Gene Wilder is dead



Other urls found in this thread:


He was 83

nice archive there m8


who cares



The year is hungry.

t. trumpskin

double feels
RIP Waco Kid.


Probably my favorite role of his.

oh shit I just looked it up he actually died. damn thats a shame.

No he's not, fuck you he's immortal.
He better not be fucking dead.
pls don't be dead

Get out of here






RIP. I actually liked his stuff


One less jew is one less jew

Good riddance



t. reddipol spammer

How many celebrities is that this year?

At least 6 I think


i don't give a fugg

Fuck off Reddit. Another Jew bites the dust.


t. forced memes "i want maisie to step in my face" gifmaker


also get out

Want to post more of these?

2016 is killing all the good people. I know Wilder was old, but with all the people dying its clear this current year is out for blood. Maybe its angry John Oliver hasn't paid it as much attention as 2015?

Or maybe you're just getting old.

I honestly didn't know he was still alive.
RIP in peace.

Gene Simmons is dead?

Richard Simmons is dead?

I know there are a lot of "big celebrities" from our childhoods, but it is kinda weird how many of them seem to be dying this year. Usually they're are just a handful or so a year.

Ron Simmons is dead?

More than that. At least ten, definitely more depending on what you consider a 'celebrity'

Or maybe 2016 keeps trying to kill John Oliver and keeps missing

It would be more unusual if their deaths were all evenly spaced out according to how famous they are.


xD so randumb



Fucking NO.

Fuck 2016.

Well, now's as good a time as any.
What are some good movies that he starred in?

This. I love the scene where he makes Cleavon Little crack up with his deadpan delivery.


Blazing Saddles.
Young Frakenstein.
The Producers.
Stir Crazy.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

I've kept thinking Wilders was dead since you never seemed to see anything of him for years.

I've seen a handful of interviews but beyond that, he's been sick for decades. He got really sick around the time Richard Pryor died. ;_;

You're just as cancerous as he is.

Thanks. Guess I know what I'm watching this weekend.


Sticking non-meta threads is a passive form of rulecuckery.

BO is a kike-sympathizer.

dead celebrity stickies have been around as long as Holla Forums has existed newfag

you have to go back

Had a school friend about ten years ago who insisted Wilder was dead. So one day I look it up and I say to him 'Gene Wilder's not dead'. To which he responded 'He is'

First one to dig him up gets his everlasting gobstopper.

Found the oven-dodgers.

My entire childhood is DEAD.

This is a complete holocaust.

you're whining about jews, on a board about television and movies. It makes me curious why you are even here?
If you need to sperg out about this stuff, mind taking it to Holla Forums?



He wrote a book called "My French Whore" a great read if your interested in ww1 shenanigans. He's always been a favourite of mine, such a likeable face

Good day sir.

Whatever you say, rabbi.

He was also in Bonny and Clyde.

Kike's dead, I'm glad

I'm glad the kike's dead

lmao, dumb fuck

and the "muh pol", get fucked, people outside pol hate kikes too, you dumb son of a bitch

Friendly reminder Johnny Depp was both a superior Willy wonka and a more accurate Willy wonka

Whatever happen to Richard Simone's

Sounds like he was eating LSD.

mfw another one bites the dust

He had an amazing ability to go between playing slapstick and the straight man within the same role. Part of what made the movies he did with Pryor so classic. One of my favorite scene here.

That Remake is over a decade old

What did Gene Wilder ever do to you?

a frizzy haired kike nigger, and the dumb gay as hell willy wonka faggotry

you cucks need some serious reprogramming

fuck this kike

Good day sir

More accurate? Yes until muh father. Superior? Fuck no.



I guess you can say the Young frankenstein just became the monster


Of course the BO is absent when some actual moderation needs to get done but when some kike dies he's there faster than you can say "Oven Dodger".

luckily reddipol's impotent anger isn't nearly enough to harm Gene's memory.

RIP in peace, waco kid

Don't forget Silver Streak. My dad prefers it to Stir Crazy.

That's not "Holla Forums" just some edgelord fishing for yous. Muhammad ali had multiple threads over there after he died, vast majority of comments being respectful. Also

why does Tim Burton have such daddy issues?

This kike is an honorary Aryan, Edgemaster. Even Hitler gave that status to certain Jews.

thought he was already dead tbh

literally who?


its a shame a movie like this could never be made today because everyone would get so offended by it. He really was great at doing over the top and straight man roles.

Well, in the words of Hitler 'I decide who is a Jew'

also I had my own idea for a comedy but I'm not sure how people would react to it. It's about these two guys one's a neonazi and the other is a jihadist muslim. Both live in the US and want to kill the jews. So they put their differences aside and go on a cross country journey to kill a jewish politician in San Francisco. The movie will make fun of pretty much every ethnicity in this country. And when the two reach San Fran the neonazi has a change of heart and tries to stop his muslim companion who's about to shoot the politician from far away. They fight and the neonazi kills the muslim and loves diversity now. Only for him to be arrested by the cops for killing his muslim buddy and thrown in jail.

Naw current year? forget about it. Never happen.

it's still funny because it makes fun of nogs

Don't you have other threads to derail?

How is that random you butthurt cuck?

We all know it's you samefagging hard as shit.

one hit wonder



I don't use that phrase and that letter, because I'm not from halfchan, nigger



Well, I'm not

you're telling me you never went to halfchan?

I went tehre years ago, but after I found this site

this site has only existed for less than three years, dumbass

I'd wager $1, just from the way i see people posting, most anons are 18-24, fresh from social media & never saw halfchan when it was good, much less 2ch or SA or FS.

Like this one, too obvious

Last time I was on halfchan was in 2014. Now you wil say I came with the exodus, despite I was here before it, but I can't really prove it…

Why is this shit stickied? This is some Reddit tier garbage.

"A thousand gentile lives are not worth one Jewish fingernail"
-Jim Watkins

Fucking Jew, good riddance.



Dunno if true but im pretty sure Holla Forums started with an exodus, so really anyone who comes here and stays here is basically part of it.


numale spotted

Hey, you must be newer than

Many think so.

I don't understand why you are saying goodbye to Prince. That guy's been dead for months already.

bb Gene. I never said this before, but I always thought you looked a bit like Rob Schneider.


Life isn't fair.

stay mad, leftycuck



It existed before the exodus

Stop the presses!

Who cares.

Nice try schlomo.


There's no question that the Ovens existed, only what went in them tho.

Bullshit. I refuse to believe it.

That's his real name,


That's a bit racist tbh fam

His deeds you say.

Shouldn't you blame Mel Brooks for that considering he wrote the script and directed the movie?