Why was the Touhou thread deleted? That is anime

Why was the Touhou thread deleted? That is anime.

Touhou is a video game not anime.

Touhou is an anime.

its vidya



annie may

veed ya

Polynesian Phenakistoscope

They both belong in the oven.

Anime belongs on Holla Forums

They belong on Holla Forums and that is where they will stay.

Cambodian Vidyabullethell


Philippines Praxinoscope

Holla Forums

This is a perfectly good anikino thread.

Mods didn't think so. They deleted the last one.



Anime is at home on Holla Forums. Nothing you can do about it.

It's the only kind of kino. Live action just doesn't make the cut.

Touhou isn't kino, it is cinématographe. It's heavy emphasis on rich characterizations combined with tense kinetic visuals is designed to build a deep emotional pallet and draw the viewer into a unified world shared between different artistes. This allows the viewer to create their own vision of Gensokyo and separates it from simple kino like one would see with Studio Ghibli's few anikino.