not even an edgelord but Beelzemon is super cool!

Attached: itl.cat_digimon-iphone-wallpaper_2118398.jpg (736x1045, 182.54K)

It's like they never have the right combo.>Mechanics are good, story is generic weeb trash.>Story is good, mechanics are ass.

>>507762720Which ones were they?

>>507737426I hate to admit it, but I played it exclusively with a GS code that prevented my Digimon from aging, because I was so fucking sick of training a new one up every 4-5 hours.

>>507718596You'd be amazed how without taste ass is after they shower. Plus, women get super into it. Eat a chicks ass while she gives you head? Guarantee that will be some of the best head you get. They go fucking ballistic.

>>507716734go back to /vp/

>>507764605How come they like their ass sucked so much if the pussy is like a billion times more sensitive?

>>507728393Cyber Sleuth would be perfect if it weren't for some of the arbitrary stat requirements and the absolute garbage that is the story. I am so fucking sick of JRPG's having fun battle systems and mechanics hampered by god awful plot. You could literally just recycle any DQ/FF plot, and it'd still be better than the shit we keep getting.

>>507764845magic i thinktrust me its actually magic

>>507764934>>507764845This. I mean, sure - Clit stimulation is amazing. Women love it. But you ever have a really bad itch in your asshole, and then you scratch it through your pants and it feels like fucking heaven to get rid of? Imagine that, but with a tongue, and continuously for like 20-30 minutes.

>>507717531It doesn't because digital beings don't poop, the asshole is just there to be enjoyed.

>>507765921>digital beings don't poopok retard.

>>507765921Nigga, they literally have shown the Digimon taking a dump in the games and anime

Attached: Sora's disgusting fetish.webm (496x352, 959.08K)