>casually destroys dark soys 2based

>casually destroys dark soys 2based

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Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon Range Calculator

>>507583619Regardless of anything else the game may do wrong or right soul memory was fucking cancer and the worst matchmaking system the souls series has ever had.

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>>507583932based, fuck that shit. couldnt play with my friends for the longest time because of that bullshit.

>>507583932Soul memory literally never mattered unless you cared about the dumb reddit sl meta and you have no arguement otherwise

>>507583932Yeah, i'm playing it for the first time currently, and I enjoy doing co-op, but my SM is getting so fucked up that now I can hardly find any human phantoms when I need the help myself

>>507584081You co

>BU-BU BUT GANKSQUADSDark Souls 3 did it worse.>B-BU-BUT MUH INTERCONNECTION CONSISTENCYIt's a VIDEO GAME. They prioritized gameplay and environmental diversity over pandering to your autism.>B-B-B-BUT BROKEN HITBOXESLiterally every Souls game has them.Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls PERIOD.>least linear in the series>most diverse environments in the series>longest in the series>most amount of weapons in the series>most amount of armor and customization in the series>biggest build variety in the series>most amount of magic/miracles/hex/pyros>best online mode in the series>easiest to start a build in the series>best girls in the series>best and most SOULful covenants>dual wielding and power stance>respec>offers rewards for fun challenges such as no death run>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bosses>the only game in the series which doesn't force you to grind>3 weapon slots in each hand>4 ring slots>reddit hates itQOL improvements introduced by Dark Souls 2>you can skip logos at startup (without mods)>R3 to jump>you can choose how many of the same item you want to consume at the same time>weapon durability bar below weapon icon>inventory items displayed in grids instead of list>climb ladders faster and being able to let go of ladders>roll through doors to open them faster>can turn a specific area to NG+ mode (Bonfire Ascetic)>can continue your playthrough after beating the last boss and can choose when to start NG+>controller vibrates when summoned

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Imagine actually watching mauler

>>507584205Soul memory definitely mattered it fucked with Jolly Cooperation and pvping if you hang around an area to long and still want to keep playing in that zone better make a new character since you out leveled everyone else that normally plays there.

>>507584335People already btfo this copypasta and you keep posting it

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>>507584335have you played the game though? it feels like shit

>>507583932Yup and half the time I bitch about it I get told "oh its not actually a problem" despite it making coop with friends a total pain in the ass.

>>507584524Jesus Christ this game is so fucking ugly.

>>507584335im so sorry you think this. I feel bad for you

>>507584081You're not meant to play dark souls with friends.The games are about loneliness and emptiness.

>>507584205People used to invade new players and suicide to force them into higher sm brackets. The system was fucking bonkers and the agape ring is proof the devs realized they fucked up.

>>507584663Tell me about it. Fucking N64 games look better

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>>507584547Yeah this was the other major problem it felt like i had to play like 4 or 5 characters at the same time and keep them all different SL to play with friends

>>507584691Maybe they shouldnt have so many multiplayer features then.

>>5075836195 years5 years of "le Dark Sould 2 is SHIT XD"How are you faggots not tired of this?

>>507583619I wish power stance was kept in but reworked, the dual wield weapons solution is alright but I want to be able to dual wield whatever.

I just bought this on psn for 10 bucks, I have beaten DeS, DS1, and Bloodborne, and genuinely enjoyed all of them. Is this one really bad? You guys convinced me to avoid it like the plague, but after all the shitposts today I gave out. Will I have any fun?

>>507584205>it fucked with Jolly Cooperation and pvping if you hang around an area to long and still want to keep playing in that zone better make a new character since you out leveled everyone else that normally plays there.First of all the ranges for matching were so big it didnt matter unless you actually sat in a zone and invaded/carried noibs 1000 times over. Two you should be progressing through the game instead of twinking the shit out of early game scrubs. Once again, soul memory did nothing but fuck with redditors who wanted some retarded made up pvp range in a game where level range didnt matter

>>507584335>They prioritized gameplaylol then why is movement absolute shit?? It feels like if the analog stick was a d-pad

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>>507585057You how people are forever mad about Mass Effect 3s ending. Thats how i feel about Soul Memory. It ruined a good portion of the fun i have in souls games screwing around in the different covenants.

>>507584524I'm fast as fuck boiiiiii

>>507583619>casuallynothing about his 10+ hour series of autistic screeching can be considered "casual".

>>507584524What’s this webm’s point? These webms seem to get more and more retarded over time.>>507585154Play it.

I honestly enjoyed Dark Souls 2 the most out of the three games. It had an immense build variety and magic was actually a viable playstyle rather than a gimmick that you use to make your weapons hit harder. The most glaring fault of it for me was that the level design was weird. It felt like it was something that someone thought would look great in a game rather than something that is a part of the world. Iron Keep is the best example of that. Dark Souls 3, on the other hand, abandoned all of the improvements that Dark Souls 2 made in favor of fanservice and references to older games. It's still fun, but I miss the build variety and the bonfire ascetics.

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>>507584547>>507584787Hey. Hey retards. Make a new character you retards. >waaaahhhhhh cletus my level 400 character cant play with your level 13 waaaahhhhhh waaaaahhhhhh how will we beat the meanie invaders now???

>>507585378based, except dark souls 3 is irredeemable garbage

>See all of these memes with le onions man defending DS2.>Never seen an user defending DS2 like the complaining user points out they do in le onions man memes.Imagine how lonely a guy must be to invent his own counter arguments of his critique of a game and then picture the sadness in portraying said counter arguments as something whimsical to be made fun of.We all have monologs now and then but this is taking it to the next level.

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>>507585183The range is actually pretty small until you get to such high levels that builds no longer matter if you think otherwise you never played and are being a contrarian or you just dont remember right.Take a look at this and see how fucking smasll the range actually is especially early on darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon Range Calculator

>>507584837It doesn't? The multiplayer is a pure sidedish in the actual game. You can IF you want to get a couple of special items through PvP but that is about it.Its not like you constantly have players running around that you can actually interact with. You have to be invaded, summoned or summon somebody else. Even then its just their "Phantom" playing with you.Nothing they do in your world affects theirs. If they manage to kill an invader or a boss they merely get a small item and some souls.Dark souls is mainly a PvE game.

>>507585429This can actually happen with the soul memory system you fucking brainlet

>why yes I do enjoy all souls games equally and recognize their individual pros and cons

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>>507585495>le onionsWhat does that supposed to mean? I know it's related to onions somehow, but why onions?

>>507585343Dark Souls is a unfunny gold mine of bad design

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>>507585860Fuck you we have to arbitrarily rank the games and shit post about anyone who disagrees. Also your not allowed to enjoy all the games you have to hate at least one of them.


*to onions. I'm getting tired

>>507585924summerfags please leave

>>507585860This but excluding das2 for being bad

>>507585731>user has no friends to play games with

>>507585378I can’t see how people call DS2 shit then praise DS1 or DS3. Everything past Sen’s Fortress bar Painted World in Dark Souls was utter shit, and the first half still has trash areas like Basin and Great Hollow. This and the fact that nobody liked the Remastered edition makes me think it was just nostalgia. Meanwhile, Dark Souls 3 is a barebones soulless husk that just isn’t fun to play. If you’re going to shit on DS2 then at least be a BBChad or DeSfag

Demon Souls = Bloodborne > Dark Souls = Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

>>507584335Based and redpilled

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>>507586040Why not just answer the question, nigger? Not everyone is a no life virgin like you who browses this shitty website 24/7

>>507584205Absolute retard. Soul memory would slowly but surely push you out of whatever level bracket you wanted to be in. Want to help people beat the Mirror Knight? Sooner or later you wouldn't be able to. Want to invade in the Iron Keep? Sooner or later you'd stop getting invasions, faster still since you had to go fight in the arena to buy red eyes. Even at the end game you'd eventually get pushed out of your bracket. Soul memory was fucking dog shit and you are a retard.

can i farm two avelyns off the double avelyn invaders or only oneive already got one from the invader but i want two to powerstance and machine gun shit, and don't want to have to go through most of the game to reach the undead crypt for a second, or go through like most of the crown of the sunken king dlc for a sanctum repeater

>>507586261Two words:AGAPERING


>>507586378>implying 90% of the people who beat das2 even knew about soul memory to begin withYeah man, epic argument just put on a ring that gives you souls when it breaks lol.


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>>507586205This but Demon Souls at the back.

>>507586378Oh, so it IS a fucking terrible system after all then?>having to sacrifice a ring slot to fix B-team's fuck upNo thanks I think I'll just go play one of the Souls games that isn't a pile of steaming shit.

>>507586167Yes I do, actual multiplayer games that have their main focus on the multiplayer.It would ruin the tone and overall atmosphere to play the game with friends. Most of the game you're meant to play alone only with the occasional stranger helping you out or fighting you.

Ok. I want to make another character (sorcerer) and rape noobs in PvP. Will use Agape Ring, of course. Is soul memory at 600 000 too much?

>>507586253you have to go back.

>>507585154/v/ is fucking retarded, hating this game is a meme.It does feel different from DS1 and Bloodborne which had the same director, it does have some stupid shit, but overall the game does many things right, much more than what it does wrong.

>>507586378It wasnt there on release you sotfsbaby

>>507583619rapier with pine resin, then Ice Rapierany shit bow just to activate a few map gimmicksdark witchtree branch to spam dark orbsRose shield for the stam bufftseldora setsilver serpent, cloranthy, flynn, leo rings

>>507586770Nah you just dont have any friends online matchmaking and Covenants where fun if you ignored them and played completely alone thats on you. I bet you also dced yourself every time you got invaded to?

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>>507586378>system is so shit and unfixable had to later add an item just to try salvage it

>>507586184DS1 let me beat the game level 1 and invade new players with end game armor and pyromancies when the game went on salealso ornstein and smough was bretty gud, referenced in every game afterwards

>>507583619People who actually believe his videos are appropriate criticism of the game, let alone "objective" criticism, have never played DS2

>>507586770you sound gross

>>507586184People didn't like Remastered because it was a lazy cashgrab with very small QoL improvements. It had nothing to offer if you already owned the original version, except maybe improved PC port, though that was already fixed by dsfix. If they had taken the time to actually improve late game areas, it would have been okay.

Better DLC than Arsnorias of the AbyzzZzzz, the most irrelevant and inconsequential ‘expansion’ ever made, at least

>>507587319S T A B L EIXTYF P S

>>507586656In that case, how come in this webm all of his animations are sped up, even the grab?

>>507587116>>507586747>I have to use rings (and therefore take up ring space) to activate special effects? That’s bad game design!Next you’ll tell me the Sanctum switched are poor game design because you have to use a bow to activate them.

>>507587319I hated DS Remastered because it fucked with the classic matchmaking and added in weapon tier bullshit to it. They should have just patched the matchmaking so it worked better on the original game especially for Gravelords and left it fucking alone otherwise.

>>507587725>Fixing a broken and reviled mechanic>Gaining a special effect.Pick one, shitty strawman.

>>507587319That’s what a remaster is meant to be though? Don’t tell me you actually expected a rehaul.

>>507584691fuck off actual cuck. games are ment to be fun and the online features are fun.end of story, i don't give a shit about gay fucking atmosphere and pretentious loneliness and retarded shit like that.

>>507587903Who cares about PvP in an ARPG you autistic pointdexter?


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>>507587319I WISH it was a lazy cashgrab that simply brought dsfix to consoles. it was actually the extra changes that fucked it up

>>507587319it turned blighttown from the worse part of the game into easily the best by simply having a stable framerate

>>507588170>FaggotRuns it. A Chad wouldn't need to insult at all.

>>507587725>avoids it wasn't in the original game

>>507586184People praise DS1 because it was the last time this franchise tried to do interesting and unique things. Everything after that has just been shitty action games. Anyone who praises DS3 is a BBfag.

>>507587925That's the actual point, any improvement the remaster made has already been done with dsfix, also they removed ptde on steam.

>>507588346But unstable frame rates was the secret boss, How can you condone removing content.

>>507588109If affects co-op too you fucking retard.

>>507587659Perhaps it’s because DS3 is a buggy game that can’t handle high framerates?>but noooo DS3 is good

>>507587925The improvements were so minor, I'd struggle to call it a remaster. And in some areas it was actually made worse than the original game.

>>507584691I know this is bait but one of the first rings you can get in the game is the Name-Engraved Ring... which makes it easier to connect with your friends by choosing the same God...

>>507588713>And in some areas it was actually made worse than the original game.like?

>>507587354>go into artorias' arena all hyped up from people saying it's one of the best bosses in the game>turns out he's one of the easiest bosses, with one of the most predictable movesets>beat him first tryThe rest of the DLC wasn't very good either.

>>507587659It's a mod

>>507588481dark souls 2 is extreamly intresting in its design. you can call it bad, sure. But ds2 does stand out a lot from the rest

>>507588882Weapon based Matchmaking.

>>507588481Just fuck off I can’t be bothered with your retardation. Somebody post the DeS-DS1 comparison picture. Please

>>507588713The game is the same thing outside of PVP

>>507585272DS2 was my first game in the series and looking back it was the worst to start with. That game made me seethe with shit like this.

>>507588882Not him but the Capra Demon boss is kind of fucked because the fog wall effects dissipates more slowly in DSR but the enemies still aggro at the same time meaning they rush you before you can even see them. Minor but annoying.


>>507588481>praise DS1 because it was the last time this franchise tried to do interesting and unique things.It's a rehash of Kings Field 4.

>>507588882the biggest one is weapon matchmaking. the idea was to kill twinks by forcing players who upgraded a weapon to a higher level not be able to match with players that have a weaker weapon.did it stop twinking?No, god no. you can still just go grab a dlc spell and end game armor and 1 shot players while being invulnerable.all it does now is make it way way way way harder to play with other peoples as now you need to be around the same level and your weapon needs to be around the same level.

>>507585731>It doesn't? Dark Souls 2 doesn't have many multiplayer features? Fucking really?

>>507589180>rehash an old game no one has heard of>make millions and create a new genre in video gamessounds pretty based to me

>>507588983fair enough>>507589046no argument

>>507585429Oh hey look its yet another retard telling me that soul memory isn't a problem because he was apparently born without a brain.Its okay to like Dark Souls 2 but I don't get the desire to dickride SM. Even the devs admitted it was a mistake.

>>507583932b-but shit souls 2 has good pvp!

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>>507588983sure. interestingly BAD

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>>507585429ds1 and 3 did just fine without soul memory or weapon matchmaking.

>>507588170The last thread and pretty much every other is 2fags screeching about 3, so good luck getting anyone to buy that garbage.Also this >>507588458

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>>507589446So it isn't interesting or unique.

>>507583619>makes yet another Dark Souls 2 bait thread

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>>507589038>>507589164>>507589284so if you don't care about matchmaking then it sounds like a pretty good deal to me

>>507588983Train wrecks are interesting too but I wouldn't want to be in one.

>>507589683it does have the best pvp.i will forever take a busted game with tons of op shit over something boring like ds3. soul memory was a mistake but even with it invading in 2 will always be more fun than 3, and actually does work when your in sm range unlike dsr weapon matchmaking shit or needing dsfix in regular 1

>>507588170This image is hilarious because any time somEone shits on DaS2 the go to is always, always ALWAYS "BUT DARK SOULS 3"

>>507589739didn't even put 3 in that image and yeah the faggot was a dumb unneeded addition in hindsight. but live and learn

>>507589809Because when Dark Souls came out all anyone could say is how unoriginal and boring it was right? Honestly, it got annoying at how often it was trashed for being a shitty rehash of KF4

>>507588983>But ds2 does stand out a lot from the restStanding out by being the worst isn't very commendable.

>>507589964i mean the only big bonus to ds remastered over ds1 is blighttown framerate is decent now.other than that its basically the same game with a busted summoning system thats worse than soul memory.their were minor problems with it, but im not a massive spaz that won't play a version because a tiny bug i liked got fixed or something

>>507590132Yeah, since it also copies DeS too much. It's a rehash. Cope

>>507589964If you don't care about faith either since that shit got nerfed again.

>>507587725>have to use rings for multiplayer to be usable>DUDE THIS IS FINE LMAO

>>507590031i literally didn't even put a picture of ds3 in it just demon ds1 and sekiroeveryone already knows ds3 is trash but these 3 get away with retarded shit you condemned ds2 for:^)

>>507583619it's a fine game

>>507584205If you have to justify the existence of a shit mechanic with "well it wasn't THAT shit" then you might be a delusional fanboy secondary faggot

>>507590357faith gets nerfed in every gamewhats new

>>507590403>literally proving my pointoh Holla Forums

>>507583932if you just level up instead of stopping at X level you end up in the same bracket as everybody else anyway...or just buy the ring and stay at low sm forever if you want the low level pvp or whatever

>>507590403Those three get away with it because they're not shit games

>>507584205i like dark souls pvp i liked dark souls pve unlike a lot of you lonely faggots i have friends that I summon all the time and have a great time playing. soul memory is this big headache of "wait can you summon me, whats your sm?" every 20 mins

>>507584771>>507584524>muh graphics

>>507583619Reddit: the Youtuber

>>507590307Who gives a fuck if it's a rehash? That's not even a real criticism. There exists thousands upon thousands of "unique" games that suck ass.

>>507590508explain to me how the other games aren't relevant in a discussion of why 1 game is for worse than the rest Einsteinexplain right now

>>507585202It was a direct improvement on its predecessor. I'm sorry you think things are bad in retrospect.

>>507589973>soul memory>ADP>monscim/jesters/ice rapier>best anythingnothe entire game was based off 50/50s from roll punishes an spamming, it was incredibly boring,

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>>507590813So it isn't unique or interesting then

>>507591019DaS2 had fun pvp but I'd be lying if I said it was actually good. Shit was just pokin games.

>>507590863Your character moves like he's wrapped in bedsheets trying to wade through molasses. In no way is it an improvement on DS1

>>507591237I agree

>>507590863>It was a direct improvement on its predecessor.are you retarded? movement is literally worse in DS2 since the fucking controller has deadzones

>>507591019>>507591237thats on you twoit still had the best pvp and i like it so i don't know how your going to tell me what my opinion is.


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>>507591374I'd take you seriously if you knew what a shift key was.

>Unironically prefering this obvious shit-tier, half-assed asset flip to DS1 and 3Embarrasing.

>>507586656WTFFFFyou guys told me that DS3 was a fast game but this is bullshit!!

>>507591589that is honestly the most faggot response i have ever heard."hurr durr im randomly going to take a snide shot at proper fucking grammer ON 4CHAN against someone that isn't even that big of an argument with me hurr durr"

>>507591374Nah, it was shit.

>>507591852nah it wasn't

>>507591112>continues to argue semanticsAlright I'm done. Was a very stimulating discussion

>>507591762>that is honestly the most faggot response i have ever heard.You have clearly never listened to a recording of yourself talking.

>>507591450holy get dabbed on

>>507591950And you never tried not being a huge bitch once in your life either?

>>507591887Yes it was. Not an argument

So i see people arguing about Soul memory but i dont see any good arguments for it except the non argument that you should just play solo. Seems like it was just shit all around.

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>>507586656>Now that I know he's moving at double speed, I simply have to adjust the distance to compensate

>>507591893>say its unique and interesting>actually it's not: here's why>s-semantics

>>507592143I don't need evidence on my own personal opinion for 1 but i will be nice.roll souls 3 is boring, and ds1 is actual broken/limited from how most shit is useless.therefor it is the best by default, and I like playing it.

>>507592182Like most of the game's flaws, it seems like a design decision was implemented without a well developed intention or goal behind the decision, with little regard given for the long-term impacts.

>>507592182everyone agrees soul memory is shit, even people that like ds2.why the hell did you expect anyone to defend it?

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>>507592386Dark souls 3 is the only souls game i havent finished. I dont know why but its just not fun to me. As flawed as DS2 was i at least had some fun with it.

I just skipped all the souls games after DS1

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>>507592430its just a video game fag, their just trying to make a fun game. so they thought "twinks arn't fun so lets force them out of areas" and because of their small Japanese brains didn't realize that killing twinks wasn't worth killing everyone else.same thing with dark souls remastered weapon matchmaking.so all of those hardcore pvp niggers twinking all day is what really killed dark souls pvp when you think about it.

i wanna give a go at this game since its release, whats a good build for pve only?

>>507592696>their just trying to make a fun gameAnd they failed

>Also have the games on ps4 and DS1 on xboxplus I dont know how many hours on sekiro and bloodborne, how many hours do you guys have?

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>>507592798Quality build. You can branch out later. Pick Knight or Deprived as your starting class.

>>507591374Nah, it was objectively bad. You just enjoyed it because you're a secondary who got it on sale after everyone who used meta builds abandoned the game and all your opponents were dipshit newfags like yourself or people using meme builds for fun.

>>507589973>admits the game is fucking broken>gives no reasons as to why it's better, only that it's more "fun"Subjective no argument garbage. DaS2 is a pile of shit. DaS3 has the best PvP. That's why it's online is booming while DaS2 is a ghost town.

>>507592798soul vessels let you respec whenever, so pick whatever and go nuts

>>507592282You never said why it wasn't unique or interesting. You just said that it's a rehash of Kings Field 4.When I sarcastically joked that the game was hated upon release for being unoriginal, you repeated yourself by saying it's a rehash.I then said that calling the game a "rehash" (a term arbitrarily defined by you) isn't a real criticism of the game. Then you repeated yourself again by saying it wasn't interesting or unique.

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>>507592386It's not good by default since its boring

>>507592798Full magic for ez mode. But 2h str build for fun times i love me the Gravelord Greatsword.

>>507592696>so they thought "twinks arn't fun so lets force them out of areas"Except they didn't force twinks out and actually gave them a bigger advantage since twinks now had a much higher SL for a given area due to not dying like a bitch as often.

>>507593138imagine playing a pve game with a tacked on pvp mode exclusively for its pvp mode

>>507592282If noone has ever fucking played KF4, then DS1 rehashes it. Surely this means its unique in a practical sense to most people

>>507583619There are so many things I really like about DS2 but I still can't force myself to play through it a third time

>>507592494But people are defending it.

>>507592494DS2fags literally do defend it though and think the agape ring actually fixes the issue and isn't the equivalent of putting a bandaid over a bone fracture

>>507593138its a video game if its not fun why bother playing it? Do i need another reason, user honestly?like you sound like some mauler faggot wannabe that expect a 10 page paper on a fucking video game lmao.>>507593248nah>>507593121nope>>507592956nah

>>507593345>pve game with a tacked on pvp modeWhat in the actual fuck are you talking about?Every Souls game is designed around invasions from the ground up you absolute retard.

>>507588481DS1 was literally just a demon's souls rehash with le open world meme poorly implemented in it

>>507593187If it's a rehash then by default it's not unique or interesting. The only game From has made that's unique or interesting is Bloodborne.

>>507593439>>507593414no they fucking don't1 guy prob fucking baiting saying something doesn't mean it was a giant community effort with that belief. im sure theirs 1 guy that thought resistance was an actual decent stat but that doesn't prove shit

>>507593576woah such a cool contrarian opinionyou fit in now user, well done

>>507593535yep, it was. Sorry that you're a newfag retard who didn't know that rapiers and straight swords were overpowered :(


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>>507593540then why can you play offline?if it was so designed for invasions then it should be an online-only game

>>507593535>Do i need another reasonIf you're trying to defend it, yes. Otherwise just admit you like eating shit and move on. DaS2 is a dumpster fire, and at this point even 2fags know it, which is why they always revert to trying to shit on 3 than actually defend their own game.


>>507593695its better to have a few overpower weapons with a bunch of slighty weaker still viable weapons than just have 2 viable builds like ds3

>>507593653Literally every single thread about DS2, there are plenty of posts either defending SM or saying it's not bad because the agape ring fixes it, even though it doesn't.>>507593690How is that contrarian? People shit on DS3 for "REMEMBER DARK SOULS 1???" when Dark Souls 1 is just as full of "REMEMBER DEMON'S SOULS????"

>>507593731>then why can you play offline?There are offline NPC invaders too you complete mong, holy shit what a retard you are.

Still had more fun than Roll Souls 3

>>507593653I am thankful for these soulbait threads so I can laugh at retards like you.

>>507593741thas the 1 guy baiting lol>>507593739theirs no point in defending it when every post gets shot down for retarded reasons. you faggots unironically brought up lore in one thread like lmao.still never seen a good response to this user>>507584335why don't you try a crack at it

>>507593360>muh nicheNot an argument

>>507593868>play ds1 offline>dont go human>never see a single npc invader>npc invaders also wont invade after you defeat an area's boss even if you're humanwhat now?

>>507593819>People shit on DS3 for "REMEMBER DARK SOULS 1???" when Dark Souls 1 is just as full of "REMEMBER DEMON'S SOULS????"thats every souls game, ds2 copies half the rings, armors and weapons from ds1, including the lord souls and ornstein thats just how from works



>>507594086>play ds1 offline>dont go human>never see a single npc invaderGood job showing everyone you never played DaS1, tard.

>>507593786Okay, so you like DS3, where there are a few dozen overpowered weapons and a bunch of slightly weaker weapons, more than DS2 where using weapons that aren't able to rollpoke is literally making it impossible to win in PvP except against dipshit newfags who don't know how to play, got it. That, or you're not being sarcastic when you claim "literally anything that isn't robflynn with a rapier or SS is not usable in PvP: the game" is a game where weapons other than the ice rapier are viable, and just don't know how the game works.>>507593705He's right though. The entirety of Demon's Souls was designed around being online, you lost access to huge chunks of the game by playing offline, and trying to stay online while avoiding PvP meant losing half your HP or 1/3 of your HP and a ring slot at all times. DS1 secondaries are the only ones who think it was tacked on because DS1 casualized the online system for retards. Thankfully both DS2 and DS3 had the foresight to fix this issue.

>>507594008Nigger you're esl as fuck, stop trying to write off every retarded DaS2fag post as bait.

>>507594116Yes, that's my point. Demon's Souls is the only truly original Souls game, the rest are just rehashes of it. People think DS1 isn't a rehash because of le open world meme, which actually just meant that the game is a walking simulator, because they're retards who got trapped in TOTG like idiots and think that was an intended mechanic when the reality is that From probably didn't have playtesters so retarded that they can't run past a few skeletons

>>507594008>theirs no point in defending itNo further questions, your honor.

>>507584335I just started playing souls games yesterday and i started with DS2 because i got it cheap for 8$. After defeating Vendrick i really think all the complains are just total turbo autists, game is fun as casual experience.windmill area can go fuck itself though

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>>507594235he's right though. npc's can't invade if you're hollowed

>>507594262>>507594240>>507594201>>507594006>yeah i spend all day everyday for half a decade "winning arguments" to trash on a game i don't even like,>How did you possibly tell?

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>>507594483>its a hexerfaglmao

>>507594429avoid having to take a crack at it Lmao user your too much

>>507594235dumbass, npcs will NEVER invade if youre hollowthat only changed starting in ds2there are npcs you will fight anyway, but theyre not invadersalso if you kill the area boss they wont invade either

>>507593731Because of people who don't have a internet connection

>>507594603>uh oh I'm losing, better mass reply with a wojack!gottem!

>>507594368>Demon's Souls is the only truly original Souls gameis not that original, the framework was already there from kings field, from ha been using ideas from previous games since the beginning

>>507594727A crack at what? You just admitted defeated.

>>507594875Yes, the basic framework was already there, but it differs very heavily from King's Field. It's the same way the "basic framework" from Doom was already there for Counterstrike.Meanwhile, Dark Souls 1 is literally just casualized Demon's Souls.

>>507594603>ds2 shitposter is a wojakposterembarrassing

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>>507594086Then you lose out on kindling which is also a core mechanic

>>507594903>still avoiding responding to this >>507584335your a cute one user

>>507595020>Dark Souls 1 is literally just casualized Demon's Souls.both games are pretty easy but people who played DeS first say DeS is harder and viceversa with DaS

>>507595118>human up>kindle>jump off ledge


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>>507595118>turn human>kindle bonfire>die>bonfire stays kindled

>>507594086The whole point is going human is kindling, but you put yourself at a disadvantage since you can get invaded. Almost like the concept in DeS of losing half your health in Soul form. Woahhhhhh

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>>507595265Nah, Dark Souls 1 is significantly casualized because of the removal of any punishment for death. You get literally no disadvantage for going hollow other than that it takes 1 more humanity to kindle a bonfire. You can go the entire game without ever having to deal with invasions and you can even just open all the shortcuts then immediately summon outside the boss room to get co-op help for bosses without having to deal with invasions. Sure you have limited healing items but in the early game the lowered HP from Soul Form and lack of resources makes amassing them much harder, whereas you're always guarnateed to have plenty of healing in DS1's early game, and the lategame in DS1 is a joke because of armor.

>>507595423you realize bonfires stay kindled even if you die, right?dumbass

>>507595540No shit you fucking idiot. It's caualized but that's why the system is in place. Christ Soul players are so dumb.

>>507595686you must be clinically retarded then, cause the point of going human is to be able to SUMMON, not kindleyou can kindle and then kill yourself and the kindling stays, you need to stay human if you want help, which puts you at risk of invasionnever stay human for very long and you will never once be invaded in ds1not ever

>>507595285>>507595330You guys sound like the type who disconnects from the Internet when getting invaded.

>>507595910It's for both but mentally ill rejects like you can't understand basic things

>>507584335>Dark Souls 3 did it worse.Wrong, DS3 gives you plenty of tools to handle ganks, and the majority of them occur in areas where the environment heavily favors you.>It's a VIDEO GAME. They prioritized gameplay and environmental diversity over pandering to your autism.Then they should have dropped the interconnected world shit entirely and gone back to Demon's Souls style warping.>Literally every Souls game has them.And DS2 has significantly more than any other game in the series as well as being designed to make rolling through attacks the only option, since using rolls to get out of range of attacks leaves your hitbox where it was when you started rolling, which is where the "shockwaves" meme came from in the first place and why the PvP is just rollcatching with thrust attacks.>>least linear in the seriesObjectively false.>>most diverse environments in the seriesObjectively false.>>longest in the series>most amount of weapons in the series>most amount of armor and customization in the seriesTrue, it does focus on quantity over quality.>biggest build variety in the seriesObjectively false unless you're talking about PvP, in which case it's a non-argument since evyerthing is "viable" in every game's PvE except bare fists in Demon's and DS1. DS2 does not have PvP builds other than rollcatching ice rapier robflynn and useless builds that lose to robflynn due to the constant nerfs of every other build in the game.>>most amount of magic/miracles/hex/pyrosAll of which were nerfed and are now useless, besides Dark Orb and Sacred Oath.>best online mode in the seriesFalse, it has the worst online mode in the series due to Soul Memory making it unplayable.>best girls in the seriesFalse, Maiden in Black isn't in the game.>dual wielding and power stancePower stance is an overrated mechanic. 80% of powerstance animations are reused and the majority of them are also useless due to dex and str being dump stats in DS2.

>>507595938no but I backstab when they bow and take some sippies

>>507585154Play it.

>>5075836191st time playing it rn, it ain’t bad. I like the torch system and traveling through bonfires without a vessel, but I hate how you can’t level up the same way in ds 1. Going hollow lowering health is also pretty good but annoying, since it gets slightly harder with limited health. So far I killed the old sinner and I hate the rotten. Don’t play multiplayer so much, just in it for the campaign, and so far it’s fun.>fuck the invisible niggers though

>>507593629B-but it’s a crappy action game (becau it has gameplay that’s actually fun instead of being unbearable) and DS1 is b-better despite Bloodborne shitting all over it in nearly all areas!

>>507595503one of the first rings you get in DeS gives you a 25% increase in hp while in ghost form and besides the game is pretty much made to be beaten with ghost form>Sure you have limited healing items but in the early game the lowered HP from Soul Form and lack of resources makes amassing them much harderI never had any issues with healing items in DeS, never had to farm grass or anything and the bosses there are easy except for flamelurker, Allant and man eaters

>>507595938Why would I get invaded when I don't even have PS Online to begin with?Fuck paying for that shit.

>>507584335>>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bossesWhile NG+ in DS2 is fun, I wouldn't call throwing some trash mobs into boss fights "remixing" them.>respecAlso in DS3 and doesn't destroy player choice by making it unlimited.>reddit hates itReddit also hates DS3. In fact DS2 is most popular on reddit and Holla Forums.

>>507596224nah this is bias and nonsensesorry pal, try again.

>>507583932>Absolutely destroys twinkers/low level invaders, since they have to make a new character each time they wanted to feel like a god since their sm would get too high after too long>Made it so characters with similar experience would fight each other, both literally and figuratively>Can just use agape ring to stay at your bracket for the purpose of coop or the fixed sl reddit meta

>>507596390Yes, but going from "lose half your HP for dying or lose 1/3 of your HP and half your ring slots" is much more punishing than "next time you kindle you have to spend 1 more of the easily obtained resource used for kindling, which is rarely done due to being a permanent change.">I never had any issues with healing items in DeS, never had to farm grass or anything and the bosses there are easy except for flamelurker, Allant and man eatersHealing is much more of an issue early in Demon's, objectively. Not having to spend souls on healing items means you can level up and upgrade weapons immediately in Dark Souls 1, and the early game is not balanced around having an upgraded weapon in spite of it being so easy to do. Also Dark Souls 1 has no hard bosses unless you're using a light weapon.

>>507596337Tip for the invisible fags in the Shaded Woods, you can attack the face trees and their moaning causes the ghosts to attack them, allowing you to backstab them.Also it seems redundant but some NPC questlines require you to summon them for a certain number of boss fights, like Lucatiel of Mirrah and Benhart of Jugo. If you want their stuff, that is.

>>507596774>Absolutely destroys twinkersIt doesn't though, DS2 has tons of twinks who just trade items from higher leveled mules, dipshit. DS2 has the worst twink issues next to DS1, which is only worse because having upgraded armor in DS1 makes you invulnerable in low level areas.>Made it so characters with similar experience would fight each other, both literally and figurativelyIt didn't though, it meant players who died a lot would be matched against players who didn't die often, giving twinks and experienced players a huge advantage on top of their much higher game knowledge than new players.>>Can just use agape ring to stay at your bracket for the purpose of coop or the fixed sl reddit metaNope, agape ring has its own issues like locking you out of using half the spells or any consumable items like urns or throwing knives, severely limiting your options. It's the equivalent of slapping a bandaid over a severed limb and calling it healed.

>>507583619Serious question, how come dark souls 2 and 3 didn’t get switch ports yet? Did DS1 sell badly or something?

>>507596390>one of the first rings you get in DeS gives you a 25% increase in hpWhich costs a ring slot and isn't a full increase>besides the game is pretty much made to be beaten with ghost formNot at all since there's world tendency events and Ability to summon blue phantoms.

>>507596787>Not having to spend souls on healing items means you can level up and upgrade weapons immediately in Dark Souls 1you don't have to buy grass in DeS you get enough by just killing enemies in front in you>Also Dark Souls 1 has no hard bosses unless you're using a light weapon.neither does DeS and you can get an enchanted falchion after the first boss to make them even more of a joke

>>507595180Nobody is going to do a full breakdown of that utter garbage because it's so long it'd take multiple posts, but if you really are that interested just go watch Mauler's series because it debunks literally every single point in that post.

>>507597105>or any consumable items like urns or throwing knivessource? I've never seen people talk about that before

>>507597401>you don't have to buy grass in DeS you get enough by just killing enemies in front in youAnd you don't even need to get lucky with drops or world tendency for that in DS1, you're handed enough healing to clear a level just by sitting at a bonfire.>neither does DeS and you can get an enchanted falchion after the first boss to make them even more of a jokeYes, which is why "there aren't that many hard bosses in it" isn't an argument when comparing it to DS1, where even the hard bosses are actually not hard with 80% of builds.

>>507597553You can't use consumable items with the agape ring because you don't gain any souls. Are you retarded? Nobody talks about that fact because anyone with a brain knows that's an issue. It's especially an issue in DS2 because it means you can't break all the gear of AFK players you invade.

>>507596224>Maiden in Black isn't in the game.Based as fuck

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>>507585924it's wordfiltered soi

>>507597684>You can't use consumable items with the agape ring because you don't gain any souls.?????

>>507596818Ohhh thanksI noticed that when I kept hitting the trees lol

>>507597684but using throwing knives and urns doesn't directly give you souls

>>507597831Yes, dipshit. How are you going to restock your consumable items without souls? Use your fucking brain you DS2 faggot.

>>507583619You're a faggot kys


>>507595118>Then you lose out on kindlingso? the game is balanced around not kindling bonfires. kindling just activates easy mode

>>507597995But you can have fun, it just requires you to put 20 points into a "have fun" stat before you can.

>>507597569>And you don't even need to get lucky with drops or world tendency for that in DS1I don't understand this, grass is never a problem in DeS, i dont see the point comparing infinite healing items in DeS to 20 flask in each bonfire in DaS>"there aren't that many hard bosses in it" isn't an argument when comparing it to DS1it is because both games have like 3 "hard" bosses, the early game is a joke in both games

>>507598093you have a choice to put 20 in for a decent dodge, or put into other things and get by with shields, and good spacing. or go over board and stick 40 points in so you have essentially a flip ring amount of iframeschoices user their good for the game, mauler also went on about the game giving you extra stats at the same time?wouldn't that have naturally fix your problem just now you have the choice of not being a bitch and taking your dodge stat away and throwing it into more dmg for example?

Take note, 2fags:Your game is shit.You can't defend it, and instead have regress to trying to deflect by shitting on better games.Your game's specific community is the worst of the series, a trash fire riddled with insufferable autists. The game you target most frequently didn't need a "definitive edition" to try and fail to fix it's myriad problems.But most of all;At least DaS3 fags actually play their game.

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>>507598335>I don't understand this, grass is never a problem in DeS, i dont see the point comparing infinite healing items in DeS to 20 flask in each bonfire in DaSbecause having healing items in DeS that are inifinite only happens later in the game, at which point in DS1 you cease to take damage due to armor being overpowered.>it is because both games have like 3 "hard" bosses, the early game is a joke in both gamesWrong, DS1 does not have "hard" bosses, but unlike Demon's Souls, it also doesn't have hard levels.

>>507597896you can grind for them, I agree that agape ring is shit but it doesn't completely stop you from using any consumables and you can use the champions covenant or bonfire ascetics to stop despawn

>>507597995>WAHHHH WAHHHH I CAN'T JUST HAVE AN OP ROLLYeah, you haven't watched it. Good job retard.

>>507598441The virgin Das2cucks destroyed

>>507596224>Wrong‘Running past them’ isn’t a tool and most ganks are AIDs to fight. Also DS2 offers lifegems for extended enemy combat unlike DS3.>Then DS2 was never about the interconnected world, it just valued exploration so warping wasn’t used.>And DS2...Hitboxes are a major issue in the other entries (this game is full of shockwaves). Hitboxes are rough all around in Souls games as a whole, there’s no game with the most fucked hitboxes and rollcatching is in other games too.>Objectively false.It’s true though because a lot of content is optional like in Bloodborne and the mandatory areas are branched like in DeS so it’s the most open overall.>Objectively false.Objectively true and no, Dark Souls’ mario-tier diversity doesn’t compare.>True, it does focus on quantity over quality.>customizationYou admitted to this being true AKA you admitted that the builds variety provides both quality and quantity.>>biggest build variety in the series>Objectively false unless you're talking about PvP, in which case it's a non-argument since evyerthing is "viable" in every game's PvE except bare fists in Demon's and DS1. DS2 does not have PvP builds other than rollcatching ice rapier robflynn and useless builds that lose to robflynn due to the constant nerfs of every other build in the game.>All of which were nerfed and are now useless, besides Dark Orb and Sacred Oath.>>best online mode in the series>False, it has the worst online mode in the series due to Soul Memory making it unplayable.>False, Maiden in Black isn't in the game.Maiden in Black is good, but she’s just one good girl. DS2 has Alsanna, Shanalotte, Lucatiel, the dress-up pyromancer waifu, the sexy cat etc.>Power stance is an overrated mechanic. 80% of powerstance animations are reused and the majority of them are also useless due to dex and str being dump stats in DS2.Play the fucking game.At least you tried. Who’s next?

>>507598441Take note 3fags.your game is shit just like fornite but at least fornite kids actually play their game

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>>507598423>you have a choice to put 20 in for a decent dodge, or put into other things and get by with shields,You don't really, because shields aren't good in the early game either. Your best shield is the drangleic shield which is heavy and doesn't have particularly high stability. However, it doesn't matter because everything in the first half of DS2 is so fucking slow that you can just casually walk away from most of it. It just makes the game a slow, boring slog for the first half. You can't get by in PvP with no agility unless you're doing an all-in OSK build which no longer exist due to the B-team's aggressive nerf everything balance approach.>wouldn't that have naturally fix your problemYes, but typically if you have a glaring flaw with the early game that's only "fixed" later in the game with another glaring flaw, you have a shitty game.>and throwing it into more dmg for example?Not really an option in a game where scaling does basically nothing and you only need dex/str for more damage. If you're doing a mage build you already have acceptable agility from leveling attunement.

>>507598476>because having healing items in DeS that are inifinite only happens later in the game, at which point in DS1 you cease to take damage due to armor being overpowered.the early game in DeS is so easy you don't need too many healing items unless you are awful>Wrong, DS1 does not have "hard" bosses, but unlike Demon's Souls, it also doesn't have hard levels.there are no hard levels for either game, only annoying ones which is 5-2 in DeS and blightown in DaS

>>507598441Jesus user

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>>507598657>It’s true thoughNope. DeS is objectively the most non-linear in the series

>>507598441>people switched from the oldest installment of the franchise to the newest

>>507598441It's the most recent entry in the series but most importantly it was on sale literally a few days ago so these numbers don't mean much.

>>507598716cool deflection bro but it doesn't make him wrong or ds2 any less dead

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>>507598613explain to me how it wasn't any deeper than that anonmauler is unrioncially one of the worse YouTube i have ever seenthe man gives a shit about fucking star wars lore for fucks sake, lmaohe knows he only known as the guy that has long videos so even though the point isn't deep and can be said in 2 mins he stretches it out to several hours or he will lose his "thing" and be forgotten with the rest of the up their own ass britfag cucks on youtube

>>507598947>>507598962>most recentThat'd be Dark Souls Remastered, retards.

>>507598995how is that not the same logic?i guess ds1 is complete shit from being more dead than ds 2, huh :^) or is that different some how?

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>>507598657>Objectively false unless you're talking about PvP, in which case it's a non-argument since evyerthing is "viable" in every game's PvE except bare fists in Demon's and DS1. DS2 does not have PvP builds other than rollcatching ice rapier robflynn and useless builds that lose to robflynn due to the constant nerfs of every other build in the game.Kys, neither DS3 nor DS1 have the same level of build variety for either PvE or PvP. The amount of weapons and magic on top of powerstancing puts DS2 on a level above both. BB, DeS and Sekiro are out of the question>All of which were nerfed and are now useless, besides Dark Orb and Sacred Oath.Not really, they’re just not broken. DS3 actually nerfs magic.>False, it has the worst online mode in the series due to Soul Memory making it unplayable.That’s a single aspect, the PvP as a whole is at it’s best

>>507584205>no red eye orb>have to endless farm mobs for cracked orbs that inflate your SM and slowly destroy your character>mobs eventually stop respawning so you have to increase the difficulty of the area, so mobs drop even more souls and destroy your character more expediently>agape ring gets added>it defeats the entire point of SM in the first place because now you can twink without consequence (which is supposed to be the entire justification of soul memory in the first place) but everyone still has to deal with the shitty side effects of soul memory>still can't even afford to buy consumables with it fucking you overfucking cancerThe absolute worst, most poorly designed mechanic I have ever seen in a video game. The movement is fucking horrible. Adaptability is fucking horrible. Fuck anyone who defends that game.DaS1 > DeS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sticking your dick in a lawn mower > DaS2

>>507599104>reskin is a new gamek

>>507594483>i started with DS2You have 0 frame of reference.

>>507599190>mobs eventually stop respawning so you have to increase the difficulty of the areacompany of champions

>>507599012>explain to me how it was any deeper than thatFirstly, ftfy. You illiterate spastic.Secondly, because he literally doesn't even mention DaS3's rolling system in the entirety of his 10 hour rebuttal.Finally, because he takes apart every single point listed in the post you linked, as I said.That is how it is deeper that a shitty greentext strawman, you fucking insufferable, retarded, autistic 2fag window-licker.

>>507584691Check out this virgin and laugh.

>>507599124DS:R is unironically shit, because it is basically just DaS1 with dsfix pre-installed, and it only servered to fracture the community and kill DaS1's online for good.tl;dr, pic related.

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>>507599359>something that increases the difficulty of the area

>>507599571only temporarily though

>>507598657>‘Running past them’ isn’t a tool and most ganks are AIDs to fightNope most of them are pretty fun if you're not bad.>Also DS2 offers lifegems for extended enemy combat unlike DS3.Right, I know DS2 is casualized and removes all difficulty by offering infinite healing, no need to shit on DS2 even more, I'm already doing that.>DS2 was never about the interconnected worldThen it shouldn't have been in the game, period. Having levels connected by a long hallway instead of a teleport doesn't add any exploration to anything. That's like saying the Lost Bastille has no exploration because you can only access it via teleportation.>Hitboxes are a major issue in the other entries Nope, not particularly. DS1 has pixel perfect collision for the majority of attacks, which is one of the reasons why the netcode is so fucking shit.>It’s true though because a lot of content is optional like in Bloodborne and the mandatory areas are branched like in DeS so it’s the most open overall.Areas being optional doesn't make the game more linear though.DS2 has the most linearity of any souls game besides Demon's Souls and DS3, and DS3 still has nearly as many areas accessible right off the bat. DS1 absolutely fucking dumpsters DS2 in terms of nonlinearity, where there are literally 8 bosses spread across 4-5 areas you can fight immediately after the asylum, compared to 4 bosses in 2 areas in DS2.>Objectively true and no, Dark Souls’ mario-tier diversity doesn’t compare.DS2 has 1 PvP build. DS3 has a few more than that.>You admitted to this being true AKA you admitted that the builds variety provides both quality and quantity.It certainly provides quantity, but like the rest of DS2, the quality is not there.>Maiden in Black is good, but she’s just one good girl. DS2 has Alsanna, Shanalotte, Lucatiel, the dress-up pyromancer waifu, the sexy cat etc.shit except Ivory King's waifu and Shanalotte.>Play the fucking game.Powerstances are mostly shared, play the game.


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>>507599561just like soul memory fucks over ds2 multiplayer yet its older than ds1 remastered and has more playersvery curious user

>>507599595are you retarded or can't follow the conversation you are responding to?

>>507599124>how is that not the same logic?Because the DaS2 community is part of the Dark Souls community and Fortnite community is not, you fucking mouth breather.

>>507599695>turn on company of champions>farm slightly tougher monsters>get souls>turn off company of champions>monsters gone again

>>507599386I didn't even BRING UP DS3 YOU GOD DAMN SPAZWERE TALKING AGILITY AND DS2 IFRAMES YOU ILLITERATE RETARD.you know what, why don't you quote exactly where i said ds3.just quote it

>>507599649And less that ds3. Which is the point. Retard.

>>507599838oh you are retarded, never mind then


>>507583932Yeah, I hated soul memory so much. I just wanted to help people with bosses and if you did it too much you basically locked yourself out of it in a pretty short amount of time. Such a shit system.

>>507599768>this game has less players therefor its worse >No dude that game having more players doesn't mean its betteralright man lmao

>>507599913enjoy your dead pvp

>>507599131>Kys, neither DS3 nor DS1 have the same level of build variety for either PvE or PvP.Both of those games have more than 1 build for PvP, so yes, they objectively have more build variety. Just because you don't know that robflynn is the only build DS2 has because you're a sale secondary doesn't change the fact that you're using a shit build if you're not going robflynn with a rapier.>The amount of weapons and magic on top of powerstancing puts DS2 on a level above both. BB, DeS and Sekiro are out of the questionWrong, all of those are useless due to being nerfed into the ground. Powerstancing was a meme useful literally only for fists and OSK all-in builds pre-nerf as well.>Not really, they’re just not broken. DS3 actually nerfs magic.Nah, there is ltierally no reason to ever cast a single sorcery, ever, in DS2. Doing so is just casting a shit version of Dark Orb. Same applies for miracles, all of them do nothing except Sacred Oath.DS3 at least has spells that do something other than Dark Orb.>That’s a single aspectIt's a single aspect that makes multiplayer unusable outside of dueling arenas, which are shit because DS2's dueling is about whoever has less ping for R1 mashing with their robflynn rapier.

>>507599929It's the perfect way to punish you for playing the game. The more you play the more fucked and ruined your character is.

>>507599903yes my point being if what you say is true than your also saying ds1 is worse than 2even with a remastered and a better matchmaking system than ds2 soul memory is still has less playerstherefor = badsince thats the baby logic your using here

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>>507599979>you cant say DS2 is dead because look, fortnite ha more players than DS1 or DS3

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>>507599861>WERE TALKING AGILITYNot once in this >>507597995 entire fucking post was the topic of "agility" even mentioned, you stupid fucking brain damaged invalid.

>>507598657>Objectively true and no

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>>507600176>yet you can say ds2 is dead and therefor worse than ds3 because haha ds3 has more players>look i posted an xd reaction image

>>507600215>WAHHHH I CAN'T JUST HAVE AN OP ROLL, Tright here dyslexia-kun


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>>507600284>DS2 is not dead because fortnite has a lot of playersbased

>>507600215um yes we were?

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the dumb thing about the shrine of winter is that you need to use it simply because theres a pillar that fell in the path to drangleic castle and you cant climb over itmeaning the entire first third of the game exists because you cant climb on a small rockat least make the impasse believable, dammit

just went back to 2 after playing 3 and bloodborne again... wew this shit stinks

>>507600384ds2 being dead is not the pointits ds2 is worse than 3 because 3 has more players so by that logic fornite is a better game than all of dark souls since it has more players

>>507600119DS:R multiplayer changes with things like the removal of dead angles and the healing system changes ruined the entire game for me so I don't play it.If someone wants to not play the remaster now and don't already own the original they can't play it, because the remaster replaced it on the store page. The only way to get the original dark souls is through buying one of the last remaining keys on a third party site, and since there is no longer any supply, they cost $300+ bucks.That's probably a big part of the reason Dark Souls 1 isn't as active as it could be.

>>507599595So, it does exactly what's in that guys post. Okay

>>507600119False.DaS1's community is smaller because it was fractured by DaS:R. It was widely reviled within the Souls community, because they were charging full price for something that had been widely available for free. Most Souls fans didn't buy it as a results, which would make up the core audience which keep a game's multiplayer alive. Couple this with the face that DaS:R replaces DaS:PtD on Steam and the result is, as mentioned, a fractured community. DaS:R effectively killed off the game it was trying to revive.But more importantly, you're doing what 2fags do. Bait-and-switching with another game, as usual, to avoid talking about your own. DaS2 is in no such situation, and it is still fucking dead.

>>507600598yes, fortnite is a better fps than any dark souls, that's something I cant deny just like DS2 is the worst souls game

>>507600769yeah dude i doubt the reason that dsr doesn't have millions of players right now is because it doesn't have some obscure bug that only 1% of the playerbase even knew existedim sure dude

>>507586656what happened here?

>>507600803>for something that had been widely available for free?

>>507600334I don't think it's OP to expect that your roll iframes is going to be at least 1 frame longer than the attack frames of any attack, so that you can at the very least frame perfect dodge attacks.Getting hit by something because the total number of active attack frames exceeds your entire roll is indefensibly shitty design.

>>507600036Nobody wants to play DaS2, why do you think it's dead

>>507600803even combined its still about 500 less than ds2

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>>507600334Shitty strawman that you posted. In no way refutes Mauler's utter disassembling of DaS2.Try again, retard.

>>507598657>Objectively true and no, Dark Souls’ mario-tier diversity doesn’t compare.Hmm let's see DS2 levels>forest ruins over some 2D trees with PS2 textures>stone ruins over water>stone ruins of a prison>stone ruins of a prison with some water>brown forest with PS2 textures>poison swamp>poison windmill>obligatory lava level>poison cave>poisoner cave>regular cave>forest ruins with N64 textures>regular cave with water in it>regular caves with spiders>castle>castle keep>the Dragon Aerie>stone ruins>dark cave>flashback episodeand the DLC has>poison caves>obligatory snow level>ash ruins>gong gong gong gonggongongong YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOthe ashen mist has disspiated

>>507601042im playing it right nowcouldnt care less about the community, i dont play pve games for the multiplayer aspect

>>507601060thats what mauler said paraphrased and expanded to 1 hour each. i hate to break it to you user but your brain might have been turned to mush from the repeating.also think for yourself for fucks sakes and stop getting your opinion from literal dog fuckers and star wars fanboys. do you really think they have any authority on whats good?

>>507600935dsfix you absolute pleb, good job showing everyone you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>>507601195>im playing it right nowI feel sorry for you


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>>507601051Did you not read the part where I said>Most Souls fans didn't buy itOr are you just fucking retarded?

>>507600914It's the reason I'm not playing it right now. Anyone else who put good time in to pvp like me will likely feel the same. The remaster is garbage.

>>507601396i dontim having funthe vanquisher's seal is fun to just beat the shit out of everyone with my fists

>>507601434so most people didn't even want to own ds1 to begin with.such a shame user i guess this really does prove ds2 is better

>>507601274>thats what mauler said paraphrasedNo.>WAHHH BUT ROLLSIs not a "paraphrased" version of 10 hours worth of completely disassembling every shitty defense that you 2fags always regurgitate to try to defend your shitty, shitty game. Try again retard.

>>507601530>the vanquisher's seal is fun to just beat the shit out of everyone with my fistsYou mean it was fun before it was nerfed into being literally useless and strictly worse than the cestus

>>507601530You're having nu-fun

>>507601530Is that why you're here shitposting? To fill out the monotony of the 30 minute wait between invasions?

>>507601293> How do i change to 60fps in DSfix?>Title says all. Also i heard someone saying something like pressing backspace toggles between 30 fps and 60 fps or something. Not sure.>Thanks for the help anyway. >install dsfix as explained in the readme, be sure you have the right dsfix version for the right version of the game (like dsfix 2.3 or 2.3.1 nexusmods.com/darksouls/mods/19/? ,and -dsptde2.0 )>once installed, go to DATA folder, open dsfix.ini, set this># Enable variable framerate (up to 60)># NOTE:># - this requires in-memory modification of game code, and may get you banned from GFWL># - there may be unintended side-effects in terms of gameplay># - you need a very powerful system (especially CPU) in order to maintain 60 FPS># - in some instances, collision detection may fail. Avoid sliding down ladders># Use this at your own risk!># 0 = no changes to game code># 1 = unlock the frame rate>unlockFPS 1># FPS limit, only used with unlocked framerate># do not set this much higher than 60, this will lead to various issues with the engine>FPSlimit 60>save, then open dsfixkeys.ini>and set this (or leave it default) toggle30FPSLimit vs>Buy game, get 60 fps always, no issues at all

>>507601442you sound like a faggot if the make or break is some obscure bug that barely made an impact since the main meta revolved around back-stabs and busted magic. not breaking shields as much as im sure you will love to pretend otherwise.i mean at this point are you arguing that ds1 pvp is better or that you really really like ghost strikes and the rest of ds1 is just kind of their? if that's really the only thing keeping you from playing?

>>5076016261 hour of bitching about adaptability on the sole purpose that he now as a choice between a good dodge or other stats and thats bad because wahh wahh my roll was busted by default in the last gamehow is that not a paraphrase user?

>>507601623I'm just going to conclude that you have a single digit IQ and can't read because I'm not going to explain basic syntax to you again. Falls right in line with you being a 2fag.

>>507601684like i give a shit about whatever meta you've constructed in your head>>507601764nice nonsense word>>507601778>To fill out the monotony of the 30 minute wait between invasions?you're not paying attention, are you? im not playing a pve game for the pvp


>>507602019your actually retarded, user. no like lowkey dude you might what to rethink this situationim fucking with you, anyone who thinks playercounts equal quality is a moron. holy shit lmao

>>507602026It's not, you're literally having nu-fun

>>507602026>playing ds2 for the pve

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>>507602158I suuuuuure love unstable FPS that requires jury-rigged mods that also requires hardware configurations! Wow! Why couldn't it just be simpler, easier, like stable always? If only that was a thing.

>>507602314>dsfix>unstable FPSholy shit this is some advanced retardation

>>507602314>copy paste>open notepad and change a number>too hardcome on user

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>>507602241repeatedly saying this isnt going to convince me of anything beyond youre trying to make up words>>507602290what's problem, user?

>>507602014Firstly, because you've left out everything about the rolling and hitboxes in DaS2 being fundamentally broken, both of which are covered in depth in the series. Secondly, because you are omitting a massive series that covers every facet of the game and trying to paint it as one single complaint, about one single mechanic.The series is 10 hours long. Are you seriously trying to argue that he does nothing but complain about rolling for 10 hours? Are you actually fucking retarded? Wait, no, of course you are. You're trying to defend Dark Souls 2.

>>507601885It's not just dead angles. It's every single change DS:R made like phantoms healing with estus. But yeah, if you were to make a slight change to a fighting game for example, you could easily completely ruin it and turn it into a piece of shit that no one likes. No one likes DS:R pvp.

>>507602026>user is one personAh, of course, I forgot Dark Souls 2 fans have brain damage.

>>507602225>I was merely pretending!Whatever you say, crayon eater.

>>507602481Nu-fun isn't a made up word. It's what you are having

>>507602617please follow the conversation before making assumptions

>>507602026>like i give a shit about whatever meta you've constructed in your headWell I certainly gave a shit when they nerfed the seal into the ground and made it literally useless compared to the ugly cestus, eat shit you stupid apologist faggot.

>>507602818describe said word then

>>507602481In case you didn't know, DaS2's PvE is shit. Just like it's PvP. And it's everything.

>>507602735that has always been my side. what the hell is happing

>>507602506yeah ds1 remastered multiplayer didin't die because glitches and bugs barely anyone knew about got patched outit died because ds1 pvp is kind of stinky. its backstab town, its always been everyones problems

>>507602014Adaptability is complete shit design because it's so incremental. One two additional frames of invulnerability will make you feel like you're able to consistently dodge something versus constantly getting hit by it despite having the same muscle memory and input timing for both dodges with absolutely no visual difference in the dodge. It makes it feel like a fucking dice roll. It's garbage. Having strict break points and obvious visual indicators when it comes to something heavily tied to muscle memory is the only good way to go about it.


>>507585154I never played Scholar but the original has both flaws and strengths. It's one of the weaker entries but it's still pretty good.

>>507602495every game has fucked hitboxes and 2 has a bit more but you didn't level a good dodge and your surprised you don't have a good dodgethat just sounds like your getting filtered.its like that 1 hour section that boiled down to"WAHH WAHH WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T JUST HOLD MY SHEILD UP AND WALK AROUND TO BACKSTAB EVERY ENEMY, THEY CAN TRACK NOW? WAHH WAHHH WAHHH"for a whole fucking hour, buddy if you watch mauler your a little smooth on the brain

>>507602938seems mostly fine to me

>>507603150no, the backstabs are greatDark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls are the only souls games with good pvp

>>507603376>souls games>good pvp

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>>507603376>Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls are the only souls games with good pvp

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>>507584335Based, DS2 is very fucking good and only redditors who also like DS3 disagree

>>507603376no their not lmao go to any fucking ds1 remastered discussion and the backstab was always the main problem discussed before and after the releasenobody wants to play fish the backstab the game.backstabs unironically killed ds1 remastered more than the retarded weapon match making ever did.

>>507603653no the backstabs are perfect and easily counter-ableyou're just shit at the game

>>507603641DS2 and 3 are both horrible games, the former being slightly worse than the latter, but both being dumpster fires. Only DS1, DeS and BB are good.

>>507602937Deluded into thinking you are having fun when you aren't.

>>507603783>t. japanese faggot with 700 ping

>>507603783The entire game was about backstabbing and teching out of back-stabs you fucking tardthat was what people had a problem with.honestly theirs no way you didn't know this, so im starting to think you just seen a video about dark souls 1 difference from the remastered or something and trying to pretend to be an old fag or some shit

>>507603376No Souls game had good pvp

>>507603338>every game has fucked hitboxesNo.>2 has a bit moreCope.>you didn't level a good dodge and your surprised you don't have a good dodgeNot the point. The point is the system is shit. Retard.>WAHH WAHH WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T JUST HOLD MY SHEILD UPAnd you're back to strawmanning again. Far smarter Anons than you have tried and failed to debunk Mauler. That is why DaS2 is a laughing stock. That is why nobody bothers trying to defend it anymore. That is why even you aren't even trying to defend it, and instead have been trying to attack DaS3, and Mauler himself. You 2fags are fucking pathetic.

>>507603924that doesnt make any senseim having fun beating the shit out of monsters and shooting them with my repeatersits what i started the game for this time and its great

>>507603958I've put over 3000 hours into Dark Souls 1. I've played it more than the rest of the games combined. Backstabs were perfect. Dead angles were perfect. DS:R is trash.

>>507604084You're having nu-fun retard

>>507604132you keep saying the same thing over and over like youre trying to convince me to be as miserable as yousorry user, it aint gonna workthere are parts of the game i strongly dislike, like iron keep, but i can also just skip iron keep with enough souls and go back to having fun in other areas

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>>507604041yes every game has fucked hitboxes i mean cmon man must we forgot gaping dragon already? ds2 has more bad hitboxes thats fact, but its not as bad as your making it sound.explain to me how adapitily is bad expect some faggot whiningyou can get a good dodge at the expense of other stats you could be leveling.makes sense to me>And you're back to strawmanning again. Far smarter Anons than you have tried and failed to debunk Mauler. if its just a silly straw man sa you say than you should be able to easily counter it than shouldn't you.he had a whole hour to whine about enemies being able to actually hit you instead of allowing the player to easily back stab them non stop like in ds1explain to me how he didn't do that.

>>507604432Because you literally having nu-fun. That's why it's sad

>>507604561>explain to me how adapitily is badsee >>507603253

>>507604131nope everyone has a problem with back stab the gamebackstabs killed ds1 remastered multiplayer

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never played any dark souls game. bought dark souls 2 the other day when i was drunk and it was on sale. ive played it for like 20 minutes and i hate every single thing about, what is the appeal lol?

>>507604760>everyoneShitters aren't people. A screencap of shitters bitching about backstabs changes nothing. If they didn't want to get backstabbed they should have read it and countered it.

>>507604892High learning curve

>>507604432>there are parts of the game Istrongly dislike, like the literal only good level in the entire base gamewew lad

>>507604892you started with the worst game in the series that even hardcore fans hate

>>507604892PvP and some build choices you can't find in the others.Not the best intro to Souls.

>>507604946How would you counter someone going in for a backstab then?

>>507604967Yeah, it takes a while for its braindead defenders to see how bad it is

>>507604720thats just wrong because your bitching about inconsistency but also saying your dodging at the same time.newsflash retardattack times don't change so your dodging at the wrong time than and being punished for not having a busted ass op dodge with a lower adp you will need to be more exact with your dodge. your punished for putting less points in a better dodge, and for that risk you have more points in health/dmg/stamina/equipload/attument whatever you put those points into to begin with.this just sounds like a massive amount of whining from the lack of ability to take punishment for a shit build or the inability to overcome a low adp instead of just starting with a broken ass dodge like ds1.i sometimes don't even level adp in ds2, just simple smart spacing and shield usage allows me to get by fine with higher amounts of dmg as a reward.the system is working fine.

>>507585183Soul Memory made Twinking even more fucked up than before.

>>507605119If they're just running at you then you just strafe around to where they will be and backstab them instead. At worst you will get a damage cancel with you having the advantage as they recover from the animation.Virtually everyone who complains about backstabs has no idea how to deal with them.

>>507605119some busted ass buggy tech. it doesn't matter 99% of people arn't going to learn extremely obscure techniques this guy is insane for thinking the removal of these bugs is why the game isn't popular.ds1 pvp is retarded.its 2 idiots circling each other for backstabs because their too easy and deal way too much damage

>>507604561>explain to me how adapitily is badIt's less fun, less balanced, and far less straightforward than the weight/roll choice in DS1. DS2 also throws way more souls and levels at you so it's a safe dumpstat.

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>>507605436And what if they back off in response to your counter BS? Just keep doing it until one of you gets bored and kills themselves?

>>507604967i dont mind difficult games but this is just boring me>>507605061oh well, i dont think ill bother trying another one, i doubt id like the others so yea that was a waste of money

>>507605296>don't change so your dodgingBut dodging frames do, retard, and that's the whole point. Two dodges that are executed at the same exact time will not have the same result despite the animation and everything else being exactly the same. One will magically dodge while the other will get hit. This is horrible design. The other games handle it through set animations with set frames and different range percentages to reach different animations with totally different iframes and recovery. This is the only proper way to do it because you will always know exactly how the dodge is supposed to feel instead of incremental bullshit.

>>507605473ds2 has far more stats to put points into and you end the game only like 25-40 levels higher than ds1 on average.in ds1 almost every non magic build which most people went boiled down to 29 vit since soft cap, some builds went more40 end40/40 str dexthey rarely went half magic.in ds2 half magic on any build is far far far more viable so most have at least 1 of those to put points into some 2 if their going dark, adp, attun which is far more useful from the abilty to gain more spell use from it, stamina, equip load, 50 points into hp for the best bang for your buck but most go without.ds2 gives you more levels but your going to need, I don't start mindlessly dumping stats until about sl 140 and at that point the game has far been over and im just dicking around.I think adp is fun, i like the ability to forsake my dodge for more early game damage.have you ever thought about dark souls being more than just roll souls in your life? your not forced to put points into it.

>>507605524>And what if they back off in response to your counter BS?Then you didn't get backstabed? What kind of argument is this, you fucking retard. If they can't backstab you then what's the problem? They're going to have to try something different.>>507605682>i dont think ill bother trying another one, i doubt id like the others If I had only ever played Dark Souls 2, it would have left such a bad taste in my mouth I would never have wanted to touch any of the others either.

>>507606070>the worse dodge gets hit while the better dodge doesn't. in exchange they have stats in other areas and won't need the dodge as muchthis is somehow bad design because i said so.

>>507606335>Then you didn't get backstabedOK so you're defending a game where PVP is literally determined by whoever lags first or gets bored first, with literally nothing else happening.

>>507605009>allonne knight spam>greatbow archers>turtle knights>traps on catwalks>smelter demon guarding the middle bonfireno, its pretty badbrume tower is great though, as is eleum loyce, dragon aerie, dragon shrine, the memories of the forest of fallen giants, brightstone cove, harvest valley, earthen peak, and heide's tower of flame. hell, even no-man's wharf gets fun once you turn on the lights so the darklurkers fuck off, and i had fun going through the dark chasms of oldthe main areas i dont like are like iron keep, namely the cave of the dead, the iron passage, and the frozen outskirts, but those places are meant for coop

>>507606335>If I had only ever played Dark Souls 2, it would have left such a bad taste in my mouth I would never have wanted to touch any of the others either.whats better about the other two? i'm not big on rpg hack and slash games like this, the combat always feels clunky to me, i dont think its for me i only bought it because everyone keeps talking about these games

>>507606358It's bad design because there is no visual change. It runs completely contrary to the action part of the arpg. It's as obtuse as the range of your weapon being determined by a stat instead of being determined by the weapon you equip.

>>507584335I know that when I like to prioritize gameplay, I make sure to ship my action RPG with 8-way directional snap points instead of free movement. It really adds that spice, you know? Makes you feel like you're not just fighting the world, but yourself. Really going hollow. Fuck's sake, Harris. You can't even argue environmental diversity because the "realms" are the same as DS1. You've got shitty lava, shitty town, shitty forest, shitty castle, etc. You have shitty frost area in DS2's DLC, I guess, and Sunken City. Don't have Ash Lake or anything like that. Also, you need that durability bar icon because your shit breaks every ten minutes. Is that a QoL improvement?

>>507585272This was because Dogding invincibility frames were now tied to the Dex statI had to fucking wiki this Once I knew, everything became easy as shit to dodge

>>507606250You said nothing that discredits ADP being bad, just further enforced his points retard.

>>507606930They're not. They're tied to the Adaptability stat.

>>507606656>whats better about the other two?They're completely different games that feel and play completely differently.

>>507606743The attack your rolling though doesn't change though if your good you can still dodge with a single point into adp.you just have a worse one because you leveled up something else, its the same concept as an actual rpg where leveling a dodge was its own stat.and so what if it doesn't visually change? in ds1 you weren't protected the whole time in your roll either.so visually you still look like you should be invul but your one frame over and got hit.nothing looks different from frame 13 and frame 14 in ds1 except 1 you take full damage and the other you take none.its always been retarded

>>507606930>dexI-frames are tied to Adaptability in DS2. It's only description is something like "eases movement." I think Dex makes you use items slightly faster.

>>507606250>than just roll souls in your life? your not forced to put points into it.It makes PvE and PvP easier and I don’t care about any “soul level” meta so every stat just gets bumped the fuck up. Fat, medium, and fast speeds in DS1 were way more fun to play around with, were easier for the devs to balance around, and were infinitely easier for an average joe to understand: You’ll need to take hits from bad guys to see the ADP differences, but in DS1 anyone can easily tell the difference between a fat and fast roll - just by putting on and taking off armor.

>>507607163>>507607232my bad I forgot how many shitty stats the game had

>>507607236expect almost everyone agrees ds2 system of weight is far far far far better than ds1 weight system even your precious A team that adopted ds2 equip system for ds3>>507607069i said why its not bad if you just want to close your ears and scream nooooo thats on you.actually point out where I enforced his points, go quote it for everyone.

>>507607230>you just have a worse one because you leveled up something else***for the time being. It’s not like a more traditional RPG where your choices matter because there’s an actual level cap, it’s more like Skyrim where you just keep leveling everything up.

>>507607448And they also agree that agility was a shit mechanic which is why it was removed in every other game, since it's literally the worst mechanic ever implemented in an action game in history.

>>507607232agility also governs item use speed

Im replaying DS2 SOFTS (never played softs or dlcs) and enjoying it, it's pretty good. The only thing I don't like are bosses, they so fucking bad and easy. ADP is weird but I don't care about that much cause it feels like you get levels here much faster than in other games, so you can get good iframes even before leaving first area

>>507607448You didn't though since ADP will always be a dump stat and other forms of defense actions are worse than rolling.

>>507607448DS3 uses DS1's system though, the only thing it shares with DS2 is its fat roll threshold being 70%, but in DS2 fat rolling doesn't actually affect anything except recovery time, your iframes remain the same.

>>507607448>expect almost everyone agreesAsspull, grab some proof. It's a shitty casualization if nothing else.>even your precious A team that adopted ds2 equip system for ds3I.e. a bad decision in one sequel carried over into the other. Considered the shitfilled clusterfuck that is BOTH sequels I'm not surprised.Also:>>507607069What this guy said. What are you doing. this guy >>507607448 ??

>>507607634okay and????????????????????do you thin everyone plays to max level of 700 and something?no most people stop playing near 100 to like 130. whats your point, does this mean ds1 is also not an rpg since technically you can also max every stat?>>507607697you pissbabies who screamed at the prospect of not having an op roll that negates all damage for free is why it was lost.when i hear adp whine it just comes out as thatwhining

>>507585273>You how people are forever mad about Mass Effect 3s endingI can never forget. I feel sorry for the people invested in that dumpster fire of a franchise.

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>>507607697It's like starting with a shitty roll then getting an OP roll was fucking retarded idea in DS2 sarcasm get>but dudebro it's like an>R>P>G

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>>507608110>you pissbabies who screamed at the prospect of not having an op roll that negates all damage for free is why it was lost.No, it was lost becuase it was objectively a shit mechanic.>when i hear adp whine it just comes out as thatWrong. You have yet to address the fact that no other form of defense requires stats to function.

>>507608071this conversation started from a mauler video and even mauler said the weight system was an improvement from ds1 so thats p funny>>507607935yes user in this exact moment were talking about WEIGHT not IFRAMES but im glad your catching on>>507607897so you admit your just bad and need your op crutch roll to get by? and this is all just whining because people have done no roll challenges so its not really needed.i barely level adp ever and have done multiple characters without it.you can still roll though things its just a much tighter timing instead of mindlessly mashing B though an entire bosses combo. and if you really need an op crutch roll, go ahead and put 20 points into it instead of damage or whatever you fucking loser

>>507607232I would unironically be okay with ADP if the animation actually changed as you upgrade it and eventually turned into a BB-type dash. Would still shit but interesting

>>507608585>yes user in this exact moment were talking about WEIGHT not IFRAMES but im glad your catching onYes, and DS2 and DS3 do not share weight systems.

>>507608486um armor?just decent spacing no roll challenges have been done, its literally not needed on your charater and you act like its taken away from you if you don't level adp.you still have your busted ass roll no matter what the timing is just tighter than mindlessy button mashing b

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>>507608585>so you admit your just bad and need your op crutch roll to get by?It's not hard. It's just poorly designed>i barely level adp ever and have done multiple characters without itAnd? It's still a shit system>still roll though things its just a much tighter timing Because of the shit hitboxes it's much more tedious to do so

>>507608714yes they do anonthe 25% 50% equip load thing are not in these games.thats the weight systemiframes are tied to adp in ds2 were not talking about iframeswere talking about weightholy shit, man

>>507609018sounds like whining because you don't have an op roll desu

>>507607230>The attack your rolling though doesn't change thoughAre you stupid? What does that matter? You get hit or you don't based on a stat, despite the timing being identical.>if your good you can still dodge with a single point into adp.No you can't, because certain attacks have more active frames than your dodge has iframes at base adp, meaning you can never dodge them.>its the same concept as an actual rpg where leveling a dodge was its own stat.Yeah, it is exactly like that, except the difference between this game and a traditional rpg is the action part. There's a harmony between the two.>you just have a worse one because you leveled up something elseSo? You could have worse range on your weapon because you decided not to level up the weapon length stat too and one weapon connects while the other doesn't despite no visual difference between the two. Do you not see how that's shit design?>in ds1 you weren't protected the whole time in your roll either.Here's the glaringly giant difference. In DS1, you only had four different rolls, each of which had their own animation and iframes so they were easy to master muscle memory for. There is no confusion about how a fast roll feels or a mid roll, or what it can mitigate. They were still tied to your stats in a round about way because your roll was determined by your equip load percentage, which was determined by what armor you wore and your endurance but nothing about them incrementally changed and when they did change the difference was immediately obvious.

>>507606648>alonne knight spamhave you considered playing more slowly & cautiously instead of yoloing through the level?>greatbow archerssee above>traps on catwalkssee above>turtle knightsthey're slow as shit. you should easily be able to deal with them by that point>smelter demon guarding the middle bonfireit's an optional boss and there's another bonfire like 30 feet away, who cares?all of this boils down to iron keep being one of the few areas in ds2 that is somewhat challenging instead of just letting you waltz on through the game

>>507609194anon the attack is the sameyour dodge time is different therefore if you have less iframes just dodge better.its not a hard concept

>>507608110>okay and?ADP gets safely dealt with and completely forgotten about in the one game they decide to try it out in, it was a pointless mechanic idea. All it does is disadvantage those who don't know to level it up, everyone else safely levels it or dumpstats it however they choose - in the one game vomiting souls and levels way more than the rest. It's a poorly thought out idea that thankfully wasn't expanded on, especially since it was just a more casual and basic implementation of the previous roll/weight systems.>does this mean ds1 is also not an rpg since technically you can also max every stat?For what it's worth you DID have to invest into your character a lot more in DS1 to wear heavy armor with a heavy weapon and still get a fast roll going. In DS2 this happens to me just over the halfway point of basegame.

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>>507608585>this conversation started from a mauler video and even mauler said the weight system was an improvement from ds1That's pretty stupid, then.

>>507609293>user, if you wanted to hit him at that range you should have leveled the weapon range stat or just gotten closer, it's not a hard concept

>>507609042It is though. DS3's weight system is identical to DS1's, with slightly different breakpoints (36/70 instead of 25/50). You fastroll below 36%ish and fatroll above 70%ish and midroll in between.Iframes are tied to your roll, though the fast and mid rolls in DS3 have the same iframes, they just have different animations and there's no poise on the fast roll.DS2's system doesn't have a fast roll, your roll is the same from 0 to 70 just with scaling distance.You sound like you don't know shit about how these games actually work.

>>507584335>mfw when I have 100 hours in Dark Souls 2

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>>507609165The game isn't hard.

Imagine if you had 1 HP until you put 20 points into vigor, at which point you shot up to having 1000 HP. That's what it's like putting iframes on a stat.

>>507609165Rolls are objectively more OP in DS2 tho

>>507610529>vigor - increases health>endurance - increases stamina>vitality - increases equip load>strength - increases str scaling damage>dexterity - increase dex scaling damage>adaptibility - increases the number of frames during your "dodge rolling" animation in which you're invincible, increases item use speedone of these things is not like the other

does the vanquisher's seal do anything for the bone fist? was thinking about grabbing two of those from eleum loyce for more martial arts fun

>>507583619You fuckers are so unbelievably autistic. People who defend this game (and the slew of people needing to justify that it sucks) are fragile, insecure, unreasonable, and most of all stupid. The only person who talked about this game and doesn't look like a dunce is Matthewmatosis. Not because of some biting commentary or introspective analysis of the mechanics, but because he gave his thoughts on a game was trending at the time, and then moved the fuck on. No replying to people banking off his success, no follow up to clarify ideas, made a statement and was confident in it. Something all you stunted mooks are incapable of doing.

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>>507609879>MFW I have 500-1000 hours in every Souls game including BB and DeS and DS2 is the worst, by far

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>>507611347Good taste

>>507583619That source has already been refuted with the (bitter) acknowledgement of its author.

>>507611071You forgot>increases a substat which may or may not increase your iframes while rolling at random, nonstandard breakpoints which are only available via datamining or recording yourself rolling over and over and over again and analyzing the frames individually, meaning 1 point of ADP will either do nothing other than an irrelevantly small boost to poise, or will be the objective best stat to level that has a tremendous impact on how you play the game, unlike literally all other stats besides attunement

>>507584335>BU-BU BUT GANKSQUADS>Dark Souls 3 did it worse.Tell me about it....>Coop with friend>Way of blue>pop dried finger>Red shows up...>2 blues show>1v4 until the guys deadI mean, I kinda agree that being invader should be harder.. but come on...


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>>507597813Why do you do this?

>>507586656Not even a single parry

>>507600923A mod

>>507601128Ok, let’s see DS1:>jail>ruins>tomb>ruins>ruins>ruins>forest>forest>sewers>poison ruins>lava + ruins>lava + ruins>fortress>city>snow + ruins>ruins>library>cave>cave>tree>beach>ruinsDLC>reskinned forest>ruins>cave

>>507611347>>507614830FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOTcytu be/r/StreamItIfYoureSoGreat

>>507616738So yeah, it has more variety than DS2.]

>>507617314No, DS1 boils down to this:>ruins>prison>cave>forest>city>fortress>tree>beach>tomb>sewer>libraryWhereas DS2 has:>flashback>forest>ruins>cave>tomb>wharf>city>fortress>canyon>forest>cove>lava fortress>tower>bell tower>lake area>templeetc. more variety than DS1 cope

>>507618263Flashback, fortress, lava, lava fortress, bell tower, wharf, temple (ruins), lake area are the sam thing.

>>507618263DS2 has ruins and caves with varying levels of brightness, and nothing else other than the obligatory lava and snow levels and the three levels after the Shrine of Winter. The memories are all literal reskins of Forest of Fallen Giants.In DS1 all areas except the two burgs are visually distinct.

>soys>soysthis is a test don't mind me

I never loved DS2 until I saw how much made Holla Forumsedditors seethe

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>>507584205>Soul memory literally never mattered

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>>507619805Yeah we know theo nly peopel who like DS2 are contrarians already dude

>>507584335>reddit hates itvery epic my 4channel brother. Reddit bad indeed

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>>507619805>i hated DS2 until i realized that liking DS2 would make me a contrarianSounds about right

>>507620123>>507620458Why does this game make you so mad? I have a feeling your just arrogant faggots but if you have a modicum of good faith it's easy to admit all 3 games have major flaws and DS2 doesn't have anymore then 3 or 1.

>>507621435Not really since it has far more than either game, but you literally just said you're a contrarian so you won't admit that and will just keep pretending you like it for reasons other than contrarianism.

>>507621435>DS2 doesn't have anymore then 3 or 1.DS2 has a fuckload of flaws, most of which have been listed in this thread, and you yourself admitted that you only like it because everyone hates it. Everyone hates it for a reason, user