oh yes...YES YES YES YES

Attached: vcccc.png (597x769, 193.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>>507702426Americans are subhuman

>>507702426Well yeah, does Aerith look like a woman that does fucking squats?

>>507702505rent free

>>507702426Why is her foot so long

Cloud was made for ___

Attached: 1588693160275.webm (1080x1920, 2.43M)

>>507702426cloud has a vagina

>>507702426But what about LaTifa?

Attached: 1492273343924.png (2102x1116, 2.51M)

>Aeris has no tits nor ass

Attached: 1583868120417.jpg (441x408, 11.17K)

>>507702743when is there going to be sfm of trap cloud getting fucked

>>507702426most guys have bigger asses than most girls cause they're bigger

>>507702426Scarlet best girl confirmed

>>507702796Niggaroth is based.


>>507702426How big his dick tho?

>>507702426Cloud also has a vagina compared to every other girl in that picture. Tifa looks like she might own a dick down there compared to Cloud.

>aerith is the only one with fully modeled feet >even though Madame M is in sandals

Attached: 4e3.jpg (413x449, 25.71K)


>>507702796based niggeroth poster


Attached: 1568787840308.jpg (1080x1349, 1.59M)

>>507703138cloud with thicker thighs getting fucked by barret. dont know why this hasnt been made yet



>>507703257ebony queens are for white shotas

>>507702796I'd play the remakle with these designs


>>507703257look at that fuckin airbrushin


>>507702426I showed this to my gf and she said I have the butt of the second girl.

Attached: 1556632066644.png (799x542, 377.43K)

Biggest ass in the game is on a god damn monster, who cares?

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE_20200411060801.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

>>507703257>tfw no cute black gfevery day on this earth is suffering

Attached: [crushing sound].jpg (853x552, 72.89K)

>>507702743>tongueshot af

>>507702619>He thinks that if you don't do squats you'll be flat as a boardDo you have even the most basic idea of how human anatomy works?

>>507702426Why don’t the Japs like big asses on girls?

>>507703257>tfw 6'6 black guy and have girls like this after me but i prefer white girls over my own kind

Attached: 1587963952554.png (1200x675, 1.08M)

>>507703913Not your blog faggot

>>507702426What went wrong weebtards?

Attached: west vs east girl.jpg (2320x3264, 704.51K)


Attached: chad warden.jpg (275x183, 5.1K)

>>507704041Please erase this post

Attached: 1587737639872.jpg (639x1111, 158.35K)

>>507702743facesitting aerith


Attached: 1585102448930.png (1090x754, 409.53K)

>>507702426Why do you guys do this? Is your sexuality this important to you?

oh boy, here comes the fags and trannies, ready to corrupt my favorite characters with their shitty, degenerate porn.

>>507702426>aerithfagsthey continue getting BTFO. Tifa confirmed best girl forever and ever.

Attached: 1083562657862.jpg (480x386, 20.51K)

>>507704792this is an aerith hate thread retard

>>507702796Niggaroth actually looks based and badass

>>507704994Okay, but why are the asses of the 3D fictional characters important enough to make a thread like this? This is autistic as fuck.

>>507704889The game literally has Cloud dress up as a woman and dance with a gay black man. The game was already corrupted you tard.

>>507705275asses ARE important


Attached: 1587482483324.png (297x297, 127.47K)

>>507702796Netflix adaptation

>>507705275fanart always goes off-model anyways, hell most SFM porn is just the regular heads stitched onto a premade nude model, so this literally does not effect anything at all. its just to fuel more fanbase war popularity shitposting between the characters. now it also gets the added bonus of being some retarded eastVwest bullshit with comparing her ass to that spic from apex so thats fun

Attached: 3456.jpg (828x426, 32.81K)

>>507705275i don't think you understand the point of an imageboard

>>507702964>>507705019>niggarothGets me everytime

Attached: 1576991145244.gif (245x180, 964.73K)

>>507704994He knows that, he is asking you why you are autistic enough to make a thread about something so vapid.

>>507702619I have never done a squat in my life and I have more of an ass than her.

>>507702619Do squats fill out your ass and give you a more feminine butt?Asking for a friend

>>507702796Niggaroth looks fucking amazingthat would be a great villain.


>>507702426It's literally because if Aeris' dress. They didn't want her butt to clip through it.

>>507702743Source, Cloud was made for source.

>>507702679Well she isn't 100% human


Attached: Coach-left-4-dead-2-39439604-268-268.gif (268x268, 1.72M)

>>507707017not exactly, fat will do that, but it's subject to geneticsa good ass is either:>low tone, moderate fat, good genetics for fat storage, results in nice softness>high tone, low fat, results in very firm shape>high tone, high fat, amazonian, very rare

>>507705275/v/ got overtaken by incels. Nothing matters but muh masturbation addiction and outrage culture.

Reminder that Yuffie stole their tits and ass respectively

>>507704175You are such a dumb nigger. White women are ugly as fuck and they have sex with dogs.

Attached: 1562176667632.png (300x300, 80.19K)

>>507702679cuz she's packing that shmeat

Attached: SHAKE YOUR BODY NOW.jpg (679x505, 39.88K)

>>507708198He said he prefers whites over his own kind. That says less about the attractiveness of white women and more about the lack of appeal in black women. In all polls on the subject, black women even in the opinion of black men are on the bottom. Just like asian men even in the opinion of asian women are on the bottom

>>507702426ok but what about shapekeys and volume bones for deformation. This doesn't account for any of those things.

>>507702796you just know it was a white person who drew this

>>507707878So is this more of a zoomer thing or a millennial thing?


I literally do not get the appeal of asses. What's wrong with me? I know I'm not gay because even gays like asses.

>>507709019low test or ireland vegan. take your pick.

>>507702860hopefully soon

>>507702796everything looks good but clouds fucking paw belt buckle

>>507703257are there any armpit pics

>>507702505This game was made in Japan, though.

Tight fantasy on pornhub. You can thank me later. Also there is tanline edition. Just mute the god damn audio.

>>507710135Almost, but this is the only other pic that I have

Attached: 1568788679321.jpg (1080x1350, 221.83K)

>>507702796Niggeroth looks fucking cool.

>>507708870Nikolas Draper Ivey is black


Attached: 124124212.jpg (474x355, 22.57K)

>>507708870Nah, none of them are obese, and Barret doesn't have a trans flag tattooed on his arm or visible mastectomy scars.

>>507702796would unironically play this.

>>507708870You can tell a black dude drew them because they look cool.

>>507704209These have to be edits

>>507702796cloud looks like jayden smith but the rest look great

>>507702743kys niggerfaggot

>>507711334Aerith might be, but the Apex one is not

>>507702619She doesn't even look like a woman in the first place, but a transvestite wearing a rubber mask.

>ass of model is always hidden by dress etc>don't bother to modelling actual just put vague flat shape>autistic data dumpers parade it as if it's canon

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (660x574, 30.86K)

Aerith wears a long skirt (= best girl), so they didn't bother to model her asscheeks. Cloud's moneymaker is on display so it had to be modeled see >>507708657Not every 3d modeler has the passion for FULLY MODELED VAGINA.

>>507711820>know that autistic data miners will see the model under the dress>still make the model a vague flat shapeThey knew, so is cannon.

>>507702796The rest are shit, but Seph is fantastic.

>>507712079So Cloud canonically has no dick?

>>507712079does that mean they canonically don't have a middle torso section?

Attached: 1361383094385.jpg (1067x1600, 413.82K)

>>507702426but whos ass is flatter? urths, or lightnings?


>>507702426Tbh it is not that uncommon for dudes to have a bigger ass than women. Women just have bigger buts relative to their body size.


Attached: 1661225126.jpg (433x600, 92.73K)


>>507702796>couldn't change Cloud's electric hair, so it just ends up looking like chalk-colored turds

Attached: absolutamente asqueroso.jpg (293x212, 19.31K)

>>507702426>cloud wears thigh highswhat a fucking bottom

>>507702796According to the artist Barrett here is supposed to be asianDoes that imply Yuffi will be white?

>>507702426Look at paunch on Cloud

Attached: 1584491708066.jpg (1024x1024, 156.81K)


Attached: BCCE2221-0868-406C-8ACE-6252B2404E03.jpg (748x754, 144K)

>>507702796SoundCloud there lookin like he's about to sell me his latest mixtape

>>507713584haha he looks like he's in the early stage of pregnancy haha that'd be awkward if he was pregnant from tifas's 13 & 1/2 inch long futa horsecock haha

>>507702796black guy here they shouldve just made the whole cast black here reverse barrett throws it all off

>>507702426That's interesting although my main concern is that they all seem to be missing parts of their torso and cloud doesn't even have arms. That's very disturbing and I'm not sure why Squenix would change these characters this way.

>>507702796Just looked at his IG. With how obsessed he seems to be with black characters in tactical masks and dreads, I’m surprised he hasn’t drawn Ulysses yet.

>>507709713Latinas are unfaithful and age like shit. But damn, young latinas are horny as hell.


>>507702796>that tifaholy fuck my dickthe seph looks good as well

>>507714473I guess he feels like the character design is already perfect so he doesn't think it needs to be fixed.

>>507714012You are unoriginal, unfunny and disgusting

>>507715318i wasn't trying to be original or funny i want my fucking futa mpreg porn i'm sick of these retarded threads the only value they have is a thin veil to talk about my fetishes in

>>507714813Could be. He’s really good, though. I’m even thinking about eventually having him draw art for a game I’m working on. (Though that probably won’t happen for over a year.)

>>507702743where is that source, dammit

>>507715594Disgusting faggot

>>507702796Tifa/Sephy are unironically improved.


Attached: 9p6xjy29a0731.jpg (480x360, 42.25K)

>>507713997That’s good.SoundCloud, LaTifa, Garrett and Niggaroth

>>507702426It's probably so it doesn't clip through the dress.

>>507702505>t. flat assed chink


>>507716859post some fucking sauce right now


>>507702796>Cloud is just True Damage Ekko

>>507717253Calm down before you break your keyboard along with your shriveled pea-brain ESL-kun


>>507717253I could grab your head with one hand and crush your skull.Calm down, kid.

>>507703257every time I see this chicks forearms I cringe. She has knife scars all over them.

>>507717990>cosplayer is psychologically damagedwell yeah

>smaller tits than tifa>smaller ass than tifa>uglier than tifa>smells like SHITWhy do Aerithfags exist?

>>507717027That's all I got

>>507713393Yufi is a spunky Latina

>>507702796>rare artwork from dimension 12s "Bix Nood VII"Delete this

who gives a shit

>>507702426Fucking Square and their Lightning body fetish.

>>507702743why does this make my dong tingle?I guess I'm a fag.OH and moar trap cloud plz

>>507714012fellow man of taste, cute boys are for breeding.

>>507717990I know, she needs to learn how to use her weapon properly so she doesn't hurt herself by accident.

>>507702743This better be canon in the new timeline

>>507710876He said white, not Jewish.

>>507702505and retarded by all means

>>507702505This is true.

>>507714661>>507717885based? based on what?

>>507702505>Europoor manages to find a way to involve America to show how assblasted he is

>>507702619does any character from shit Enix look like a woman to you?

What about the best girl? The palor woman?

>>507702796LaTifa and Niggaroth can stay, the rest are eh.

>>507704041Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Attached: 1546533334937.jpg (996x1069, 422.26K)

>>507702796Asia character is into black dude. What a surprise.

Attached: FTW.png (491x647, 564.4K)

>>507702426who is erith? is this about some nip game?

>>507702796Why does Smog Cloud look like Jaden Smith?

Attached: img~2.jpg (998x1126, 181.73K)

>>507702749Cloud is trannies and female.

Attached: 1587932903380.jpg (781x801, 177.1K)

>>507702426Why is Cloud wearing thighhighs?

>>507702426both Holla Forums and Holla Forums hate this remake with passion.


>>507702426lmao i have a bigger and tighter ass than all four of them what the fuck japan

>>507704175give back our women, Tyrone

>>507711334Loba has a very large butt in-game.

>>507702796Sephiroth looks cool as fuck

>>507703257Nigga stole my gems!


>>507702743>FF7 fans are a bunch of faggot nigger lovers.I'm not surprised.

>>507703124yeah probably because her feet were modeled separately with sandals on em

>>507723695>The user says after furiously masturbating to said faggy webm

>>507722479sorry user the last thing ill ever do is date a black girl

>>507702796Niggaroth is one of the best redesigns hands-down. Cloud looks shit though.

>>507702796wow first time I seen this done right.

>>507703257/pol/bros help my faith is being tested...

>>507702796niggeroth looks way better than his real model

>>507721359of course his gender is listed as female. he literally has the same face as Lightning


Attached: 1266113767614.jpg (452x393, 45.27K)

>>507704209>>507711334>>507711435>>507722742lmao the apex bitch is hot but she looks so goofy when she's walking. They couldn't tone the ass down just a little bit? And why not buff Watson's ass?


>>507703257>nose piercingdropped

>constantly fight and walk for long periods of time>none of them have asses, a muscle that would be built up doing these things

>>507712551post more black cosplay

>>507703257Actually very nice cosplay.

>>507721359Reaching. Are you expecting us to be triggered this raging homo talks about gender politics? If Barret said shit about "notions of gender" then i'll be pissed

>>507721716why did you mention Holla Forums twice?

>>507721545Its from when he gets cross dressed, look at the hair

>>507702796why would so many characters have dreadsits nowhere near that popular

>>507725428>They couldn't tone the ass down just a little bit?"No"

Attached: 1588469799645.png (264x258, 55.84K)

>>507722392post butt white boi


>>507724416oddly I think SE took the model from XIV. look at the foot. They're just lazy fuckers

Attached: 380px-Model-Summer_Morning_Halter-Female-Hyur.png (380x591, 82.45K)

Hank Hill has a bigger ass than Aerith.

>>507702426Something is wrong with that Aerith model.

>>507702426Its real..Its fucking real. I thought it was for clipping purposes but then why not everyone else? Her ass is really that flat isn't it? Shit no wonder Zack died

>>507707017If you want a round feminine butt you need to do various glute workouts, not just squats. They're a good exercise though.

>>507702505Europoor's Law

>>507726216something about this post made me spit my drink, fucking kill me.


>Cloud has a bigger assI mean how else would he have filmed that video of himself if he had no ass?

Attached: 1588124916850.jpg (224x225, 5.87K)


>>507702505>Americans are subhuman

Attached: 1588352588715.jpg (822x1024, 60.11K)

>>507726908>greentextSo you are literally saying that chinless is you.

>>507702505Why yes, I do believe Americans deserve a nuclear holocaust. How could you tell?

Attached: 1568975377823.jpg (1110x1239, 151.83K)


Attached: 15875389838403.jpg (595x842, 230.39K)

>>507726416You can't be serious

Attached: yeah ok.jpg (506x477, 30.13K)

>>507702796All aside Cloud don't look half bad.

>>507702426Fun fact. Men typically have bigger butts and chests than women do, because men are bigger overall. It's just not protruding out from their frame.>look up DOA size charts>they actually give bust sizes for the men>Ryu Hayabusa has a bigger chest than any of the girls

Attached: 31327a6c008d3c25cabe5a065175d005.jpg (500x753, 40.13K)

>>507717253The mods fear the mutt destroyer.


>>507702426>People are ripping models>No one is ripping the full soundtrackI just want to listen to the records without the shitty filter.

Attached: nzl3p23yen231.jpg (1920x1080, 268.63K)

>>507707589Coach is too pure, he would never

Attached: 24rolu.jpg (494x363, 14.03K)

>>507728698I want to titfuck Hayabusa!

>>507702679She's the only one that gets exposed feet in the game, so she's the only model with feet


Attached: 8O.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

>>507730257i am black and in better shape than you

>>507714132haha you're a nigger lol

>>507702426Aerithfags on suicide watch

Attached: 1539976321760.gif (325x235, 1.57M)

>>507731068>i am black and in better shape than you

Attached: 1585602062807.jpg (109x125, 1.7K)

>>507729651We might have to wait for SE to release a clean version as even this set I have has the filter.

Attached: ff7rost.jpg (1139x791, 193.31K)


>>507725942I mean I like it, it's just that she looks goofy while running/walking.

>>507704013I have a MIGHTY NEED.

Attached: 1514504265481.gif (228x170, 1.86M)

>>507713393and Red XIII would be a cat

>>507702796>knew a girl way back when who was basically an outfit away from being laTifaand they say vidya girls with big titties are unrealistic

>>507702426Why does Cloud have such a nice tummy curve? (Whatever the fuck that's called.)

Attached: EX2PIRWXsAYneRr.jpg (2048x3072, 734.85K)

>>507702426Obviously.>>507702505Nah, the Japs who make these gay trash games are.

Attached: 1588594253066.jpg (2124x3648, 1.27M)

I have a bigger ass than my wife.And sexier too.

Attached: 1589089730976.jpg (1365x1726, 412.29K)

>>507702505Uh japanese designed this "male". It is more feminine than most modern women.


>>507725895People in real life don't have gigantic spiky anime hair either, but shit looks cool.

>>507731278you must be mentally retard to think this is only happening in ff7r. SE has been doing anti-ass campaign for 6 years.

Attached: 1-i-2bte2-jpg-668x902.jpg (668x902, 48.4K)

>>507702426He also has no dick.

>>507720412He's probably referring to the faggyness of talking about Cloud's ass. And we know how much the homo level of American's have gone up the past 4 years.

>>507728698WTF I love Hayabusa now!

>>507732826Lol took this dude 12 minutes to make a shoop.

>>507732324It's just tilting your hips.

>>507702796I like all of these except Cloud, he looks retarded

>>507702743i would marry barrett youre gay if you fucking dont

>>507716334Niggers are never an improvement. Die painfully, shitskin.

>>507732826ngl hot

Flat butt made by SE

Attached: BleakUnrulyFowl-poster (1).jpg (452x668, 29.18K)

>>507734170Thanks user I've been working hard so I appreciate the compliment

>>507704209So... Aerith reincarnated as Lightning in FFXIII?



>>507703257That's why she steals materia...

>>507702426Cloud or Link, who's the better femboy?

Attached: 1588214346795.jpg (849x1200, 160.8K)


>>507702796Black Sephiroth looks pretty cool to be honest

>>507702505Based. American pigs are the blight on the world

I-its for clipping reasons bros!

>>507702505you just realize that? corona is doing a good job depopulating americans

>>507732826>:)why are all niggers gay?

>>507702796cloud looks like a a punchable faggot but the other ones look good

>>507732826Nice dog

>>507702796niggaroth dope as fuck

>>507702743thats kinda gay bro

>>507702796Shub-Niggurath looking pretty spicy.

>>507727434Lurk 2 years before posting

>>507703257Legitimately cute

>>507737113im bi not gay >>507737190thank you

Attached: miller.jpg (4032x3024, 626.35K)

>>507727434>t. very smart boy



>>507732826Nice bed faggot

>>507702505correct, usa is a 3rd world country

>>507737750bisexuals are flaming faggots you daft coon. getting your panties in a twist over a redundant distinction?

>>507737750>bi not gaybi is gay. lynch yourself niggerfaggot

>>507738070>getting your panties in a twist over a redundant distinction?

Attached: 1582649374005.jpg (500x471, 52.54K)

>>507704175Get your hands off our women, mandingo.Seriously though, what is wrong with you? White women are fucking broken, just don't do it bro.

>>507702796>Cloud looks like pure shit>Tifa looks like pure shit>Barrett looks like pure shit>Sephiroth is literally god-tier

>>507736138Link is a good soft and cute femboy for gentle sex but Cloud is a thick toned bitch that activates my breeding instinct.

>>507711820and yet her prerendered model which has no excuses such as avoiding clipping or her ass won't be shown proves that her utterly flat ass is a character design choice rather than a technical oneAerithfags can't stop getting BTFO

Attached: aerithisflat.jpg (520x720, 44.9K)

>>507732826Can I say something racist my chocolate friend?


>>507738289black women are annoying.>>507738652sure


>>507738273>i cannot be unpleased, i am posting anime pictures :) :)whatever makes you feel better, monica

Why are black cosplayers so aesthetic? They either look cool as fuck or goofy enough that the costume works in spite of being silly.

>>507737750You are hot, your dog is cute, and you make Holla Forumstards seeth. 3x based.

>>507702796Everyone here looks good except Cloud

>>507704209looks like the player models from ffxiv flat ass

>>507702743that was so fucking gay

>>507738738There's some pretty decent black women out there if you're willing to look. There's also nothing but your personality stopping you from dating an Asian. Why you would want one of our women at this point is beyond me, they're almost all fucked in the head (and by their dog)

>>507702796Cloud looks a bit like Medusa, but black Tifa and Sephiroth are great. White Barret looks like a cyberpunk kung fu master... which is actually good.

>>507737750>bi;_; why is it always the cute blacks that are bi

Attached: 1573754717017.gif (1024x1024, 1.25M)

>>507702426Cloud has the nicest lower body and I'm not even gay

>>507738273emanating seethe>>507739014classic

I was going to wait until 2028 for the full game but I think I'll get it now. How much Barrett is there? I only care about Barrett and Cid.

>>507739210Loads of Barret. You even get to hear him sing a few times.

>>507738738I dispice your skin color and I think your race is uncivilized

I really want to colonise a black girl before I die, brosbut it'll never happen

>>507739210>and Cid.oh god his ass is either going to be amazing or terrible. Im in it for Cid and Vincent but you just know Vincent's ass will be in the negative

>>507739014 Asian girls are nice but the white girls i have been around all have fat asses and big tits so its more of just my environment that made me like white girls more. >>507739085best of both worlds >>507739368i believe it is okay for you to have that opinion. i hope you have a good life


>>507739545post anus or gtfo attention-seeking faggot

>>507702505wow, in record time

Attached: 1581175142481.jpg (247x249, 7.04K)

>>507739716>post anusEw gross faggot>>507739545Post dick or gtfo

>>507739716>>507739787sorry im playing FF7 and watching x play with Holla Forums i dont feel like taking any pics

>>507702505>>507720103>>507720105>>507723234>>507728064>>507734806>>507736475>>507736762>>507737890>>507737919>>507738656>muh americans

>>507739745Why are americucks so salty they slap a hat on an American and think they're fooling anyone?

>>507739085what do you care? it means you have a chance whatever you are

>>507732614I want to rape him

>literal gay niggers from outta space posting on Holla Forumstime to sleep, real americlap hours started

>>507702796Honestly Niggaroth doesn't look bad at all.


>>507739014Non ghetto black women are really sweet. Very motherly.


Attached: 4d10ec2f7f11c219eadbbcb6e3cf96fd0d1c9d15_hq.jpg (523x405, 21.77K)

>>507702743>>507702796Don'tBoth of you, please don't.

>>507739014>so beta that they can't control their women>bro just racemixTHE ABSOLUTE STATE OF WHITE MALES

>>507702426Damn that fat bald guy finally stopped begging for twinks on Twitter. What a sight to behold.


Attached: 1562546345976.jpg (323x690, 77.74K)

>>507702619Aeris looks unironically like a 12 year old boy

>>507728698Women btfo

>>507728698Based Ryu


>>507745096I am American, how could you tell?

>>507739085Because being gay is gay, yo

>>507738502>but Cloud is a thick toned bitch that activates my breeding instinct.h-hot

>>507702796Niggeroth looks like a legit character of his own and I mean that in a good way.


Attached: 1529735460025.jpg (601x561, 64.22K)

i need cloud trap porn now

Attached: unknown.png (561x804, 407.54K)

>>507746607There's literally a nigmerican in this thread talking about fucking white women. >>507732826

>>507702426imagine the fmv's

>>507746812Ah right I forgot canada and europe have zero niggers and their governments definitely don't propagandize racemixing

>>507702426What is OP so excited about?

Attached: 829999VIEWS5H0MAGO.jpg (376x573, 90.2K)

>>507732614>>507740471he has a pornhub


>>507747919Can’t say that without proof.

>>507702426Why can't nips turn into asses?A big boobs/flat ass combination, like in XB2 being, so common in their games and cartoons really makes me wonder.It's so disproportionate and unnatural for female bodies.

>>507706878Having a fat ass from being a fatass isn't something to boast about

>>507702505Based redd/int/ ruining the site.

Attached: 1581621596174.png (828x817, 559.53K)

>>507703257Does she fuck White guys?

>>507713606haha shut the fuck up rean

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>>507748015>>507748017I'm searching for it, but I think he might have deleted it.

>>507702426I knew they were gonna ruin her

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>>507747739I'm from eastern europe and yes that's true in our case.

>>507749961You just have turks and gypsies instead

>>507732826How fucking insecure are you to try and prove yourself this hard with nobody even asking?

>>507732614>>507748015>>507748017took me forever to find him. It was burriedpornhub.com/model/narsissyus>>507740471you will not hurt him

>>507702796niggaroth is legitimately a good design

>>507748145>Why can't nips turn into asses?Only for fighting games and beat'em ups it seems.

>OP's image

Attached: fag.jpg (1080x922, 307.68K)

>>507731583Link or mega?

>>507702796Niggeroth looks good as fuck

>>507704013Is that a Behemoth? They've always been thicc as fuck.

>>507751348This guy is so fucking obnoxious.

>>507702796i wish i had dreads i would cosplay niggeroth

>>507751076Asian girls almost never have big asses or wide hips so those traits rarely make it into their media

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>>507751437Its been a bit since I've downloaded it. I'm going to upload it for you but my net is ass so it might take awhile.

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>>507751604That's Corneo's pet

>>507702796literal shit all of them except based niggeroth

>>507751828How much do you weigh and how much do you lift bitch? I bet I can pound your boypussy whether you like it or not faggot.

>>507732826Go back to /fit/ where you belong, this is the autist territory

>>507752001thats not me i dont post wojacks. im 6'6 250 and i can bench 300 and i have a fatass so i dont care if you pound it faggot

>>507752001How fucking insecure are you to try and prove yourself this hard with nobody even asking?

>>507702796Jesus fuck, why does nigger sephirroth looks so good?

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>>507752110ok you win, i guess because you're black you look thin by default

just rename this site niggerchan and add a jenkem board. What a joke.

is there any science behind why sometimes my ass feels big and I even get compliments, and then the next day it doesn't look or feel nice to the touch?

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>>507702796Black Sephiroth/Niggaroth unironically works.

>>507702505Hey Ireland.


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>>507702505How can mutts fall for such obvious bait again and again?

You were never intended to see Aerith's ass why do you keep making these threads.

>>507702426>everyone is asslesswhat did square mean by this?

>>507702796All cool except cloud

>>507702796Niggeroth looks like he belongs in Afro Samurai, sick as hell.

>>507752552>lmaoooooo epic troll xD

being big butt boi bears banes brosbeware

>>507726104Was thinking the same thing, I recognize that flat ass

>>507751849Hell ya. No rush, I'm good to wait.

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>>507702796the black autists NEED a Niggaroth

>>507703257cute nerdy black girls are for white chads


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I'm white, but why do people on the internet get so angry over blackbros going after white women when the women are the ones who should be looked down upon? It's not the lads who are at fault for being viewed as a fetish, they're just opportunists.

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>>507719469Same thing.

>>507702619She's literally squatting in the slums

>>507702505europoor's razor III c 21st century

cute feet

>>507752101I was fat before too user I'm lazy as fuck you can do it too

>>507702796Cloud is XXXtention

>>507753172What a disgusting nigress.

>>507739014Why are White Dudes so scared of White women dating other races?

>>507702796Black Sephiroth is unironically better than his original design. That is a great character base right there.The rest are meh.

>>507706832kek hard>>507702796where is black aerith??

>>507702796Tifa and Sephiroth look better.

>>507750564>pay to watchWow traps really do emulate women

>>507704041>tfw no cute black gfif youre actually into nigresses this is about the easiest thing you can get

>>507752292Why don't you post it? I'd love to compliment a well endowed user

>>507712551I will now buy your game.

>>507737167Cloud IS a punchable faggot for 80% of the game.

>>507753172Close to the shape Aeris should have.

>>507754128I would user but think of the advertisers

>>507724752>tfw black girl>tfw only attracted to guys like >>507736138 and >>507704013

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>>507726416It's Aerith retard, just because they're is no moon rune for 'th' doesn't make it canon, literally 30 years of fucking canon contradict you, please die quickly.

>>507702426men should have bigger asses than women.

>>507754662one of usone of us

>>507704209someone at SE really likes no ass girls for some reason

Attached: lightning no ass.jpg (1280x720, 129.43K)

>>507754662>tfw no black gf to dress up for and fap to thick monsters with

>>507754662What would you do to twink link?

>>507753172What game is this?

>>507755325fortnite killer

>>507702426How did we go from...

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>>507754532They don't need to know, you can always link to imgur or something


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>>507702426>HBJohnXuandou>the guy simping because of Samurai Shodown horny posts turns out to be a faggot focusing on Cloud's assnow it makes senseAlso not only did they nerf Tifa but also nerfed Aerith ass, remake fags will of course defend this.

>>507755669FFVII Remake is going for a realistic body type of actual humans when the original characters had dis proportional anime bodies. And the in game chibi sprites are further deformed, allowing you to imagine whatever you want. When looking at her remake model, what you see if what you get. No room for changes (unless you make a mod).The fans clamored for a remake and now they have to pay for it. In more ways than one.

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>>507755669>>507749913It's such a shame.When they can make her look like anything, they just downgrade her.Like she doesn't need a instafitness model booty, but give her something. Like some nice 37-38 inch hips, big but not too crazy.Fill it out with a natural round ass that gets some excercise.

>>507756113Reality sure is a bitch

>>507724752...i would.

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>>507756227>And the in game chibi sprites are further deformed, allowing you to imagine whatever you want.It's very true.Voice acting has a similar problem.Even area design.Like with an overworld here's matoyas cavern on the FF1 map, you know how big the actual cavern is exactly, how much happens between the docks and the cavern, and you imagine how the big the world is around you.But if you have it all in 1st/3rd person and the player has to go everywhere, you have to shrink it all down.

Attached: matoyascave.png (1373x625, 69.48K)

>>507702796i don't get all you people liking what is WE TOOK SEPPY AND ADDED DREDLOCKSthat's it!barret is asian? because that is NOT white.

>>507756704>barret is asian?Yes. Good eye.

>>507755234>tfw no femboy bf to bullylegit terrified to look for one because they don't exist irl and the internet has taught me they're all trannies or have other brain problems>masturbating to the same stuff together with your bfthat's pretty weird but also kinda hot ngl>bullying your femboy bf into domming you while pretending to be a thick monsternow we're talking

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>>507752552It's because they are subhumans.

>>507756967go for twinks and just nudge them in the right direction if they aren't open minded. If you can't be weird with your partner who can you be with?>bullying your femboy bf into domming you while pretending to be a thick monsterI didn't know how much I wanted this, thanks

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>>507756386that's a nigger trying to be white tho


>>507702796Niggaroth exudes pure power.


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>>507756704Sephiroth being a nigger fits him better. I like the contrast between his hair skin and clothes. I think those big cartoon dreads are aesthetic as hell and wish more people would design black characters like that. Also the artist just did a good job on the clothes.

>>507753481There's no helping the damned user, get out of here before its too late

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>>507714132black girl here shut the fuck up tyrone normally I think tumblr brownwashing is cringe but it actually works here because it's a proper raceswap

>>507758045>muh dark skin with sliver hairSeek help.

>>507758045Nobody's going to follow your IG Nigger stop shilling your work.

>>507713606how can one rean be so based




>>507757854this was created by a white male

>>507756437Thanks user, you're a life saver.

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>>507758340You already got enough with Arms and Blazblue.

>>507703257White GF>hey buy me this>Why won't you answer my texts>Hey lets get a dog...no he's too small>meet my parents>How come you didnt buy me a purse all my friends boyfriends did>can i drive your car?>lets go shopping together, i want some new Marc Jacobs shirts and i heard you just got your paycheck>What do you mean split the bill? Are you poor or something? I'm not paying for that, it's over.>I DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU, YOU DO NOTHING! and btw i was cheating on you this whole time...QT Blk GF>Hey babe lets go get some coffee>Hey babe what you want to eat for dinner i just saw how to make some nice lasagna on youtube earlier, i think i got all the ingredients>I finished cleaning the house babe wanna do something?>honey did you pay your bills at all?, i know the deadline is the 30th>We going to my parents house this weekend get dressed, and shave you look like a hobo>Lets go out to dinner, we splitting this time though>Hey i just got paid, so i bought you thisIt's more than what i list, white women in general are so fucked. Black women and Spics speak so softly, and are so kind all the time. Everytime i ask a stupid white bitch for something they always doing Karen memes irl, i started ignoring white women at work just because they always bitch.t. Med


>>507755325apex legends

>>507759646>all girls fit neatly into racial demographicsI've dated three black girls and every one of them was totally different. Except for one thing. They were all obsessed with their pets.

>>507703257piercings are fucking disgusting

>>507760232So are tattoos, fake fingernails and excesive makeup. Yet it's basically the slut uniform. All girls in porn have to have those now.

>>507760014I think every girl is obsessed with pets, i just think white women actually do them.

>>507738507This literally kills the DEmake shill

>>507759646....You win this round user.

>>507759646>>Hey lets get a dog...no he's too small

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>>507702796I kinda like it.

>>507759646Black women carries sexual diseases though. They're shit.

>>507761363I don't. :^)

>>507704209holy fuck that's some negative ass

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>>507759646>>Hey lets get a dog...no he's too small

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Reminder that Aerith is not Aeris, and the remake is not Final Fantasy 7.

>>507750564>narsissyusuh oh

>>507751657Aerith isn't even modeled after Asians. Square said it.

>>507753172I really had western female character design.


>>507763925Yeah, she was modeled off an anime character. Oh wait...

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>>507702796>dat sephirot>zaubers? heh, you think you know about zaubers? I'll show you zaubers...


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>>507711465>She doesn't even look like a woman in the first place, but a transvestite wearing a rubber mask.Sounds like most uncanney "realistic" character models. And anyone with half a brain said this is what would happen if FF7 got a remake.


Who cares? Scarlett animations when?