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>>507566310>Evo 2020Are online charlottas as bad as brazillian kens?


>>507566310No sarah no buy

>>507566310EVO 2020 doesn't count though.

>>507566310God she's so cute, her arcade clear card is adorable.

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>>507566310>he thinks there will be an evo 2020

>>507568558Evo 2020 is going to be online bro, it's confirmed

>>507568671Well then of course charlotta will win.

>>507567152They’re about as bad as Mexican Akumas.

>>507568751Yeah now you're getting it user! :)

>Ferry gets nerfed into the ground, but potato unga is fineFuck this game.

>>507568897>nerfed into the groundNo one was nerfed that hard. All the previous top tiers are still top, but they're just less ridiculous.

>>507566310How is Charlotta winning when shes not even top tier in any tier list?

I play Soriz. I Feel only pain

>>507570048The fact this game bothered to have unique npcs to fight that taught you how to utilise your moveset rather than ‘Le dark clone’ single player story that ever fucking fighter over the past 10 years did blew me away

>>507570723gbvs had enemy mobs as well but those were basically story mode fodder that died in two hits. The predators in tfh have much more fleshed out movesets and will absolutely fuck you up if you mindlessly wail on them like in the gbvs story mode. It's a pleasant surprise, the first time I got repeatedly crossed up and grappled to death by the bear

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>>507570081You must become strong, overcome his faults.

>anime fighters

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>>507572160Though to give GBVS some credit, certain enemies were weak to certain tactics like grabs and anti airs. Some bosses reward you for blocking high or low too. It's the right idea, but needs to reinforce it like what I'm hearing with TFH right now.

>>507566310EVO is going to be such a mess with every delay based game. It'll be fun to watch either way

>>507576065I have my doubts that it'll even have a lot of people watching.

>>507570048Are we even allowed to talk about this game without Barneyfag REEEEEEEEEEEEing?

>>507570067It's just one NA guy winning nlbc, they'll get washed when they have to play JP like with every other anime game.

>the sheer amount of butthurt in the chat when this happenedtwitch.tv/teamsp00ky/clip/BlindingAgileFungusPhilosoraptor?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time

>>507566310>Playing to enter an online, delay based netcode tourneyFucking retard

>>507576065The real shitshow is going to be SFV since you can induce rollbacking and turn it into a teleport fest that is actually painful to both watch and play. Unless Capcom can magically fix their netcode, for real this time, and not """fix""" it like the 3 other times they claimed they did.

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>>507578818>Charlotta's SSBA was literally overlapping Zeta's model>Chat surprised she got blasted and the SBA counter didn't work

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>>507579115Zeta's supposed to be invincible from frame 1 on the super. It literally makes zero sense for that to happen.

>>507570067she's been topping netplay tournaments every single week since launch

>>507578945Rollback should be capped at a certain number of frames, say 5 or 6, with delay happening past that amount. So a 5-6f delay match gets 100% unlagged, but an 8f delay gets reduced to 2f so it's still not too bad. This prevents Dark Souls lagstabs. Theoretically an easy fix.

>>507576065I hope this converts more people to the religion of Rollback. Imagine having rollback on all these games during a time like this.

>>507579337It's literally 1 frame of invuln. That's it. He doesn't reach Charlotta in time and the downswing is just that fast. I'm going to assume it was a heat of the moment input and that he didn't know the matchup well because the super is mad punishable. He could have literally f.5H into super instead after blocking the second portion.

>>507568751Yes, that was the joke, good job

>>507580507>He could have literally f.5H into super instead after blocking the second portion



Attached: Some SSBA are more equal than others.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>>507581230So you're retarded, nice to know. Look at where Zeta is in the clip compared to being absolutely point blank in the video.

>>507570048>post has been up for 2 hours and still no replygettin slow are we barneyfag?

>>507578945How the hell is SFV rollback so bad? Why is it just this one game that can't handle rollback well? Jap devs?

>>507582089I think Jive is ass but literally no netcode can save you from third worlders on wifi

>>507581764So Zeta didn't even block the first portion, so she could have dodged or rolled the downswing and had a full punish instead. Even worse. Basically just a lack of matchup knowledge then.

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>>507581584There is even a perfect sweet spot to get double clashes. If Percival is too close, after the first clash, charlotta will get hit before being able to do the second hit.

Attached: sweet spot.webm (1280x720, 2.18M)

>>507582495>dodge or roll the downswing

>>507581764At the distance zeta was at she could still just block the downswing and then super for a full punish. Also you have to remind yourself that SSBA will always crush SBA, invincibility or not.

>>507582753He's a retard, just ignore him.

>>507582495>she could have dodged or rolled the downswingi didn't even know this was possible, that being said the zeta could've probably blocked and then did super but i think i might be too far away to land

>>507583975*it might be too far

>>507583975>>507582495Once again please get good

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>>507582753I just tested it, that is true, you can just spot dodge the second hit and punish.If you get into blockstun on the first hit, unless it is at max range of the first hit, you will not be able to get out of blockstun in time to dodge/roll the second hit. If you are at max range and you block the first hit and spot dodge the second hit, punishing seems really hard and tight. If you do not have to block the first hit, and dodge the second hit then punishing is easy. On block of the second hit, its still really easy to punish. But that's all character dependent I guess.

>>507582753>>507583693>>507583975You can't roll the downswing but you can definitely dodge it and punish. It's too hard to really replicate the distance (I went by the markings on the ground) but even if you aren't in f.5H range you can just raw super and it'll punish.You can also just raw super after blocking and it will still punish. >>507584386Here's the dodge.streamable.com/7943zr

>>507584386>>507584550good to know i can dab on charlotta if she does some random midscreen super

>>507584823You can always dab on Charlotta man, go blow that midget up.

>>507585026will do brother

>>507581230I should make a vol 2 for punishing with spotdodge

Turns out Real_Ice just timed it wrong. You can actually SBA the downswing lmaoIt's definitely a lot riskier than just blocking it for a raw punish though.streamable.com/0q1x86>>507586037Do it.

>>507586189>even a dub player has a bigger brain than the average Holla Forums user

>>507566310based, make us proud user.

Seeing as the Charlotta webmfag is here, is it possible for Zeta to parry Char's SSBA? I'm like 90% sure she can do it since she can parry most of the other supers in the game.

>>507588007You can parry everything, but in this case it wouldn't be an adequate punish. 214H -> L wouldn't kill.

Where the EC lobby at?

>>507589487I'm down to play in like 30 minutes. I need to eat

>>507588506Yeah, I was mostly wondering for swag purposes. I'll lab this out, but I think Zeta could get a wall bounce off the 214H~L if Char did the SSBA near the corner.

>>507591167Sometimes labbing the game is more fun than playing the game desu. Might be able to squeeze a bit more damage, I'm using shortcuts for the super.streamable.com/l4804g

>>507566310I hope they don't make us wait until EVO for more news

>>507592519Ayyy, good shit. Also yeah, I've probably spent more time labbing out different possible punishes and combo routes with Zeta than I've played actual matches. She's just so fun to mess around with. Thanks for the footage.


>>507566310>AND FUCK NEUTRAL>implying modern fighting games have neutral

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how can I frame trap people if I have to special afterwards and my pressure ends

>>507595529You don't do the special

>>507586037you should kys like all charlotta players

>>507596063just punish her bro

>>507594893whats a neutral and does smash have them?

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>>507597083Neutral is where both players sit still and wait out the timer, and no because smash is a party game and party games do not have neutral.

>>507597083>no one wants to play street fighter or any old fighting games>samsho is exclusive to EGS>mfw trying to play other shit and its all unga anime and tag fighters that skip neutral in favour of huge blockstrings and flashy easy gattling combos where everything converts into easy damage

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Boxniggers, why use 214L.

>>507595529Either don't do the special and reset the pressure or do a special that has fast recovery

>>507597513forces your opponent to respect your buttons. if they try to mash after 214L you can dp them. Afterwards they might be conditioned to stay blocking which let's you continue pressure.

>>507599130Why not just use 214M?

>>507599225214M can be dp'd or super'd before the move comes out or double spotdodge'd. If your opponent isn't respecting you, you have to be conscious of their meter or else you'll lose your turn trying to be more safe on block. In those situations it becomes a toss up of using 214L to keep a true blockstring or burn your 214H for more plus frames and continued pressure.

>>507597083Technically, Smash does have quite a bit of neutral. But its much more matchup dependent than some other games because of the differing styles.The reason why Ultimate has such long sets, aside from the stock rules, its the amount of time you spend fighting for center stage control and whiffing a lot of specials

>>507579961>I hope this converts more people to the religion of Rollback.You know you can demand for something without sounding like a fag, right?

>play neutral just like I would in SF>i.e walk in and out of while poking and fishing for whiff punishes>dude i'm playing against gets hit once>immediately spergs out and starts jumping everywhere>keeps doing it even though I anti-air him or block him every timewhy are people so terrified of playing neutral in this game

>>507600324Played against a guy the other day who kept jumping out of the corner even after I anti-air 4 times in a row. I don't think it's game-specific, you can just tell when someone is so used to playing a character with priority and their brain goes into disarray when their shit stops working. Granted I have the same issue where I'll start finishing negative-ass rekkas when I get flustered.

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>>507568897Feryy scuffed her shoe on a stair, Lancelot's the one who hit the dirt. And he's still great.

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>>507594893what the fuck are you talking aboutthis game's all neutral>can whiff punish weapons' hurtboxes>no airdashes>no dashblock>going for hard knockdowns means you can't use the same move for okizeme>few characters have slow moving projectiles to cover their approach

>>507604184Also ST tier damage in the corner or off of the right counterhits midscreen.

>>507604465why, yes. that's the best partthe reward for having won the neutral stage


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How do I AA with Charlotta her 2H is garbage

>>507605350yeah, and there's also ferry and lancelot


Playing ground game against Zoey is annoying as fuck with her fast as fuck fireball

>>507606729holy ladder

>>507569793Kat got fucked pretty hard by the patch desu

>>507606729one button DP

>>507578890Aren't you supposed to enter first, then play?

>>507606915>>507607228Yeah I figured, just a shame you can’t get more damage off AA like most other characters

Does anyone in NA wanna play on PC?I could throw up a lobby

I wanted to buy this game since the mobage got turned into a fighting game, but seeing the 500~ playercount on steamcharts is worrying bros...

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>>507607228>if you’re at up forward or up back you don’t get the DPThis shit is fucking me up hard

>>507567152SF5 has kens that straight up teleport behind you nothing personnel kid so no

reminder that boxniggers are faggots and i can't imagine the people that play her in the fighting game are any better

>>507566310BASED POTATO

>Charlotta's one button DP is on the Neutral while everyone elses is directionalFUcking BroKen ass POTato

>>507608757It's still double what any other anime fighting game that isn't created for and played by spics cares about.

>>507608416What's your rank/coast? I might be able to play some rounds

>>507609337B1, I don't really play ranked.west coastI made a lobby, the password is "vee"

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>>507609272>FU BK POTWhat does it mean?

How do I avoid letting this cunt sit back and charge on the other side of the screen? If I approach with anything she does that special attack out of it and it doesn’t seem punishable unless you’re directly in her face, which i can’t get because of the range on it.

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>>507608757>fighting games on PC

>>507610178You can't. Get in after she's set up with dragon instead.

>>507611146>She can just charge her gauge to full whenever she wantsSurely that’s not that case

>>507611358You can throw it. I assumed the players you're fighting aren't charging right next to you unless you're in knockdown, though.

>>507566310You're not even best Harvin.

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>>507579115>>507579337Technical input crushes easy input. Twitch chat doesn't play games, they're like Holla Forums.

>>507611358Oh. I just remembered you can go forward and evade the followup attack for the punish.

>>507612929>Source: my ass

youtu.be/OEgs8bGbEMMHe's live!!!

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>>507613169dustloop.com/wiki/index.php?title=GBVS/Attack_Attributesalso stated in the glossary, faggo. Rule of thumb: SBA SHortcut < SBA Technical < SSBA Shortcut < SSBA Technical


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Should I get SFV:Champion Edition or DBZF?

if you are on ranked, please stop choosing volcano as your stageliterally pick anything else

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>>507614231ROCK THE LAND

Charlotta is the ultimate gatekeeper. If you're mad about her chances are you're bad.

>>507617372She carries retards with her free pressure.

>>507609674lobby is dead WORLD IS A FUCK 鬼神 Kill Em All 1989 I am trash man 410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS" come from? What does it mean

Djeeta is FAT!!

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>>507566310I'm gonna mash that potato.

>>507618376BOIL 'EM

>>507618504SMASH 'EM

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>>507618832STICK 'EM UP ME ARSE!

>>507566310who bitch this is

>>507619648Gran's wife.

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>>507619807Based and potato-pilled.


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>>507619807Bros, I want to fuck a potato

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This ain't beuno mang

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>>507613834hold up so there is an advantage of using the technicall inputs in the game?!