Pudgy and no money

So how come this guy owns a gun that started being produced only the year before the Titanic sank, only for the military and even gets to color it nigger-style?
This movie is shit.

Daily reminder that J.P. Morgan owned the liners as well was the president of that infamous Jekyll Island meeting.

It was an insurance scam and assassination double whammy.
The ship that sunk wasn't actually the Titanic, but the Olympic. The Olympic had multiple structural problems due to several accidents, and had become uninsurable. The Titanic was being built and the business was teetering on the edge of financial failure. So Morgan switched the practically identical ships and insured the Olympic on the Titanic's name for a fortune, Lucky Larry-style. Then he loads it up with his adversaries opposed to the establishment of the newly proposed Central Bank, they go on their way to Jew York to oppose these developments. The rest is fabricated history.

How would a woman know that though? Was she a Stronk Intellectual Physicists who have tried that very theory out beforehand?

Well he was rich as shit.

It wasn't his gun though, it was his right hand man's.

I do find it odd Cameron made this blunder. This is the guy who brought the cast of T2 to a shooting range to so they could get a feel for the weapons they'd be using in the film. That and the fact that he's such a nerd for the Titanic, you'd think he would have gone out of his way to be as historically accurate (or so we're told) as possible.

I heard that he changed the stars Rose sees at the end too the stars that were actually above the Titanic at the time as suggested by black science man.

It became army standard issue the year before the Olympic Titanic sank, gun itself had been around for 8 years. The .38 version which was the identical model otherwise had been around for over a decade.

That's a huge nipple.