Vegan Kino

Post vegan kino here. Documentaries and fictional films both are welcome.

Documentary Examples: Earthlings, Cowspiracy, Forks over Knives

Fiction Examples: Noah (2014), Fast Food Nation (2006), Babe (1995)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are all the best actors vegan?

We should all go vegan to be more like these great actors.

It would be a better tomorrow. Just listen to the Wutang Clan.

Best vegan actress coming through.


Are vegans the white abolitionists of the 21st century?

200 years from now are there going to be video games and movies like Django Unchained and Birth of a Nation except with animals killing meat eaters instead of blacks killing slave owners?

Troll 2.


Haven't seen it, don't know how that's vegan.

That's more climate change kino than vegan kino, right

A real vegan flick is something like Bee Movie which touches on how unethical honey really is and the problems with animal exploitation.

What? Plants are pissed off at people.

How the fuck are plants being pissed off at people a vegan movie? That's an anti vegan movie. Plants aren't sentient, you retard.

anything i missed?

Confirmed for not having watched the film.

You're right.

How does mere sentience make a difference? Arguably a soul makes a difference, but just being aware of being alive isn't really that important. In either case the thing is dead. The sentient animal no longer is sentient and the plant was never sentient.

Placing it on sentience alone is a materialist atheistic delusion. In your world view what exact difference does it make if a cow dies of old age after a decade of munching grass and shitting vs dying after a couple of years?

It really just boils down to your need for morality, but refusal to obey actual morality. So instead you hippy faggots invent your own morality where trees shouldn't be cut down, and people shouldn't eat meat because barely thinking animals had to die to provide that meat. The only reason you focus on sentience is because that is all your limited view has. You are sentient, so sentience is "good", while a cucumber is not sentient so it is okay to eat that.

Being sentient means being able to suffer. Plants can't suffer. Obviously that means nothing to a sociopath retard like yourself. A cucumber can not perceive being killed, it can not feel pain, neither can broccoli or potatoes.

Please post some more. Ignorant meatcucks like yourself convince more people to go vegan than anything else.

How does suffering matter? In your world view how does a nearly brain dead animal suffering some fear and pain for a brief time matter?

Your world view is schizophrenic.

Would you enjoy being castrated and kept in a small cage for your entire life?

The only thing schizophrenic is morons like you who need a magical God to exist for anything to matter.

No, but then again how would my suffering matter to anyone else? How would I even understand such as suffering? People suffer every day, but you vegans don't give a shit about them.

I don't need God to exist on a personal level. He just does. Your refusal to see or believe this is just a product of your own selfish will and a society that has primed you for materialism.

Now can you actually answer my question? How does the brief suffering of a nearly brain dead animal that was made for consumption by God matter? Or let's pretend your materialistic viewpoint is the only valid one (despite emotion, thought, and spirituality all being immaterial things you can't really explain) how does one collection of evolved cells feeling pain affect another collection of evolved cells that consumes it? How does morality even exist in your worldview? This is why it is schizophrenic. You hold onto religious viewpoints while pretending we are all just a collection of material.

My viewpoint is that these animals which have no other purpose than to munch grass and be eaten (evidenced in nature itself) were made to be eaten. That is their purpose in life. Just as a lion was made to catch prey and eat it. You can't have the one without the other, and your silly notions of morality without a God hold no weight.

You either hold that there is some higher purpose and source or you hold that death and pain do not matter to anyone but the individual feeling them.

The truth is though that God does exist while your sad hippy values about not ever eating meat do not exist.

I don't think you know what cuck means.
Eating meat is natural and healthy.


why is there even an argument revolving around stupidity like animal suffering etc.?
The problem with vegetable cucks is that it's simply not efficient or healthy. Enjoy your low t, weak muscles, joint deficiencies, etc. etc. etc.
There are only a few people on earth who have the metabolism necessary for eating a 100% vegetable diet. You idiots don't even realize that you have the same mentality as christcucks. Self mutilation for the sake of creatures that couldn't give a fuck about you.

would you be okay with eating meat if animals couldn't feel pain?

Plants are still alive. If you really cared about avoiding suffering you would exclusively eat fruit and roadkill.

and only fruit that fell on its own.

Looks like the goons trying to shill this shit in Holla Forums gave up and are trying it here.

Vegans are the one group of people I absolutely detest. Honestly, I wouldn't feel sorry for them if they were all exterminated in another Holocaust. Most people would probably be happy about it. No one likes vegans, and no one will ever like vegans. No one who isn't a white bread rich hipster will ever buy into your warped food politics, nor should they. Someone who calls their self a vegan is a red flag that person is a terrible, judgmental, elitist, brain washed piece of shit, and I would make sure to tell that to anyone who talks about being a vegan openly.


Why are vegans everywhere now? I was watching a football game and some faggot got hurt his ankle and said he would start a vegan diet to help speed up recovery. What kind of nigger delusion is that? It's like a shaman telling someone to eat shit to prevent AIDS. I know it's a symptom of the left to not want to eat meat because they're faggots, but I've seen it on Holla Forums too. What is happening to this world? Everything good and natural is being destroyed by faggots who just want to virtue signal.

The vegan posts on Holla Forums are goon, Holla Forums etc. raids. That explains why this thread is here as well.

Enjoy the colon cancer, meatcuck.

Killing is wrong, go vegan!

Put it this way, if you really cared about saving as many lives as possible, you'd eat an entirely synthetic diet with no plant matter at all:

Or is it ok to kill plants in your book as they don't experience sentience on the same level that an animal does? You think they don't feel pain at all? Trust me, they do, that's what the fresh-cut grass smell is. The grass realizes it is dying and sends out a distress signal in the form of that aroma. In addition, think about all the thousands of insects that are killed through putting pesticides onto fruits and vegetables, how many small mammals and other insects are accidentally ground up or crushed by the harvesting tools, and you will realize all natural food has a death toll.

It's time to live in the 21st century. It's not 1966 anymore, it's 2016. It's time to eat digitally. All of our food should come from a laboratory where no harm should ever befall anything living.

Holla Forums truly is meme graveyard

No one will ever trust a loser like you.


Because you're too pussy to call out Holla Forums.

The reason vegetarianism is not going to go anywhere is that you can't change someone's diet if they don't have a diet in the first place. People simply eat what is most convenient and available, like every other species.

The reason 1st world nations are so fat is the same reason a dog who always has food in his bowl gets fat.

As you just proved, the biggest part of the vegan diet is elitism and snobbery.


Vegans are some of the worst people on the fucking planet.
They're right up there with Muslims and globalists.

We live in a world of cause and effect. If you consume death, you will suffer. Enjoy the colon cancer, meatcucks.