Last Action Hero

Why is this movie so hated? When I saw it I thought it was one of his best films.

Because the Nostalgia Critic hated it so his autistic fanbase treated his opinion as the voice of reason for hating this movie.

How could you possibly be so utterly drole to appreciate such a pathetic antikino?

It's not that great. It should be funnier for what it is

This pretty much.

Nostalgia critic goes on and on about how played out tropes are in films, and then shits on a literal parody of action movie tropes.
In the end to anyone would more than two brain cells to rub together, NS just ends up looking like a curmudgeon who just doesn't get the joke.
You know, the over dramatized parody of his less docile ==cucked== audience he likes to drum up in the form of himself dressed as a hobo?

It's a fun ass movie that makes fun of shitty action films and doesn't take itself seriously at all.
If you like 70's-90's action movies, it's a great homage to them.

I've always liked it, regardless of what NC or anyone says.

The movie has some pretty meta moments, as in, Arnie parodying himself.

Concept is meta, execution delivered by Arnold SquashANigger how could any sane person dislike this?

This scene alone makes the entire movie worth watching.

its shit pre-order cancelled.

literally Reddit: The Movie



Like with the Nostalgia Critic, some people didn't get that it was a parody. Not saying it's the best parody movie of all time. It could have been better but it's far from the worst thing Arnold's been in.

Because it was the 90's and meatheads were out of fashion somehow.

Basically the cancer started in the 90's with political correctness.

Just look at how hyped that atrocious Thelma&Louise-movie was.

Dubs don't lie, I enjoyed the movie.

I don't even know the title of the worst movie he's been in, all I know is that it was on tv, and he was moving a horse carriage in a stripper cowboy outfit.


This movie is like my teenage wet dream come true.

4/10. A lazy afternoon viewing that amuses you in the moment but you soon forget.

i too never understood the hatred for LAH

I love this film!

haha I know, it's brilliant

It was hated at the time of release too, it's just one of those movies people decided to hate. Maybe people just don't like Arnold action mixed with comedy.

I think that other movie Arnold starred with Danny Devito with(not twins, the one where Arnold is pregnant) is his worst actually
Also I feel like Escape Plan is pretty underrated.

this scene made me fall in love with f1's

Twins and 9 months I despise, and I'm a big arnie fan

Twins I don't like either but I like the scenes where I think Chloe Webb is all flirty with Arnold. I would like to see more of that sort of romance than one or both parties being stone cold pricks to each other who just shoot one liners at each other. Even back in 2003 I didn't like it in Max Payne 2.

Hello? I've just shot a man and I did it on purpose!

I said, I have murdered a man and I want to confess!


I wish there were movies made like this, and the movies it parodies, today. Fun fun fun.

This is based on Mel Gibson's Hamlet by the way, although Mel's actually got well received. I'm surprised I don't webms from it to be honest/


I guess it was kinda cheesy but I have fond memories of the scene where schwarzinigger hears mozart(?) for the first time.

there probably are burgers out there that have never heard classical music, sad!

anyhow I agree probably my favorite arnie movie, he actually shows some range

I quite liked twins. I haven't seen Junior though. Apparently that movie is abysmal unsurprisingly.

It may cycle back around eventually, user. People won't like Inception noises, remakes and capeshit forever.

I hadn't realized it was called junior, but yea whatever it's called, it's shit.

I'd watch 10 Jack Slater movies over any action movie released today. How could anyone watch this opening and not be pumped for what's to come?

It was an ok family film, nothing more, nothing less. Some autists hate it because that's the "cool" thing for some loser internet communities though, like those youtube reviewers.

I want tumblr to leave

I'd rather say why people still care about pseudo-journalism and shitty critics today.

I wonder if there is some shitty libtards review on RT, by the way. That phrase about beautiful people alone would trigger the entire RT.

They should have shot a real Jack Slater movie back to back with Last Action Hero.

Too meta for its time.

Looks fuck'n epic!


excellent use of carmina burana there

saw it in 4th grade (2000, for english we were doing a whole shakespeare segment and read through all the popular stuff), i remember it being pretty good.