What an amazing game


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is that all you had to say about it

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>>507710651What else can be said? It's a fantastic game.

>>507710651What do you want me to say?It’s a really unique experience. Soundtrack is 10/10 and the landscapes really draw you in.The only real criticisms I have of it are the random crits and there’s not many quests due to a lot being cut.

Overseer did nothing wrong.

>>507710651>namefag better to have just not say anything than what you just said.

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>>507711060>>507712930>>5077101154 is unironically better


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>>507713036It seemed sensible at the timeThen 2 made him an asshole

>>507711060>>507712930Not backpeddling but thats exactly what I wanted to hear

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>>507714092I mean...>Story is more complex and has deeper themes. For example, a journalist seeking to uncover a sinister infiltrator in her town and the city being consumed by paranoia is a lot better than just “mayor vs casino boss lol” You have a lot more incentive to find your son rather than the chip.

>>507714401nigga shut up you aint fooling nobodyyour quest in 1 literally comes down to "you're a martyr we send out to potentially die for us so we may live" then ur like "OMG MY SON FROM 100 YEARS AGO WHO OBVI IS STILLL ALIVE"

>>507714401who are you quoting?

>>507714401Fallout 1 is written more realistically, it has a down-to-earth style and tone, and it takes itself and it's material seriously. It's a game that meant something other than billions of dollars to the people who made it.Fallout 4 does not treat it's subject matter seriously, the whole game is like one big joke. The holes in the plot are too numerous even to list. The world, while full of physical objects, is vapid when it comes to conceptual exploration.In fallout 1, I'm interested in the world. i like talking to people, and learning about how this world works and how people live in it. It's far from perfect, but good post-apocalyptic games (fallout 1, NV, Wasteland 2) give a shit about the world building and try to make it grounded and interesting.Nothing at all like that in Fallout 4. the world is 95% raiders, and there are like 10 guys digging around in the dirt. Nothing in the game makes any sense. Why do people allow Nick Valentine into that stupid city? Why does everyone know dogmeats name, even if you skip the part where that old woman names her? What is the institute doing, and why? Since when did Arthur maxon and the BoS start believing in "souls?" I could ask question upon question that the game makes no attempt to answer nor to deflect. It's written by like, a fucking caveman.


>>507714401Please stop.

>>507710115Tried Fallout 1.I found out I don't like point and click games. Movement is friggin ponderous.

You're gonna be the one that saves me?

>>507718108>double clicking and moving the camera is too hard for himLook at this fag and laugh

>>507710115Sounds like someone got filtered

>>507719630Other guy but the game aged like shit. OG X-Com is far better for movement and combat and it came out far earlier

>>507719630If you want to believe it was to complicated for my tiny brain instead of tedious nature of it you have my permission.If it makes you feel better about yourself it costs me nothing so have at it.

>>507715564>Why do people allow Nick Valentine into that stupid city?You'd know if you asked him about it.>Why does everyone know dogmeats name, even if you skip the part where that old woman names her?You'd know if you asked anyone else about dogmeat.

>>507720645Yeah I know the given "explanation" in the game, the problem is that is makes no sense and is internally inconsistent.



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>>507710115>time limitgame discarded

>>507721416It’s easy to get the chip unless you’re retarded

>>507713938>f4Newer game, but isnt a fallout in any way>f1great rpg, great quest, Original.

>>507721630doesn't matter, i like to look at shit and explore everything.


>>507721416>enjoys hand holding gameplay


>>507714401>more incentive to find your son than the chipGo away Todd. All that bullshit you've been spewing has finally muddled your brain. F4 was and still is trash. It's not a Fallout game, it's the result of someone hearing about Fallout and talking to people about Fallout trying to make a Fallout game. And then fucking it up Bethesda style.

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>>507714651He’s your son, you’re supposed to care about him.

>>507710115fallout games are never amazingbut some of them have a good/imersive setting with alright story


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>>507713938the only good thing about the old fallouts did was the lore.

>>507725529>and the atmosphere>and the combat>and the artstyle>and the music

>>507725385Du bist mein wundermaur


>>507725709No other fallout games give off the same feeling as the first two and the TC mods for 2.

>>507715564>BoS start believing in soulsWhat do you mean?

>time limitIts shit

>>507726276shut up trip fag

>he got filtered by the water chip

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>no games can have tension and urgency they all have to be shitesda you can go anywhere and do anything games where the main quest doesnt matter

>>507725354>fallout games are never amazingThey are though

>>507710115fuck now i want to listen to the song againyoutube.com/watch?v=fq2cH5-j6L4

>>507726064I mean, when Maxson is giving his diatribe in the companion quest for Paladin Danse, he doesn't talk about anything rational. He doesn't bring up what a massive security risk Danse is, he doesn't bring up that with the flip of a switch the Institute coulkd turn him hostile, or fucking detonate him and kill everyone in a mile radius. Maxson doesn't mention that even without his knowledge, Danse could be being used for recon, recording everything he sees and hears.Instead, he just focuses on "how can u trust a man who thinks he's a machine!! he's got no soul!!." Something that the techno isolationist paramilitary group that was the Brotherhood of Steel in fallout 1 and 2 would never, ever say, because it's irrelevant and stupid.

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Apart from the gameplay, FO1 & FO2 had incredible atmosphere and rawness to it. I pictured myself into the situations the protagonist was put into, what would I say to a lowlife scumbag trying to intimidate me? Or when was it a plausible reason to smooth-talk my way out of a confrontation? And the way it could go wrong, shot up in a brutal way, losing your own life and sealing the fate of those who counted on you counted on you, that's what I don't get from newer Fallout games.


>>507725709This except for the combat.

>>507728501Combat is fine for what its trying to do. No other way to do it honestly. Fallout 3,nv,4 place no emphasis on special and stats when it comes to combat. If you can aim at the enemy then your golden. In fallout 1 and 2 its more about how good your character is.

>>507721142>the problem is that is makes no sense and is internally inconsistent.ok, why?

>>507727451nosome are great/goodbut amazing like an 9/10? no

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>Fallout 2>already have a sprawling city, and they even have a porno industry>Fallout 4>skeletons in bathtubs, 300-year old cans of Pringles lol

>>507729585I have over 120 hours in f2. Safe to say its amazing

>>507710115Good taste, OP. Very patrician.

>>507729672Bethesda only cares about the aesthetics of fallout.

As a standalone story, Fallout 1 is infinitely better than Fallout 2.

>>507730331I can agree with that. Its far more cohesive and moves at a better pace.

>>507720645>You'd know if you asked anyone else about dogmeat.It's probably just cut content or something. If you go to Vault 81 when you have Concord discovered, but before meeting Preston, you can do that quest with the teacher that asks you to tell a story to her pupils. Even if you never met Preston, your character tells the same story about the Deathclaw fight and the Power Armor.

>>507710651Disregard what i just wrote.I love to suck dicks.

>>507730037The thing is, they blatantly overdo it. It would make sense if this was just after the bombs fell, but people don't live in the same place as skeletons. People back in 4000 BC wouldn't sleep in the same bed as skeletons. In Fallout 1, in the very first city you come across, Shady Sands, there are already houses made out of stucco and there's 1 or 2 women with brooms. It looks 10x more clean than any building in 3/NV/4.And that's not to say of all the lost technology, but of course guns are still in mint condition.

>>507730961Of course i dont think normies would like it if it was a fully "civilized" world with "civilized" world problems. They want to listen to 50s bubblegum pop while they shoot a supetmutant with a fatman in a wasteland. To them thats what fallout is

>>507714401Keep in mind that in the original ending to that questline, helping Gizmo would bring corruption but economic prosperity to Junktown, while helping Killian would gradually cause him to become a well-intentioned tyrant, grinding the town slowly into the dust. They changed that because playtesters didn't like the idea of far-reaching, unforseen consequences to your actions.

>>507731490Playtesters have been a fucking burden for decades holy shit

>>507714401>You have a lot more incentive to find your son rather than the chip.I have zero incentive to play the story in 99% of Bethesda games. Checkmate.

>>507731490That ending makes no fucking sense, except as a stupid “Gotcha!” moment to the player, so I’m glad they changed it

i love how fallout 1 music plays in new vegas, even in dead money. i wish we could get a good fallout again, at least on the same tier as 3

>>507731693Yeah but on the plus side it got us the Gecko reactor questline in 2 where if you fix it perfectly for them it causes them to get annexed by the increasingly expansionistic Vault City postgame.

>>507731727It actually makes perfect sense. It's no secret that gambling creates huge opportunities and attracts people far better than just a "small safe town", even if the unfortunate side effect is increased crime. Junktown has nothing outside of its casino to get people to want to live there, since Hub is already the trade center of the area. The difference between Killian and Gizmo is simply pragmatism.

>>507731742I love how much respect NV pays to the classics

>>507732294Junktown has nothing outside the casino because the game world is small. The idea that some lawless thug would bring prosperity is utter nonsense; history has shown time and time again that the rule of law is the best guarantor of prosperity because business thrives when people feel safe. Most importantly, there is absolutely nothing in the game to imply that removing Gizmo would destroy Junktown’s economy, so the ending is totally out of left field.I thought we had reached the point where most people realized that subversion for its own sake is a bad idea.

>>507733406>Junktown has nothing outside the casino because the game world is small.Ok, but that's still not a good excuse. You can speculate all you want about what you think Junktown should/might have, but from its appearance in the game, it has nothing but that.>The idea that some lawless thug would bring prosperity is utter nonsenseThere's a difference between being a lawless thug and a entrepreneur with a flexible moral code. Lawless Thugs are the Skullz Gang. Gizmo works within the confines of the law as much as he is able, and keeps the rest hidden, which is why there is a standoff between Gizmo and Killian.There's also plenty of precedence that "lawless thugs" created boom towns, such as Vegas and Atlantic City.Safety is fine and all, but I have personal experience with "a small town that people find safe". Spoiler alert: it's boring as fuck.>absolutely nothing in the game to imply that removing Gizmo would destroy Junktown’s economyTrue, but arguably Killians demeanor is all you really need to see to know where he stands. From as little interaction as possible, you know he is the sheriff, and his primary concern is the safety of the town. That's it. He has no vision or drive to do anything better outside of that because he doesn't say anything else, and then we're running into the same problem of explaining what he wants outside of the game.

>>507728501It really depends on the game you are trying to make, FPS and RPG just dont blend well. You either get stuck with bullet sponges like modern fallout or the RPG mechanics are totally sidelined to the FPS mechanics making the RPG elements pointless altogether. I also dont really find many FPS games are good at telling a story, its just to fast paced of a game-play style. Sure some have been exceptions but i find the top down perspective far easier to set setting and tone. Personally i prefer the top down combat when it comes to fallout but that doesn't mean i didn't play the shit out of almost all the fallout games, new and old.

1 has the best atmosphere and aestheticOf course Bethesda then proceeded to overdo everything and fuck it up so now people associate Fallout with WHACKY 50's AMERICANA

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>>507734869It can be done it would just take a lot of effort. They would have to do things like have unique animations for different skill levels. Like holding pistols sideways with low guns skills , shooting rifles from the hip and what not. And when you have high gun skill you do tactical reloads.

>>507736357But instead most developers wall off damage boosts behind RPG skills or something stupid.Never understood who thought that would be a good idea.

>>507736583Its easier to just have damage values change and call it a day. After all most of the a RP comes from dialogue

>>507710115So many zoomers ITTFallout 2 is great too OP

>>507735242>Of course Bethesda then proceeded to overdo everything and fuck it updid you skip 2

>>507729363Why? Why is it stupid, and inconsistent with the rest of the game for Diamond City to let a synth into their town just because he saved someone? When everyone in the wasteland knows that synths infiltrate society by blending in and relying on the trust of others? Any everyone knows synths annihilate every living thing they set their eyes on, if their told too? We're not talking about The Railroad harboring nick valentine or anything, we're talking about Diamond City, a place that is in full-on synth panic mode, where there was an execution in the streets, that you witnessed, because of synths. And you're asking me why is it internally inconsistent that they tolerate, even celebrate, a synth living along side them? I wouldn't trust him just because he saved some kid, only a fucking retard like you would.

>>5077374272 is fantastic faggot

>>507737427No, it just wasn't as bad as what Bethesda did to the tone of the series

>>507713938FO4 can be fun if you totally turn off your brain, find power armor, and think of the entire experience as a spin-off that sold for half the price of a regular Fallout game. I got the game+all DLC for like $25 and am not angry with it. But its kind of a bastardized game. If I wanted to play a shooter, there are plenty of other, better options.

>>507737939dude pop culture references lmao. not to mention bos with its shameless energy drink advertisements.

>>507738467What the fuck are you talking about? There are some easter eggs in it but its not anywhere close to Bethesda cancer Its still a dark atmospheric post apoc rpgAnd it improved basically everything from the first game

>>507738848you can't go five minutes without finding a stupid reference or some wacky out of place joke. an entire area and sidequest chain is built around kung fu dueling. people always bitch about the vampire sidequest in 3 when 2 has equally dumb shit.

>>507739221>you can't go five minutes without finding a stupid reference or some wacky out of place jokeDont know what game you played>kung fu fighting is on the same level as fucking vampiresBait.They, just like the Kings in NV, adopted an old world pop culture thing as a legitimate custom. It's stupid but its not out of place. Vampires is pretty fucking out of place.

>>507739221Fallout 2 was great. It was a grounded, dark setting that tried to be a natural progression from 1. There is thought and care in how the world works. There are comical quests and events to break up the serious tone of the game, and it's never done at the expense of the experience--unlike the recent games, who are defined by the silly references and wacky events.

>>5077101151 > NV > 2prove me wrong

>>507741021I'd say NV and 2 are about equal. Both are great games with different playstyles.

>>507741021I mean, you're not really wrong.It's a toss up between nv and 2, but they are very different experiences. I think if you prefer 1, 2 is much closer to that. Either way, all 3 are great.

>>507741021I flip flop between this and 1>NV=2

>>5077410214 is better than 2.2 is one of the most overrated pieces of shit there is.

>>5077410211 is too buy the book safe in regards to post apocalyptic settings, and 2 is too out there with its pop culture references being made literally canon, but, I do prefer 2's POST post apocalyptic setting. NV has the best of both worlds but the RP elements (and some of the story choices) are pretty poor.

would you want it?

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>>507721320Who are they

>>5077427352 is definitely where things started getting over the top, and directly responsible for the dumbing down of the series, imo. The joking nature of it really brought the games down from the grittiness of Fallout 1, which also had some similar encounters, but they were never taken seriously like Fallout 2 going overboard with it.

>>507742959Hell yes

>>507743335Pretty much my thoughts on 2 vs 1. If 2 had a serious reduction in its wackiness (or just slip in a wild wasteland like system) then it'd far succeed 1 in terms of gameplay, setting and story. This is why for me personally the games are more or less all equal to each other because neither are particularly bad or good.

>>507710115I played this when the internet was out for a week and having to play something without casually checking the wiki made it pretty memorable. I was also extremely disappointed when I didn't get a kiss or flirt from Tandi since I was fully expecting some romantic tidbit after the whole khan thing.

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>>507744938There's some dialogue options about it, but nothing you're looking for. It's funny when you come on to her as a girl, though. I think there's only two people in the game that you can have relations with, one is just a random pump and dump, and the other is a little more of a typical fling.

>>507746150actually, now that i think about it, there may be 3. There's the whore in Junktown, the caravan daughter, and the mohawk companion girl that i forget the name of, that i believe you can have sex with, but it's been a long time.

>>507744938That’s a good thing. Romance and coomer shit are equally bad>>507746835You can’t have sex with Katja

>>507748836Might be one of the other Followers then at their library.

>>507727731maxsons jacket was pretty dope tho. instantly killed him when i saw it just to snag.

>>507748836I just wanted the knight rescuing the damsel story to be complete with kiss on the cheek man.

>>507748836>You can't have sex with KatjaSomebody post the mod. You know the one.

>>507710115Yah, I thought it was way better than 2. Despite having half the content.

Uuuh, reminder to all Bethesdrones:If you think Fallout 4 is good, then you must also think pic related is good. If you don't, you are a retarded shitposting Eceleb cumdrinker, they are the same exact game.

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>>507751003Anyone who says 4 > 3 is precisely the reason why Fallout is in this horrendous rut.

>>507729585F1 is masterclass, its easily one of the best games ever made.

>>507751432for the time it was released, surethe setting and ost still are amazing, but everything else is dated or ok at best

The one thing that really bugs me about Fallout 1 is how GURPS was dropped. The sound effects are just so fucking satisfying, I wonder why they didn't keep them. So much more meaty.youtube.com/watch?v=zzm27Lr8eAoand I remember playing the Fallout demo when I was a kid. There were quite a few death animations that just didn't make it in, such as the Minigun blowing off a leg, not just the upper torso that most burst weapons do.

>>507751003Fallout 1 is one of my favorite games, but that being said, I actually don't mind Fallout 4 or 76 that much. I hated Fallout 3 - not necessarily to the extent that NMA did, and I wasn't completely angry about the FPS change, but there were many things about it that were bothersome, the voice acting, the faces, the story being shit, etc. I grew up with Arena and Daggerfall, too, and Morrowind was very good for its time. After that, though, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Skyrim... just never held the same appeal for me. New Vegas was definitely a huge step in the right direction. Maybe I'm just tired of caring. Fallout 4 and 76 are still fun as exploration games, and I'm not going to nitpick them like I used to. I just don't play the story at all, do what I want to do and then move on to something else. That's the state of mind people need to be in to really enjoy new age Bethesda games, imo. Gamers just aren't as experienced or jaded enough to get past things they hate.

>>507710115glorified tech demo

>>507754460absolute garbage opinion

>>507753063>GURPS was droppedWhat was the story with this? Didn't they lose the rights or something a few weeks before release and have to scrap together a new ccombat system in days?

>>507752209This is the analog to saying,"Yeah Shakespeare is good, but that shit is printed on books man. Why read that dated format when you can just watch it as a movie, like 'Shakespeare in Love' "

>>507754838yes. steve jackson thought the game was too violent.

>>507753702NMA was fussy because Bethesda's developers are literally retarded.When probed about melee combat mechanics and scoring crits in sensitive regions, like the groin, they pretty much viewed is as an unnecessary mechanic and that the groin-targeting was "immature"Then in a gameplay reveal they showed a gun that shoots railroad spikes and makes a choo-choo train "toot" soundAnd a rocket launcher that they shot teddy bears fromThe real case is that they couldn't make melee-targeting because their developers are incompetent, and fallout was just a really poorly done Oblivion mod

>>507754838It was fairly early into development, so it wasn't a few weeks to finish thing. By itself, dropping GURPS wasn't a huge deal to me, the extra depth in mechanics would have been nice, but it's mostly stuff after that, like the sounds I mentioned. Animations were dropped, some even look less detailed in the release version compared to early GURPS demos, etc. It's not that what Fallout had wasn't good, but a lot of what was in GURPS was just so much better looking for some reason.

>>507755320>fallout was just a really poorly done Oblivion modIronic that Fallout 3 turned out to be a better game than Oblivion itself

>>507755513Except it wasn'tThe ending was beyond retardedInfinitely moreso if you had Fawkes as a companionTake the rose-tinted glasses off

>>507755745I'd say you're the one with rose-tinted glasses for Oblivion. That game was utter trash, while Fallout 3 at least had some decent things about it

>>507755320I was a fairly frequent poster on NMA when Fallout 3 was announced and such. They were REALLY adamant about it being changed to a FPS RPG instead of sticking with the old isometric gameplay. There was also still a lot of negativity surrounding Interplays failed dark alliance clone. Watching Fallout 3 go from Van Buren (the successor everyone wanted) to a totally new game that was quite outside the spectrum of what NMA thought should be a Fallout sequel really hammered in that Bethesda hatred, to the point where I don't think it was even about the game anymore. It was vitriolic without even giving it a chance to prove itself. You couldn't even discuss the possibility of enjoying it, even if you were a fan of Bethesda games long before that. It was completely irrational, all for the sake of that perceived badge of honor of being a "true fallout fan".

>>507735242Atraris looks like a wojak

>>507755869>That game was utter trash, while Fallout 3 at least had some decent things about itOblivion has several extremely well-done and memorable questlines.

Just going to say this:modded fallout 4 city building is fun, but the story and role playing is garbage and it’s unfixable.

>>507710115For me the bloody mess perk ending is canon. After all the shit Dweller went through I would expect that reaction.

>>507731742Thats what I call good soundtrack

>>507756898Extremely well-done is generous. It simply has quests that are better-then-average for a series that usually has bad quests. The core mechanics of Oblivion are complete broken garbage. Fallout 3, meanwhile, actually did a good job carrying over the skill system from the original games.

>>507757021>bloody mess perkPretty sure you don't need that perk to BTFO the Overseer. You just need to be of sufficient level and gearing to damage him in the one round you get.

>>507732389zoomers think "Maybe" is from Fallout 3, Sad!

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>>507731742Their use of the Shady Sands theme in Vera's suite and the surrounding hallways and rooms in the depths of the Sierra Madre was perfect. Such a creepy, eerie song that hammered home how fucked up her ultimate fate ended up being.

>>507757692Why is Lone Wanderer so cute?

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>>507756115Slightly more on this; IMO all of it stems from Interplay dropping Black Isle to try and appeal to mass market through console gaming. That was a huge betrayal to NMA, like having your favorite band embody your ideals and then all of a sudden selling out to try to reach a broader audience. And it was made even worse by Brotherhood of Steel, the dark alliance clone, basically killing off Interplay for good because it wasn't successful enough. Everything went downhill for Interplay from there. Van Buren being stuck in limbo until Bethesda finally pried the rights from Interplays cold, dead fingers and decided to not continue development on it, and instead twist it into an Elder Scrolls clone... which I never had a problem with, and thought was actually a fairly good idea, but NMA definitely did not feel the same way. On top of that, NMA had a lot of exclusive rights, such as discussions with developers and such, that it all boils down to thinking they were the definitive Fallout fanbase and no one else mattered; true elitists to their very core.

>>507758712Who knew arguing over if a game is good could be so interesting?

>>507752209Games don't "age", retard.

>>507759069They were interesting times. That small window where the internet was opened up to everyone, but before social media, so forums were the place to be to discuss your interests. NMA was a community of very hardcore PC/Fallout fans, and everyone knows about that somewhat hostile rivalry between PC and console, which was taken to the extreme in NMA's case.

>>507724585...Japanese Sean Penn impersonators?

>>507759826>things don’t ageWhat?

>>507758424>those muscles>that bulgeIs Chosen One the chad of the wasteland?

>>507759069>>507759876Another somewhat interesting thing of note, 2009 or 2010, I had applied at Interplay for a job and got an email back for a position on Fallout Online, which I ultimately didn't get, but was definitely a good thing for me as I would have had to relocate to california, and Interplay finally shit the bed and died out completely shortly after that.

>>507759876I wish I was born earlier, the 90s seem like weirdly comfortable Wild West days

>>507761227Games don't.Peoples tastes change, but video games and media literally stay the same

>>507762095You'd just be jaded like me. Watching your favorite hobby devolve and become so mainstream is kind of sad. Developers were so much more passionate about it back then, really cared about the craft and it wasn't necessarily about money, it was about what you thought was fun and making it for others to enjoy. Console gaming got into that aspect a lot earlier, and PC gaming stayed relatively niche in that way, and the late 90's are pretty much considered the golden age of PC gaming, or at least as far as PC RPG's are concerned.

>>507755745>ending so bad they had to retcon it with a DLC

>>507755745>FawkesOr Charon, a guy brainwashed to obey every order they're given without thought, and who is a ghoul that fucking LOVES radiation. Or Mr. HandyOr let Autumn pull the switch like he was obviously willing to do and let HIM bite the fucking bullet. You've already blown through his entire army to get there in the first place.

>>507764763It’s your destiny though :)

>>507712930>the landscapes really draw you inYeah staring at the ground and same 5 buildings, but different sizes over and over again is really engaging.

>>507742959>Head movement and gun movement differentclean up a few things, and I'd pay dollarydoos for it.

>>507766602Its not a game just a 3d render made by a slav fallout fan called red888guns

>>507766575Tell me the military base isn’t cool as fuck

>>507766742I know it is. I'd pay for him to take a shot.