Is this game worth it at all? Is it at least good?also DOA thread

Is this game worth it at all? Is it at least good?also DOA thread

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Other urls found in this thread:>Steam

Is this your first DOA?

>>507491758I've also played 5

>>507491850Then stick with 5, is far superior. There are anons who defend 6 over having "better mechanics" but i disagree.

>>507491935top kekwho cares about gameplay lmao

>>507492036If you're playing it for lewd purposes then 5 is your better option. It looks better and has more outfits.

>>507492036>who cares about gameplay in the video game?mainline doa is for chicks beating each other up and xtreme is just for looking at them

>>507490967The fact that they killed support for it already should tell you all you need to know.

>>507492427they killed support? didn't it come out last year?

>>507490967I enjoy it but it's pretty much dead for nowAlso, I love Kasumi!

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>>507492589Yes it did but the PR for it has been horrible right out the gate. The hair color thing was the final nail in the coffin pretty much. Who knows if they'll make another version but I think it's best the series go back into hibernation until they get someone more competent to head the series.

>>507493151I've always liked Hitomi>>507493573That's a shame, I don't want doa to die or just become the xtreme series

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>>507493645Me neither, and I think doa6 was actually a decent fighting game at the core. It's just absolutely everything else went horribly wrong.

>>507492589Thank you for your understanding.

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>>507493573How did the hair color debacle even happen?>Hey, lets charge players every time they want to switch hair color. They'll love that new and exciting feature that took all that development time and money. They'll also love paying just to change it back to the default.

>>507494214what the fuck is wrong with this company?

>>507494214I'm guessing it was their last ditch effort in squeezing as much money out of 6 as possible. I seriously doubt they thought it would fly but then again, these are the same guys that thought selling extremely expensive DLC for X3 would be supported by the community.

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>>507494432>I seriously doubt they thought it would flyHonestly, you can never tell just like that. Common sense dictates that people wouldn't let things like charging to use your own internet you are already paying for just so you can play online with others fly, yet all 3 major console makers are doing exactly that. If gamers are suckers to this extent, then it's at least worth trying. You'll never now which bullshit will stick. Sounds like they had nothing to lose, either try this and win lots of money or fail, or not try this and fail anyway.

>>507494432The fact that they learned nothing from that is scary.

>>507493151>>507407239 (You)>I'm gonna impersonate the whales keeping the game alive every thread>somehow me pretending to be them is totally not sadder than being them or anything>it's about the message duuuude>keep using words I don't know the meaning of? what's that lol>STOP TALKING ABOUT THE FIGHTERS RIGHT NOWMan you are a real piece of work aintcha? I suppose it's pretty much of par for an average discord bitch like you.

>>507490967It's a good fighting game. More fun than Tekken, at least.

>>507494732Yeah but what are you gonna do? Shimbori flip flopped harder than a fish on land, it was doomed from the beginning no matter how good the game turned out.>>507494741I think you're mistaken, user

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>>507494725Yeah, makes sense since the final DLC character was Tamaki, the most popular VV OC. If she didn't bring people in, then nothing would. After having the KOF pair, Momiji and Rachel, you could tell not many people were going to shell out for Genfu or Leon.

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>>507496461You could tell they had zero idea how to even market her. The point was to get VV players into 6 for Tamaki, and what they did was show 13 seconds of Tamaki's butt at a beach, wearing the Linarite Prism suit, all of which you can already see in VV...

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Are fightan gaems even worth it nowadays?

>>507498947What the fuck does 'worth' even mean? Worth as in will you learn something valuable from it? No, every video game is a waste of time.

>>507499069No, I mean as in good community, or am I stuck with noplayers because pc?

>>507499151Tekken and Street Fighter 5 are easy to find matches in.For GG Xrd you can usually find people playing in lobbies or ask for games on some discord I think.Granblue has people in lobbies and I think ranked is alive.Not sure about other games.

>>507498838Well hopefully she shows up in the next entry along with Kanna. I really did think Kanna was going to be the VV character, especially with how she naturally has super strength and lighting powers.>>507498947Fighting games are great but you will likely endure a beating until you actually learn how to play. Nothing really compares to getting a hard read on your opponent and making them pay for it. As for DOA6, it is probably dead, even moreso on the PC version.

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>>507499151sfv has crossplay with ps4

>>507490967DOA5LR is superior in every way

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Kasumi is very pretty

>>507500227Yes she is

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>>507499489Kanna had basically zero chance just from how she looks coupled with the 1014 age, and they've also already used lightning powers with NiCO.

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>>507500648Why do you say that? Marie also looks very young despite being 18 supposedly. I guess you're right about lighting powers not being unique to her but she could have just used it during her break blow or something.

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>>507500952She isn't popular enough to risk the whole "Dead or Alive stoops to new lows and adds a (10)14 year old for you to beat up" kind of headlines that some of the journos might try to go for. KT doesn't like those headlines so it makes sense they'd preemptively try to avoid them, just like how they didn't release X3 or VV in the west at all, although it didn't quite stop the articles from being written.Tamaki's more popular and there's no risk of that kind of thing happening, so it was pretty obvious they'd go for her instead. I remember seeing lots of people in comments saying they didn't want Kanna as well, because loli this loli that.

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>>507490967Just continue to play 5 until KT gets their stuff together.

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If I still had my xbox 360, I'd probably still play doa4

What was the Steam notice all about?

>DOAfags clap when their franchise turns into gachashit

>>507502573I suppose, they don't need any more bad PR for the series. It's too bad, I was looking forward to seeing what relation she had with Nyo.>>507503128I'm looking to buy a white 360 so I can use my X2 faceplate.>>507503285Which one? The one about people being banned? I assume it's just a guy that put some political statement in his name or profile that was banned.

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>>507490967just bought deluxe edish for half price on ps4. It's just as fun as 5 but idk about this special button yet. Diego seems kinda cool but can't help but feel he's Miguel lite. Really sucks if the devs canceled support tho. If I had paid full price then saw all the micro transactions I'd fucking weep. The japs in charge of this shit are worse than kikes I swear to god.

Doa7 needs slice of life episodes

>>507504713>Really sucks if the devs canceled support tho.There's no 'if', it's officially over.

>>507503702Your only option is waiting for Kanna to show up on Steam either way, so that you could see the events they have together. Not like you really got to see anything with Tamaki and Helena in DoA6.Just a shame that Nyo and most likely Kanna's accent as well get lost in the translation for Steam. It sets them apart nicely and I really like it.

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>>507505085I always like seeing fighting game characters doing mundane shit

>>507505107fuckin lame

hey steam-anonsIs DOA5 for PC worth it? Is it .,.,.,.fun,.,.,.,.?What's the best way to get the DLCs without being forced to rob a bank?

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>>507499968can't stop cooming to this kasumilast week she killed trillions

The series has sucked since doa3. Last good one was doa2u, where counter holds did 30% life and everything was lightning fast and stylish as fuck. Ever since they tried to make a "serious," "competitive" game it has gotten worse and worse.

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>>507490967Doa5 with less tits. No

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>>507508874Naked Honk

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>>507505701Get the season passes if you want to pay for it, they include basically everything.Alternatively just grab the costumes and characters you like, or use a DLC unlocker to get everything because KT doesn't give a flying fuck.

>>507490967Just get core fighters and buy your waifu. That's what I did. I could never say no to Mila.

>>507490967no, they are hiring the wrong people and shitting up the franchise into a bigger turd.5LR was bearable, 6 is pure trash. not even waifus save it

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>>507517463Cute butt

>>507517463I want to pat this oni

>>507518449The transparent bottom is quite nice. They should've made something similar for the top as well, I'd like it more like that.>>507518947I would also include a nice back massage.

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>>507490967yes this game is underrrated

>>507490967You can try it for free with Core Fighters.

>>507494369They're Japanese EA

>>507502769DOA is dead as a fighter. They haven't made a smart move with the series since the upgraded the models. We know KT wants Nioh to be their big title now. They were just milking the built-in fanbase of DOA to make a few extra shekels. It's pretty obvious that no one at the company now has any idea how to put together a complete fighting game experience, and catering to the fgc which hates the series and won't ever give it a chance is a dead end. It's disappointing but that's what you get when corporate interests overtake good game-making.

I love Luna!

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>>507512915>use a DLC unlocker to get everything h-how

the red bra event killed doa threadsan almost naked tamaki and kasumi burnt out even screenshotters

>>507527346Well, there's nothing I want for quite a while now

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I was in the lab with Tamaki. I'm not paying for XBL right now so I don't know who she plays against real people, but I imagine not great? Still probably fun to play as.

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>>507527985*how now who

>>507527346There's only so many shots you can take before the reruns get stale and boring.

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We're getting Fiona or Naggy free on Steam this week, right? Right?

>>507529926Steam gets the Margarita rerun

>>507530105But why? Why is it so impossible to give us a new but still re-run event even with corona-chan worries?

>>507530338Small family company

>>5074918505LR is significantly better, all 6 really has over 5LR is 4 new characters, 2 of which are paid dlc, a couple of interesting stages, but less good ones than 5, and losing animations after each battle if that does anything for you.

>>507530105It's not farfetched to imagine but it's impossible to tell for sure and you know it.

>>507510452>>507510574Momi is breast grill.

>>507490967I just got it and cannot find anyone playing it on PC. Kinda regret.

I like doa 6 but I totally understand the criticism towards it.Personally I am fucking astonished that Microsoft didn’t make doa4 work on the xbone yet somehow girlfight made the cut.

Bets on what the banner will be on steam tomorrow?

So does the DLC unlocker in 5 work for core fighters? I own it on PS4 and Xbone but I don't want to shell out money for Naotora and Mai let alone the whole game again.

I miss jacky.I miss him so much bros.

>>507535640It should work afaik

>>507534579FionaI don't know which one

>>507528887Creampie Tamaki!

>>507534579It seems that the people taking care of Steam know it's not the best idea to kill the game for 18 days, so I'd expect a new event, which means most likely Fiona. Maybe they will try to alternate one rerun and one new event, like so: PJ Party rerun -> New event -> Towel rerun -> Hopefully new eventDMM will get the same nostalgia Naked Summer dress, but for Kanna/Fiona/Momiji/Nagisa this time.

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>>507530105Mermaid's Repayment was a ranking event, so I doubt that is something they will rerun. If they were to rerun another event, I think its more likely for them to do a PVE type event.

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>>507490967No. Play 5 instead.

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5LR is a better package, 6 only has a few new characters and 3 way holds if you're a DoA 3 man who just wont let go. 3 still has the best intro hands down though

>>507542724Ultimate has the best opening cutscene of all of them.Dream on is just perfect.

>>507541067Smiling DoAs are the best.

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>>507490967It's DOA 5 with different and less stages, and like 90% of shit recycled. All the moves are the same, except for the new break blows. Some old characters are gone and so far only 4 characters are new. The graphics aren't even that much better. I even like the style of the faces in DOA5 more thn in 6.

>>507543441I didn't really understand Itagaki's obsession with Aerosmith but I also really liked DOA2U's intro. >>507543861DoAs should always be smiling.

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>>507491935Is it still possible to get mai in doa 5 i heard her licence ran out ?

>>507544395>>507544972Surprised DoAs are cute, too.

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>>507496461>the most popular VV OCWhere do you cocknibblers get this idea?Let me guess, an untranslated slide from one of the streams, right?

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>>507546552Well other than that, how else would you explain her inclusion over someone like Misaki? It makes more sense for them to introduce a popular character to reel in part of the gacha crowd.It also can't be that Misaki isn't suited for fighting because before Tamaki's inclusion in 6, we only knew that she is an ex-model/fashion designer that knows Helena.I regret not rolling Tamaki's Aventure to take cute pictures with Nyo

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>>507547561>how else would you explain her inclusion over someone like Misaki?KT also has to dance around Sony's bullshit so I'm sure that also factored in. No visible underaged characters, and that would include Misaki (by Sony standards) and the like.There is just so much bullshit KT has to account for that Tamaki's inclusion should not be taken as a surefire way to measure her popularity.

>>507548119I mean Kula definitely looks younger than Misaki and no one seemed to complain. Then again she is from an established fighting game series rather than a fanservice spin-off. Well who knows, I do wish that they would actually release the popularity statistics out of curiosity.

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>>507546552>>507548119DOA6 tranny shut the fuck up.

>>507547417Cute royal tush.

>>507547561>>507548119Misaki isn't on a vacation, she's working at the island, so it's not like she can randomly decide to leave, can she.By the devs' own words, none of the OCs are supposed to be fighters, but of course things change when money comes into the picture.On the popularity debate, going by their numbers, the most popular OC should be Misaki, which makes sense, she was the most used in matches, as well as third place in the "set as partner" rankings, after the Marie-Honk duo.Monica, Sayuri aren't popular enough, Fiona is all about the owner and has no reason to go elsewhere, and definitely not for a fighting tournament of all things. Luna's scholar/scientist thing already exists with NiCO. That leaves Tamaki and Kanna, and Tamaki is the more popular of the two.

Goys, is the Hori - Real Arcade Pro V Kai a good purchase or should I look elsewhere?

>>507552276If they really wanted to, they could have just spun a story about how joining the tournament would be great training for the Venus Festivals or something to get Misaki in. There was also nothing to suggest that Tamaki was an aikido master but that's the fighting style they ended up giving her once she joined 6.>>507552985Can't go wrong Hori but you may not like their own brand of stick and buttons. You can always swap those out to your liking though.

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That’s hilarious. Coomers are celebrating the franchise dying and becoming gachashit lmao.

>>507552276You really don't need an arcade stick to play DOA, if that's your endgame here. KBD is possible in 5 and 6 but it doesn't provide the same defensive capabilities it does in Tekken. It's easy as hell to pull off though, just repeating QCB motions fast.I heard the Qanba Dragon/Obsidian are good but I don't use a stick myself so I'm not the guy to tell you. Maybe you're better off asking in /fgg/ over at /vgg/, or just making a thread here.

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Tamaki a shit.

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>>507490967It's free. How is free not worth it?

>try to make a serious thread about DoA>>507493645>>507494957>>507496461>>507498838>>507499968>>507500031>>507500397>>507500648>>507500952>>507502573>>507510574>>507525781>these subhumans immediately show up

>>507553379>go train for volleyball by fighting people three times your sizeIt's better that they didn't try anything like that. Besides, what did they come up with for Tamaki again? Oh right, Zack lies to her in a letter that it's a 'festival of fighting venuses'. That's the best they could come up with.It's like they completely forgot that what Zack was doing with his letters was getting all the women (and none of the men) to the island with a fake tournament. Not to mention for Tamaki there was the connection with Helena as well that they could've used and they didn't.

>>507556502Better than whatever boring shit you like.

I recently watched a full length boxing match for the first time in my life, it was pretty hype.I wonder what a boxing type character would be like in DOA.

>>507556997Sorry, user. I had no idea we weren't supposed to talk about DoA6's DLC in your super serious DoA thread.

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>>507556997You know, a lot of those posts you're quoting are talking about the fighting game series. I would personally take more screen shots of the fighting game if it were easier to get good looking and cool pictures.>>507558704Boxers are cool, I really like what Tekken did with Steve Fox but I don't know how they would implement a character that only uses 2 out of 3 buttons in DoA. Unlike with Tekken, where Steve has at least both punch buttons and like 2 kick attacks?

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NiCO is cute.

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>>507559425Getting good shots in 5 is pretty easy. It's harder in 6 because everyone is either uglier or making shitty angry faces.Tekken just has "limb based combat", that means they put left and right punches in a certain sequence. DOA already has the main goal of the players "being able to pull out cool shit without intricate buttons combinations" (Pressing PPPPP with Kasumi for example), so it's not like plenty of PPPP types of moves wouldn't work. The real question is how to use the K button. I don't want them to just copy Steve's kick replacement, but I'm no game designer.Also, P+K and H+K exist, don't forget.

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>>507561547>K buttonZack uses it to start his dodges

>>507561547It might be that it took awhile for me to get a picture of Kasumi doing her dash throw, but I've never had luck taking pictures. If they only had a rewind system I could get more pictures of the moves I want.That's true but you can only do so much with just punch and some direction. Even with p+k, it would still be a pretty limited moveset. Maybe they will add a boxer in the future and come up with something interesting.

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>>507492036kek you made me chuckle

>>507490967Why all the mennin this franchise suck ass? Only Ryu and the drunken guy are cool

>>507562016I'm pretty sure he uses 4P to back-dodge and then twirls around using the other directions.Some characters have 2/8P+K for a special dodge/sidestep, we can use that for the Dempsey Roll and maybe make it transition to other stances and moves, like Zack.Maybe K should just be for the big moves, like the big overhands. Moves with big reach.

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>>507490967literally impossible to get top 5000 on steam, chink bots farm it nonstop to 20mil

>>507562726Ein's cool. Good vibrations all around.Leon's pretty badass and has a great English voice.Rig's kinda generic looking but Liam O'Brien made him work (in 5). In 6 he has a shittier face though. He shines through his moveset, really.Bass is great but I'm not much of a fan of his moveset, I prefer Tina's.Jacky from VF5 is great in DOA5 also.

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>>507563620But the last event had around 10.5m for the 5k cutoff.

>>507490967Hope they reboot the series.

>>507562726>playing fighting games for male characters>when the women in the genre are more stylish in any series>not being a waifufag in 2020>being a faggot or a self-inserting idiotCongratulations on your coming out party user.

>>507565429Sometimes a certain character fits your play style. In BlazBlue, I mained Hakumen despite there being a lot of attractive female characters on the roster. I don't understand the mentality of exclusively playing male or female characters though.

>>507565085Hopefully no oldfags this time.

>>507566715You really think that if they reboot the series they won't use the classic ones that have been in since DOA1? (except for maybe Genfu because they realize he's impossible to balance).The fighting game has a different audience from the gacha one.

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What is up with the game just flat out not starting on some computers, really weird.

Do any of you actually play the game or are you 99.9% coomshits?

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>>507567709I dunno. A friend of mine says 6 takes a long time to start up and lobbies make his framerate drop to an unplayable state on PC.>>507568737If you'd have read the read you wouldn't have needed to ask this.

>>507546224Yes, is possible. If you can’t buy her directly just mod the game

>>507556997OP knew what he was getting into when he put also DOA thread in the OP

>>507567709AMD drivers lol

>>507569632Fuck off, coomshit. This is not a trait to be so proud of.

>>507570236But it does the same on Nvidia, at least on mine. Maybe i should try again but i'd like to find the DLC unlocker first, any idea?

Anyone play on Xbox?

>>507556997>serious>doa>>507568737No one plays the game, it's why they are dropping support for 6

>>507570891>they are dropping support for 6They're not.

>>507570376It does? I only knew about the first few AMD driver packages of the year breaking most KT games.>>507571253No more updates

>>507571351>No more updatesYes. That's different from dropping support.

>>507571593>coping this hard

>>507571593Is it really though? No more updates also means no more balance patches or bugfixes, that's basically dropping support unless you strictly count "closing the servers and erasing it from their catalog" as dropping support.

Looks like 5 and 6 have a pretty similar playerbase, as in low as fuck. You can pirate all the dlc in either of them so both are effectively free. 5 on PC doesn't have lobbies though so that's probably the biggest reason to play 6 if you're on PC. While 5 just has more features if you're not as interested in just playing ranked. Personally I'm about lobby gameplay, so I'm interested in playing 6 more.

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>>507556502Tamaki a sloot

I don't know how you guys find it harder to take screenshots in 6 than 5. Only thing that's really different is that you can't use the paradise mode and any mods you may have for it.Otherwise, you can just use spectator mode or record a match if you're really looking to capture certain moves. Though it would've been nice if they added more features like finally putting in a rewind.

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Too bad I don't have the hardware to comfortably run this game on 4k.

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>DOA thread>just an image dump of the same garbage every day


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>>507568737Why was that Ayane whiffing attacks at mid range like that? That's just asking to get punished.>>507572438It's mostly not having a rewind feature. I can set the ai to auto battle but if I miss my chance or the characters are clipping through something, I have to wait for a better opportunity.

>>507574592To be fair that's most fighting game threads on Holla Forums.

>>507575081Fair enough, but DoA is the most egregious of all. Probably because of all the whales who play the gacha

>>507574875Hug Ayane!Kiss Ayane!Love Ayane!

>>507575445I don't know man, Skullgirls threads are full of weight gain art. Though the threads aren't common anymore.

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>>507575932It wasn't always like that. Skullgirls threads were pretty legit for a while, back when they had the fundraiser hype and then the evo possibility hype. There were lobbies going on while people were dumping art with an occasional advert whenver a spot opened up.I don't know when they became weight gain shit but it was long after all that hype died down. Can't really say myself because I stopped playing the game or going to the threads.

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>>507574592We were actually having a decent thread, surprisingly. Barely any XVV shit until now.

>>507576921Agreed, I'd say most fighting games thread begin very well. GBVS right now is a good example. DoA6 already had too much bad PR for it to have a shot.

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>>507576940>Barely any XVV shit until now

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>>507577373UNI as well.

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>>507579584>using your misconstrued perception of what goes on here as justification for acting like a dumb nigger People like YOU are the reason the site is as shit as you say it isFuck you

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Fgtrannies are the ones using dedicated discords to make lobbies and share secret tech that's common knowledge. Keep seething tho.

>>507579781Wew, who hurt you, incel?So mad...

>>507580364Calm down, I was just poking fun at the constant "everything I don't like is trannies" posting that happens all over Holla Forums.If the fighting games get brought up I'll happily discuss them and if it's just VV screenshots I'll happily waifupost.

>>507493573Was Shambori in charge of 6? 5, bar the stages, was solid.


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>>507582531Yeah, Shimbori was in charge of 6. Hayashi was the person calling the shots for 5.


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>>507578085Considering the state of other DOA threads, I'd say so.>>507582531Yeah, Director+Producer.They got a different director after a few season passes, one that barely even cares about the fighting. Don't remember his name though.

>>507583102Damn, lost two directors. Guess Shimbori wasn't the magic for DOA. I felt 5 was a good continuation post-Itagaki more than Hayashi's attempt at continuing Ninja Gaiden post-Itagaki.

>>507583609Yeah without looking too deep into it, looks like that. Could be different people for each version of DoA5 as well. But just looking at that, seems like just a smaller team overall. Which matches what we already know about them cutting costs.

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>>507583102Man, fuck Tom Lee.

What will it take for the Dead or Alive franchise to be mainstream again?

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>>507585876E-sports would probably have to stop being a thing.

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>>507585876An actual budget and for mainstream to change

>>507585876On the age of twitter outrage and dilating crotch wounds? Virtually impossible.Their best bet is to double down on the sexy and make the games for the small niche that actually still fucking buys them. Sounds like the most obvious shit in the world but we have good ol' Tom Lee to brainwash the suits about how cripplingly frightened the west is of female breasts, so guess how likely that is to happen.

>>507585876The partisan people who ""decide"" which fighting-games are announced for EVO needs to go. I'm still pissed about UNIST (of all games) making it into EVO instead of KOFXIV.

>>507585876It's probably best for them to just focus on making a good game first, none of this pandering to a market that won't even buy the game. Just stick with what the series does best.Take SC6 for example, you can dress Talim, a 15 year old, in Ivy's outfit and does anyone care? There might be a few but Namco doesn't give a shit.

>>507587349>Take SC6 for example, you can dress Talim, a 15 year old, in Ivy's outfit and does anyone care? There might be a few but Namco doesn't give a shit.True.

>>507587349Sadly DOA is just too much of an easy target for the usual outrage articles thanks to its reputation as the titty fighter franchise, even though others get away with way more shit.

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>>507587572Like that user said, they need to stop giving a shit. No more of this "I'm a fighter" shit.

>>507587572Them caring is what got them in this rut in the first place. I know not everyone liked Itagaki but at least he put the game first before the opinion's of some tabloid. It's a shame that EVO had to be retarded during that whole Core Values thing. The only other time I remember them acting this stupid was when they had a Cammy player switch from her default costume but at least they had the excuse that EVO was being televised on ESPN2 or something.

>>507589864To be fair, I think the Itagaki hate ramped up after he no longer was working on the games that made him famous. He couldn't get the budget or dev team he needed after that.


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>>507590828And yet Rachel's costume was censored in DOA6.

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>>507490967What doa games are actually fun, and not just good for coom

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>>507490967>Is it at least good?What do you fucking think?

>>507490967My lighting wife

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>>507490967>last game in the fgc that women can't touch>even sonicfox plays the game and can't complain about the characters on how they dress>awful gameplay What a game, I actually thought everything up to DoA3 was good.I skipped 4 & 5 because I didn't have a console to play it on but came back for 6 and it's not as good anymore

>>507593660God i hope she comes to xvv. Cant believe we dont have her yet and instead we got Luna. Fml.

>>507490967why does she have poo on her face?

The story mode is shit, the grind for points to unlock costumes and whatnot is shit, the challenge mode thing is shit, and DLC is priced out the ass.That said with my biggest fetishes being male vs female fighting, femdom, reverse ryona, etc there doesnt exist a better series of games to get me off.

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>>507594551Your telling me user I hope so soon but I'll just main her in doa 6 at least

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>>507594551>instead we got Luna.If you're going for them being clones of each other, then NiCO is a clone of Luna, since Luna showed up first.

>>507597165I get the parallels that get drawn between the two, but it's still a disingenous argument when they have absolutely nothing in common outside of being smart and stoic and a autistic, but even then that's oversimplifying it.There's this obsession of despectively calling every new character a clone after Marie got into 5 that I don't get. It almost seems like code for "character I don't like", when Kasumi's already had like a billion literal clones of her and hardly anyone ever complained about it.

>>507490967What exactly happened with this game. I heard there was controversy, did they censor a bunch of lewd shit?

>>507600014They got a Californian to tell them what would make them money, and he told them that they should try to get into EVO but that EVO doesn't like tiddy.So they promised to make a more "serious" fighter with less tiddy in every western interview, while still trying to convince the Japanese audience that they weren't gonna change the amount of tiddy, but the western press got wind of that so they ended up alienating everyone.

>>507599331>There's this obsession of despectively calling every new character a clone after Marie got into 5 that I don't get. It almost seems like code for "character I don't like", when Kasumi's already had like a billion literal clones of her and hardly anyone ever complained about it.I think this is actually due to just the number of characters now. And it's easy to hate on the gatcha characters.

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>>507600602A japanese company listening to some who and censoring lewd shit in their videogames? Shit, I hope it doesn't become a thing of the future. Say what you want about japan but they keep their shit lewd if they want, but I sense that shits gonna change.

>>507601414All the higher-ups care about is profit. They tried to expand their audience so they could get more sales by trying to cater to people that were never gonna buy the game anyway, put in the least amount of effort possible, and then when their plans backfired they quickly backpedaled and went "hey you guys liked all these lewd costumes from the previous entry right? now you can buy them all again!", which in turn got them even more bad press because of the TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS OF DLC memes.

>>507601414>to some whoTom Lee's been in Team Ninja for many years as far as I know. He shows up in the credits in XBV's manual, which came out in 2003.

>>507604075He started as an artist or graphic designer iirc, but he's been steadily making his way up the ranks to the point where he's now their main link to the western world.>Steam kanna soonTMThis semen demon showed more facial emotions in a minute than luna ever did in her lifetime.Bros I'm a kannafag now, what do

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>>507604391save stones is what you do

>>507600602DoA4 was at EVO once, it was horrible to watch, but hey it's something

Post Tamaki! I need to fap

>>507605314DoA4 was the first game I know of to have TV tournaments for money.


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>>507604391Kanna is probably my favorite VV OC. She's just damn cute.

>>507608173Anon.. that's hot af, thank you x)fapfap

>>507608173Move away Tamaki's hand

>>507608706If that happens I'll tribute it lol

DOA will never be taken seriously ever again will it


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>>507609491ty user

>>507609685I actually need to take more tamaki screenshots.

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>>507609439With 6's disastrous PR and overall treatment, and now the only thing keeping the franchise alive being a fucking titty gacha? Probably not. Unless a director with an actual fucking sense of direction steps up.

>>507609875I hope you do, Tamaki is just so hot


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One more Tamaki to finish things off? :)

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>>507610837can you stop being gay and weird

>>507611001thanks user!

>>507608706>>507608875the funny thing is that I couldn't do that even if I wanted toI have a bad habit of just not saving the poses.So even if I really wanted to move her hand, I'd have to recreate the pose manually and that one took me a long ass time to do

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more birb

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>>507614586birb is good

>>507615282birb is best

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Is there a mod that udrd pasties? I think I saw screenshots recently.

>>507615853Check discord

>>507615853>udrdDid you have a stroke just then?


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>>507615670juicy birb

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>>507568737>coomshitsWithout paying, residing in your skull they are.

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>not mating seasons for birbs yetPost next bday girl

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>>507615982Thanks, guess I'm lacking that SR for now.


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I can't see a difference when I use the lotion to make breast/ass bigger. Is it just not noticeable difference?

>>507617936Because they don't change the size, numbnuts.

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