Is J-Dar down?

Did the jidf shutdown J-Dar because I can't connect to the website. Is there another site?

Why would the jidf shut it down? Their fellow jews have said time and time again that they own the media and hollywood.

They probably got tired of 99.9999% of their users being neo nazis.

Now that's just a blanket generalization. Plenty of people are interested in knowing the backgrounds of actors and crew members. They like to know where their movies come from.

Is david ike a jew?



Not him, but there's a difference between scientificly showing a racial crime pattern and baseless generalizations.

Curious, have you ever met a real neo nazis in real life before?

I used to believe most of the things on tv, but as i grow older i have doubt about their existence.

Not him but at my red neck school there was a group of white power kids who i knew despite not being white.

Maybe Neo Nazi's existed in the 70's and 80's but no further than that.
It would be a miracle if more than 100 thousand exist world wide.
People who would've been Neo Nazi's today just go on Holla Forums and realize most things Neo Nazi's do (Shave heads, wear jackets, acting pretty degenerate.) are things Hitler would never approve of, and stopped it.

Basically Neo Nazi's evolved from, well Neo Nazis to just regular people who agree with many things Hitler said and did.


We walk among you every day and are trying to wake up as many every day unwokefags as possible.

~le anuddah board boggeyman

I know a couple guys who both had to "join up" because they did some time in a real prison. They said the whole thing is completely insane but you have to join or the other gangs will fuck with you constantly. They were glad to be out.
Prisoners have to be indoctrinated by racial ID politics or else they'll work together and just take the prison. Isn't it weird how people are so easily tricked? Prisons are like a mirror of our society.

hey kids spot the reddipol

you're too obvious. you have to be more subtle.

>>>Holla Forums

Hi freech

Yes, in fact i still have lots of neonazi skinhead friends

I'm fairly sure that anyone who makes a site like J-Dar knows exactly that the target audience is neocon memelenials and stormfags.


this will never be a meme

I thought you'd finally given up with that, but it seems you're as autistic as the cumfag.




99% of all neonazis only exist in sick jewish and liberal heads.