I watched the first episode last night

Outside of all the niggerdom it wasn't too bad. Wasn't great but better than expected.

Anyone else watch this? Should I keep going?


Niggerdom is 90% of the show.

Hell yeah bro keep going!

Fucking trumpgoons

The show is made up of race politics.

Kind of gay

Congratulations, you're a cuckold.

Was there any reason Blade had to be a nigger? I mean, make the guy white or Japanese and you end up with the same exact story, except now you don't have to justify a chimp in a suit anymore.


Praising a show featuring niggers in a positive light does.

Luke Cage is better than Jessica Jones because it sticks to its source material. In my own opinion Punisher and DD is probably better

Holla Forums is full of people obsessed with cucks and niggers. You're a fool if you think a raid is going on, Holla Forums is just the designated shitting board.

And the source material is basically Token Nigger: The Comic.

Not other than him already being black in the comics.

not really. It's more about black people screwing over other black people and Luke Cage standing in the middle basically saying "fuck, stop doing stupid shit".

You're not wrong, but you're not entirely right either.

Every other conversation in this series is about the plight of the black man and how great blacks are and how some black historical figure or musician was the best damned thing ever.

This series can't decide if it wants to criticize the black community for being a bunch of violent, degenerate, egotistical, self-destructive idiots, or if it wants to hold them up and celebrate their achievement of.. overcoming their violent self-destructive ways.

They spend so much damned time talking about how no one has a father and everyone has a gun and no one wants to get a job, and the best thing they do is blame blacks for this. Credit where credit is due: They didn't blame white people for their shitty crumbling culture.

its kinda bland, and the head negro starts to develop a real "I love the smell of my righteous farts" look at like episode 4-5ish that doesnt seem to wear off.

I liked that the niggerishness is pretty subtle, they dont overdo it but its still bawba shops and sheit..

it just doesnt go anywhere, I might finish it but i lost interest at like episode 6, the main villain hasnt even showed up yet, rosario dawson shows up out of nowhere for no fucking reason for the most hamfisted crossover ever(not too bothered by that, god would I love to get in that womans ass), overall the show is a solid meh

Wow you guys really love talking endlessly about race and how every other race is oppressing you. You can't even talk about dumbass mindless TV shows without joining up the media narrative on these (((issues))). Kinda like social justice warriors or something.

Yeah man, I fuckin hate it when both sides wont shut up, like dude who cares? lol

The main character literally chews someone out for being a nigger in a long drawn out speech.


I'm 5 episodes in and it's still shit, I'm wondering the same. I'd like to keep up to speed with things for the sake of Iron Fist and Defenders but holy shit this show is boring and race baits way too hard.

I never read any of the comics, but after watching the entire season and listening to a few other people that did read the comics. I wish that we had gotten the smooth talking nigga down the streat that is taking care of his home. The show just made him feel too goody goody and didn't really give us any more than a black captain America.
Did like that it was black on black crime and shit politicians causing the problems. And that hate between the people and cops is manufactured.
Not terrible, way better than Jones.


Blade and Blade II were cool.

This is just riding on the wave of BLM garbage.

lol stay salty rulecuck