Holy crackers.
Very cool. This is exciting news, I have TB's of content that I'd also like to share but can't afford to duplicate my entire disk array.
Is this more for real time dynamic content like text and video streams or is the pub-sub model intended to solve IPNS limitation, is it both?
I remember people saying to wait for pub-sub instead of using IPNS right now. IPNS works but the limitation of 1 publish per node is restricting, if this allows you to just publish some hash that is intended to be dynamic or blockchain-like, that would be great. Especially the latter, it would be cool to have a self archiving website built on that, want to see an older version of the site? Just move backwards on the chain and grab the hash it used to point at.
I understand a typical pub-sub concept but I'm unsure of how the IPFS implementations are intended to function and how users are to interact with it. I guess they're nailing that down themselves now.
Remember to use the canonical path when posting hashes, if people are using the IPFS browser addons it makes the links clickable which is nice.
It seems to work better than the greasemonkey script, that one breaks when you point to files past the hash.
I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate or not for this thread since this is more about the tech itself not content distributed by it. I'm not sure what kind of stuff to share anyway.
Besides that though I think a lot of people are waiting on the project to mature a bit, some of the concepts they talk about are really neat and I'm waiting for them to be implemented before I do a lot of stuff.
I'm personally waiting on the no-copy feature, better ways to host dynamic content than IPNS, and maybe some kind of metadata management in the webui or something, right now I just keep a text document containing names and hashes, most if not all of those came from previous ipfs threads on Holla Forums. It's be nice to have something like we do with pins but with metadata `ipfs meta *hash* "some string to associate with this hash locally only"` then maybe an `ls -meta` which prints out hashes with metadata and what that metadata is, I think IPLD is going to have relations between hashes or something, I know they've talked about this thing on github and it would be nice to have.
Another thing is possible format changes, I'm interested to see if they develop any more formats like they did with the trickle-dag
The dynamic content thing is big for me because then I could just post a hash in this thread and be like "here's where I will post all my shit" or something like that.
You might want to check out >>>Holla Forums10294300
If I wasn't lazy I'd organize all my image content and start an image hash sharing thread on >>>/hydrus/ but I have too many images to sort in my lifetime.
I hope this is formatted in a readable way, I'm very hot and tired.