Are they the siskel and ebert of the new generation?

Are they the siskel and ebert of the new generation?

For stoner dropouts, maybe


Fuck you mike.

They have said things as retarded as this before, so yeah probably.

Mike and Jay don't agree with me on everything and that really bothers me. Why don't they read my thoughts and come to the same conclusion as I do. Total hack frauds.

yes because they talk alot but can't make movies for shit
oh and one will die of cancer

1) The theatrical cut of Blade Runner was shit
2) They weren't the only critics to slate the movie. In fact, pretty much all of them did
3) Ebert took it back later and said Blade Runner was one of the greatest films ever (Siskel couldn't take it back because he was dead)

Also, you really should have cut the relevant part into a webM

Shit did the charges get dropped against Mike already? This can't keep happening! She's 16 Mike, thats way too young for you.


What? Please explain.

Rare behind the scenes video.


It's a shame they're still doing the shitty skits which I really hate and that they're shit critics. The thing itself is competently made and it looks better than 99% of Internet shit but content matters.

"and then there's the other end, which is the people with a camera in there living room or den with just a white background and they try to be funny and complain about 20 year old movies."



How ironic.

Can't do edgy humor like that anymore, it would offend the Patreon backers.

Siskel and Ebert reviewed actual kinos along with flicks. These cucks only review blockbuster flicks and joints.

Mike got arrested a month ago for luring a 16 year old with nearly a gallon of liquor. Its in the secret BOTW episodes for Patreon.

They do "other" movies once in a blue moon, though I expect those are now mostly saved for other series (mostly ones that end up being abandoned)

Such as? Inb4 refn, he's a joint director.


Oh my, that means I MUST start donating to their Patreons NAO!

Besides, who doesn't like to finance Jews, right?

Using "JEWS" to mean "successful people I don't like" will never get old, especially when applied to a group with the personas of Midwesten shlubs

If you can call tossing your boys into priesthood and using your daughter for racemixing "successful", then sure.