Go to cuckchan Holla Forums for oldtimes sake

what are we going to do about this

Nothing. There are plenty of boards on 8ch that are simply better on 4ch.

can't go back.
can't stay here.

what am i looking at here

There's far too many faggots there who actually go there to talk about TV shows they like. You're missing the point, dumbasses.

1/4 > 1/8

Definitely faster but better?
And don't forget about the mods who put the cuck in cuckchan. The Leslie Jones nude pics this week were a good reminder of why this place exists, didn't necessarily want to see them myself but don't need some twirly moustached SJW hotpocket deciding that for me. Fuck that place. I'll take quality over quantity anyday.


The mods are so thoroughly corrupt on 4chan that it's impossible to really post much of anything anymore without worrying about a loaded gun to your head.

On one hand their board is faster but on the other hand it's run almost entirely by goons which have shat up this board pretty hard so far as well. I don't really want to get banned because I offended some kike so I stay here.

I was banned from 4/tv/ for saying niggers looked like monkeys.

Also this. People who still watch television are unbearable to be around. I come to Holla Forums to talk about old foreign films and how much I hate Hollywood.

I blame reddipol

It's also annoying dealing with captcha. Last I tried they were doing pictures for ants that you had to examine for a minute to just post.


banned for stating the truth
what cucks

True, if you got you sense of humor from reddit.com

Amazing shows Big Zimbabwe Theory and Cucks on the Throne.

cuckold mods deleting everything they don't like and banning you for no reason
debatable: more people, more OC, more content
agree with this one, can't disprove facts

Well, based on the mods' response, ignore it and hope it goes away

we need people who are funny and who knows how to make IB fun and understand the point of IBs.

Most people on 8ch are completely new to IB so that's why it's not fun place at all

please, since you liked it so much, crawl back to that shithole and fucking stay there

Fun on post Burger and Fries 4chan? That's new…