Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not American. I'd vote for Trump if I was.

I voted for Brexit. I would vote for Trump if I could. It would be worth it just to see the same amount of salt. I mean, they're still salty about Brexit even now.

Jesus Christ shes lost her fucking mind.

This was bretty funny tbh

>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums

Has she completely lost her grip?




Trump confirmed next president.


mfw its happening


But nice trips regardless.




She just blamed her supporters for her failures during this campaign. She can't admit that she is the root cause of her own failure, she blames her supporters for not being enthusiastic about a sickly geriatric who has been caught selling diplomatic posts.
Her positions for woman's rights.
When her supporters can't answer this without resorting to screaming bigotry or sexism or racism, you need think about Clinton's motives.

button up your shirt whore


How do the clintons pay?

Noodle Bat Man.

maybe teen clinton
but she'd prolly kill you afterward

She's going to crash and burn, isn't she?


I hope she lives to the first debate, just so that I can watch her shit herself on live television.

What a shitty limerick.


Triumphant Trips For Trump checked.

It's weird how much young Hillary looks like Zoe Quinn.

She's revealing her true self. Ex secret service agents have spoken about her two faced personality and hpw she would smile in front of the cameras and immediately turn into bitch mode once their off and yell at her agents.

The condition known as Cunt is not unlike Downs, you can spot the afflicted easily enough and they're terrifying to be around. Either are entirely unpredictable and detrimental.



I'm so glad you get your facts from serious and unbiased sources, Joe.


drumpftards cant into economics




Go back to working on your show, Cuckiver

how progressive

do you also think the patriot act was patriotic?

Name of song pls?

She's starting to sound kind of like Chris Chan.

With so much hate for both candidates, you would think there be a third write in candidate that people would rally for instead. Maybe use social media to push for it if the choice between the two are but a flip of a coin. Haven't heard anything on that front.

Leave presidencykino to me

He acts like kino


So that's the voice actor they used for this scene.

Who is the black chick in the first pic?

god that was funny user.

When I first read this I literally loled.


I thought that was Bernie who said that.

that's disgusting user.

she already is.