Which zelda incarnation is the best

which zelda incarnation is the best

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Other urls found in this thread:


flat low-poly ass in the actual gameopen world with fucking nothingshit voice actingno amount of coomer art will ever save your game

I want to lick and sniff this image

>>507700864One in the pic.

>>507700864Real women are not needed.

>>507700864Boys are hotter, so Link

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>>507700864Will she let me kiss her feet?

smash and botw did zelda justice

Attached: zelder.jpg (1240x1753, 226.37K)

>>507702298of course user!

Attached: zeldaclothedass.jpg (3575x2354, 447.5K)



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>>507701054Better than ALTTP

>>507703424Mutt law

>>507704510American hands typed this post

>>507700864I hate that assfags took over Zelda.

Attached: zelda.jpg (1203x861, 64.51K)

>>507700864you just know she

>>507705075Sorry, no

>>507700864autor name?

>>507701409nice hands

>>507700864tetra gives her an actual personality beyond generic princess so that onealso chibi proportions always generate shortstack porn so double that one

>>507703424i hate you niggers

>>507700864Real talk footjobs fucking suck, Feet are at best a 2d fetish

>>507700864Spirit tracks Zelda.

>>507706056Anime feet > 3D feet

>>507700864Literally made for Gerudo men.

>>507707182Isn't it easier to just write Ganondorf since there are no other male Gerudo?


>>507707352It could be one of the other ones that are born every 100 years.

Skyward Swords, sadly she was in the worst game.

>>507708026Question is then if any male other than Ganondorf have ever been born.

>>507700864>feetCuck fetish

Attached: pornhubinsightsfootfetishothersessionsearches.png (600x530, 83.99K)

Stop slutposting about Zelda, she is a pure princess and a really respectable leader.t. not Link btw

>>507700864This is my favorite zelda

Attached: Cartoon Zelda.jpg (300x418, 39.58K)

>>507703424men... like me...

Skyward Sword is wife material

>>507700864Not even a smashfag, but Ultimate.

>>507706056Footjob are the fucking best if you're the one fucking the feet instead of having the girl rub you. They usually have 0 experience and even still it's awkward to do.

>>507708831>For Pete's Sake!Top tier translation right there.

>>507708831Are you saying respectable leaders can't have their asses huffed? How else will they relax after a long, hard day, user?

>>507709074Truly it is

>>507700864hyrule warriors zelda

BotW for cooming, ST for gameplay, WW for actual being a good characters

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>>507709380Everyone knows it is an honor to lap at the princess's anus

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>>507700864You called?

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>>507709561Poor SS Zelda forever stuck in a shitty game

>>507702823ears too long

>>507709819Not him but you are honestly the biggest faggot I've seen on this site all week.

>>507709625what if she accidentally shits in your mouth

>>507709819I know that feel except she let me do anything I wanted to her butthole

>>507709785Not really, she's pretty shitty herself

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>>507710031You should be so lucky

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>>507709074>panty linesalso CSRs newest Palutena pinup is fucking diamonds.

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>>507710097Now this man I can respect.

>>507703424Yeah, BIG HERO COCK>>507707352>>507707352>Ganonondorf favvots who list over brown cock are so dumb that they know this little about Zelda loreThis is the problem with coomers, retarded fanfic instead of actually playing games. Ganon is a cuck who spends thousands of years in the sacred realm after getting BTFO by an Aryan Chad like Link.

>>507710510Ah, I see you're a man of class.

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>>507700864>>507702602>>507702823>>507703830>>507705027>>507708740>>507709625>>507709683>>507710197>>507710274>>507701090>>507701103>>507701220You've *got* to be kidding.

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>>507700864Didn't knew sand was that reflective

>>507702823Is there a version of this image without shoes?

>>507710683>BIG HERO COCKrule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2877638

I know this is a coomer thread but I just got a 2DS and I want to play all the handheld Zelda games. What should I start with, A Link Between Worlds?

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>>507710989>Taming a Tomboy>Skin contrast>Hair up>CANONDangerously based.

>>507711041What haven't you played? ALttP? Oracle of Seasons/Ages? Link's Awakening? Minish Cap?

>>507711231I've only ever played LA and one of the Oracles, Seasons I think.

>>507710846Too flat

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>>507710984why yes there is it was a little risky for this board so i didnt post itdanbooru.donmai.us/posts/3789224

>>507711230My brother

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>>507711532Oh dear

>>507709074>CSR BROTHER

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>>507711548I know it makes no sense but I picture her having a Caribbean accent based on my own experience

>>507711781Well, she does have a canon voice but only in japanese

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>>507711379Well it goes without saying that none of them are bad, I don't think the order really matters except for playing Link to the Past before Link Between Worlds (but even that doesn't really matter a whole lot).Definitely make sure you figure out which of the Oracle games you played and beat it if you didn't before playing the other one, beating it gives you a secret password which lets you play the other one with more content and a new final boss.

>>507711781I actually have no idea what Anglo-Caribbeans sound like. Besides black Haitians and Jamaicans, I've only heard white Cubans and Puerto Ricans speaking English.

>>507712065Oh I was referring to Haitians and Jamaicans.>>507711925Japanese must sound odd as fuck to Hylian descendants.

>>507700864Big titties and wide hips one

>>507712204>Japanese must sound odd as fuck to Hylian descendants.Can;t be as bad as the english in BotW

>>507711925>>507711648>>507711548>>507711513>>507711070>>507711041Anons, go to Gamelon, and go fuck yourself

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Skyward Sword

OOT Zelda is pretty cute and funny

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>>507712273'Ate Ganon'Ate Guardians'Ate Blood MoonsLuv researchLuv silent princessesLuv me knight bodyguardSimple as


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>>507712204Oh, causes there's quite a few white Englishmen (and also Dutch and Frenchmen) that live the area, I've just never personally seen or heard any of them.

>>507712429And yet manages to be the worst girl in the game. Seriously. How do you fuck up that badly?


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>>507700864SS Zelda is the hottest but Tetra has the best personality.

>>507712542>Ate Ganon>Ate Guardians>Ate Blood Moonsis that why she's so fat?hot

>>507712612I hate how they fucked up his sideburns there. Her face looks like she's in ecstasy though, Jesus Christ

Zelda needs to wear tight pants more often. Her ass is too nice to keep wearing long dresses

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>>507712585Oh I live nowhere near it, I just work with a lot of people of Jamaican and Haituan descent. Also dating one but only her family members have accents.

>>507712794>Tetra will never look at you the way she does Link

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>>507712810When I first watched that show when I was a kid, I honestly thought she was just walking around bare-assed. Popped little boy boners constantly, loved that show.

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>>507712810>Biggest prude of all Zeldas>Wild Link routinely slaps her ass in public to watch her blush and hear her protest, despite secretly enjoying it>>507712936Good, they belong together.

>>507713025BotW Zelda is always right

>>507713025>Hot ChocolateWeird, I listened to that band a lot last time I played through ALttP, WW and BotW.

>>507701409this artist needs to do more

I really hope BotW 2 Zelda doesn't get captured or anything, I need my fill of cute interactions between her and Link that all Zelda games have left me starved for

>>507713373Yeah he draws girls with short hair well.

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>>507713464>I need my fill of cute interactions between her and Link that all Zelda games have left me starved forWhat good is it when they'll never top this?

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>>507713573why do a lot of 3d renders have that weird grainy shit on them

>>507701409>draw a girl>Call it a boy

>>507713760>They'll never topWell, one of them has to

>>507700864link has a better ass

>>507713859ST Zelda could never bring herself to do that

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>>507713760They really could if they put their minds to it

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Rosalina hasn't finished tasting them yet

Attached: Rosalina wants Princesses.jpg (1741x2048, 379.27K)

>>507705518/thread why are you faggots still posting

>>507714020Well, they would need to start over with a new Link and Zelda. The BotW versions could never be cute without being wildly OoC

>>507700864Hyrule Warriors

>>507713980She's too afraid after hearing legends of her grandmother's lovemaking.


>>507701054Game doesn’t need to be saved. It’s already sold almost 20 million (including Wii U). With little to no discounting of its $60 price tag. It’s within a couple hundred thousand copies of outselling the combined sales of OoT and OoT 3D. It sold 4 million copies last year year alone. It will probably get close to 25 million copies sold. Maybe even exceed it if they come out with a “best of” or “greatest hits” sku.

>>507714237>Another Artist does a great mating press animation of these two aged up>Their other Zelda pics are Link trap shitSo close

>>507714230>Wait, it's how many inches?

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>>507705027I think that artist is a footfag

>>507714237Good god

>>507714431>>Another Artist does a great mating press animation of these two aged upWho?

>>507714515I forgot their name but it's on Newgrounds and Paheal

>>507714617I can't tell which one you're referring to

What's sex with zelda like?

>>507714440The hat, or the sword?

>>507714830Viletoadstool or Lewdwig

>>507715028I dunno but I hear she's complaining that the shops don't sell hats that actually fit on Link's sword, whatever that means

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>>507701054>save your gameyeah, the game most often considered the best of the 21st century really needs saving

>>507715243Yeah, that's pretty good

>>507714134Zelda is pretty cute already when she geeks out about something, though I agree Link could use some more characterization

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>>507715505>Zelda is pretty cute already when she geeks out about somethingAnd insufferable in every other context.

>>507715328I would've followed him but the trap shit turned me off.

>>507715245>Every shopkeeper finding out that Link is packing because of a panicked Zelda>Anjean tells her to embrace motherhood or anal

>>507715565That "every other context" is her just meeting Link and taking out her frustrations on him, then starting to like him more and more over time. By the time BotW happens she's full on head over heels for Link

>>507716068The sad fact is that artists generally fall into two categories>Flavor of the Month fags looking to maximize clicks and commissions (ie CSR) who are solely drawing BotW and Ultimate Zelda until the next game comes out>The dedicated types who tend to be into weird fetishes that nobody else really wants to drawThe only way to get anything good is to pay for it or do it yourself

>>507716520I fucking hate flavor of the month and paywall fags who do it for internet fame.>Do it yourselfThat's the plan.

>>507712429i'm sorry, how is she funny?

Attached: tetra.jpg (563x517, 32.96K)


>>507716697Salvatore finds her funny

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>>507709819Damn, user. How'd you fuck that one up?

>>507700864The upcoming one.

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>>507700864Only time Zelda both isn't BTFOd by another girl and actually looks good is in ALttP and ALBW so those versions

>>507713835>complain about a post you don't like>instead of just ignoring itstop.

>>507716863>Salvatore was a pedoI knew he creeped me out for a reason

>>507700864Twilight Princess. Id give it to her all day long.

>>507700864The one where Zelda whores out Link and shares men with him.

Who gives a FUCK about Zelda

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Zelda is a boring girl

>>507717556Get back to your Twili hellhole

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>>507702823Link to the Past, more like Link tear that Ass

>>507717858INCREDIBLY based

>>507717858More like Zelda tears a stinky fart, haha. HAHA


>>507716863tetra will always be the funniest zelda, im saying young OoT Zelda isn't funny. cute but not funny

Attached: notthebestzeldathebesttetra.jpg (300x168, 9.71K)


>>507716769>Greenfucks PastebinThere was another of these too

>>507719036There seem to be plenty of them


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>>507717556i like the fetish user but why'd you choose such a shit picture?

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>>507719259Yeah, if only someone came along and gave the links to themSomeone who's eager to please


>>507716520Every day I thank god for giving us ccreayus.

>>507719953Cheeky bastardWhere's the third

>>507719990usushira for me>>507720117Third what?

>>507720187There was one on adult fanfic net too I think

>>507717378I'm not complaining about the post, I'm complaining about the picture.

>>507720387I have profiles on pastebin, ff.net, Ao3,and aff. Most of my shit is on all of them but I neglect my Aff profile since my stuff doesn't seem to be as popular there

>>507700864is it even a question?

Attached: __paya_and_princess_zelda_the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_and_etc_drawn_by_mantan__72c8eafc29871a40ffa6f8bbd03b9e49.jpg (1376x1700, 286.68K)


Attached: Sniff (2).webm (320x444, 590.96K)


>>507701054>ignores the gameplaylike clockwork

>>507720808Gotcha. Thanks negro

>>507716769I feel bad for whoever has to clean those showers

>>507721447I'm actually in a sort of hiatus right now. I'm at a loss for new ideas and a general sense that I'm not going to surpass what I feel to be my best stuff. The Corona shutdown hasn't helped

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>>507711041This is probably the only piece of fanart where Link closely resembles his in-game models. Everything else is highly twink anime shit or shota shit.

>>507721663>The corona shutdownSorry to hear about your liver. The quarantine sucks too.

>>507722208>Everything else is highly twink anime shit or shota shit.Yeah, that's Link in BotW>>507722256You motherfucker

>>507708330You ignore the actual cuck assfag >>507703830 while still whining about feet.

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>>507722208God I hate that shot. Fanartists just don't give a fuck.>>507722312Huehue

>>507708330imagine looking at a hot girl in bikini and then whining that their feet are showingyour gays level are worrying, user


>Nobody ever talks about the slight scent of pussy and ass during doggystyle

A link between worlds

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Thank you to the user who favorited my Ghost Zelda story

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>>507723467For the OP image? Necdaz91 made it

Attached: Samus.jpg (1025x780, 61.42K)

>>507723960>Anything but buff SamusWhat a shame.

>>507722219Nice edit, user!

>>507717081The thumbnail made it look like she had some killer abs.

>>507724757Enough full Nelson anal fucks will do that to you

>>507721663Maybe just write a story where you go all out and do whatever crazy shit pops into your head.

>>507711925what game is that gif from?I don't remember that from Phantom Hourglass

>>507725347I actually did exactly that, but I'm uneasy about posting it. Now I just feel stuck

>>507726214youtube.com/watch?v=eKYg0xysz8gJapan only because of vocie acting

>>507706056>t. never had one


Attached: zelda hold.png (1416x1360, 404.82K)

>>507726601Link it in a temp bin?I read these from time to time and get a good laugh, I won't be too harsh

>>507700864ALBW Zelda > Miyazaki Zelda > Toon Zelda/Tetra > Skyward Sword Zelda > the others > a stick in the eye > BotW ZeldaBut the Marin line of girls is better than all the Zeldas.

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>>507727639pastebin.com/TbLPG47Dhttps://pastebin.com/rJvrdZJdIt's a two parter that's long as fuck and all over the placeI guess it's wrong to say I don't have ideas but I don't have any that connect in a cohesive way. I'm also uneasy about the ending

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>>507727824Respectable taste

>>507717556This artist makes me angry, I swear he’s tracing man feet. Women’s big toes aren’t that big

>>507728143females are weird

>>507728549I guess but I dunno. I keep thinking to myself "I should put this up publicly and let people think what they will" but I don't have the confidence to.

>>507722219oh my god bless you user this is exactly what i needed!

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>>507728143I mean it needs a little editing though no more than shit i've seen before and seems fine.I dont see why you're having an issue with it user.

>>507728729All I can tell you is I used to date an ex-fujoshi chick. Met her at Otakon. She shared all the dirty secrets about female fanfic writers on the internet. CherubRP, livejournal, OTP wars... all that Women's Lockerroom e-stuff. Chicks are really weird, prolly worse than guys. So whatever you come up with isn't the worst and never will be.

>>507728978>>507729021I never finished the editing process because I lost faith in it.I guess I suffer from this general feeling that people aren't into the sort of stuff I am. I mean I see threads made by brapfags, footfags, giantessfags and I'm not into any of it yet my main fetishes never get threads of any kindPlus I also worry that my stuff has gotten too long and either bores people or they finish 1/4 of the way through and drop the rest

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>>507709561Choo-choo my nigga

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>>507729304Nigga, the internet is a huge and ridiculous place.Spend fifteen seconds on /d/ and you'll see the weirdest shit.Someone is into your fetishes. Someone is more into them than you are.Someone else is just waiting to discover it, maybe even via your writing.Finish editing and publish it you dork.

>>507729304Make stuff that you're into and others will follow, don't worry about that. Nobody makes the kind of art I want to see of this series any more so that's why I took up drawing. I'll share eventually, if someone else likes it, that's a bonus. But I'm tired of the same degenerate shit. I like lewd but funny and wholesome.

>>507728143>The titleAlready smiling>>507729021

>>507729539>>507729764Let me put it another way. The sole reason I started writing this shit is because nobody was making the sort of stuff I wanted and I have the drawing skills of a pre-schooler.I'll give another go at editing it, but first give me your thoughts on the very ending of the second part. That;s what I'm the most uneasy about putting up. Ending these things is always tough and I go a bit out there for this one.

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>>507729896It doesn't have a title. I just put "Tanning" because that was the basic premise

>>507718615Tetra or Spirit Tracks Zelda. She has a lot of personality and is personally ny favorite Zelda, besides Tetra since she's obviously everyone's favorite.

>>507729897I dont really see what the issue is.Maybe Im going full retard and missing something obvious, but the ending doesnt seem bad or weird or anything.What's the problem you're seeing with it, specifically?

>>507730539I didn't know how I felt with dragging in Tetra's crew. I like those guys and would prefer to keep them wholesome

>>507729897Alright, gimme a bit to read it.Also, everyone sucks at drawing first. Give it a shot man.

>>507730750I'm REALLY bad and now I flat out lack the free time to practice. It's too late

>>507730693Ah I get you.Honestly, I think they're still pretty wholesome. I mean, obviously the scenario they're adjacent to is lewd, but i dont think that necesssarily changes them. Not like theyre leaping into an orgy or something.The fact that they're all "Well it makes our captain happy and thats what counts" seems pretty wholesome to me.

>Nudge is gayKino

>>507700864botw zelda is cute, but her voice is pure trashwhichever one was in smash 5 is also pretty nice.

>>507730910It almost feels cruel to flaunt Link's superior manhood on them. They didn't do anything to deserve that and can't do anything about the fact that they're mere mortals up against a demi-god

I'm an ass, legs, and feet kind of guy.

>>507730827I lack free time as well, with a bunch of other hobbies and working overtime, but the desire is there. I don't want to be an annoying prick but anything is possible, never too late to learn.

>>507731305I'd say the easiest fix for that would be to have them mention that - they also know that theyre up against the Hero of the Winds.They know they're not competing, and they're okay with it becuase hey, not like any of them wanted to fuck the captain anyways right?If you have them specifically lampshade that, you retain their wholesomeness, they have no particular sense of being 'lesser' becuase i mean - its fucking Link.


>>507731450I don't think it would be worth it given the other things I still want to do with my time>>507731560Tetra seems like the sort who would love to show her man off to his inferiors, but WW doesn't have any characters to do that to. Tetra's crew are the closest, but they're too chill for it to feel right. I tried to find the middle ground but didn't feel the best with how it turned out but if it didn't unsettle you I'll go with it,

>Zelda always gets a fatass>no one makes Sheik with a fatasswhy

>>507731862Yeah, I see what you mean. Theres not really any characters theyd be interacting with much who that could work with. For real though, it doesnt unsettle me at all.Hell, Im a dyke so none of the story is really my fetish, but none of it came off weird or bad or unsettling or anything.I feel like youre just being harder on yourself than it warrants.Genuinely, only problem I had with the whole thing was general editing and proofreading shit.

>>507713653the way you fuckers always misinterpret TP Zelda face in these pictures makes me want to vomit all over you

>>507731972Zelda either has a fat ass or is wearing a dress that leaves the ass up to your imagination. Sheik is just flat all around.

>>507731972Sheik’s whole shtick is tricking you into thinking it’s a man and not Zelda. The big ass would be a tip-off, despite what the ‘draw a girl and call it a man’ crowd would say

>>507731305Nah that's just exhibition. It'd be fucked up if they were being taunted or cucked but that doesn't seem to be the case.>>507731560Nailed it, it'd be weird if they wanted to fuck Tetra, she's like their niece. I don't know what kinda weirdo would be into that. Kinda fucking gross. Can't say I've seen that except in really degenerate smut but paheal is full of that shit. Even for rule34 standards it's awful. Seems like this is just going for humor though. Clean up the grammar a bit though, you seem to forget periods from time to time. Other than that I can't say too much other than it being funny. I'm not much of a critic beyond I liked it or not.

>>507701054keep crying nigger bitch

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>>507732172I know a lesbian who almost exclusively ships hetero characters, to each their own.

>>507732641Oh dont get me wrong, I ship a lot of het characters - i more just meant the sex scenes doesnt get me going in particular.

>>507732172>I feel like youre just being harder on yourself than it warrants.youtube.com/watch?v=kTtr0pnT8PcIt's a deliberate mentality to keep me improving. I'm absolutely dependent on feedback to evaluate my work but recently nobody's left me any comments to use, so it's shaken my confidece a bit>Genuinely, only problem I had with the whole thing was general editing and proofreading shit.Like I said, I skipped that because I had mostly given up on it but I've got some free time the next few days.>>507732412>Getting mad at a meme>>507732487Like I said, I dropped the project in the proofreading phase I know the grammar sucks. I just need to know if it's worth correcting.

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Zelda is cute! Cute!

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>>507732845Nigga it's good to be aware of your class and keep trying to improve but JK Simmons's character in that movie is just retarded

>>507733074I haven't even seen that movie. I just like that speech

>>507732471>Shieks suit comes off>Middle, ass, and chest are covered in bandages so tightly she appears flat>One little tug and a huge phat ass and titties burst out

>>507732845That's fair, and I get what you mean but at the same time it's a fine balance you've got to hit.Not allowing yourself to settle is one thing - punishing yourself for not reaching perfection is something else, and here it seems you're crippling yourself with worrying about this story's ending, when really it's fine.

This fanfic is making me want summer to get here already

>>507700864the one with the big bootyor marin, because she was literally his dream girl

>>507733309I usually balance it out by listening to other people tell me it's fine but I got next no reviews on the last two things I did. I'm also emotionally invested in these characters so the thought of being cruel to them is genuinely paralyzing to me

Attached: 38767556.png (587x777, 555.89K)

>>507732641So what version of Zelda do women prefer? Do they just hop on the flavor of the month bandwagon?

fuck fujosless shitty writing, more art posting

Attached: 15928369_p0.jpg (1024x768, 362.55K)


>>507700864When will someone leak his NSFW variations?

>>507733809I'd let TP Zelda ruin me

>>507733415It's barely even spring where I am. We had snow flurries last weekend

After all that talking about Tetra, I guess I should post her

Attached: EXSeAUDUMAEPvaU.jpg (392x718, 158.32K)

>>507734395My favorite girl in that game was always Telma>>507734510It can't make up its mind here either. I miss swimming, the heat, and having family cookouts/getting bombed by the pool.

I thought we all had an agreement not to lewd Zelda

>>507713892Post proof


Attached: f5b071e435750515e4e45ea5984813d2.png (980x1200, 699.75K)

She's okay with it tho at least milf Zelda is

Attached: tumblr_m830qqdAXm1r96oumo2_1280.png (671x475, 257.93K)

>>507734154I have them

Resume of this thread:BRAAAAAAAAP

>>507735258Please share in a mega

>>507711513How the fuck did Dic get away with it?

Attached: DiC.jpg (150x134, 14.37K)

>>507735257My girlfriend can't stop looking at my ass lately. What the fuck is appealing Bout a man's ass?

>>507701054Thanks for posting this, I was worried Nintendo had stooped low enough to portray women in such a way.

>>507709074oh fuck, which doujin was it?

>>507710031Oh no, that would be horrible! Haha imagine!

>>507735736Dat Ass

>which zelda incarnation is the bestThe one who actually did shit and helped Link out from start to finish.

Attached: Toon_Zelda_Phantom_Arms_%28Hyrule_Warriors%29.png (1168x1168, 1.33M)

>>507731972Sheik doesn't have a fatass, she has a superior toned ass

Attached: Sheik-in-Super-Smash-Bros-4-princess-zelda-36979885-1920-1080.jpg (1920x1080, 384.95K)

>>507715259>Best of the 21st centuryIs this really how people feel? Have I just become jaded?

>>507736763It's a few days away from winning the Game of the Decade tourney on GameFAQs

>>507736582The best zelda

Attached: 20060726.jpg (600x661, 106.88K)

>>507737006Do not violate the ghost

Attached: EOem0bbUcAAZNX2.jpg (2000x1360, 257.34K)

>>507736582you're gonna have to be more specific

Attached: sugi-o_zeldasheik.jpg (798x1419, 312.15K)

>>507737183>did shitWhat does this have to do with the Zelda you posted?

>>507735643>My boyfriend can't stop looking at my ass lately. What the fuck is appealing Bout a woman's ass?get it now?

>>507737418play the game

>>507737614Yeah, everything that goes bad is because of her. Is that your idea of doing shit?

>>507737443Female asses are plump and round, man asses are like cd cases. Women too but only if they're Asian.

Zelda sucks Bokoblin cock

>>507700864>his new work is MakotoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASomeone leak his patreon


Attached: nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg (800x450, 18.14K)

>>507737183No I don't. Spirit Tracks is the only time Zelda actually stuck by Link for an entire game. She provided puzzle solutions, commentary and helped out in fights. She's done for more than any other Zelda has. You can actually see hers and Link's friendship as opposed to being told they're friends and she's gone for most of the game, or in Ocarina of Time's case just some random girl who you're expected to help because some tree told you to. But hey OoT Zelda gave you teleportation songs, which is totally the same level of helpfulness of what her ST counterpart did.

Attached: 1480899355768.gif (500x300, 834.71K)

>>507737659actively trying to fix it is, yes

Attached: Link,_Navi_and_Sheik.jpg (2850x1950, 1.51M)

>>507713835Well he is obviously male at his crotch but we can't post those pics on a blue board

Attached: ENOMxxsU4AAkus4.jpg (849x1200, 191.04K)

>>507737879How'd that work out?

Attached: 1354481691724.jpg (1920x1080, 821.2K)

>nobody posted TP Zeldabased, she's mine all mine

Attached: __princess_zelda_the_legend_of_zelda_and_1_more_drawn_by_wasabi_legemd__sample-d80dd730e22003eafeeb6181d1c273bb.jpg (850x1275, 145.08K)

>>507700864cute feet

Attached: cute feet.jpg (800x800, 207.89K)

>>507738036I'm gonna sit on her face

>>507737753Its ok shes getting fucked in the ass while her soles are scrunched up

>>507738046Stop fucking posting this weird fucking shit. Feet aren't sexually attractive at all, you all have severe mental and sexual issues. Seek help.


>>507738209You never had a pair of cute toes shoved in your mouth during sex

>>507738209he said they're cute not that he's sexually attracted to feet.

>>507738208Post it, nigger

>>507738370oh but I meant itI want my cock right up in those cute toes

>>507738036TP Zelda is really pretty but she's held back by a game that has no heart to it.

Attached: 1567560330783.jpg (1280x720, 105.04K)

>>507738691She has that constanty half-dead-eyes look going on, which absolutely slays me.I wish TP had been better.

>>507738254>>507738343>>507738370I know all you autistic footfags already have every foot picture in here saved on your PC from the same fucking copy&paste thread from a year ago and you're all jerking off to feet every day. I'm not trying to stop you from doing your weird deranged shit in private, but stop posting it here. Holla Forums is ANTI FEET, you dumb fucking chimp brained foot niggers. Just STOP.

>>507738691dont care she's mine

Attached: princess_zelda_papercraft.jpg (1024x1850, 155.82K)

>>507738209>he's not attracted to secondary sexual characteristics

>>507700864>which zelda incarnation is the bestThe only way to go about answering this question scientifically, is to have sex with each version individually, a few dozen times each for appropriate sample size, then have all of them in an orgy, to see how they interact. Only after this can I make a sufficiently informed decision

>>507739069no I don't think I will.

>>507739069>Holla Forums is ANTI FEET

Attached: no.jpg (280x227, 26.85K)

>>507700864Spirit Tracks overallSkyward Sword to wifeBreath of the Wild to fuck

>>507739119Nobody here has a penis big enough that Tetra would permit them to have sex with her

Attached: 69712399_p15.jpg (548x688, 116.35K)

>>507739069I'll have you know, the only reason I'm even into feet is because I wandered into a Holla Forums footfag thread one day and everything just clicked. Now I can't get enough.It might happen to you too.

>>507739089Not him, I love a good belly, but footfags are human scum

>that necdaz chun li animation of her masturbating while wiggling her toes

>>507739407Good Tetra is a cunt and I know my worth as a king.

>>507739605Sounds like cuck talk to me

Patreon was a mistake

>>507737976I don't know, how did it work out for ST Zelda?

Attached: 1200px-BotW_Great_Plateau.png (1200x675, 1.16M)

>>507739918no ur waifu a shitA SHIT

>>507740085BotW is its own timeline

>>507739945It could be done better. The frenchies have their own patreon where the creator is only paid when he actually releases stuff.

>>507740332I don't like saying this but cope

>>507703424black of course

>>507740562Cope with what? The game can't possibly be a sequel to ST

>>507713810that's just how they appear when rendered as an image within a 3D program, my guess is some of these people take screenshots of their renders rather than downloading the massive files which wouldnt have the grain

>>507740332>BotW is its own timelineI wish it was. But it's just the OoT timeline 10,000 years in the future. Far enough we could just consider it a reboot of the series. But only if Anouma stops trying to reference the earlier games.

>>507740707it's tacked on as the bottom to all three timelines regardless of their history

>>507737859This. I hope Spirit Link gets his balls emptied out by Spirit Zelda to where he has to hide out on his train just to get away from her for days on end.

Attached: 1562436531106.gif (600x338, 859.05K)


>>507737443From a purely animal perspective, from behind is generally where the male is during sex, so it makes sense why a male is attracted to a female’s rear. Humans have evolved to be upright and therefore front facing sex is also an option. For that reason, it would make sense why a guy is attracted to both the front and back of a girl or why a girl is attracted to the front of a guy. But it’s weird why a girl would be into the rear of a guy because nothing (at least nothing heterosexual) can sexually occur if the female is behind the male


>>507741413>>507741393They've officially stated the game has no timeline placement so as not to limit the player's imagination

>>507739069>antifeet You haven’t been here long have you

>>507722219>Not lining up the new feet with the original image perfectlyHoly fuck how do you fuck up this badly user? This fucks with my autism something fierce.

>>507735798>tfw it has voice acting

>>507742837I liked it

>>507700864I liked the one where she's a ghost. She came off as self aware about how bossy she is inherently asking so much out of Link.

>>507735643Bro, I got a fucking donk of an ass and my ex-gf LOVED it and wouldn't stop touching it. I've even been blantly groped by women at concerts. Embrace your butt fellow brother. It's a great thing to have!

Attached: 1579829070150.gif (500x364, 982.27K)

>>507712429more like fute and cunny

>>507735578Literally no quality control on these shows

Attached: Oh Fuck You Luigi.jpg (1704x1008, 135.57K)

>>507702823>>507700864>>507709625god i wish that were me

Attached: 1589276154025.gif (360x320, 1.94M)

>>507712936I don't know why but this image is the best one in the thread

>>507738209Bro I'm not even a footfag but a cute pair of feet can definitely complete the package

>>507700864>>507744042I like ladies' bums, they're nice. When I'm spooning them I can rub my erect cock over the valley between her cheeks as I massage her boobies and kiss her neck. Good times.This quarantine sucks.

Did SableServiette ever finish that Zelda+Mipha animation? I left his Patreon around November.

>>507739069>Holla Forums is ANTI FEETlmao

Attached: 144b44b032c9ccd5d3bf3336b1ad9d9d.jpg (1800x2400, 3.93M)

OG Zelda: Not hair yetZelda 2: Royal bushALTTP/ALBW Zelda: TrimmedOOT Zelda (kid): Not hair yetOOT Zelda (adult): ShavedMajora/MC/PHG/ST: No hair yetTP Zelda: TrimmedSS Zelda: Royal bushBOTW Zelda Lightly waxed

>>507742675He spent 30 seconds. I think you can afford some slack

>>507709989>has a girlfriend>biggest faggot on this siteI think you’re an actual faggot.

Posting best girl

Attached: Ocarina of Time - Nabooru.jpg (947x1185, 1.05M)

>>507746184What's the closest people we have to gerudos, body-wise (not nose-wise)? Brazilians?

>>507746553Arabs, Middle Eastern, etc.I just like the brown

>>507746553Unironically africans

>>507746778arabs you nigger

>>507746693Do they have bums that are that big?

>>507747080No, only ebony ladies have them

>>507747289But ya'll bred the central/south american bums onto white ladies and called them latinas, right?

>>507713025has always been celebrated for its excellence

>>507746553There isn't a real world equivalent. They have the height of the Tutsi in Africa, but those people are super skinny. To get the massive girth, skin tone and body proportions, you'd need to look to the Polynesian/South East Islanders, but they lack the height and muscles. To make things more confusing, Gerudo laregely take their cultural connections from pre Islamic Persia/Iran. And for all of these, it's cherry picking the very best aspects of all groups.

Attached: 1528511229732.jpg (2300x3200, 2.46M)

>>507719726What is that bulge

>>507747289Hispanic and Indian girls have them as well. It's really just White Europeans and Asians who lack an ass.


Attached: EVylaVgX0AAMn2I.jpg (1000x800, 57.98K)

god damn i love feet

>>507748192You can't fuck feet

>>507746553xvideos.com/video17100773/blowing_her_back_outOnly the black ladies

>>507748192amen brother

Attached: 92d7dd50ea80d98d182684894db47c4d.png (2003x1429, 2.68M)

>>507748267Lunk the best Brazilian anal scene you've seen

>>507746553>Not nose-wiseCoward.

>>507744973Based, pubes are godlike

>>507748261I'm sure with this new transgender vagina technology they can figure something out

>>507749397Watermelon, she can control it with magic.


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Finally, after save a lot of useless Zelda. he knew what he wants...to be.

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>>507739069If you hate feet so much, why don't you just chop yours off?

>>507700864Imagine her taking Ganondorks Big fat brown cock

I like feet but super feet-centric images are creepy and weird, and not hot at all. I find it much better when the feet are not the sole focus of attention and are just part of the whole.

>>507738209>>507739069Non-footfags exhibit pathological behaviour. Notice their perpetual anger, their idiotic incredulity. No other fetish seems to inspire such devoted hatred, it is not only that “they don’t get it”, but that for some reason they believe that no one should “get it”, they must crusade against it. It is bizarre. All kinds off odd and abject bedroom rituals get a free pass, and yet partialism for a part of the human body, something on literally almost every single person, inspires obsessive, unbridled antipathy. Perhaps the rage is because other people’s healthy desires reminds the anti-footfag of how they are alienated from their own bodies. It is probably a very Western prejudice, an affliction of modernity (even a century ago I notice in proper bourgeois literature references to “pretty” or “handsome” feet, not something that would appear in today’s literature without the connotation of fetishism). Feet are kept out of sight and out of mind. And keeping them bundled up tight in shoes all day is what is responsible for most of their unpleasant characteristics—infection, odour, misshaping; meaning that when the shoes finally do come off most people, presented with their neglected feet, associate them with disgust... the feet themselves are unfairly blamed rather than the conditions forced upon them. Notice the completely disproportionate commodity fetishism built around shoes. I’ve had some “people” remark to me that they prefer the gaudy design of designer label sneakers over the limb you wear them on. Is there a more rotten, insectoid, consumerist and anti-human attitude than that? Preferring literally cheaply made industrial fibre, cynically marketed, a fad, over flesh and skin of an anatomical marvel which has served us for tens of millennia.

Attached: Zelda PL.jpg (800x1100, 73.77K)

>>507700864I want to go on adventures with princess zelda

Attached: 4.jpg (1280x1834, 636.08K)

>>507700864I like thick eyebrows so definitely Breath of the Wild

Attached: Thicc+eyebrows+are+where+its+at+_02b800150cfc93d9a29d00f65176041f.jpg (944x1121, 264.8K)

>thread still upBased feet bros

>>507700864sure as fuck not that butterface


Attached: 5.jpg (1280x1807, 366.51K)

Do anyone know where even you can find his NSFW stuff? Even a link or something, sure as hell I'm not paying for this.

Women wear tight clothing like yoga pants and get mad when we stare? What the FUCK

>>507700864Fucking disgusting. Might as well just pay some thot to dress up as the character and take pictures.


>>507712612>Fucking in your talking Ship/Dad.

>>507701054Save the actual game from what?

>>507700864Skyward Sword Zelda.

>>507752594You need to learn how the game is played. They pretend to get mad, but they are trying to draw attention. It's called Tsun.If a girl dresses like that consistently near you, then most likely she's giving you the hint. If she dresses like that all the time no matter who she's around, she's just an attention whore or slut. BotW Zelda is the epitome of Tsun and she fully admit at the end to wanting Link to oogle her.

Attached: 1335474637117.jpg (750x1000, 257.25K)

>>507752893>not fucking in your talking ship/dad

>>507752105>>507752383The great debate

>>507753294I enjoy the facial expressions in Dat Ass much more

Attached: z.jpg (1920x2004, 687.21K)

>>507712936Makes life worth not living when you put it that way, user. Also >>507744157

>>507708330Rent free. OP posted a character with huge ass in bikini.

>>507723160imagine looking at a hot girl in a bikini and then whining that their feet aren't showingyour degenerate levels are worrying, user

>>507755125nobody's whining about that because it's not the case :^)

Attached: zelda4.jpg (1911x1550, 795.61K)

>>507702823Will she do everything I tell her to?


>>507701054Seriously? nobody is gonna dispute the flat ass point?

>>507751923>sole focusPun intended?

trannies are the only ones that doesn't enjoy feetand if you disagree you are a tranny

Attached: 1529361567329.png (1280x1165, 439.92K)

>>507735643Maybe she has the female version of what footfags have, or gets off on attempting to make you embarassed or something

>>507700864Spirit Tracks Zelda is the best by far, contested only by Tetra. She has an actual personality and character which develops and grows throughout the game, along with your friendship. Link and her actively work together as partners and friends in their goal.

>>507738691that's where you're wrong, fucko

Attached: midna-2-1005175-1280x0.jpg (1280x967, 71.59K)

>>507735643she wants to give you a good peggingtoo bad most men are socially trained to not want anything anywhere near their asses, it feels pretty good if you can get it at the right angle, properly lubed

>>507757667Tetra is a cunt though so her having a character is not worth much

>>507752064nah it's that it is aggressively weird and like furfags you feel the need to shit up everywhere you go with it

>>507739069If you hate feet so much, why don't you just chop yours off?

The best Zelda isn't even Zelda. Her name is Hilda, and she leaves scratches and purple lipstick marks all over Ravio's body, then gently soothes them with her arm length silk gloves.This is canon, Aounuma told me.

>>507757667Just say Toon Zelda and you can have both in one. Plus Minish Cap, ALBW, PH and WW Zelda. PH and WW suck, but Tetra/Toon Zelda is one of the few good things from it.

Attached: Zelda_likes.gif (414x602, 87.53K)

>>507756950Link unironically has a nicer ass than Zelda

Attached: tumblr_inline_p5rkvhbfJK1v1ga5v_640.jpg (547x459, 77.98K)

>>507752817Turbo Sonic autist of the classicfag variety. He fucked off nearly a decade ago after he got an ED article wrote about him. The article is pure cringe, but it shows what he was like.encyclopediadramatica.fyi/index.php/Nicochi

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>>507708330>>507717676>>507738209Look pic>>507739069/V/ is a foot fetish board, get used to it.>>507748261You know what footpussy is?Also if girl puts her feet together there will be a hole between them, that hole is called footpussy.Also footjobs also exist.

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Romani Ranch. Home.

Attached: 1e7c4ed3452772de6544d704a7142d1c.jpg (600x800, 240.38K)

>>507700864God bless Necdaz

Attached: 1586312901757.jpg (1600x1809, 331.09K)


The best Zelda doesn't matter because they're all inferior to the other girls in the series.

>>507760720I want to be milked by Cremia and Romani.

Attached: d26.png (724x1104, 1.19M)


Attached: asking_to_suck_zelda_s_toes.jpg (1024x824, 182.96K)

>>507760510>footfags think spamming their shitty gay cuckold fetish is equal to it actually being popular

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>>507761724but it is popular you denying it makes no differencejust search for it in any porn site and it shows

>>507744594I so wish I could go to a strip club

>>507761957It's also popular with cuckoldry and cuck-related fetish. Coincidentally, cuckoldry is also popular. I guess that means Holla Forums is an NTR/blacked board too by your shitty logic :^)

Attached: Screenshot_20190910142612.png (1440x676, 125.59K)

>>507761724I wonder why the "vote for feet" post was separated. It's like this vote is rigged by putting "vote for feet" in hidden place to make sure many people will miss itHmmmmmmmmmm

thinly vieled coomer thread

Attached: Why is this a gif.gif (716x832, 187.83K)

>>507708330>muh copy pastecry more

>>507762210>footfags are incapable of doing things like checking archives>footfags think an image of a post being separated from images of other posts must somehow mean the vote is tampered>this is what footfags actually believe


>>507761724Hearing you seethe is part of the fun

Attached: zelda__ilia_sketch_by_genzoman-d946jqw.jpg (695x900, 365.05K)

>>507762575BasedSuperior to Zelda and Midna

>>507762575she cute but basically just GREAT VALUE malon

hang on guys i ran out of tissues. brb.

>>507717676>joins thread to be upset>spams the same old craphello insufferable faggot. I feel bad for your family for having to deal with you all the time.

>>507762575>y-you're mad>that's why I give you a bunch of (You)s every time I see that image to show how not mad I am

>>507762198Well for what it's worth I've never once clicked on a BLACKED thread, let alone posted repeatedly in one

Attached: 6870d3c7fd700fc02b7b117364edf93b.jpg (850x671, 120.92K)

>>507713835It's so groomers can trick underage introverted virgins on here into thinking they're trans.

>>507762239There is literally nothing fap-worthy here


Attached: why did i make this.png (1584x800, 2.01M)

>>507762198Ah yes fallacy based on making wrong conclusion from data.Data says that foot fetish is popular among cucks and gays. And that's it.These data don't imply that liking feet make you gay or cuck. Probably foot fetish will be also popular among heterosexual noncuck men.

>>507700864Spirit Tracks Zelda is severely underrated.Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess Zeldas are severely overrated.Wind Waker Zelda is only good as Tetra.The rest are just ok or unremarkable.Smash Ultimate Zelda is the cutest

Attached: 1569090473082.jpg (708x1000, 88.97K)

>>507761724more like you guys going out of your way to throw tantrums and start stuff because you must have some conflict with anyone and everyone online everyday because you are such a miserable creature that you can't do anything productive in your life and do these childish attempts of attention.

>>507701054This, she's fucking flat. The only reason people think shes thicc is because of her tight pants that outline her ass

>>507763521>you're a gay cuckold and your fetish sucks lol>y-you keep throwing tantrums and are miserable IRL and you never do anything productive in life and are an attention whore I know this because I spam threads 24/7jej


>>507755834Looks like shit. Either imitate the anime style or dont try at all

The best Zelda is one with softest soles.

Attached: 4a23e68c40b01cc7c950884d7fe5341006d47554.jpg (3134x3870, 532.68K)

>>507764781Wouldn't Spirit Tracks Zelda have the softest soul?

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 34.54K)

>>507749397Poop>>507765274She has the softest butt, yes


Attached: ACKNOWLEGDE.png (3840x2160, 2.67M)

>>507761724>image was posted last of the 3>its a shitty image>Ass and tits image are high qualityNext time use a good image by a good artist, not the 3D OW garbage. Also Its hardly revealing that tits and ass are more popular than feet, its still a very popular fetish.

Attached: Atago Nekoda.jpg (1280x853, 180.57K)

>>507739069>Holla Forums is ANTI FEET,

Attached: Ishtar anti footfags.jpg (1792x1010, 443.44K)

>>507762198yes that's exactly what you heardreality hurt doesn't it?

Attached: 1553591052803.png (295x217, 59.79K)

>>507765589There's hardly anything there to acknowledge.
