Premiering on Agents of Shield


well the nick cage ones were failures, marvel might be scared of trying johnny blaze again.

guaranteed shit

Cage is gonna have to do a sequel to Drive Angry now.

Actually Spirit of Vengeance has a bit of a cult following because it was an 11/10 Ghost Rider movie.

Yes, the story was no good, and the acting was cheesy, but this is Ghost Rider. That's half the point, and I think a lot of people forget that.

Ghost Rider, motorcycle hero
Oh baby baby baby he's a-Blazin' away

Spirit of Vengeance is actually a lot better than Avengers et. al.

Spirit of Vengance gets too little credit. The CG of his burnt burning head was really good, plus the little details of his leather jacket bubbling.

You think they will make Marvel TV stop using that term?

Ese I'm the gostrider pendejo

It was garbage. Don't make excuses for it.

No one will ever live up to Nic Cage's Ghost Rider, or Nic Cage's other Ghost Rider.

Spirit of Vengeance sucked balls, the one with Eva Mendes was a nice flick.


As long as they specify he's not the only Ghost Rider, I don't care. At least he kind of looks like his comic counterpart.

Agents of Shield is shit, and basically where they dump the characters they don't have any use for.

I was really hoping Marvel would do a hard R Midnight Sons film, with Dr. Strange, Blade, Ghost Rider, Hellstorm and Morbius, possibly with Satanna or Man-Thing.

So did they just drop the whole Inumans thing?

Both movies were shit, they should have used daniel ketch or gone full retard and used ghost rider 2099

I really wish we could've had a Ghost Rider movie that took its subject seriously. Something spooky and badass about desperation and damnation and vengeance, with lots of night shots and supernatural horror.

Are you kidding?

they might've. at the end of the 3rd season Skye becomes some vigilante dressed in Hot Topic clothes from 2007.

This is why dc movies suck

Comics can and should be taken seriously, but first and foremost their concern should be adaptation quality.

Ghost Rider shouldn't be some kind of "deep" story about a tortured soul who's possessed by a demon because that's not what the comics are like.

For the same reason, Batman shouldn't be some kind of campy and over the top comedy since most of his good stories are fairly serious detective books.
Adam West doesn't count because the most well-known and most widely acclaimed Batman stories took place well after Denny O'Neil's revamp of the character

didn't you crosspost this on co and tv?