WOW, Really makes you think

WOW, Really makes you think

I sure hope my kids lol hate kike Apple products as much as I do.

He hasn't been fired sooner like Larry Wilmore because of the Daily Show brand

Why is it that Hollywood has completely forgotten how to make good comedies anymore? Like it's always slapstick, always the same formula of trailers, casting choices and jokes, it's always that same type of music, it always has those five minutes where the movie decides to have some drama in it where the main character goes through I'M A 100% LOSER WOE IS ME phase?

Holy shit he really said that

sorry for the shitty quality webm, I took the first video I found on jewtube

And just like real life, normal people won't accept it

How long until he gets canned?

I've never seen the show since he took over, so pardon my surprise, but he has such a punchable looking face.

(Mind you, I feel that way about most niggers.)

Contrast the original ghostbusters with the new remake.

Taking away all the politics and shit, the "comedy" in the new one is not something that will have people quoting it for years to come. Fart/Queef jokes? Slime in buttcrack? It's just so juvenile.

So he wants me to think that someone who willingly chops off their own dick is normal?


Hollywood is one of the most insular, incestuous, corrupt institutions in the world. The people there are quite literally isolated from the wider reality. Execs are imbeciles who watch unintelligible emperor's-new-clothes films to status signal to their rich liberal friends, and don't have any idea how to tell an actual story.

So they look at whatever made a lot of money, and is easy to boil down to a formula they can replicate. They keep pumping out lowbrow generic trash 'humor' that appeals to as wide a lowest common denominator as possible. As long as their studios stay afloat they don't care.

As Hollywood pumps out more crapware, overtime they get this idea that there's no market for anything else. They don't make middle brow comedies, so no one goes to see them. You can't see a movie that doesn't exist.

Execs conclude that this means no one wants to see comedies like that. It's lowbrow crap, all the way.

The 'highbrow' stuff they put out is always either porn, unintelligible emperors-new-clothes 'art', or else political signalling stuff like TDS, or some combination of the three.

The people in charge have their formula that works for them, have enough connections and clout to keep the system going, have their bank accounts full and their egos affirmed, and so have no incentive to change things.

Everytime I think that they can't get more stupid, they simply have to suprise me.

He's talking about the new iPhone not having a built-in headphone jack

So wait, you have to use the airbuds now?

They've senselessly removed options from their consumers. He's defending this shit?


If you don't like it, you're transphobic.

Yes or you can buy an adapter.

If he keeps on shilling for Apple this hard, probably never, since they'll pay for him to be on the job.

Or you can buy a phone that doesn't suck.



Call them what they are. They're eunuchs.


I'm ready for this stuff to end.


I'm so sorry, little brother. We let you down.


Because they feel that comedy needs to be "important" and due to the success of Chappelle's Show they started thinking comedies had to tackle racial or social shit. They completely ignored what made something like Chappelle's Show funny. Unfortunately they continue to do so.

This is correct. Normies like us don't realize how fucking insane Hollywood really is, and the insanity inherent to anyone who wants to be involved in it. It really is its own world, and it;s known around the world. So much illegal and illicit shit goes on there. I would say Hollywood is the most fucked up place in the world, this perfect cocktail of vice, misery, corruption, and a strange self-righteousness. Any actor telling us how to run the world is beyond hope.


Dave Chappelle feeling that audiences missed the point too didn't help

What do you mean?

He quit

No, I mean people missing the point.

What point was he trying to make, and what did people think of it?

I never watched his show

I don't know the full story, but I think it had something to do with spoofing race culture and white people just being like "lol niggers"

How much did Apple pay them to do that?

I'm afraid they were just trying to be funny

Apple is sponsoring that show, nigga


Can you imagine being such a progressive and corporate shill you use transgenderism to defend Apple?

so does everyone else

That's not fucking funny, he has cancer and hosting this show was his last wish before dying.

ugh, finally someone else gets it.

FUCK the normies. they are incapable of doing anything other than dumbass bullcrap.

why cant there be more people like us? ;_;

Then we would be normies.

How did you survive the Hillary sponsored genocide of 2017?

well cut my dick off and call me brianna

it's the current year


Didn't they cancel this faggot?

You're thinking of the guy who replaced Colbert

What's the difference?


All the shilling in the world means fucking nothing if nobody's paying attention to you, which they aren't. I think his ratings are lowest that the Daily Show's have ever been.


Because niggers never do anything remotely stupid right? They always have to be portrayed as saintly and intelligent while whites should be portrayed as either ignorant or malicious, right? That's the hypocrisy of modern comedy. Everything that's straight, white, male and Christian is fair game but don't go making fun of the faults of niggers, faggots, dykes and mudslimes.

One is angry and black and the other is just boring and black. The boring black guy will likely be gone soon, and like all black people and women, they'll blame other people for their own incompetence.

This was mentioned in that extra season that had to burned off the remaining skits after Chapelle left. He was doing a caricature and one of the white guys was laughing in a way that it wasn't laughing at the joke but in the "dumb nigger" way. It's one of the reasons why he skipped a country. They even asked the question of the audience if the responsibility of the joke and where being funny and racist draws the line. Not as grand as I'm making it but it was a questioned posed to the audience.

He came back years later with that comedy block party movie and got swollen.

He did a skit based on racial stereotypes and it was basically about not being a stereotype, and there were all these stereotypical sort of pixies of the different races trying to convince the various people to act like stereotypes, and they choose not to or whatever.

Anyway, when they were filming the black pixie, one of the (white) guys on set started laughing and Chappelle didn't like the way he laughed, I guess he felt the guy was laughing at black people not with them. So he had a massive existential crisis and fled to Africa.

There was also a bunch of other shit. Like, when Chappelle started the show, Comedy Central basically gave him total creative freedom and control. Then when it started getting popular, Comedy Central tried to sink their claws into the show, making suggestions for things he should do and telling Chappelle he couldn't do certain stuff.

Also, Chappelle really didn't appreciate people coming up to him on the street and yelling 'I'm Rick James, bitch!' and other such catchphrases on the show.

So yeah, it's a whole mess

Chappelle made fun of dumb niggers doing dumb nigger shit, you are thinking of chris rock

He only said that shit after a bunch of butthurt niggers started talking shit about his show

The reality is that chappelle was a middle class black guy making fun of ghetto niggers, then he got a mental breakdown

He did block party while he was still working on Chappelle's Show

He did get swole, though

Chris Rock wasn't even on Comedy Central

I'm talking about the whole muhracism bullshit in comedy, chris rock did that

But then again chris also made fun of dumb niggers and said he hated them, which is why he can't do standup in colleges anymore

Dave Chappelle did it just as much as Chris Rock. They all do it.


Ghost blowjobs are highbrow blowjobs.

Are you kidding? Ghost sex is nothing

Eunuch got the balls cut you spastic

I want him to fuck my wife.

wtf you talking about? A eunuch is a castrated male who has had hormonal change as a consequence.

Tranny's don't talk about it much but they usually lose their sex drive after the surgery.

They are literal eunuchs.

I think what he meant was that eunuchs lose their balls but keep their cocks, whereas transsexuals lose the whole package.

I figured but honestly don't think the status of the penis matters since it doesn't affect the hormonal balance.

Does that missing thing involve a sex chromosome?