Brad Pitt maximum JUSTed, demands custody of mongrels and nignogs
Brad Pitt maximum JUSTed, demands custody of mongrels and nignogs
Jolie even looks demented in that image. How can anyone support her at this point?
Can't he at least only keep custody of his kids and not the adopted ones?
Let's be honest. She will probably eat the kids.
Imagine how her ego took this. She is probably batshit crazy in her personal life.
And adding to that the sad reality that she was a junkie since youth, you end up with a batshit crazy woman.
Are these people retarded? Who the fuck names their children that horrendously?
Sounds like Brad's not on the ball
Was busy impregnating Marion Cotillard this time.
When you live with cunts you get used to empty threats.
Oh shit, I didn't see that one coming. A woman is just a jew with a cunt.
Someone retarded enough to have their parts scooped out probably.
is any man safe from getting JUST'd?
Lennon was right
Normalfags should be banned from this website.
Mel got JUSTed but he managed to unJUST himself
Yeah, the men smart enough to not get married in today's political climate.
Facken noice!
God Bless Mel!
b-but we must make fun of men who don't want to marry and get children! muh white race survival!
Most of them are actual literal saharan desert dindulets.
White people are the greatest threat to white people. We're the only ones capable of harming ourselves, nobody else comes close.
This magnificent son of a bitch.
So, Divorce Corp thread?
So how many of those kids are actually his?