ITT: Characters who literally did nothing wrong

Anyone got that speech about racial pride he gives to Goku?

WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF MEANINGLESS? Spend most of your life ruled by another! Watch your race dwindle to a handful! AND THEN, tell me what has more meaning than your own strength! I have in me the blood of a Saiyan prince. He is nothing but a joke! Yet I've had to watch him surpass me in strength, my destiny thrown to the wayside! He's… he's even saved my life like I were a helpless child. He has stolen my honor, and his debts… must be paid!

The most butthurt speech in history.

pretty much the average poltard tbh

Nah there's a danker one. I think he's naked for it.

bump for this


Ayy found it.

Da Emprah is a pretty big guy tbh
