Why does Trashman have a vagina on his neck?

Why does Trashman have a vagina on his neck?



it's current year, user, come on

He coming out as transgender isn't he?

How soon until into the trash meme gets killed off? Holla Forums and Gamergate use to post colbert memes until started to shill for Anita sarkeesian and BLM.


thinly veiled trash thread?

lets do this

He knows he looks creepy, so he still has more self-awareness than most transgender people.

Please let the meme die, his face is too hideous. My gag reflex can't handle it. He's so monstrous looking. How does one even get that ugly without being disfigured or deformed? Like I've never seen anyone as natural born hideous as Penn Jillette and he just keeps getting uglier with time. Excuse me, I have to vomit.

let's see your pretty face then, faggot

He's reached the final stage of libertarianism: the flesh of the neck creates folds which form a receptacle to receive corporate cock.

I watched a long interview with him where he talks about Trump, and I fully respect his opinion. I'll still be voting Trump come November, but at least Penn has some kind of logic behind his beliefs unlike most people who don't agree with him. He doesn't seem to personally hate Trump, he just questions his ability to lead a country, he also said Hillary would probably be worse than Trump would. You've got to remember than Penn personally knew Trump at one point, so you can't say his personal opinions on the guy running as president aren't unfounded.


He lost weight.
Good for him.

you dont look like shit when you lose weight naturally, faggot got a surgery

It's common sense really. The bedrock of Trump's "empire" is crony capitalism. The rest of his business is just licensing his name off to others for shitty, marked up products that are low-quality or outsourced.
Penn Jillette is a libertarian who knows that the two-party system is fucked and both parties are just conersative authoritarians, barely differentiated by a few issues.

when you're that old and lose weight fast, naturally or not, you look like wrinkly shit.
and if he got surgery he probably has enough money for the plastic surgery to tighten it.

He lost the weight by practically starving himself, actually.

My life is complete!

Should have used this for go, user.

dude christians are soooo fucking stupid haha yes i named my kid moxie crimefighter why do you ask?

looks more like he has a turkey neck

I thought it was kevin smith who named his kid after a super hero. And Nick Cage who named his kid Kal El.

I'm so lucky i didn't become a walking meme.

Too late, you just became one.

Vagina neck is a phenomenon that occurs in aging memes, case and point michael rosen.

and Bill Murray named his son Zelda

Looks like /lefttypol/ got lost again