No, I'm taking him NOW!
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You know I had an idea of how to make Anakin losing his arm better than in EP 2. Basically, have it be like in the Genndy Tartakovsky cartoon where he sacrifices his metal arm to stop that factory mutating the native species and go full beserk mode on the Separatists. I think that general concept of him sacrificing something to achieve a greater good and getting that robotic arm could lead him down the darkside better as he becomes more ruthless and willing to do things others are not.
Thinking and writing all that is being more autistic than Lucas.
So me wanting the prequels to have been done right is autistic?
fools rush in where angels fear to tread
t. JewJew Abrams.
yes, having interests besides women is gay and autistic.
so having a hobby is gay?
Better than anything that crawled out of the rotten anus George Lucas calls his inspiration for storytelling.
you're being baited, lurk more
He lost his arm in episode 2?
I don't fucking remember that, I remember Obi-Wan chopping his arm and legs at the end of episode 3.
le berenstein bears!!!!
How often do you watch gay porn, faggot?
do traps count as gay?
He lost his arm in episode 2 so that it would mirror Luke loosing his hand in Empire.
Ring Theory.
The ring theory is actually more or less correct but it takes a fairly backwards view on how the chiastic structure came to be.
I think by the time of ROTJ Lucas didn't care about writing Star Wars movies anymore and just decided to continually reuse what worked in the other movies. That's the Ring. George seemed to only really care about the visuals and the new movie making tech, like AOTC being filmed on digital cameras when really they weren't ready in 2002.
That was true from the beginning, but he didn't really retread any of the story, he just used the previous three films to make them tell a single story. That's what the poetry or echoes were all about. The actual story is very different in every film, except V and VI which both feature Death Stars that have to be blown up the same way and for the same purpose.
thank you for validating my fetish user.
No I don't like the male version of Ray or Rey, however you spell it
Fuck the Jews.
no, not really. The EU is better off with out you.
Those games were pretty good, too bad they didn't finish the trilogy.
I thought only the 1st one was good.
oh god dammit how did I not realize this.
If there is a dick involved it is gay.
1st one itself was ok to begin with, the second one sucked.
He was called Starkiller because it was a reference to the fact that Anakin's name was originally Anakin Starkiller but they changed it to Skywalker.
I liked it, more of the same.
Only real fault is the game ending on a cliffhanger that will never get resolved.
Lucasarts is pretty much dead too.
Actually it was Luke
Still better than "no Rey you are my father"
Is that rumor about Rey being the force reincarnation of vader and being the force avatar true?
Also nice concept art. Where did it come from?
Too many shills are pushing how cool it would be for it not to be IE:RLM. Also the end result is incredibly juicy since the chosen one being cyclical would mean you could infect every era with it and we'd finally get shemale Revan or some crap
Got it from google but it's by Mcquarrie
Granted the EU is no longer canon but that idea conflicted with what the lore established. I'd prefer Star Wars be this struggle of good vs evil rather than some yin yang avatar stuff. It just doesn't fit the lore of the universe.
Anakin should have stuck to spinning, then he would have won.
Losing his arm to dooku was showing that he wasn't ready for the jedi way and would make mistakes easily, hence his fall to the dark side (which also has some anti technology stances in it).
So no, your idea is actually worse.
The inexperience point rhymed with how Luke lost his hand. Nice pottery from lucas, though Luke losing his hand was very dramatic, when Anakin lost his, it didn't feel impactful at all.
Agreed, it wasn't as impactful, there was also no tweest in the prequels, unless you count padme's obvious identity being revealed.
I'm assuming by many they mean all but 7
Archive appears to be down right now
Gay thread m8
Also there was nothing between them. There was no reason for him to snap and go full retard on Dooki. Luke at least thought that he was going to kill the man who murdered his father. He had personal investment, but the fact that Dooki tried to kill them isn't played up.
Maybe have him force shocking Obi Wan? This would also double as pottery for both ep3 and 6
Yeah, I hear it's a good trick!
disneycuck go
if anything, it was more of a personal involvement for obi-wan and yoda since yoda taught dooku and dooku taught qui-gon, who taught obi-wan who was teaching anakin
so in a way dooku is like anakin's great grandfather
yeah no, perhaps if they had made the connection to fett/zam and dooku, then anakin might have pieced two and two together and had a reason to attack him then. i mean, they kind of did with obi-wan's secret message to anakin and the council, it just wasn't as in your face as it probably could have been.
I meant for the Eurogamer article
Jacen never ever