You will never be as edgy as this

You will never be as edgy as this.

the 14 billion years of bl went past fast for me. So I expect the 14 billion ( or zillion ) years of al to go past just as fast.

Straight onto the life after the al.

if Ricky Gervais hates all religion, why does he only ever mock christianity?

Does this fag still think criticizing Christianity is somehow controversial? This isn't the 1950s anymore, Christian Apologism is rapidly becoming the new counterculture in most of the West as teens of today grow up and rebel against their atheist parents.

He doesn't. He a mass Muslim immigration activists.

He's one of those people that still associates Christianity with white people even though South America and Africa are more Christian then most of Europe today. For some reason he thinks his atheism is striking some kind of blow against white supremacy even though he's actually mostly pissing off Muslims with his comments.


One day he going to be literallly raped by Muslims and he will still blame cis white Christains.

That legitimately already happened with a Norwegian politician just earlier this year. He said Europeans were to blame for what happened to him and considered his rapist to be just as much a victim.

I remember at one time this would be considered satire people joked about.

That's beyond being a cuck.

14 billion is arbitrary and 100% faith based, he's just projecting dissatisfaction with his own religion on to others.


If not for evolution, then why do all British people look the same? Checkmate, Christians.

A cuck within a cuck within a cuck inside CS Lewis wife while she eating out Brad jones fat pedophile girlfriend.

Go fuck a godly nigger, christcuck.

Organ meat and overly salted fish diet?


It's hard to believe that a grown man makes posts like this.

I have no words…

projection: the thread

Literally me.


"Though I made the pony so that it can't perceive me, I plan to torture it forever if it doesn't acknowledge and thank me."

Wow this really challenged my preconceived notions and I instantly gained +5 INT points and now I'm enlightened by my own INT points.

Because he'll be punished by his (((paymasters))) or threatened by sandniggers if he attacks any other religion.

You realize theologically illiterate posts like yours are the reason people now shit on atheism. No, of course you don't realize.


it's true you know.


I think he meant that this user

using theodicy to shift philosophical goalposts is emblematic of so called "atheist" intellectual dishonesty.

fuck, i think i just pulled my stitches laughing ta that, im in big trouble at my checkup tomorrow

thanks doc


When will celebrities realize the mind blowing esoteric realizations they have are the same as everyone else's? Nobody cares, you fat fuck. Now dance for me and maybe I'll toss you a coin or two.

Your faith is in pseudo-science so whenever challenged, instead of arguing the merits of any proposition, you immediately retreat to a comparative religion strawman that any real atheist or agnostic would have no need of.

Is that true? What has he done specifically?

Or is he just a proponent of it? One of those 90~ percent of celebrities that rebelliously expresses their completely acceptable and mainstream political opinions?

Salty fish and organ meat pies are probably horrible for facial skin.

Edgy atheist here and I hate low-IQ inbred mudslimes, so I'm pretty sure I'm edgier than even Ricky Gervais.



You know it never makes sense to me why these liberal atheists will bash Christianity and Judaism all the time and yet Islam, the religion of perpetual outrage, constantly gets a pass. If you're going to mock religion, I say mock it all.

And it can't just be because Christianity and Judaism are "white religions". Are they just scared because Muslims tend to be violent towards people who mock their beliefs?

They're cowards. There's no benefit in their social circles to mocking a religion whose adherents are oppressed innocent victims, when they're not pushing gays off of buildings and mutilating their daughters. To criticize Islam would be to say something actually somewhat unpopular among the liberal mainstream

But that's the thing. They aren't "oppressed innocent victims". How can liberals just ignore all those horrible things Muslims do? It's like thinking that covering your eyes makes it to where you can't be seen by other people.

Because white people acting in their own self-interest is

As much as I hate to say it, things would probably be better if he had won.

*would have been better if he limited his geopolitical goals so as not to be at war with the whole world and if he wanted to get rid of any unwanted people instead of spending lots of resources of interning and whatever them put them in penal regiments that are sent in with basic rifles and are worth more than inefficient slave labor and then didn't have half of Europe fall to communism inb4 leftypol sperg >muh state capitalism for 2 generations

Before Hitler
wow what a hero

Doesn't matter when Jews already owned the whites.


lol fucking cat profile picture

If he had won, there would never have been a holocaust.

Because the holocaust didn't happen.

this, hitler should have limited his autistic expansionist ambitions which led him to his ruin

white guilt is major genetic flaw.


How is this the clearest example of white guilt? What does ordering dessert have to do with letting someone rape you?

Does anyone else have dreams of either heaven or hell?

He's an atheist. They're trying to rebel against the system in a way that the system won't punish them for. It makes them feel edgy and deep while they're playing the same game everyone else is.

There is no difference

A race without a religion will die to a race with a religion. Religion is a safety net that binds non-grouped people into the same group and allows them to conquer others.

i don't get it tbqh fam

They had beliefs and took action and that action failed. What value was it if it was never going to work?

because she nearly died of guilt because her plot to fraudulently order a dessert was exposed.

if something so trivial and inconsequential can maximally trigger guilt in white people, then its no wonder that white people are so prone to being crushed by false accusation of serious crimes by the kike media.

Am I mistaken in thinking this point was so obvious and didn't need to be stated explicitly? Or do I just have to explain it to autists?

Didn't this cunt praised CISbusters for being progressive?

I don't understand how modern Britain can even produce someone as edgy on the subject as this. No one over there gives a fuck if you're an athiest. It's not a controversy like it is in parts of America. This is the equivalent of someone growing their hair out a little, and acting like that's as shocking as it would have been in the 50's.

That's not what "white guilt" means.

I don't mind it but he's a real whiny bitch about animals. Cool you care and all but he honestly puts more value over animals than human life. There was the incident with the kid and the gorilla that made it really apparent how much of a twat he is.

Did he say the nigglet should have died instead of Harambe? Because that's what I'm saying.

Don't you guys remember? He and faggots like him only said they thought the kid should have been left to die because they assumed he was white. The instant it was spelled out to them that the kid and his family were black, down the memory-hole went all their "the gorilla's life was worth more" tweets.

dumb broad
should have said somthing like "you always have ice cream, why not take custard this time?"

are you mentally special?

I have bad news for you.
*you are the autist*

do you have a screen for that? i remember a lot of dumb niggers on facebook bitching about it, but i didn't know milo was among them

Because multiculturalism is the first step toward islamization.

If you went back in time to Costantinople in the 1400s, you would find plenty of apologists like these. Their goal is to sell you out and find a good position in the new order.

well done for figuring that out. Its also not what ' green guilt ' means either, but its seems you missed that one. Keep trying.

already known for 20 years.

You'll have to try harder with this 'news' to get the hanf of it, but good effort so far

That's why they're the true cucks, m8.

Kikes' race and religion are intertwined. Mudslimes are little more than animals. But Christcucks have the mental capacity to understand the consequences of putting the worship of Rabbi Yeshweh above their own people.










And that's the last of it. I have no idea who this woman is, but a torrent I downloaded came with an entire folder of pictures of her. It's really strange.

as an atheist myself, ricky gervais embarrasses me.

i apologise on behalf of my people.

what the fuck are you doing




i mean most of those one god religions all have the same god anyway, so i see it as more of him just mocking the shit that christians follow, but when he specifically mentions god that's taking shots at multiple faiths.

i mean, he's still an edgy faglord but i get a chuckle out of him.

He only works in America these days, no one in the UK wants anything to do with him.


ricky needs to be truly edgy and deny holocaustianity

That was actually a translation error, just like how 666 is actually 616.

only the most autistic NEETs would claim that

some shit obviously went down, just maybe not systematic extermination


go to our archives
It was probably along the lines of 40-50% of jews making ridiculous claims.

The headquarters for DC Comics was located at 666 Fifth Avenue so Alan Moore gave Marvel comics the number 616 for their Universe.


i don't think you understand the definition of the word

ricky gervais is pedestrian and outdated as fuck

One thing I can't stand about Ricky is he's 'reddit smart'.

He's the sort of guy who when he listens to Karl he doesn't realize that Karl has a lot of great ideas he just can't articulate it and instead just resorts to yelling at him and calling him an idiot the same way that Redditors do to the computer illiterate or the religious.

It infuriates me when I watch and Karl will say something quite poignant like "Why would I want to go there when I know what makes me happy" which is a good point, why do something just for others to applaud you when you already know what you like and know from experience that the other thing does not entertain you whilst Ricky will then say "HA! YOU IDIOT! I GUESS YOU'RE JUST SCARED - MORON" like most Redditors will do with 4chan "Hurr hurr darkest place on the internet, I'll never go there, they're all moronic racists!" whilst we spend most of our time just chatting like we're in a pub.

If he's so great why is he still fat?

The bit where Karl says laws about wearing helmets are bullshit is probably the best example of what you're saying. Ricky and Stephen (((Merchant))) insist that every action is the responsibility of the government while Karl argues for individual responsibility and accountability. Ricky's entire argument is an emotional appeal from a crying orphaned child and when Karl provides a logical comeback, Ricky gets angry and starts swearing at and insulting Karl.

Ricky and Steve are clearly desperate to show the world how "smart and cultured" they are. There are constant moments in their podcasts where Ricky will do things like namedrop a Philosopher when it's barely relevent.

Atheism is totally not a non-faith, which is why there are canon texts, figures of moral authority, and assemblies.

Don't be anti-semitic, goy.

Atheism+ is not actual Atheism

Honestly it seems like they're projecting their own shallow view of science onto actual science. Actual science is a method to understand the world, not Black Science Guy memes these fucks keep spreading. Speaking of which any scientists on here want to say what they think of the atheist movement? Including Amazing Atheist neckbeard types and the Atheism + types?

The scientific method has limits, but it is the best method for discovering the most accurate explanations for natural phenomena that exists.

Indeed most of the problems with the scientific method are due to human error/bias and not the method itself.

Holla Forums Will he stop being a cowardly faggot this year?

Isn't that a hate crime in the UK?

t. Pablo Escobar, true American "pagan"

Wow, he should be called Risky Gervais instead of Ricky Gervais because it's pretty risky to do something like this. I mean, he could lose his whole career by challenging the status quo of those tyrannical church-going grandmas. Everyone knows if we can just rid the world of praying old ladies we can finally have the scientific utopia we deserve.

(((David Cross))) gives him a pretty good run for his money