Did you get that for killing jews?

Really makes you think

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What makes you think is that piece of shit movie was set while France was still occupied so how the fuck did they know about the camps at all when they weren't discovered until the allies began pushing into Germany proper.

Also USA acting morally superior when they did the same thing to Japanese Americans in WW2

Labor camps on the losing sides are always bad. Look up the Boer War sometime and the conditions in those British camps, just as bad if not worse. People tend to prefer mythology though over actual history.

It's a shame -or not- that the Japanese people in America don't chimp out like most niggers do when it comes to their treatment in WWII.

It'd be great if a director would make a movie about how they were segregated and treated in America in the '40s.

Really makes you think

you know this could be something showing how in war both sides commit atrocities but since this is a Tarantino movie I doubt that. Not that I have anything against Tarantino I just think if this was a different director they could've taken a different approach.

Well with Tarantino I end up questioning the main characters most of the time since their morals and brutality are always all over the place.

Honestly I still have no idea if I'm supposed to hate the soldier who had a movie made out of his exploits. Like all he's done was be chivalrous to the theater girl and all she's done was be a dick to him.

every single one of tarantinos movies serves to enact some kind of fantasy.

in this case, its jewish fantasies

He does blow himself up to kill Hitler & co. though

Made me sympathise with the Germans, they literally did absolutely nothing wrong in this movie.


*10 million


never change reddipol

Don't you have cuck porn to be saving, freech goon?


You're supposed to hate him because he killed a shit ton of allied soldiers.
Don't believe for even a minute that Tarantino ever puts actual deep thought into his movies.

wtf I hate the holocaust now

There was a bit of a difference between the German and American camps…

german camps were more human

This is what reddipol actually believes. Imagine being this delusional, every single day.


When you compare Eisenhower's camp and Auschwitz, yes, there is a big difference.

how can you argue with reddipol? are they even human?

So is the spammer up 24/7?
Literally every thread he'll show up within minutes and will not leave until it's dead.

they know nothing but identity politics because they're too young.


I think there has been a movie or two about that.
I vaguely remember seeing something along that line when I was in high school.
