>Finally beat Sekiro (Immortal Severance Ending)>Only 32% of Steam players have ever beaten the final bossI guess this is what it feels like to be a true gamer...

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>>507594704Now kill Owl (Father), Demon of Hatred and the Shura Ending version of Isshin.

>>507595016I already beat Demon of Hatred. I'm not sure I can be bothered to play the game through 3 times more just to get each ending.

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>>507594704sekiro is very easy honestly

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>>507594704guitar hero with katnas is fun

>>507595301no silly the meme is that it's ddr with katanas

>>507595016The only one of those that you could possibly even consider harder than Sword Saint Isshin is Demon of Hatred, and solely because it completely breaks the rules of the gameOwl (Father) is straight-up easier than Great Shinobi Owl

>>507594704Judging by the achievements, Isshin doesn’t actually filter that many people. But half the people that bought (of which 2% never played it) were filtered at some point between starting it and fighting Genichiro

>>507595187You can experience everything in two playthroughs. The Shura ending also occurs halfway through the game and Owl (Father) can be killed right after fighting the normal version of Owl.

>>507595496>opinionsI've literally heard every variation of "this one is hard, these ones aren't" when it comes to the four hardest bosses in Sekiro. I say that it's worth experiencing all four.

>>507595552Can I get any more endings after Immortal Severance? I haven't started my new game + yet.

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>>507595526It's less of a filter and more people not clicking with the game. People do that shit all the time with videogames.For example, I bought Turok 2 and immediately refunded it like 10 minutes later because I hated how the movement felt.

>>507595197As long as you've never touched a Souls game before, yeah.

>>507595705There’s four endings in total. One will give you an extra mini bosses and a boss (hint: eavesdrop on friendly ncps), and the bad ending will give you a different end boss.

>>507595187Dude you FLY through subsequent play throughs of the game. Especially since you know what areas are optional and exactly where to go.

>>507595705Yes, there are four endings, though I've only bothered to see the best (Return) and the evil ending (Shura). To get Shura you just need to betray Kuro when your father asks you to, to get Return, you need to complete a bunch of esoteric tasks which involve killing the snake (though it's not a boss fight). You can complete the prerequisites to fight Owl (Father) and still get the Return ending.So basically it's possible to play once for the Shura ending where you fight Isshin, and once for the Return ending where you fight Owl (Father) DoH and SSI.

>>507596001Hmmm...I may give it a go. I have Devil May Cry 5 and Rayman: Legends on the backburner but Sekiro is probably my favorite game in the last 10 years so...

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>>507595697Of course, I'm not saying they're not all outstanding bosses and easily the best gameplay experiences From has ever createdIt's just pretty clear that Sword Saint is the most objectively challenging boss the game has to offer

>>507595906>>507596205What I meant is can I trigger any of the other endings in my original playthrough even if I have already triggered the Immortal Severance ending? I had both Snake Viscera by the time I got Immortal Severance but I goofed early on and sent the white Senpou fatty to the Abandoned Dungeon to be tortured (oops lmao) on accident. The Divine Child at Inner Sanctum never asked for me to complete any more quests after that.

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>>507596640>It's just pretty clear that Sword Saint is the most objectively challenging boss the game has to offerAnd yet DSP managed to beat it on his third try.

>only 3% of people have beaten DMD on DMC5So this is what it feels like to be one of THEE gamers.

>>507596775You choose the ending at the very end of the game.

>>507596640None of them are OBJECTIVELY the hardest. On my first playthrough, Owl (Father) was the hardest. On a repeat playthrough, Shura Isshin was the hardest.

>>507596640>>507597435Apart from Isshin and Demon of Hatred who else is in the running for hardest boss? Owl?

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>>507596775No, if you already gave kuro the tears and triggered the ending, you can't change your options till the next game.

>>507598043>Sword Saint Isshin>Owl (Father)>Demon of Hatred>Isshin Ashina Those are the four hardest, I've heard different people say that each of the four was the hardest or easiest.


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>>507595720>Shinobi Prosthetic (92.4%)>Resurrection (89%)So I figure this to do be the point where people played for 10 or so minutes and quit. The next two achievements>Memorial Mob (66.8)>Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa (63.3)Are quite a ways in, and while I figure there's a few more people that just got bored, I suspect that most of this differences is filteringThe numbers drop down to 50.2% for Genichiro, 44.7% for the Guardian Ape, 40.3% for GSO, 39.4% for the corrupted Monk (I believe this is the True version), and finally 32.1% for Isshin. Based off of steam achievements.

>>507594704Achievements aren't really a good metric. The Neptunia games have achievements literally for "hit start" and only like half its player base has it.

>>50759889127.0% for Demon of Hatred

>>507599468Yeah, but he's optional, I figure a bunch of people just straight up miss him (I did on my first playthough). Same with Owl (Father) (who is 19.5) and Isshin Ashina (15.3)

>>507598891forgot pic

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>>507598670Personally I think either Old Isshin or Owl 2 are the hardest. Sword Saint I didn't find very hard, and Demon only requires it play different than most bosses. Old Isshin gets a slight headstart because you have to fight without all your upgrades or in NG+, everything else in that list you can fight at full strength. He also has Emma which is way harder than Genichiro since you never fight her otherwise. And he has attacks that have effects on the entire stage.Owl 2 is the most agressive boss in the game, nearly Orphan tier with how easily he can cut distances, but he only has two lifes.

>>507599751Old Isshin phase 2 is much easier to cheese than SS Isshin, especially if you're on NG+. But yeah, I think all 4 of those boys are candidates for hardest boss. They all test you in different ways, so some players are going to struggle with certain styles more than others.

>>507595861It's kind of a hit or miss desu, i played dark soul 3 first and i breezed through 1 and 2 but i get btfo'd by sekiro, that fucking ape filtered me for a month

>>507600049Do people even need to cheese Saint Sword? Only phase 2 and 3 present any challenge. Phase 1 is an enemy you should be bullying at this point and phase 4 is a victory lap thanks to lightning reversal.

>>507599751both owl and owl 2 made me a notably better player after beating them - i think by SS i was as good a player as i was going to get and the fact that second form was still hard as fuck is testament to him being a hard as nails boss. his range and mixups are no joke. owl 2 i had the most fun with because it forces you to get seriously aggressive

>>507594704good job bro

that shit truly feels great. beat Furi on Furier the other day, only 1.7% percent of players have that one it seems. my rarest achievement

>>507600343It's still 2 challenging phases, both of which play very different from each other. But the thing is, even if you want to cheese sword saint, there aren't many tactics. The umbrella can help a bit. If you've got all upgrades and items (most people want), you can sometimes get away with an axe cheese, but otherwise that's less of an option.Isshin Ashina's last phase is completely trivialized with either the firecrackers, fire umbrella or Dragon Flash, and is otherwise the same as his first phase, so you don't have to spend as long learning a new moveset.Emma is a really easy boss, and mechanically easier then Genichrio, imo. Sure you have to learn it from scratch, she's not complicated>>507600526>i think by SS i was as good a player as i was going to get Have you played charmless?

>>507595720>For example, I bought Turok 2 and immediately refunded it like 10 minutes later because I hated how the movement felt.Imagine having taste THIS shit

>>507600343I never managed to pull off successful reversal in my entire playthrough so had to fight him normally. Beat him eventually but it was hard as fuck. It was a lot more fun that the Artorias fight in Dark Souls though, that guy was an utter bastard with all his random flips and other bs. I resorted to cheesing him by going naked with a greatshield so i could block most of his shit and have fast roll to get away from the rest. And proceeded to chip dmg him to death.

>>507602760a successful reversal*than*

>>507601774>Have you played charmless?yes, i only beat him on charmless after getting the shura ending first playthrough.

>>507602882If you're ever interested in replaying it, try using mist raven for reversals. If you use mist raven and don't input a direction, you'll perform the block and jump part of the reversal automatically. You still need to time the mist raven, but otherwise you only have to hit attack mid air.

>>507602760Have you played any other Miyazaki games besides Sekiro and DS1.

>>507603327DS2 up to the frozen maze area where i had had enough of the game and uninstalled it. Can't remember how far i got in three before removing that out of boredom, it just felt like remake of the first game.

>>507603773like a remake*

>>507594704This is why we need difficulty settings. It's a waste of the customer's money if they can't beat the final boss.

>>507603976>developers must cater to all audiences"No!"The difficulty adds to the satisfaction when you finally beat the boss, though. It took me a lot of tries but if you stick to it you eventually learn it.

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>>507603976The customer is a waste of life if they can't stick to their decisions and plan according to it. People like that shouldn't have any money.

>>507595496>Owl (Father) is straight-up easier than Great Shinobi Owli hope you are talking about only new game because in ng+ hes way harder. his posture recovery is ridiculously fast for him to be considered easy.

>>507603976Don't buy the game if you want to be pampered? It's clearly marketed as a hard game.

>>507604521Different user, but I've found Great Shinobi Owl to be much harder on higher NG+ cycles charmless/bell. GSO chains his attacks much more frequently, and will pull off long strings that don't have single opening. He loves to backflip/shuriken toss, into shuriken toss sweeping charge into another backflip etc. Your posture maxes insanely quickly and then you eat shit from a single mistimed deflect. The poison is also a pain, because it builds super quick unless your constantly popping antidotes/contact poison. Owl (Father) has longer individual combos, but they all end with a long pause that allows you to punish him and/or reset your posture. His posture recovery isn't a big deal since beating both owls generally involves quite a bit of vitality damage.

>>507604221>>507604252>>507604736Look, not everyone has fun trying to punch through a brick wall, even if there's a weak point to exploit. You can just play on Hard or above if you want to feel hardcore for a fake achievement. The rest of us, the majority of players, just want to have a good time.

>>507605042kek. But don't you know user? You ARE playing the easy mode.

>>507605042You can have a good time even if the game is hard, though. You are not entitled to the ending of a video game just because you want it really badly. It's not even about the accomplishment of it. It's about setting your mind to getting good at something (even if it is just a game) and succeeding. That is the basic tenet of any form of success.

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>>507594704If you think thats bad, only 6% of Steam players have finished Rain World.

>>507605042The game is literally centered around the difficulty. If the game wasn't hard, it wouldn't be a good game; it'd just be a generic and boring hack and slash. If you really want to play it on easy mod, just mod it on PC.

>>507605334Sekiro's achievements are actually pretty high. The lowest achievement, the one for getting all others, is 7%. Meanwhile something like MGR:R has a ton of achievements that are 1.1%. It's probably because none of Sekiro's acheivements are tied to beating the game Charmless or with activating the bell demon.

>>507605037thats true. i forgot gs owl also had fuck tons recovery rate. i hated how both owl bosses were straight vitality fight because it made the fight drag out longer which in turn made the whole battle reckless because of how easy it was to die from him. i much prefer posture finish because its faster to build for most bosses. still a great boss battle but definitely challenging as fuck.

>>507605042>playing for muh fun>not playing for the devs' intentions first and foremostBesides, you don't get to complain about something you bought without understanding it. Nobody told you the game was going to be easy.You simply can't commit. You don't want to "waste" time on the game. You don't respect your own purchases.

>>507595197I'm not going to argue that there isn't a rhythm to boss encounters but I feel that the only people that parrot this haven't beaten the game

>>507594704Sekiro is boring and easy as fuck. Literally the only thing that it has going for it is bosses. Nearly all of which are just spam L1 to win.The mobs and levels are the most boring they've ever been in any From game. Stealth and your grappling hook absolutely destroys any semblance of challenge from mobs or interesting level design. You play Sekiro like an action games, since it's the shittiest Souls game.

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>>507605554Souls achivements are generally really simple. It's often just getting to a secret area, beating a boss or getting a whole set of weapons or spells. They only present any difficulty when they're something grindy or something you wouldn't naturally get, i.e. covenant items, all infusions on one character, all tool upgrades/skills, every weapon upgrade type in DeS.In comparison DMC5 requires you to S-rank all missions on all six difficulties.

>>507605042Play a different game, devs are not obligated to change what they want to make based on what you want to play.

>>507605468The game is centered around the art design. The music, the cinematic shots, and the gameplay are all highlights of the game. It has an interesting story told well and the boss fights are some of the most memorable in video gaming. I'm sure the Guardian Ape will go down as one of the most memorable boss fights of the Zoomer generation. Also, the difficulty could be lower and the game would still be amazing. The combat requires you to parry, mikiri counter, jump, run out of range of AOE, use items at the right time, use proper enemy counter items, use proper shinobi prosthetic counters...Did you even play the game?

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>>507606103>You play [this action game] like an action gamesYes?

>>507594704>Psuedo hardcore gamer gamesDork SoulsShin Megami TenseiRedditborne>Actually hardcoreSekiroNinja GaidenWizardry/UltimaDwarf Fortress

>>507606103>shittiest Souls gameDisagreed. It has the best art direction, music, boss fights, combat, and storyline of any Miyazaki game.

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>>507606103>since it's the shittiest Souls game.Of course it's a shitty souls game, because it's not even a souls game. Stop treating it like it is one.

>>507606527The boss fights are impactful because they're difficult. If they were easy you wouldn't feel like you really beat them.Sekiro really isn't centered around presentation at all. The only areas with strong presentation are Fountainhead and Senpou. There are no areas which exist as setpieces like for example Ash Lake did. Besides, Souls games have always being about game experience being told through gameplay. In Sekiro's case even its subtitle refers to the gameplay loop and death mechanics.

>>507606754>best art direction>best musicBloodborne>best boss fights>best combatYes.>best storylineDemon's Souls and I would argue Dark Souls.

Reminder that it's Seki-ro and not Se-kiro.

>>507607807Nah, Sekiro's plot is way better simply by being tangible and grounded.

>>507606103low iq post

>>507607376>Sekiro isn't centered around presentationHirata EstateFountainhead PalaceAshina Castle late gameGreat presentation in boss fights: Lady Butterfly, Owl (both fights), Guardian Ape, Genichiro (all fights), Isshin (all fights)The Giant Snakes (complete with music featuring maraccas to simulate snake hissing and rattlers)There are a lot of examples of Sekiro giving great presentations. It is a Miyazaki game, after all.

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>>507607376Sekiro focuses more on presentation than any other game in the series. Which is why it's so shallow and boring once you're done with it.

>>507608532DeS and DaS's plots are completely tangible. Literally the first thing the games do is explain the setting to you in a cutscene.>>507608697Having presentation doesn't mean being centered around presentation. The only one that's much of a setpiece there is the snake.

>>507608228ACHTUALLY, it's Se-ki-ro


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>>507609106I admit I haven't played DeS, but DS1 hardly even has a plot compared to Sekiro.

>>507609067Sekiro is not more focused on presentation than Bloodborne.

>>507609421Uh, yah, it is. It's the only game with direct storytelling, actual characters, and actual story focused cutscenes.BB just has a better aesthetic and atmosphere.

>>507609371>DS1 hardly even has a plot compared to Sekiro.Sure, it does. You're in a journey to link the first flame. Sekiro's plot isn't much more complicated, rescue Kuro, deal with immortality.

>>507594704I got filtered by the flamming bull. Then again I dont really like the combat in this game and I had just finished DS2 and 3 so I was burned out. Maybe ill give it another go.

>>507609658>It's the only game with direct storytelling, actual characters, and actual story focused cutscenes.Please, actually think when you post.

>>507594704You did well user. You stopped hesitating.

>>507610086Arigato, user-kun.

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>>507610279Personally, I played through the game 5-times rapid-fire to get all the endings and 100% it. Then I put it down, content that I had done all I wanted to do in it for some time. I'll go back to it one day, but it's one of those games where once you master it, you put it in your "I'll replay this again later" pile.

>>507609912You're forgetting about the birthing of a nation and the fall of Ashina, everyone betraying each other, Wolf recovering his memories, returning the Divine Dragon to it's home, and much more.Before you give me a list of the finer plot points of DS1, though, Sekiro has a more complex story just by virtue of having an actual main character.

>>507610586>Before you actually refute my argument by doing the same thing I'm doing, thoughSure.>Sekiro has a more complex story just by virtue of having an actual main character.Half the game is a giant questline. Do you go to Boddhisattva Valley to avenge Kingfisher? No, you go for a flower. Do you go to Mibu Village because of the effects of divine water? No, you go to get a stone. Do you go to Senpou Temple because the Divine Child told you she would become your ally? No, you go for a magic sword. Do you go to Fountainhead Palace because the real villain is there? No, you go for the dragon tears.Even Hirata Estate, which tells you what really happened 3 years before and how Wolf became immortal is completely optional. The story is presented in the exact same way as in any other Souls game, through the player going into the levels themselves through exploration with a minimal incentive. The one thing it does different plot-wise is Genichiro.

>>507611458*giant fetch questis what I meant.

>>507611458Feel free to do the same thing I did. I'm just saying that regardless of that, Sekiro actually has a main character. Certain plot points being optional and therefore missable doesn't reduce their impact.

>>507608228>know how it's pronounced>can clearly hear Isshin pronounce it>still pronounce it the English way when bringing it up with a friend

>>507605830I've played all the souls games multiple times over save ds2, and I still consistently die in all of them except sekiro. I did ng+10 yesterday for fun, and I only died to getting hit off the vermillion bridge by the corrupted monk throughout the run.

>>507612056>Sekiro actually has a main character.Like I said, this changes very little plot wise. Characterization isn't plot. I already gave you examples of how specific parts of the game could've have higher plot involvement.

>>507594704Dark Souls 3 is actually way worse on steam. 17% of players have the achievement. On PC though, so that just goes to show how bad the game is on PC vs. Sekiro, which plays like a dream on KBM.

>>507612584It's pretty significant. Characterization is absolutely part of the game's storytelling.

Sekiro's difficulty is a joke if you don't have some kind of learning deficiency.

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>>507612645I suspect these percentages have something to do with how much each game costs, especially on sale, and by extension how many people just bought it because it was cheap and haven't played (much of) it yet.

>>507594704Is Immortal Severance the canon ending? It's the first, and only, ending I have gotten so far. Was thinking to replay the game on NG+.

>didn't get owl father because i didn't eavesdrop Kuro even though I eavesdropper emma>have to play the game all over wtf is this even worth it

>>507595197ended up platinuming it but i thought it was the hardest souls game since i first got my feet wet with demon's soulsyou can't sword and board, you MUST parry, which is something I had to learn from scratch. took ages to git gud, and even once I did there were filters like owlfather that fucked me up good and proper

>>507613067for what it's worth, on NG+ it should only take a couple of hours to get to Owl. Still, if you don't think the game is fun enough to warrant a second playthrough of the content, don't push yourself.

>>507612675Wolf's character is only significant until you beat Genichiro for the first time. Everything else is optional.You saying>Certain plot points being optional and therefore missable doesn't reduce their impact.Doesn't make it true. Which one of the four endings is meant to be the real plot? What if you never go to Hirata and obey the iron code?Are we going to say everything to do with Bloodborne's lore has plot implications because you can go for the fourth ending which requires you to get the umbilical cords and could only be motivated if you want to finish the whole ascension movement? How is the Return ending valid as a plot point but all that Yuria of Londor tells you to do not?A plot requires active engagement to be a plot. Massive parts of Sekiro do not have active engagement, like I have already explained.

>>507613005I believe the only ending that is not canon is the Shura ending. This is pure speculation, mind you.

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>>507606103>Sekiro is boring and easy as fuck. Literally the only thing that it has going for it is bosses.Kinda agree. The difference between the bosses and the rest of the game is so staggering, the game is essentially a boss rush with pointless grind in between. >>507606527>The game is centered around the art design.absolutely, literally the only reason I went through a NG+. The story telling, the characters, the art, the landscapes, the fucking mountains. All sublime.>>507607376>The boss fights are impactful because they're difficult.BULLSHIT. The game has the worse bosses in the series including Nioh. They are incredibly mundane and force you to play in a very conservative and pedantic way because they do: insane damage to you, and you to minuscule damage to them, and they have: mmo level HP and you die in 2-3 hits. Unlike EVERY other bosses in the series I did not feel a single time a sense of accomplishment when I defeated one but pure luck because I just missed one of their freak combos that pretty much insta kill you no matter how well you know every single attack pattern.

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>>507613602>They are incredibly mundane and force you to play in a very conservativeOnly a couple do. Oniwa (because of his movement) and (Double Apes (because 2v1 rape train). Also the sakura dragon, because it's a gimmick fight. Everything else you're free to play highly aggressive, if that's what you want, and you're usually rewarded with much quicker clear times if it's a controlled and planned aggression.

>>507594704a lot of people dropped the game cause it shit


>>50759470432% is extremely high for a game like this

>>507606754wait, is that Tomoe?

>>507613584Hmm I see, the game basically pushes you into getting ready to fight Isshin the entire way, as well as severing the link, so I assumed it was the canon end.

>>507613584There are no "canon" endings until the game gets a sequel, which every ending but Purification could get>Shura has Wolf as the main villain in the second game>Severance has Wolf as the Sculptor for next protagonist>Return is pretty easily followed up on

>>507613474I think I'm too tired for this conversation. I can't even decipher what you're trying to say here.

>>507614114Both the other endings expand the story more, and one of them has a fat sequel hook, so it's hard to say. Until we get more information (DLC or a sequel) really, it's hard to declare any ending canon.

>>507613969>Only a couple do. Oniwa (because of his movement) and (Double Apes (because 2v1 rape train)lol. literally the 2 bosses I killed "accidentally" just jumping around like a clueless idiot. to be fair with the 2 apes I was way too overpowered but even the first ape was in my easy pile.

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>>507614204>>Shura has Wolf as the main villain in the second game>>Severance has Wolf as the Sculptor for next protagonistthese two are not that far. In both Sekiro becomes Shura ultimately.

Only 14% of players beat Moon Presence

>>507595720The HD remaster? You missed out. The refined movement speed turned it from a 6/10 to a 9/10

>>507614324Getting mad Rikka from Gridman vibes from this oneechan.

>>507614421That's probably to do with the obscure nature of that ending. Only 19% beat Owl (Father) and 15% Isshin Ashina.

>>507614421>Only 14% of players beat Moon PresenceI have several playthroughs and tens of hours in chalice dungeons alone but I never bothered with the ublical cords.

>>507614267I explicitly explained to you what it is that I meant, user. You're welcome to disagree if you want to.

>>507606754Art direction and bosses are debatable. The complete highlight of DS3 was the bosses. But the good bosses are the best in the franchise and have a certain satisfaction to beating them that I haven't felt since my first Souls game.

>>507613602>They are incredibly mundane and force you to play in a very conservative and pedantic way because they do: insane damage to you, and you to minuscule damage to them, and they have: mmo level HP and you die in 2-3 hits. Unlike EVERY other bosses in the series I did not feel a single time a sense of accomplishment when I defeated one but pure luck because I just missed one of their freak combos that pretty much insta kill you no matter how well you know every single attack pattern.Literally all of this is just wrong if you are half-way decent at the game. You just suck and are incapable of admitting it.

>>507606587None of those are hardcore.Try again

>>507613474I agree with the other user. It feels a good change in pace in the series that Sekiro is the main protagonist and not just another jobber. the story ties him to the Dragons blood and ultimately leads to 2 outcomes, either become Shura or go West. Both are pivotal. >>507614928>Literally all of this is just wrong if you are half-way decent at the game. You just suck and are incapable of admitting it.what I wrote is literally facts tho.

>>507594704>only 30%is that meant to be impressive?talk to me when you beat Pathologic, a game where only 3% of the players actually beat the game

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>>507615572>is that meant to be impressive?he is memeing. it's actually kinda high, but then again it's the most common and ez ending.

>>507615385>Sekiro is the main protagonist and not just another jobber.That's not the point I'm making, user.>the story ties him to the Dragons blood and ultimately leads to 2 outcomes, either become Shura or go West. Both are pivotal.Hard disagree. Purification is the True End as it's the only conclusive one and the one that better reflects the themes of the game. Shura and Return come off as bonus Bad and Good Ends, while Severance is a Neutral one.

Yo i consider myself the consummate average soulsbornio player but fucking hell Isshin literally took me approx 20ish tries a day maybe more for a solid week to beat the fag. Was it like this for everyone or am I retarded, most bosses take 10 tries for me max

>>507608697Hirata Estate is definitely one of the best areas and I wish more of the levels were as stealth-based as it. I genuinely enjoyed running back and forth between the horde of bandits in the last area trying to kill them all with my ninja tools without being detected.

>>507614579>depriving yourself of kinothey're extremely easy to get

>>507615859>Was it like this for everyone or am I retardedmost people who will tell you to "git gud" played this game with a guide. it took me a whole night's worth of attempts.

>>507615385>They are incredibly mundane and force you to play in a very conservative and pedantic way because they do: >insane damage to youTrue, but true for most of the soulsbourne too, and at least the game has a built in anti-1 shot mechanic. You can also reduce damage/posture damage quite a bit with candies>and you to minuscule damage to themIf all you're doing is hitting them with R1. Combat Arts and Shinobi Tools can do a lot of damage, and you can boost damage further with items.>and they have: mmo level HPOnly true for a couple of bosses like Isshin and DoH. But it's irrelevant in most cases because you are meant to win via a posture break, which you build from both damaging them and countering their attacks. Generally, you only need to lower their vitality enough to slow their posture replenishment (75% HP damage), and with bosses like Genichiro, Monk, Emma, and Isshin phase 1, you can just pressure their posture until they break, HP being irrelevant.>and you die in 2-3 hits. Once again, true for most souls games too. You have healing, you have damage reduction items, and you have up to 3 resurrections.>Unlike EVERY other bosses in the series I did not feel a single time a sense of accomplishment when I defeated one but pure luck because I just missed one of their freak combos That's you and your emotions, but it wasn't luck. If you beat the boss it's because you were good enough to do it>that pretty much insta kill you no matter how well you know every single attack pattern.If you know that pattern, you should be able to deflect every hit (well except floating passage). And you don't even need to do that, since few enemies can posture break from 0 with a single combo even if you block most of said combo. A few deflects here and there are perfectly fine for new game. And, as I mentioned earlier, even if they "insta kill" you , it's not the end, which can't be said for other games.

I bought it at launch and refunded it on steam because I really fucking hated the combat, I might give it another try eventually but I was getting so mad and had to lie to steam that it kept crashing because I was over the 2 hour mark

>>507614774>The complete highlight of DS3 was the bosses.Yeah, the game with Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Crystal Sage, Deacons of the Deep, High Lord Wolnir, Yhorm, Old Demon King, Ancient Wyvern, Halflight and Champion Gravetender is so good. Such a highlight of the game!

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>>507599751>>507600049Sword Saint has better failsafes in his AI though. For instance, you can't spam firecrackers on him like you can on Old Isshin. The only reason why he seems easier is because of the bigger arena in the final boss whereas Old Isshin gets the Ashina Castle rooftop that leaves very little room to run around in.

>>507615859Isshin is a firm contender for hardest soulbourne boss out there, especially if you're not using a guide a miss beads/gourds/attack upgrades. Plus different bosses check different skills. I always have the most trouble with delayed attacks and enemies with hyper armour, so Isshin phase 2 took me a long time to get through, let alone master. Other than Genichiro, no other boss walled me like Isshin. Some anons floored him though, but got stuck on DoH, Monkey Trouble, Owl etc for ages, none of which I had much trouble with.

>>507616534Yeah. But compare that to DS1 or DS2. DS3 has amazing bosses in comparison.

>>507616775Demon of Hatred took me longer than Isshin but I did find Isshin more fun to fight overall. Just a great final boss all around.

>>507616775It's so fucking long, an endurance test more than anything else. I could flawlessly consistently beat Genichiro and Phase 1 Isshin but it takes so long to get to Isshin's 2nd and 3rd phases that you aren't really getting as much time as you think to learn his patterns. That's what makes everyone think Isshin is so fucking hard, you have to go through so much shit to fight the real him

>>507616775>Beating Isshin (Santo de Espada) posture to death with his own Ichimonji Double techniqueSekino

>>507617198Phase 2 is the biggest hurdle but Phase 3 shouldn't be a problem at all. Bait him to do lightning reversal and it's basically a victory lap that should take you less than 30 seconds.

>>507613163Easiest parry timings in all souls games>took ages to git gudLmao

>>507617198True. But I will say that you can get through both Genchan and Isshin phase 1 very quickly if you pressure them and deflect/counter their own attacks properly. You also start with a fairly developed knowledge of Genny, as he only has 1 new move. Compare it something like Friede phase 2, which is a fucking slog even when you know what to do, and contributes nothing to knowledge of the third phase.

>>507616435>You can also reduce damage/posture damage quite a bit with candiesfor a a grand total of 5 seconds. and you will probably die a lot just casting them. >But it's irrelevant in most cases because you are meant to win via a posture breaknot true for most other bosses outside of the Ashina guys.>Combat Arts and Shinobi Tools can do a lot of damageunless you are playing with a guide to tell you specifically what to use most do fuck all damage.>Once again, true for most souls games too.nopes because other games have stamina. Sekiro doesn't. they literally do crazy Tekken tier combos forever and ever until the end of time.>If you beat the boss it's because you were good enough to do itnah. Isshin just missed me a couple of times with his sideways lightning attack for no reason, DoH missed me with his rush 1 hit attack, the Monkey missed grabbing me for the 3rd time on a roll. I mean I know ALL their movesets by heart. they just do asspull shit.>If you know that pattern, you should be able to deflect every hitYes but the game needs me to do that for a GAZILION times. what the fuck is the point of that? I learnt their moveset, I learnt how to avoid, parry and counter attack, why do I have to do it a FUCK TON OF TIMES.This game was a pedantic test of my patience. The bosses did not need to have such enormous health bars.


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>>507605042>Look, not everyone has fun trying to punch through a brick wallThen why did you buy "Brick Wall Puncher"?

>>507617621Would agree if not for the poison cheese. I discovered it on accident while running away from her.


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>>507595187>>507596001Game become a boss rush on the second and third playthrough.First bosses are way easier since you are stronger and know their patterns, you can go to the Shura ending in a few hours.

>>5076167751st phase is ~7 corckscrew spears and he's dead2nd phase is run away until he leaps3rd phase is run away until he leapshe just felt like he had way too many combos for me to memorize while it being a fun learning progress, at least I didn't use a guide and I just came up with it on my own so I can say I beat him fair by using IQ strats

>>507615859I beat most bosses after only 2-3 tries but it took me about 7 hours to beat him. I think I was just having a shit day mentally for some reason and the fight just didn't click.

>>507617873Most souls games are boss rushes once you what to do. Sens fun house can take hours for a first timer but for a second playthrough it takes less then 5mins.

>>507598043I never in my fucking life legitimately beat a Headless. Even with confetti. Fuck them man

>>507617621>mmo tier health barthanks Miyazaki.

>>507615859I took maybe 3 hrs on DoH and then gave up and made him yeet off the cliff. Isshin took maybe 2hrs.

>>507595016SS Isshin is more difficult than father owl

>>507595496>and solely because it completely breaks the rules of the gameHow come?>t. beat him on 4th try

>>507594704Now kill demon of hatred

>>507604521just beat him on NG+ charmless first time fighting him and it took less than half the trys great shinobi took on both playthroughs.if you can get deflects down he is a piece of cake and phase 2 is even easier.

>>507618124>I never in my fucking life legitimately beat a Headless. Even with confetti. Fuck them manvery easy if you know how: perfect parry with confetti = no terror. a good example why I disliked the bosses of the game. they force you to play in a very particular pedantic way.

Anyone else try to parry everything Kensei Isshin throws at you? It's just so fucking fun to actually face him head-on.

>>507618293>Now kill demon of hatred>You are supposed to dodge the second his arm hits the ground, regardless of where you are and not react to the actual flames coming to you. thanks Miyazaki.

>>507618124I just use confetti and go full ham with the very first Shinobi Arts spinny attack on his back and haphazardly jump away when he starts swinging. It's inelegant but hey it works.

>>507595496>>507595697>>507604521I'll just throw my opinion in and also say I found Owl at the top of the tower harder than Owl in the burning basement, even though people say basement Owl is supposedly harder or even the hardest boss in the game. And I only ever fought basement Owl on NG+ because I missed him on my first playthough.Though admittedly that could be because fighting the tower version also serves as practice for the basement version.

>>507617542>not true for most other bosses outside of the Ashina guys.Very, very few bosses and mini bosses are beaten via reducing their HP to 0, and it's usually going to only happen if you completely suck at blocking. Outside of the Guardian Ape phase 1, the bulls, and the Dragon fights, you going to generally beat them by reducing their HP somewhere between 75% and 50% and getting a posture break. And there's quite a few enemies who can beaten purely through posture damage.>unless you are playing with a guide to tell you specifically what to use most do fuck all damage.Or you could just experiment. The game even gives you an NPC that you can practice on, to give you an idea of the different damage values. And you often get hints about what kind of enemies are weak to what.> Isshin just missed me a couple of times with his sideways lightning attack for no reason,Did you not learn how to lightning reversal?> they literally do crazy Tekken tier combos forever and ever until the end of time.This only going to happen if you trigger them into doing it. You can trigger bosses like the Monk into performing infinite combos, in case you want to beat her purely through deflecting. Generally though, bosses have plenty of openings between combos for you to exploit. Some examples:Genichiro: After floating passage, big arrow, lightning attacks, vertical jump attack follow ups, and any MikiriHeadless Ape: Deflecting his overhead swing will stun him for ages, you can get in like 5-7 attacks, a fat combat art, or use the spearRegular Ape: After he throws poo, whenever he falls over and rolls aroundIsshin phase 1: During an Ichimonji, after mikiri countering, during a Dragon Flash, after deflecting his circular Dragon FlashIsshin phase 2: After a mikiri, after dodging a leap, after the circular dragon flashOwl (Father): After a mikiri, deflecting his teleport attack, dodging his gunpowder, dodging or deflecting his Ichimonjiand so on.

>>507606103I spammed L1 to R1 to beat the whole game.Wow amazing, truly game of the century.

>>507618442Yeah, he has the best animations From has ever put out

I beat Sekiro and I hated every single moment. I just didn't want people to think I was a pleb and I'm pretty sure that describes at least 50% of the player base.It's just not fun. Having to die over and over again so you can learn the boss's pattern is not good game design. Combine that with the multiple phases almost every boss has and it just becomes tedious.

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>>507594704I beat a beastman campaign on VH in total warhammer 1, only 1% of steam users have that achieve

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>>507618934>Having to die over and over again so you can learn the boss's pattern is not good game designSo you want every boss in every video game to be easily beaten on the first try?

>>507618640Basically, GS Owl is easier to cheese with hit/run tactics and has a lot more openings overall. Owl Father is harder due to actually requiring complete engagement from the player to beat. You're probably having an easier (and better) time with the latter since it's just a straight up fight with very little gimmicks.

>>507606103Keep seething, Soultard.

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Finished my first playthrough a few days ago in a span of two weeks (counting breaks in between) and it's honestly some of the best gaming experiences I've had in the longest time. Finished all bosses/minibosses except for the Shura-exclusive ones. I honestly can't wait to do another playthrough in a month or two.

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>>507619004Not the 1st, but I'm pretty the average new player dies at least 20 times to the same boss. I'd rather retry a boss fight 5 times and have the fight last 3 times as long than the former.

>>507599751Sword Saint was by far hardest for me. It got so frustrated I started get killed by Genichiro. Also randomly Ape first phase was pretty hard for me.

Yeah, I bought this game for me and my little brother and we both stopped playing in the second mission. The colors were depressing, drab, and dull. No customization of any real kind, it's basically like Fallout 4's "Yes, Yes, Yes, and Maybe But Yes - Wheel". It comes out the same, nothing of real consequence. The grappling hook wasn't as fun of a mechanic as I thought it'd be. Played it twice but was unable to maintain interest pas the first 40 minutes. I play games like Stellaris and Diablo mind you.This game was a flop, should've been either Bloodborne 2, or recycled as toilet paper.

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>>507594704>I guess this is what it feels like to be a true gamer...I didn't get it, but I don't buy games cause I'm not gay haha

>>507619276>The colors were depressing, drab, and dull.>stopped playing in the second missionThere's your problem.>No customization of any real kindIt's an action game, not an RPG.

>>507618934>>507619240Duality of man

>>507619276>This game was a flopIt sold 4 million copies and won GOTY. Are you so stupid you genuinely can't understand that just because you don't like something doesn't mean it failed?

>>507618675>Very, very few bosses and mini bosses are beaten via reducing their HP to 0that's an exaggeration, I didn't mean reducing to zero but you still need to do mmo tier damage with most to start working their posture. >Or you could just experiment.I did. with bosses that kill you in 2-3 hits it was not fun. you die then you have grind for your resurrection back, for more items etc. pointless grind just to fuck with you.>Did you not learn how to lightning reversal?yes. but sometimes it hit you sideways depending on the sword movement and where you are. as I said above it's not worth experiment with a rare movement you see in a Boss's FORTH STAGE.>This only going to happen if you trigger them into doing it.as I said, the game pushes you to play in a mundane way.

>>507619556Devil May MemeMeme the Tasmanian MemeSonic HeroesNinja GoydanFallout New Vegas and 76Memesona 4

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>>507618242Emma is harder than both

>>507618279Demon of Hatred and the Bull play like Bloodborne bosses and not sekiro bosses

SSI was challenging adn fun. hatred was challenging adn annoying. emma and old was challenmging but kinda the same as SSI. OWl 2 fisted my asshole until I adapted to his aggression then he was probably the easiest of all of the above.

>>507619268>fewer tries and longer fightsthis is literally the opposite of more fun

>>507620231>he killed EmmaI bet you klilled Priscilla, fag.

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>>507620419emma is a swamp witch and deserves the blade


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>get to the 3rd phase for the first time after many attempts on the 2nd>turns out it's a 10-20 second victory lap due to lightning reversalHonestly designing the final phase that way felt so cathartic especially since he basically pulled 4 lightning attacks in a row right in front of me.

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>>507619276>The colors were depressingHOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT. the scenery was mesmerizing.

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>>507620638>says the guy who started this argument out by saying "It's just not fun"

>>507620730I never claimed my opinion is fact.

Best action game I've played in a while. It's not even that hard once you figure out the combat system. Sure you have to learn patterns, but you can go far even on your first try just by applying general rules like being aggressive, jumping sweeps and using mikiri.I can see why people have problems with headless, you have to adjust your deflecting timing for wider attacks with bigger arcs. Once you figure it out there is no problem.


>>507620616>emma is a swamp witch and deserves the blade

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>>507621206>Emma was training to take out Sculptor if he became shuralmao doubtful her naive ass could have done anything against DoH

>>507621028If you make a statement without any preface like "In my opinion" then your'e stating (what you believe to be) a fact. You can't just go around making inflammatory statements and hiding behind "I never said it as a fact". Especially if YOU YOURSELF then start trying to criticize other people for stating things the exact same way you do.

>>507594704You know this game is by far the most polished and complete From Software game to date but it's just so boring and safe. Just not as fun as Souls and BB.

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>>507619698>I didn't mean reducing to zero but you still need to do mmo tier damage with most to start working their posture.You've gotten items that boost damage, and plenty of combat arts that hit hard quickly, like Ichimonji, Ashina Cross, and shadowrush/fall, as well as other ones like Mortal Draw that do a lot of damage, albeit need time to use. Even the humble charged r1 racks up damage pretty quickly. There's other strategies that are pretty universal. Example, hitting someone with a pot of oil and then flame venting them (use it mid air for speed) will instantly set the burn status for any burnable enemy in the game. Does good damage, stops posture regen while burning (and quickly lowers posture down to 75%), and briefly stuns them allowing you to wrack up even more damage. Also long as you are exploiting the enemies opening's properly, it shouldn't take long to reduce them down to 75% HP to slow that posture regen>I did. with bosses that kill you in 2-3 hits it was not fun. you die then you have grind for your resurrection back, for more items etc. pointless grind just to fuck with you.Well, there's an idol outside each boss which helps. Not getting all you rezzes back is kind of shitty, but you still get 1 back each life, and few bosses have more than 2 stages anyway. Isshin's bit of an exception, but it shouldn't take long to more or less perfect Genichiro anyway.>Lightning ReversalsI'm not sure what you meant about the sword movements. If you're locked on and time the block properly, you always catch the lightning. The different types of swings are only relevant if you're trying to dodge the attack, since sweeps will catch side dodges and the thursts/slams will catch forward dodges. But if you're reversing, it's the same timing same method for dealing with Isshins lightning attacks.