Brad Pitt?

Marion Cotillard CONFIRMS she is pregnant with her second child…


Wanna suck on 'em.


why do we have three threads about some celeb clickbait?

at least she's not Jewish

those are udders

can she just cut her hindu dot mole off the center of her face? It is distracting



well memed friends





Huh. Not bad at all.

Katy perry is so cute

that's what happens to them after women have a kid.

Gotta imitate the tabloid stands you see in supermarkets. Three "different" magazines with the exact same dramatic headlines.
It's not really a big deal



Her nipples were probably ugly in the first place.

Do you think she's still got milk?

Marion is so fucking ugly

She's going to have another baby. Yes she's still got milk

kill yourself