Tony Hawk 1&2 Remake

there is no such thing as too much soul

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Other urls found in this thread:>tfw

Genuinely excited for it. But I also always expected this remaster, because everything that has ever existed seems to be getting them these days.

I have mixed feelings about this because everything Tony Hawk related ends up being shit the last decade, and I'm working on a story based skateboarding game that takes place in the 90s with a soundtrack of 90s hardcore. If this ends up being shit that's pretty much the last nail in the coffin of this genre.

>not thps3 with wolverine, darth maul and other fun shit

>>507710343Luckily it sounds like they're trying their best to retain as much of the old feeling as possible, including OST. Skate park designer sounds very ambitious too. But as history shows, saying and doing are two very different things.

Why are people interested in this game? Who the fuck wants to roleplay as a stoner loser that thinks skate is a real job?

looks decent, but the levels still should be more readable

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>Remake of a game that already got a remakeThis is peak soulless. Jesus Christ fuck modern gaming.

>>507708479But will Spider-Man be in it?

>>507711291Tony Hawk retired 17 years ago and is still worth 140 million

>>507711652the first remake is peak souless.

>>507711486The shadows are the biggest visual problem. They don't belong in this game type.


>not THPS3 which is the best of the series

>>507708479The fact they're even bringing back the OST is kinda cringy to me. It's just gonna be a bunch of grown adults playing the exact same thing listening to the exact same song trying to be a kid again.

Who the fuck is nigel and why do I see his twitter everywhere?

Looks very similar to THPS HD which was buried under layers of Unreal Engine jankWIll be observing

after snowrunner another goty games goes to egs

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>>507711486Why the fuck are graphics so awful now? These games look like garbage now. Is it this tranny realism shit?

>>507715136>tranny realism shit You need to desperately unplug from 4chan and the internet in general

some titlescreen font will be slightly tilted and you niggers will lose your minds again, you always fucking do

>they have been unable to make a good tony hawk game in 15 years, even when they try to remake old games>WHY YOU GUYS BEING SO PESSIMISTIC!!!

>>507708479I bet it's gonna be another shitty remake and if they don't include manuals and reverts again they might as well not even bother. I understand that 1 didn't have manuals and reverts but I played the first game today and it just sucks. They should've just remade THPS3 and added all of the 1 and 2x maps.

>>507718076yeah I was about to post this. not having reverts is just bad

>>507717853Tbf people said the same thing about Crash and that turned out well

>>507711486Unironically soulless I'd rather just emulate the originals

>>507710886Didny owns all those characters now its impossible to have them unless they wanna pay 12 billion shekels to use them

>>507711486I think you're right, it's very busy looking

it will probs be dogshit calling it now

I want THUG and THUG 2 remakeSpend so many hours in those

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>>507710343lol I read your post as saying that if your homemade skateboarding game didn't pan out it would be the final nail in the coffin for the genre, and I both thought you were a retard and admired your self-assurance.

>>507717340and you need to unplug my cock from your ass, tranny freak

My first ps2 game was THPS2, played it well into the ps3 lifetime since it was ps1 compatible.

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>>507711486They should have based the remakes on the THPS2X, THPS 3 and THUG 2 level remakes because they increased lighting and effects but didn't fuck around with the sight lines of the levels. Color palate being way too realistic makes things harder to see as well. >>507718076>>507718734Manuals, special trick manuals and reverts are confirmed to be in.

>>507715136Its because Unreal engine that everyone is using so almost all games look like plastic shit. I literally can see just 2 seconds of footage and instantly know game is running on that shitty ass engine.


>>507708479>epic games store exclusive for pc versionalready soulless, guess it's worth a pirate though

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>>507711486This looks terrible, there's literally none of the original aesthetic left AT ALL.

>chicago level> comes on first

>>507717340fuck off commiefornian

>>507708479Well they fucked it up really bad last time. Why should I give a fuck about this one? It doesnt even require much. Just not being retarded is enough.Why would anyone flash a white screen every time you crash? How did no one see that as a dumb idea before release?

This ugly shit looks like those "GTA: San Andreas in 4k!!!" videos that Russians and Brazilians obsess over. Also, THPS1 and 2's stages are terrible.

>>507725729Imagine thinking School II is a bad level.

>>507723927all games look like they're made of clay

>>507722128>>507725368lol trannies love cartoony shit retards, jocks and chads love realism

>>507726292realism is for mental midgets

>>507708479THPS 3+4 would have been more hyped fuck THPS 1 and 2 nothing but nostalgia in those games

>>507726292trannies only love a very specific style of cartoony shit, rounded corners and pastel colors.

>>507719039>that turned out wellIf you say so.

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>>507727074Why do modern games hate color variety so much?

>>507726054There isn't anything interesting to School II. I'd rather see them remake the best stages from all the games instead of lazily doing the tiny, uninspired THPS1 and 2 stages. I just want to do cool shit like this

>>507712689Ex-resetERA mod. He's being shilled everywhere. Either by himself or some very dedicated trannies.

>>507711486dear god it's like spyro all over again

>>507727074the boxes aren't crooked

>>507708479>Epic Store for a fucking year>Multiplayer's dead by then unless the pirate version works onlineMonkey paw.>>507711486The lighting and shadows ensure you are FUCKED without playing a level 500 times.

>>507728207>multiplayer d-dead trust mefortnite is already bigger than steam alon copedy cope

>>507727074>left: OOZING colors based on color theory, which automatically results in soul>right soulless, washed out post-modern no-fun allowed nihilistic garbage

>>507727718>Ex-resetERA mod.does this mean he left that mental institution hellhole on his own or was he kicked out for wrongthink? either way, it's a step in the right direction.

>>507728456> i use words that I don't know the meaning of: the post

>>507728447Woah fucking jesus who the fuck mentioned Fortnite. This isn't coomer zoomer instant gratification game. Nor is it free.

>>507728972right back at you, fagglet.

Shoulda remade THUG

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>>507727258appealing colour variety takes a lot of confidence and a certain amount of skill to pull off, very few artists in any industry are capable of doing it, every film and game is colour graded using a pair of opposites because that's all they are confident enough to attempt. 90s devs didn't give as much of a shit, they threw in whatever they felt like, many games were ugly but they were more creative in every aspect including colour. Also materials, real time light and atmosphere bleaches and shifts colours making them harder to balance.


>>507708479>anime avater twitter shill profileWish we could ban these screencaps on site

>>507712689Im not sure if >>507727718 of >>507728635 is correct but i'm fucking sick and tired of seeing this account and those other same ones like 9 Volt or Amahd Xeran spammed here for news contantlyAre you fucks too lazy to just pastebin links now?

>>507708479can't remember last time I was this excited after a game announcement. I hope they add newer pro skaters as playable characters and that more companies than just Vans jump on.

>>507708479Video games are so fucking dead. Nothing but online multiplayer garbage and remakes

literally every single TH game is fine as is. If you can't complete THPS1 and 2 in under an hour you're a shitter and don't belong in this thread.

>>507732973The hollywood style transformation of the industry is complete, eventually the last remnants of the ps2 era will die off and we will spend the rest of our lives worshipping and trying to relive their legacy.

>not THUGwho cares

someone decompile skate 2 to make a pc port

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>>507708479>devs don't know the difference between a remaster and a remakethis is obviously a remake

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Honest question to zoomie anons: Are you genuinely confused why 30 year old boomers are getting excited for a sports game that is in the top 3 games of all time on metacritic?

They better be fuckin secret tapes and not dvds or I'm not buyingTapes only. This is a boomercore game, fuck zoomniggers, fuck trannywatch, and fuck shitnite.

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>>507734597Just play Skate 3 on RPCS3.

>>507734672cunt the game looks nothing like the originals. it's literally THPS5 with OG levels. There is no reason to be excited about this.


>>507731589Agreed. THUG1 + 2 would've been better. the tony hawk games only started getting good at pro skater 4.

>>507708479I mean, I'm happy to hear this, I hope it's good, but THPS 1 and 2 were always my very least favorite entries. The Tony Hawk games on PS2 and Xbox is where the series really started getting good.

>>507735042>RE2>FF7>THPS2Theres only one of the four playstation devas left from the year of dreams user...

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>>507734867skate 3 city is boring



>>507735042Twisted Metal 1 & 2

>>507734674will they show skate videos from the 90s?

>>507735114confirmed 16 year old

>>507711486looks like the crash remake unsurprisingly. that's a bad thing. wayyyy too many shadows. still, what matters are the physics, if those are mostly intact (as in, THPS3 physics or THPS2 physics + reverts) it's an instant buy

>>507725140Describe the aesthetic of the original and tell me why the remake is such an unacceptable deviation.

>>507735390I heard they'll just put this video in in its'

>>507735491Its 2 with reverts confirmed.

>>507735418Come on dude. I'm not him, but I'm 38 and those early Tony Hawk games suck balls. Get real.

>>507711486One of the few real soul vs soulless pics.

>>507735639Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>>507711652Well, the first remke was pure shit... so, I think we should be okay with them giving it another go. Maybe get it right this time.

>Come home to play horse in THPS2 with brother>Drinking Dr Pepper, eating cherry gummies and downloading jackass and the sidewalker surfer videos on limewire like a dumbass>Listening to cd burns of the soundtrack all the time>Parents downstairs talking about something odd going on in america on the newsSeptember 2001 was a great time

>>507711486It's not like I don't know the map already so why bother complaining about busy looking graphics.

>>507735224>>507735305>>507735351Dangerous question for you. Do you want it to be a 1:1 touched up remaster, a somewhat respectful remake, or fuck it and use it to reboot the whole series?

Wake me up when it's THUG they are remastering. It is the best tony hawk game by many miles.

>>507735575i'd prefer 3 since 3 is literally a perfect video game with perfect controls but that's also acceptable, i'm glad to hear it

>>507736058Its an interesting question because the first game is largely a game based around an enclosed, somewhat free roam location based around a hostage scenario. A team without Genius Kojimbos influence could take that in some very different ways.

>>507734674>dvdsok boomer. They'll probably just have sd cards/flash drives or smartphones instead

>>507711712The most important question in this thread. Literally a deal-breaker.

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Why does everybody gotta be such cancerous fags. Game looks good, both old and new. I'm just glad to get another Tony hawk game

will they use the old pros or new ones? I don't think I know any modern skate pro

>>507711486Almost everyone that responded to this is retarded. The only real issue is the shadows.

>>507708479thank you, literally who.

I hope they use Bam Margera's new model

>>507736853>>507711958This, and presumably a non-issue if they just allow you to disable them like every other modern PC game.

>>507708479Is agent orange music in? TH got me into so much punk and rock music

>>507712687What modern tracks would you use on a Tony Hawk remake?

>>507735418i'm in my late 20's you fucking boomer

Is this the new gaming AAA trend? Remasters? Destiny clones or Battle Royale crap not selling well anymore?

>>507712687> It's just gonna be a bunch of grown adults playing the exact same thing listening to the exact same song trying to be a kid again.theres nothing wrong with this

>>507737335Get with the times old man, its been 20 years, the clock rolled over and 90's-core is the new 80's. Its super lame and thats cool.I mean lame.As Zoomers? catch up ojii san, they are too old now to be the target for games, its all about the Bloomers now.

>>507711958>NOOO its different!! Make it flat and boring again!

>>507737687It looks more flat and boring now than before.

>>507737406Everything is wrong with this

>>507737105that's THPS 4What I want to know is if Anthrax is back

>>507737818>you're not allowed to listen to music you enjoyed as a kid

>EGS>No SwitchThis is upsetting

>>507737802A complete lack of any direct lighting is the definition of flat

>>507715136>tranny realism shitwhat the fuck does this even actually mean

>>507708479>no SwitchIt's shit

>>507711486>Vicarious Vision>Good visual directionPick one and only one

>>507737335? What else is there? Popular series like call of duty, sonic, halo, and battlefield killed themselves. You have your yearly sports games and open world ubisoft games. Your shovelware cringe anime trash for turbo virgins. Zoomers only play fortnite and minecraft. Nintendo is nintendo. Theres no reason to appeal to kids because kids only play 2 games.

>>507738119Trying to feel the emotions you felt as a kid by re-doing exactly the same thing again is bad for you and this industry. Why not just watch x-men all day, play with transformers and then crawl back in your moms vagina its totally cool.

They blew their load too early with THPS HD. That title would have fit this better

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Will it include Bam Margera DLC?

>>507738654you act as though if i play this game, I have to play it foreveryou know you can start and stop things as you please

>>507737878I wouldn't get my hopes up for that one. They said that two or three tracks couldn't come back. The trailer didn't mention Public Enemy and Anthrax, and they're much bigger names than a few artists it did mention.I'm not saying Bring the Noise is 100% gone, but it's looking that way.

>>507711486Why do you faggots always try to find a reason to hate something jesus christ

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>>507739359Only asking because it was in HD

>>507738901mm yeah, just got done playing DOOM, persona 5R, resident evil 3, final fantasy 7 and trials of mana, these last few months are amazing. I love this creatively bankrupt nightmare were living in.

>>507740716but that's not even hate, it's reasonable criticism. the levels did take a hit on readability at least for the pics attached, the worst being the warehouse

>>507710886Both those things would mean dealing with Disney, they would never happen.

>>507708479Which songs didn't they get?Nice to see they tried to get as many as they could unlike what Netflix did with evangelion.

>>507734674They won't make them dvs because zoomers don't use them now anyway.

>>507710886I’m sure there will end up being mods for PC

>>507710343The problem with Tony Hawk this last decade was it was given to the worst possible studio it could of been given to. Ride and Shred you can sort of give a pass to since Robomodo had to work with the skateboard peripheral that was probably forced upon them, but the fact they thought it was better to omit the revert for Pro Skater HD is mind boggling to this day. So they got dealt terrible cards but they still went on to make terrible plays with them.

Who /Jerry/ here?

Is it just me or does it feel like pic related came out like a year ago?

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>>507741997>buying this game on PCsoulless and no split screen

>>507708479Why do people keep screencapping this guy? For the past few months, every time there's been info on a new game, someone makes a thread based on a screencap from his Twitter feed. Who is he? Is he some kind of industry insider?

>>507708479The most important thing is whether it feels and plays like the old games, in terms of physics and controls and tricks. That's something they always promise but never deliver.It's like 2D Sonic, where every team that touched it just flat-out doesn't understand and they would get it wrong every single time (until mania).

>>507715136>tranny realismWhat in the holy name of Jesus.

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>Most of the levels are set during mid day>Fucking Dam is the one given the sunset time to stand out>Fucking remake reverses this and now Dam is the stage taking place during mid day

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>>507712687>It's just gonna be a bunch of grown adults playing the exact same thing listening to the exact same song trying to be a kid we're trying to pretend we're superman again

>>507713873You'd have to be insane to think that Activision would let them make this is a true greenfield project.It's guaranteed to be based off of the same engine as the most recent game.

>>507743064to be fair in pro skater hd the dam level was set at night.

>>507743537And HD fucking sucked

>>507708479fake and gay

>>507743617well this is clearly using HD as its base so you better get used to it.

>>507743812What, no they aren't, it's developed by a different studio, there's even some old neversoft dudes working on it according to some sources.

>>507708479who fucking cares anymore, fuck tony and hawk that he flew in on.

>>507744056It's Vicarious Visions but you'd have to be crazy to think that Activision isn't forcing them to make this as cheaply and quickly as possible.

>$40Neat. Ill probably pick it up just to play split screen.

>>507711486>he can't skate levels from memory


>>507715136>so obsessed with trannies every negative in your life is getting associated with tranniesStop playing FFXIV/WoW and you'll see significantly less trannies

>>507741421>readabilityIs this the new fotm buzzword?

>>507719376Then we push for Steam Workshop integration.

>>507715136seek help you mentally ill freak

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i bet sekiro is a secret skater

>>507736853Damn, and here I thought sunposting was over

>>507744654maybe you should have paid attention in school...

>>507740716>why do you have standards

can someone please tell me why I keep seeing the same twitter account being screencapped and shilled on Holla Forums every 2 hours?

>>507728170the ps1 had no z buffer, making models and textures crooked.

>>507745115You can pay a service to shill your twitter account on websites and social media.

>>507741061every cumtown joke>what if (innocuous thing) did racist/sexist/homophobic/violent thing?*cue annoying forced laughter*

Do you think the collector is worth 100 bucks?

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>>507745871Yes, that's my favorite friend simulator, but that fat faggot woketard must go

>>507745930$40 for the game, $60 for the board, actually normal pricing all things considered.Guess the board would be a nice wall piece - as long as the game is good, otherwise I guess you can slap some trucks and shit on it and wear it down.

Posting best Tony hawk girl

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>>507710343>skateboarding game that takes place in the 90sI didn't know I wanted this, but now I want this

>>507742521>a year ago>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 is a 2015 skateboarding video game developed by Robomodo and Disruptive Games, and published by Activision. The sixteenth installment in the Tony Hawk's series, the game is the first traditional entry in the main series since 2007's Proving Ground, as the series had been put on hold following a lack of critical and commercial success with later games. The game was released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on September 29, 2015, while the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions were released on December 15, 2015.

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>>507746467fuck user, dont remind me how old i am

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>>507715136>Is it this tranny realism shitwhy do retards use that word for everything now

>>507746273Downhill jam was underrated.

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>all these remasters and remakesGames are finally dead, aren't they?

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>>507722128Thats incredibly gay, you closeted fag

>>507746738Because trannies, liberals and the Left are responsible for everything bad in modern gaming?

>>507708479I'm most surprised that they forked out the money for the music

>remastering in chronological orderWhy not do the most popular first?

>>507746975Because THUG wasn't good

>>507727074>Motion blurIs there any way to make it known to devs, all game devs, that motion blur, chromattic abberation, depth of field, and film grain need to fucking go permanently?

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>>507746738trannies are over represented in the gaming industry

>>507708479Getting the feel and physics in the game right is all that matters.

>>507712689>Who the fuck is nigel and why do I see his twitter everywhere?dunno but this kind of shill is smashing

it has the original soundtrack, i dont give a fuck about anything else

>>507728972>post-modern no-fun allowed nihilistic garbageWhat? You were good with the washed out comment but then your critiques devolving into blabbing nonsense. Using language like "post-modern" "no-fun" and fucking "nihilistic." Really? Fucking nihilistic? Those words a literally useless unless you expand on why the game is that. Just say it was a unneeded remake that continues a cycle of companies just rehashing and digging up old IPs while bring nothing new or creative to the table. It's that simple you fucking retard. Tony Hawk is another example of this.

>>507746814Pretty much, people are nostalgic for the 2000's because everything new is garbage

>>507708479I don't want a remake i want a new game dammit, everything started going downhill after they decided to go for muh reelism instead of arcadey fun

>>507746814>everyone hates modern tony hawk games>remake the originals to give fans what they wantIt could be worse

FuckThis >>507747337goes to this retard>>507728456

>>507715136>tranny realism shitI just dont even know anymore.

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>>507715136>tranny realism shit

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>>507708479>endless combosWhy? That's how you get garbage like THUG 2 infinite backflips and Hot Rod manuals. THPS3 even intentionally tried to curb infinites by forcing speed loss with each revert.

>>507715136>tranny realism shit??????????????

To actual Skatefags on Holla ForumsWho's the Tony Hawk of the current generation?

What is that one mod for Underground 2 PC that lets you play with other people? Anyone know where to download it and if the online is still active?

>>507708479sad to see how culturally and creatively bankrupt the entire videogame industry is. I mean, compare blizzard of 2003 to what they do now. They fucked up their own goddam remaster.

>>507711486I think they could get away with it if they gave greater contrast to grindable stuff in particular like white scuffs or taped up edges. Could even make it look like wear and tear from skaters to preserve the realism.

>>507748469its called THUGPRO. it has like 50 players online

>>507745930that's actually a pretty good deal compared to most "special" editions

>>507745930I would buy it honestly.

>>507715136This is your brain on 4chan


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>>507715136BasedTranny means the same thing as faggot now, just an empty insult, only trannies would get offended by this shit

>>507708479>No time ghostsShit remake. Dropped.

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Remake something shit into something goodThis is pointless

>>507749643>manuals and sloppy markers in THPS1i thought this was a faithful remakes? those werent in the original game

>>507708479>remakewhat fucking remakes/remasters have EVER been good outside of RE1 and Age of Empires 2? They're all soulless cashgrab shit.

>>507749712this. same thing as nigger.

>>507728456it's like all these game devs never took a basic high school art class. analogous/complementary colors work best because they're common in nature and are pleasing to the eye. why is it so hard to start there?

Two games need to be added in the timeline>pro skater 1 and 2After shred, Tony return to the past but doesn't do the mistakes of his alternate self (pro skater HD) .>skate jamAfter pro skater 5, the doomed timeline. Tony stop competing and just skate as a normal person

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>>507750286what about the BMX? tony was in one of them

why would I not just keep playing THUG PRO?

The age of remakes has truly begun.

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>>507749857well its obvious the time jannies are course correcting Tony's first timetravel attempt shown here>>507750286

>>507735418THUG2 came out in 2004, when that 16 year old would have been born, you fucking retard

>>507735114>>507735639The Underground games were horrible. What dipshit thought it would be fun to make every objective some five second long segment that requires you to stop to initiate, and then once you finish you're sucked out of the action again? It completely ruins the game's flow. Not to mention all the bullshit where you get off the skateboard to jump on buildings or drive cars.Seriously, what the actual fuck were they thinking? How many chromosomes do you have if you prefer the Underground games?

>>507710886>activision still has spiderman license>spiderman could potentially be in

>>507722128You're the one who can't stop thinking about trannies you fucking mentally ill retard

>>507749994so what. they're objectively improvements

>>507745930Only problem is I have nowhere to actually put the board

>>507745267and that's why the remaster is better

I wish they'd throw in some new songs and by that I mean just shit that would fit well with skating but wasn't in the original

>>507750769The time jannies objective is to keep the timeline intact, not correct it.

>>507750947No they don’t

After HD and 5 I'm not holding my breath for this shit at all. If it turns good then okay, but I'll just keep playing THUGPro in the meantime.

>>507742307it was activision milking the IP before it expired, nothing more. Did the license expire? Is this remaster their last ace in the hole or did they just simply renew it?

>>507708479>Remake>soulChoose 1, OP is a huge cocksucking faggot, as usual

>>507751871Oh boy cant wait to have a 10 second combo timer then wait for some autist to glitch an infinite combo for 3 minutes straight over and over again

Will it have 2X levels? Apparently Detroit was one. Want to see how they adapted a familiar location.

>>507718076>>507718734Hello faggot retards who didn't watch the reveal, they put in Reverts, Spine Transfers, moves from everything up til THUG 2. Please do research before you start whining like retards.

>Endless combosIf this means revert is in, dropped

>>507715136I agree with you on that statement, but your brain must be fucking closet-tranny as fuck if you legitimately use the phrase "tranny realism" shit.There's hating Trannies like a normal person.And then there's being an obsessed faggot who literally eats and sleeps trannies and can't stop being and thinking about trannies. Seek help, you are literally inches away from being a tranny>>507749712>Wanting to destroy the power that an insult has>Legitimately wanting it to be normalised just like trannies are being normalised now. Go back to Resetera you fucking degenerate.



1,2, 3 and 4 (and the Disney one) are the only good ones.THUG1/2 is bloated cancer with gimmick bullshit that ruins flow.Never even played the post-THUG ones.

>>507737228didnt his son make an album recently? they could pull something from it

Tentatively excited. Those games were amazing and I miss this genre, but the last several Tony Hawk games were atrocious.

>>507711486unironically soulless but the bottom one looks good

>>507738736the fuck is cum town, and why does Youtube keep trying to make me watch it?

>>507711486Nothing depresses me more then modern remakes. Every single time

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>>507710343Not to be that guy user, but you should totally capitalize on the skating maid itch people want scratched.

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>>507712270they wanted but couldnt afford lisence to bam margera

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>>507708479Didn't they already "remaster" the first one and it was absolute shite.

>>507708479>yfw no Superman

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>found the thps mods forum where you can download all the pc versions up to american wasteland pre-cracked and with all sorts of patchesholy shit,now i can finally play all the games i missed

>>507757131Source neyger

>>507757081in the Interview Dorito Pope hosted, the lady from VV made a point to state that Superman is in the soundtrack.

>>507736853I played the original for hundreds of hours and think this looks fine. As long as the gameplay is the same. Imagine caring about graphics in a Tony Hawks game.

>>5077469752 is literally the 3rd highest rated video game of all time




>>507708479Just play the originals>>507711486in 4k.


>>5077084791 and 2 lack content. 3,4, and Thug are all better games. All this remake does is revoke the classic status of 1 and 2. Most people only played the Demo of Pro Skater 1 anyways.

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>>507749994Manuals were, reverts weren't.

>>507758046Manuals were in 2. They added stuff from all the games though, like we can see double/triple flips and tweaked grabs as well.

>>507746738Tranny is actually a good generic insult now. Just look how butthurt everyone gets.

What happens when game companies run out of old games to remake? Are they gonna start remaking modern games as well? Is The Last of Us or Breath of the Wild gonna get remade in the future?

Call me when it's Underground 2.All I want is that Bermuda Triangle map full of easter eggs and puzzles bay bee

Honestly some of you faggots are impossible to please. Reconcile yourselves with the fact you will never be happy with it and just move on

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>>507760089No, you zoomers just have no standards.

>>507708479Remake american wasteland

>>507758920Once Virtual Reality becomes the norm expect many games to be remastered for the VR experience.

>>507708479>no switch versionno buy then, i aint buying this shit for dead consoles

>>507727946Isn't it literally developed by the spyro remake devs?

>>507708479When's the REAL kino remake coming out?

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>>507760089>>507760278Youre both rightgamers are fucking vile and gross creatures that will NEVER be satisfied with anything but also zoomers are incredibly retarded with absolutely no standards and will eat any shit up as long as it's handed on a plate

>>507746738your post is pure tranny

>>507760795>that garbage>kinonever, thank god

>>507744982The new one is higher standard, nostalgia doesn't make shit not shit. The old games are great but they look like shit.

>>507710343Man I’ll play the shit out of your game. Please don’t flake out on it, user. Put your heart and soul in.

>>507745930>ESRB rating only mentions song lyrics>No sexualityCarerra's censored, isn't she

>nOt AlL sOnGs aRe iN!?every one of you faggots has multiple devices with readily available access to every song off of every THPS game, who cares if its not playing specifically from the game?

>>507711486You know what I hate about modern games? Graphics. There's too much fucking shit on the screen that serves no purpose and only distracts from the game. Why is cluttering the screen with so much shit so common these days? The worst offender are modern shooters. The maps are too busy with flashing lights and clutter and it's becoming increasingly harder to spot the players. It's not fun.

>>507715136Man, I was pretty excited for this game, didn't know how anyone could spin its announcement into a negative thingBut then I go on 4chan, and of course, here we have the usual SOUL fags (obsessed with trannies, no less).I remember when this shit happened with Crash and Spyro. You people will never be happyWhy the fuck do I keep coming here

>>507749643>still doing the sparks when grinding with a special meter like THPS5

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>>507761693>I remember when this shit happened with Crash and SpyroIt would have been very easy to make me happy with Spyro. Instead of turning the cute NPCs into disgusting goblins, they should have, you know, left them as cute NPCs.

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>>507757081Goldfinger, Primus, Dead Kennedies, Powerman5000, RATM, Naughty By Nature, and Bad Religion are all confirmed on the soundtrack

>>507762015I agree with you so hard. I can't fucking stand the people that claim "Oh, but they had to make them hideous because the originals didn't have many details!"

>>507761106Downhill Domination was awesome. fuck you.

>>507762060don't forget Lagwagon, which means this is funnily enough, this Saturday is actually May 16th

>>507711486>the levels should be more readable>the most classic, iconic, and repeatedly played levels in the process>need to be more readableif you had complained about the shadows, or the colors, or anything else it would be a pretty valid complaint, but claiming that you can't navigate the levels that you've played for the better part of 20 years is peak zoomer

Will the THPS2X exclusive levels be remastered? They were shit maps but it’d still be nice to have them.


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>>507712687I still listen to the soundtracks of 1,2 and 3, THPS shaped my taste in music as an impressionable 8 year old.

>>507711486Looks perfectly readable, what's the issue?I'm probably just biased here because I know the games so well I could draw the maps blindfolded, but I'm trying to imagine how you could have trouble figuring out what's what based on these shots and I'm struggling, they look perfect to me.

>>507763138the only thing I'd say is that the shadows are pretty distracting in that Warehouse screenshot

>>507712687>The fact they're even bringing back the OST is kinda cringy to me.Yeah, iconic music for stuff is overrated. Why can't Indiana Jones escape the Germans to dubstep?

>UGH DUDE THIS RERELEASE HAS SO MUCH SOUL WE GOTTA SUPPORT THESE BASED DEVSMan marketing video games must be the easiest fucking job in the world. your consumer base is completely retarded.

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>>507762997I agree. The maps were not THAT bad though. Tampa is alright.

Aggressive Inline Remake when?

>>507763504>>507763504dropping the best aggressive inline

What’s your favourite THPS song? For me it’>tfw this plays once you’ve finished the game

>> had a great soundtrack under all the punk stuff.

>>507764670>> to this while in the oil rig at night is strangely comforting.

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>>507763485Tampa is the best one but they remastered that one in THUG 1 anyway. That one rooftop level was just terrible on the other hand.