>we're never getting another oneIt fucking hurts bros

>we're never getting another oneIt fucking hurts bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I would rather have a Switch port at this point. If they make another one they're just going to find some new way of fucking it up somehow.

>>507592464this had more soul and personality than any RPG released during the era.

post bangersyoutube.com/watch?v=hWFzDjnL21M

Ive never played it before but I loved the n64 one.

>>507592464There's rumors that a new one is in development, actually.

>>507592735youtube.com/watch?v=nbbsw5lLsooall time favorite track from these games

>>507592939I'd say it's definitely worth it, the combat system is upgraded and the story is entertaining along with another fun cast of characters. The only downside is backtracking through the sewer.

>>507592735All the boss themes are really good.youtu.be/2Q9Q2rXPiAA

>>507592464>just bought this at local gamestore>plan to pop it in just to make sure it works so I can play later>end up enthralled for 2 hoursthe writing is so funny, it just sucks you in. I forgot how cute the college grad goomba girl is

>>507592464Is this game really that good? I might play it on a emulator since my job is frozen.

>>507592464>There exists people not only on this board but in our existence that say Sticker Star / Color Splash is good and anyone who doesn't like it is a TTYD babyIt hurts, Holla Forums.

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>>507594817I can't hate sticker star from what I've played. the writing is too charming and music too good

>>507594735Arguably best in the series (only competitor is the first one), only downsides are a bit of backtracking in a couple chapters but all the other cool shit more than make up for it>dope train heist chapter>pirate LARP chapter>fight club chapterit's a fucking great game

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Semi-unrealted, but what is this board's opinion on the one on WII?

>>507595490even as a teenager I could feel how shit it was, especially compared to ttyd

>>507595490Crappy platformer with shallow combat, decent writing, good music.As a game it's garbage.

>>507595490It's not bad. It sorta went through the Zelda cycle where because the new ones suck balls, the things about Super Paper Mario that were good really show how much of an actual Paper Mario game it at least was.Some anons though swear by it and say it was a great game overall. I felt that moving away from traditional turn based combat made it very mediocre for me. Though the story and music was definitely top notch.

>>507594956i want to crush your fucking skull but i understand

This game good?

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>>507596164Not really.

A new paper mario is already leaked to come this year tard. Confirmed by legitimate sources like Eurogamer. It's going to be an RPG again too.

>>507595490it's definitely the black sheep of the series even after sticker star and color splash. kinda stupid at some points, the hub world is really boring compared to how soulful and vibrant Rogueport was, the writing is half as charming but has it's moments.the music is still great though and it still has that inherent paper mario charm despite the changes. it's alright imo.

>>507596164its alright. glad i pirated it and didnt buy it

>>507595490Bad game and also directly responsible for the policy of no original characters and no story allowed in future installments. It's boring as shit. It's unironically one of the worst platformers on the Wii, and it's a Mario game no less. Truly a catstrophe.

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>Mario RPGs used to be a guaranteed good time>Now it's doubtful if there will even be a new one, much less if it'll be goodI want to go back

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>>507594956>the writing is too charmingThat game has writing?

>>507596602yeah. those toads are funny little niggers

>>507596512The new one will be good. The same company makes Fire Emblem and the Fire Emblem game last year was very well regarded. They've still got it. They were just limited by Nintendo being retarded and forcing them to make everything generic Mario shit.

>>507595490Super Paper Mario is a bad game. It has good elements, yes. The dialogue still has the usual entertaining silly tone you get in the other games but the gameplay is terrible and the character/world design is terrible.

>>507596704Three Houses looked like a fucking Phone VN and the last THREE Paper Mario games weren't goodI have absolutely no faith that they can put out another even passable PM game

>>507596930Three houses looked bad visually because that aspect of the game was handled by Koei Tecmo. They most likely outsourced the engine/graphics so that they could focus on the Paper Mario game coming out this year.

>>507593135Damn beautiful. I feel sorry for people who haven't experienced it.

I remember playing the n64 version at a doctors office or something like that and having tons of fun.


>>507594956>from what I've played.Alright, spill it. How far did you get?


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>>507597873I made it to the door in the desert area

>>507592735youtube.com/watch?v=MU__2jFQ5EYone of the coolest bosses in a Mario game, even if he was easy as shitwhy are pirates so cool bros?

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>>507596164Yeah its very good in my eyes. Still working my way through it.

>>507596164it's fun

>>507596164The artstyle is crap. Visuals matter, and they just didn't try hard enough.

>>507598239You've seen everything the game has to offer.

I maintain high optimism. The Paper Mario games have consistently had good characters/dialogue which is what really sets RPGs apart. They've just been bad because they didn't have real RPG gameplay. All they have to do is add that gameplay back in, and it's not like an RPG battle system is hard to design/program. They've basically just been tying weights to themselves up to this point, all they gotta do is take those weights off.

>>507592464About to start playing it for the first time. What am I in for, anons?

>>507596164unironically filled with soul

>>507598895I have to disagree. After the last two games got praised for their visual style, I have zero faith in their ability to recapture the spirit of the first three games. They might be able to make a good game, but they absolutely won't make something that can be considered a successor to TTYD.

>>507599073The most soulful game of the 200X's.

>>507595490Fun game. Doesn't reach the heights of the previous Paper Mario games, but doesn't rehash and takes the series in a more action-oriented direction. Same great writing and humor.Then again, I also enjoyed Other M for what it was so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

>>507598895I just wish they went back to atleast the first Paper Mario and understand what made it so good.The Mario universe is ripe for fun character interactions and situations you'd never have in the mainline Mario games.I believe that they're capable of good dialogue, I just wish the characters themselves were visually distinct.Basically I'm tired of Toads and unironically want OC but as long as it's limited to creatures of the Mario universe, I believe SPM went a bit too far with the weird shapes.

>>507594956go back to your ipad

>>507592464im not contrarian but this is just paper mario rehashedsuper paper mario did it better

>>507596164>Using a fucking Paper Mario thread to shill your shit now because people keep calling out your dedicated shill threads

>remember the color splash reveal like it was yesterday>remember how i momentarily got hyped about a new paper mario game>then they showed it off right after and it was just sticker star 2.0

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>>507592464Best comic relief villain.

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>>507595490Creator: Hey, we did a good productFans: Yes you did. Can we have more?Creator: You know what. Let's do something completely different. We don't want to get staleFans: I hate this gameCreator: You just don't like changeHappens every time. Why remove why people enjoy it in the first place? I played it on the Wii first. Played n64 on virtual console, enjoyed it way more. Played it on gamecube, and though it was sublime, would replay again. Combat in wii revovled around spamming health items as much as possible and whipping out bowser whenever you can. And stupid character to switch around with (why does nu-tendo love stupid gimmicks?)

>>507600810How is it shilling if the game is already out?Although, the Switch version of the game comes out on May 28th on the e-shop!

>>507600705>paper mario rehashedyes. dont fix what aint broke

>>507601152is he even comic reliefdude literally stole Mario's identity

>>507601152What's his name?


>>507600705At this point were begging for a Paper Mario rehash. It's been almost 2 decades.


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>>507601193I think they got the wrong message from TTYD's success. TTYD departed very heavily from the Mario Universe, to the extent you started to question if this was really a Mario game at all. They assumed that meant the fans liked their OC shit more than the Mario universe, so they completely gave up on making a Mario game all together. The weird platforming gameplay was probably just to lure in the New Super Mario Bros audience.

>>507592464The paper mario series is bar none the worst RPG games ever made


>tfw pc can't emulate itguess I'll never know what's on the other side of that pipe behind the fence

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>> 507601957(you)

>>507602803What potato are you running?

>>507603048sandy bridge, integrated graphics potato. Runs fine until the professor supposedly kicks down the gate in the prelude, only he just stops there forever with everything still running in the background

>>507603680I'm on a shit laptop with an APU, whats the specs of ur integrated graphics?There's some funky ways to improve performance, I got from an unplayable framerate to 60fps (on non-graphically demanding parts) quite easily

>>507603680Have you tried to change the settings to OpenGL? Tends to run better on shitty systems.

>>507601536I recall interviews where the director or someone else high up said SPM was inspired by people telling him how much they liked the 2D Bowser sections in TTYD.

>>507595490Shit gameplay

>>507601152God damn his theme was killer tooyoutube.com/watch?v=uvug9_xljlY

>>507605373That's really embarrassing if so. Those were easily the worst part of the game, the only part of it people liked was the silly dialogue with Kamek.

>>507605623They were funny imo, didn't overstay their welcome. Although, as you say, the real payoff was the cutscene

>>507604321>>507605229I looked up the particular problem and apparently it's a problem specific to how bounding box works with tyd and older cards and the only fix is to upgrade

>>507602803I had the same problem as you.Literally all you need to do is to tick/untick a box. It's been a while for me, so I can't remember it.

>>507601326Missing PP :DDD

SPM was the last good game and Paper Mario with soul.

>>507606016Do you have a Wii or a Wii U? You can hack them to play gamecube games.

>>507592464I love the underground sections so much in this game. I love the atmosphere, the music and the feeling of exploration you always get when walking around beneath the city. Almost everything about this game is so well done that I can't find another game that even comes close.

>>507601152this guy was just a shitty ripoff of Candlejack, Nintend

>>507606341I thought gamecube compatibility was normal and you'd have to hack it to use roms

>>507606540yes and?

>>507592464just play it again. its a rare combination of aging like a fine wine and having incredible replayability

you DID find the secret Spunia room right Holla Forums?

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>attempting a pre-Hooktail Pit run>die at floor 98 to two amayzee dayzees

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>>507607802>implying I didn't 100% the game multiple times>including meticulously combing every room with ms mowz to ensure I even hit every single invisible blockIn retrospect I spent a weird amount of time on this game as a kid. I was a little obsessive over it.

>>507592464>we're never getting another oneGood.

>>507597064The only reason I could imagine having faith in a new Paper Mario is Alpha Dream's death causing Nintendo to see it as the de facto Mario RPG series again

>>507607802No, I didn't.

>>507608294>implying nobody else can make Mario & Luigi

>>507607718I just started bug fables so I'll probably comeback to it after I finish that.

>>507598895I'm really not a fan of the writing for Sticker Star or even Color Splash. Sure they have some funny jokes but in the long run there's nothing all that charming about faceless Toad #1149182 feeding me a snarky wink wink nudge nudge 4th wall breaking joke for the 991236th time.The first two games weren't nearly as cynical about the way they employed their humor. Most of it was driven by the characters' distinct and unique personalities while the 4th wall breaking stuff was done in good taste.

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>>507608829>Most of it was driven by the characters' distinct and unique personalitiesAnd then I realized I literally just said the same thing twice lol

>>507608829This. Funnay memes age like milk, it's funny when you experience it but there's no lasting charm.

>>507601326DooPliss???FUCK DIDNT WORK

>>507609472Ha! Who would name their kid something so stupid?

>>507601326Backtrack McGee stole my god damn p.

>>507592464Every time I want to replay this game, the following thought pattern happens:>chapter 2 is kind of tedious>and chapter 4 isn't great either>chapter 1 is quite boring now that I think of it>and chapter 7 is horrible>in fact this entire game is super tediousand then I never play it. It's really weird. It's like the best worst game I've played.

>>507592464>intelligent systems finally gets off their fire emblem dickriding for 3 seconds and makes another paper mario ttyd>it sucks assHow would you react?

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>>507610663I loved every chapter except 2


>>507610976It's exactly what I expect. Maybe they manage for it to be okay instead of shit. I'm at the final stage, acceptance. Threads like this are just an occasional fun reminiscence, but I'm not waiting for PM to return. I almost dont want them to try, just let it rest in peace.

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>>507610663For me I always expect to dislike 2 and 4 but then they turn out to be good

youtube.com/watch?v=tvIitrBb2GInow post music you absolutely fucking HATE

>>507611371Same, I gave up after Sticker Star, and I haven't even played CS. At this point a good game would just be a pleasant surprise, not something I'm hoping for.

>>507594735One of the greatest games I've ever played.

>>50759246410/10 game

>>507594735It's unironically SOULful. The kind of game that just makes you smile for no reason. Very comfy.

>>507605373That's stupid. Honestly that was joke a gag section. It was funny. So was the first hour of super paper mario, until it got so stale.

>>507606378It has atmosphere, and a genuine art style about a vivid environment. As a kid I first found the game at a hospital play area, and would still remember it for that. 6 years later I'd actually buy the physical game to play on my wii.

>>507608829I found the humour in n64 stale. I liked gamecube's optimism and sincerity, and it's humour still holds up. "Super" Paper Mario just felt like a child trying to imitate his older brother.Honestly the fandom for paper mario series exists only because of TTYD.

>>507596164It's... okay? The battle system feels like it's missing something. I think it's partially the relative lack of badges, especially ones that grant attacks, even on hard mode with pink guy's extra badges. A lot of them just seem objectively bad, too. Also the cooking system just feels like busy work, and maybe I just suck but I feel really reliant on items to get by on hard mode. The writing is fun and the character design is pretty good but the art feels phoned in.

>>507596164I enjoyed it a lot. Would recommend it. >>507614367Kinda agree on the badge system. I was doing the double challenge mode thing and thought the badges were all awful til near the end where I could stack them to avoid negative effects, making them really powerful. Agree on the lack of moves though. Characters learn moves as they level up which sounds good but is ultimately just less interesting than the badge system. I think it's normal to need items for hard mode. The best part about the game might be that it has PM style combat but knows how to make a real challenge out of it.

>>507596164it has already been forgotten and just like hat in time its going to put in a le* controversial trans flag to gain attention, screen cap this.

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>>507592735youtube.com/watch?v=uM5AO0FND7cChapter 6 of PM64 had a surprising amount of good tracks that only played on one or two screens

>>507596164I have no idea what this game is.

>>507592735Boy, it's so nice to finally be able to hear this in 1080p.

>>507616464A fan made homage to the Paper Mario series. I has a similar art style and battle system to Paper Mario.

>>507594956>t. NoA employee

>>507616329It did, now that I think about it. The Sad Sun theme was the best one.youtube.com/watch?v=9CetqXPpOtc


>>507595490It's just incredibly boring and slow-paced. Couldn't bring myself to finish it even though I 100%d 64 and TTYD

>>507617030youtube.com/watch?v=PXrPCPhXN4MNuts that there's a happy sun song that plays if you return after beating the chapter. 99% of players will totally miss it.Not as good as the sad song, but it's crazy to me this song was in the game for like two decades before I knew about it.

>>507596403Ah yes, the April Fools leak. Good one. Nice, reliable source of info

>>507600705TTYD came out 16 years ago. At this point a rehash would be welcomed with open arms.

>>507592464god I wish goombella would headbonk my penis until its paper thin so it can be transfered into her reality

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>>507608829Color Splash's writing was better than that only because Sticker Star was almost nothing but shitty papercraft puns. But even then Color Splash pretty much what you said. Subversion=/= doing the same shit you always do while making sarcastic remarks about it. Somehow they failed to realize this.

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>>507610663chapter 3 and 5 are honestly worth it

>>507594956I got that game for free and still felt ripped off. No amount of writing can make up for a rpg not giving xp from fights, making them worthless.

>>507617710I have to admit I really like the PM gijinka that people come up with. Some of the TTYD partners have surprisingly fleshed out personalities for what they are. 64's are fun but barely have any dialog besides Goombario.

>>507618753I never understood people calling the fights worthless in sticker star. You get plenty of stickers so you never run low but you get coins from battles which is nice. And the end of level bonus gives you tons of coins if you did battles. I also just liked doing battles so there’s that. Overall tho, terrible game.


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>>507594956The only thing good about SS is the music. That’s it

>>507595490I used to defend the hell out of SPM back then. Nowadays I realized the game isn’t that great as I thought. Still better than SS, but I can’t really say about CS


>>507619621you can find plenty of coins/stickers in the overworld anyways.

>>507619757I completely forgot wii u had a mario tennisI mean I COMPLETELY forgot I have absolutely no memory of this game even existing

>>507596510Brain damaged much?

>>507619621Sure running by them once is fine in the area, but the fact that they respawn making you use more stickers in more useless fights is what makes them pointless. You can easily get coins. The bonus at the end doesn't matter nearly as much if you fight a lot or just a few. It's pointless, lowers your hp and uses up stickers that you could just save for fights you HAVE to do.

>>507601152That’s not Jr. Troopa

>>507605623>KamekIt’s Kammy, nigga

The ironic thing is that Miyamato's complaints about SPM were correct. The game was way too wordy. It did have way too many shitty OC's that had nothing to do with Mario lore. But the devs took too far and interpreted it in the most retarded way possible.