Hey user, wanna help out at the Hillary rally with us?

New sitcom
3 Ugly girls


The memes are alive.

It's fucking embarrassing. Then again I think they were going for the loser nerd faggot demographic. You know the people that actually really like this fridge. The sad thing is I think these faggots were actually attracted to her when she was a little girl and are just always trying to relive the first kickass movie.

Hillary already has them in the bag though she doesn't need any more propaganda.

the one on the left looks cute in a "I would fuck her if I had the opportunity to" way, but the bespectacled phallus chalice on the right looks uggo.

Remember what trump said about these people? They are terrible at allocating their resources. This is another example of that behavior. They actually think that paying the fridge to walk around with hillary signs will actually net them some votes.

Those people were all Sanders supporters and now they're pissed at Hilary, and the Democrat party in general, for "betraying" them. As far as I know, they're all voting for Gary Johnson.

I disagree, the mixing bowl on the right would probably look more attractive than the horse whisperer if she wasn't wearing those goofy glasses or actually put effort into not dressing like a slob

No they signal and say they are voting for stein or johnson, but in actuality they are voting for hillary.