How come there aren't any comfy films anymore? Blade Runner was pretty much pure atmosphere...

How come there aren't any comfy films anymore? Blade Runner was pretty much pure atmosphere, Alien had gorgeous sets that it let the camera linger on, Star Wars spent a lot of time establishing the setting. Why aren't there anything like that nowadays? Are there any modern science fiction films that focus on locations?

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I guess maybe Dredd? They do explore the setting of the megacity a bit.

I thought that said Beyblade when I was reading the thumbnail in the catalog and was sorely disappointed.

It's due to pacing and trying to keep the viewer's attention in a time when everyone is trying to do way too many things at once. Just compare one of the original Bond movies to the last few that came out, or the original Star Wars to Abrams Wars. The pacing of new films is relentless.

Anime specifically the moe genre of anime has lots of comfy atmosphere.

If you didn't have one of these pieces of shit you were a nobody.

Not only that but I think the designs used in say science fiction movies have become much less inspired. You hardly see anything memorable enough to become iconic these days. There are exceptions such as Oblivion but for the most part you wouldn't remember much of the locations even if they spent a lot of time in them.

agreed. They aren't as creative as they used to be.

Does Oblivion really stand out that much? I would've picked that as an example for your reasoning, but I only saw a trailer and some posters. It all looks like Apple and Google in space. Maybe it's a mix of cal arts disease, hollywood incest suffocating new talent, and it being cheap to make the same sterile settings.

Honestly when it comes to sci-fi designs and designs in general they all seem very derivative. They like to pay homage to earlier works instead of just doing their own thing.

Sometimes that comes with the territory. Most of the time mediums just take works from others and reiterate them to incorporate the best of their world. It usually goes like this:

Book to Movie to Video Game.

James Cameron and his fanatical crew love to shit talk everyone by saying they all stole from Aliens, while ignoring how many sci-fi books they stole from in return, intentionally or not. We don't exist in a vacuum, but works usually do better when they copy material from mediums that are more disconnected from theirs. Books lack visuals, so movies have something to add. Movies lack interactivity, so games take the next step. No one work is perfect, but the best ones all add something with their medium. I think Jurassic Park is a good example, since each medium has done it justice in their own unique way. The book can delve into the science more and ideas behind the park. The movie can add the visuals and excitement of watching the rise and fall of a dinosaur them park/zoo. The games can put you in charge of the park or a survivor trying to escape it.

What happens when all the new books suck dick? Movies start copying each other and it becomes a mess of failed clones. Same with games.

Prometheus and Interstellar?

So basically science fiction books need to become good again instead of being pure SJW shenanigans. I guess that makes sense, the films I mentioned were products of their time and since things currently suck overall it's no wonder that the films will too. Without the same strong influences that made the original Blade Runner what it is the sequel won't feel the same or have its own voice but be an empty echo of what the first one was much like TFA.

Define comfy.

I think he just means slowly paced movies with good soundtrack.

Honestly, the more I think about it, the more answers I could give you. Directors are another problem. Star Wars got fucked because Abrams cannot make his own content. He is a sterile director that can only outright steal without rhyme or reason. His trick is to pace his films so fucking fast that you don't have a moment to think about anything happening. Ridley Scott on the other hand is the only director I could honestly call a blank slate. The man is good at directing, but seems divorced from the actual script and storytelling. He'll just take any piece of paper handed to him and throw all of his energy solely behind the look of the film. That's part of why Harrison hated him so much. he's used to directors working with him to do his job well. It's the only positive I'll give Jar Jar, he can get his actors (barring the hopeless like Daisy) to give a good enough performance to help distract you from the plot. Ridley Scott is almost a non-element in his own films. The quality of his stuff rests entirely on the writers and actors to deliver the rest, so look them up to figure out if Blade Runner 2 will be good.

Prometheus is the best example of this. His writer was Lindelof, which destroyed the film. I'll argue that Prometheus is great for the horror elements, like the abortion scene, but one of the worst movies I've seen regarding character motivations. I'm never going to forget that scientist who ran away from the dead alien, only to play nature show host with the living snake alien. What a fucking joke.

I challenge you to find a more comfy atmosphere than this

That doesn't look very comfy. I would not want to take a nap there.

That whole game was basically a comfyness simulator. Even let you use the Esper machine.

The first half of Prometheus was pretty heavy on atmosphere until the script fell apart.

Lindelof should be hang for that shit.

Jewlywood think that slow paced movies doesn't sell anymore, big box office movies like Marvel's Civil War or Batman v Superman have fucking terrible pacing even though those movie's runtime is over 2 hours.


>>>Holla Forums

Do you watch Refn movies?
They're pure atmosphere.

I agree with your whole post, but I wouldn't say he is a non-element considering he can give such great visuals and atmosphere to his films, especially Blade Runner and Alien, so I would say that is his strength as a director that he can bring to a project, however if the script is bad and acting is bad like Prometheus then no amount of visual style can save those films.

Isn't he that neo-nazi director? Yeah, I like his films.

That's Trier, but he's good too.

be*blade was pure shit and if you unironically enjoyed that crap you should take suicide in serious consideration



You have the same problem a lot of people do, which is not looking outside of Hollywood and expecting them to make good movies. Anything worth watching coming out of Hollywood is a complete fluke, and it's amazing anything ever got made at all considering just about everyone with power is a complete retard.

Look for smaller directors, or non-English movies. Some of them even have big name actors in them. 13 Moons has Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare and Peter Dinklage in it. Bone Tomahawk has Kurt Russell, Richard Jenkins and Patrick Wilson. Lonesome Jim has Casey Affleck. Enemy has Jake Gyllenhaal, and a similar movie called The Double has that annoying jew from Zombieland in it and is a lot like a Terry Gilliam movie. Revenge For Jolly is a funnier, odder, less action-centric John Wick made a couple of years before John Wick, and is one of my favourites.

Watch all of those, and look outside of Burgerstan. Like Griff the Invisible from Australia, 13 Tzameti from France, Going By The Book or Come Rain Come Shine from Korea, Kisses or Garage from Ireland, Lapland Odyssey or The Grump from Finland. The list goes on and on.

Agree. Watch Non Non Biyori or Anne Happy, plenty of gorgeous scenery.

When it comes to sci-fi, everyone's so familiar with smartphone and Apple technology that that looks like the apex of technology.
Because they were constantly coming up with new technology some decades before, everyone had their crazy idea of futuristic worlds, settings and tools.

Nowadays, everything has to look white, sleek. Floating menus and blue screens everywhere, even if you'd look like a retard flailing your arms.
Look at some of the older ideas for technology. The rebel rapscallions had mishmash of scrap metal and some advanced technology here and there, the smug advanced cunts had their sleek, shiny spaceships, while villains had a floating scrapyard ganbang floating around and held on by super glue and bandaids. Or like Warhammer, where they combine medieval elements with the future and there are giant floating fortresses.

But it's mostly Hollywood's thing. I'd you look at other media, you can see them playing around with the kind of technology shown.

Holla Forums and /a/ are one and the same

The only crosslink I fear will be your head going back to /vatofacid/ with me wearing your fucking moron face as a party mask


You're expecting jews to put effort into today's bullshit, user. That's the problem, films don't have the same cold war undertones they used to, since we're at peace with russia and not on the constant threat of nuclear annihilation. Also, everything has to have marketing to guarantee sheckels, and that also distorts film.

On top of that, you don't get producers like dino de laurentiis or mario kassar, now it's just jewy bruckheimer or dudeweedlmao.

Also also, fuck james cameron. Man is a hack who made 4 good movies that were all unoriginal, and 75% of them are good because they had arnold schwarzenegger.

EYE was not a good game

It's got some comfy bits.


The trouble is that one never hears about these movies. I mean, I know I haven't heard of most of these.

Go use sites like Viooz, Movielens or even Letterboxd. Look for movies without many reviews, and ignore star ratings. Look at shitty websites that upload 350 Mb MKVs. There's a bunch of sites I look at all the time, hunting down my movies for the week. Even googling "[place / genre / etc] movies" will give you a list with something you probably haven't heard of in it. You just have to look.

Cinematography has gone down the tubes in general. Hollyweird studios assume audiences are all OCD and must be served non-stop shaky came and nothing else.


No problem. Also, is good for Asian movies and tv, and eutorrents is good for eu movies.


What did he mean by this?

mah nigga

No, Star Wars was dead the second George Lucas decided to sell it. It was Lucas's vision that made Star Wars, it was his story, wether it was overall good or bad.

Anyone else coming in with another vision of said story would never make anything that resembles the old, because they are not him and vice versa.

It's like if Stephen King would sell the license of the Dark Tower story to Lee Childs and Lee Childs would continue off of Stephen King's Dark Tower-franchise. It's going to be way different and it's not going to be the same.

Another thing is that Jew Jew is a complete fucking twat, just look at him! You want to punch that faggot in the face.

You could still find some comfy pacing in shows like pic related.

Demolition man is comfy because it's future is our present.

you're welcome.

Vangelis made that film half of what it is.

Watchmen (2009)
The movie, based on a 12 issue graphic novel, is about 6 ex-vigilantes (only 1 of which has actual superpowers) trying to cope in a gritty alternate 1985 where America won the Vietnam war, Nixon is still president, and tensions of nuclear destruction is at an all time high.

The plot begins when one of the vigilantes, The Comedian, is murdered, and one of the others, named Rorschach, investigates.

The movie is for the most part slow and character driven. We learn about the characters past, as Rorschach works to piece together who wanted The Comedian dead.

The movie is mostly set in New York, since you mentioned location. Though a couple other locations are used that I don't want to spoil.

Some of the music even seems inspired by Blade Runner. Like this scene.
No major spoilers here, some clues revealed, but no answers.

There are some stupid action scenes, and Malin Akermans acting, but if you can handle that, I think you'll enjoy Watchmen.

Sorry if this post is poorly written, I got a headache and I'm just about ready for bed.

Oh and make sure you get the Directors Cut.
There's also the Ultimate Cut which has another story woven in throughout, though the pacing suffers abit for it.
This extra story should be viewable seperately on the Directors Cut.

May also be on youtube, it's called Curse of the Black Freighter.
Just, whatever you do, don't watch the Theatrical Cut.

The first half of this movie is super comfy.

Even the theatrical cut is pretty good.

The workprint is the best cut honestly.

Unless you're a gypsy who lives in a railcar, I don't know how you can consider Pandorum comfy.

Workprint version?

That's the "oh look, cute girls doing cute things" fun, heartwarming feeling, not cozy/comfy
Now if we're talking about cozy animemes, Lain is cozy as shit.

Watching the comic books first and re reading them a few couple of time is amazing, there's detail fucking everywhere.

Drive was pretty comfy and very atmospheric.

Friendly reminder that the watchmen movie is one of the shittiest adaptations ever made.

I never realized how much this predicted the future. Its kind of scary in a way.

I've heard that it's kind of accurate because they did a lot of research, ie asking car companies for new model car concept designs.

didn't know they went that deep into it.


Friendly reminder that you're wrong.

I thought American Hustle was comfy, but Holla Forums's hivemind decided it was bad.

Mushishi is non-moe and also comfy.


Трудно быть богом

Friendly reminder that you haven't read watchmen so you have no room to talk

I've read it dozens of times, and Snyder did a good job adapting it.

Slow paced movies don't sell any more because they take exceptional skill to pull off and not make boring. They don't have any one with that skill set any more.

Why don't you make threads about this shit then? I'd be interested in seeing shit outside of Hollywood. We could even do a Holla Forums sync tube night where we air a couple.

What about Drive? I loved that film
I would love this


I would say that Michael Mann comes somewhat close to him. If you look at Mann's action thrillers like Heat or Collateral, they're pretty long films that are very well paced and aren't afraid to go on a little, and feel like they're really well directed and that a ton of work was put into them. The closest you get to action thrillers now though are either carbon copies of Taken (and usually star Liam Neeson to boot) or are a fiesta of shakycam and krav maga rushed over 90 minutes, churned out so people have generic shit to eat popcorn to.

Sets and lingering, atmospheric shots aren't where it's at.

Hollywood is a society of people, and like any society its full of status seekers. People are always looking for ways to get themselves noticed and make them stand out from the pack.

The problem is, this is hard. Traditional, premillenium film techniques required lots of skill to tell a story with. It's hard to make yourself stand out if you don't have any skill as a filmmaker.

The only hope for getting noticed for people without talent is to try and portray themselves as having what they don't.

So you get shakycam. You get lots of rapid fire quick cuts. You get movies color graded, poorly, and everything is orange and teal. Sets are replaced by lots of gratuitous CGI.

Once you get in the habit of color grading, and adding VFX to every movie, you have a bunch of colorists and animators who want to continue to be employed. So they convince people this is what movies need: tint filters and computer generated cartoons.

Likewise, the shakycam is sold as being 'realistic', the short cuts as 'exciting', the camera that constantly meanders without any purpose to its movement as 'engaging'.

As long as the money keeps flowing, and the people at the top get rich, they don't really care how much the movies suck. A lot of Hollywood is just social welfare for people who imagine themselves artistes.

Also execs become convinced that this is what audiences want to see, anything else will be 'boring'.

Odd how the 'realism' of shaking the camera around is supposed to be good, but the artificiality of all the retarded color filters is never seen as being bad.

Are you fucking serious? 99% of threads devolve into meme-spouting retardation or identity politics. Someone had the wherewithal to create a board without that element, and no one went to it. This is the designated shitting board of 8ch. Why the fuck would anyone try do anything here when faggots and retards shit it up constantly?

I don't understand how shakycam can be considered realistic to anyone other than people with parkinsons .