‘The Jim Gaffigan Show’ Canceled


Well yea, that's what happens when you're not funny.


This meme is stale.


Can't say I am surprised. It never felt like the episodes were going anywhere and then just abruptly ended. I feel with maybe a better, more experienced writing team it would have been better.

Is a show really cancelled if you never knew about it in the first place?

Yes because it leaves behind episodes, just like the tree is left on the ground after it falls down in the forest.

this guy is garbage

But did the tree make a sound?

Ask the plants that felt the tree crash down.

Wish I had watched even a single episode. Gaffigan is one of my favorite comedians.

Is it any wonder Viacom's CEO was just shitcanned?

Trump curse? Gaffigan was on a recent comedy bang bang podcast and couldn't wait to kvetch about how anti-Trump he is.

Why do comedians keep making shows about them daily lives? Him, Louis CK, Mark Birbiglia (a movie in his case)
Most of the time they're just jokes in their comedy act but in a show setup
So the only people that watch these shows are the people that like their standup but the people who like their standup have already heard these jokes they re- use in the show
What's the point of watching the show if you already know the joke?

I've been wondering the same fucking thing. Imagine if network television was filled with creative endeavors.

because it was cancelled doesn't mean it's a failure, damn racists!


Trying for wider audience or think it is a launch pad into something more.

I'm kinda surprised they did poorly here though as I think he'd be able to play a good dad for a basic sitcom, similar to Home Improvement's dad.

because everyone wants to be the next Seinfeld.

because podpeople desperately want you to think they're human.

louie is pretty much the only one that's not just a straight up seinfeld copycat

also larry david gets a pass here too

Pale Squad remains my favorite thing he's done