Reboot Ghostbusters with a all female cast

Why is this allowed?

Sadly I have to agree. At least Elizabeth McCarthy looks STD free. Or at least care enough to not look trashy.

Why is that picture is creeping me the fuck out?

out of all those I'd be least disgusted to fuck the baby

To be fair. She might of been cute when she was young.

You probably always wanted to fuck the baby. You just haven't found a good excuse to until now.



newborn babies always look like that

it's pretty overwhelming to be removed from near-total sensory deprivation in the womb and suddenly have people, bright lights and noisy machines all around you

Look at that poor baby. Their presence only increases his suffering.

Actually this isnt true. By the time the fetus emerges it already has a well developed somatosensory and auditory cortex which means there had to be tactile and auditory stimuli present throughout the pregnancy.



McKinnon is a qt don't pretend she's not.

id fugg her and kristen wiig as long as they cant fugg eachither and ignore my dick

She has a certain milf hotness, i admit. To bad she's a gay.

If anything her look in the movie makes her look less attractive.

Those eyes though. Absolutely psychotic. Any hotness dies with those eyes.


pro-choice queer detected

I'm pro-choice, for black people. See how diverse I am.

She looks flat.

I suddenly have the urge to draw Leslie Jones as Ronald McDonald.


When the fat one says 'slapshot' with that angry out of breath face its literally the face every walmart self-entitled loud obnoxious fat cunt ever

You lose your right to be classified as a woman when you are that unattractive

what about my post was 'pro-choice'?

I'm not that user but I believe it was the part where you stated that fetuses were in sensory deprivation, which is indirectly implying that they don't have the chance to learn how to code stimuli before leaving the womb (which would also implicitly imply that they do not have the capacity for any meaningful amount of consciousness at that stage).

Of course this is affirming the consequent because in reality while the newborn does have a semi-functional sensory map it still doesn't attain any reasonable degree of what could be described as consciousness until at least 2 weeks post natum, this can be confirmed by brain scans which show that they do not have the capacity to integrate sensory information from multiple parts of the brain in the manner of an alert human. Also they do not go into fully deep sleep until then meaning that there is no sleep/wake cycle, the brain is in a proto-consciousness, philosophically speaking it would be more immoral to kill a cat or a mouse than a baby at this stage.

Just sayin.

Seriously what made them think standing in front of a dying black kid while grinning and giving thumbs up was a good idea?

Since when is anyone connected to that movie associated with having good ideas?

Is it wrong that I want to be a sassy fat black woman?

I guess, but it doesn't follow that killing fetuses would be okay if they're not conscious

I didn't come up with that premise. Most people draw the line at murder when it involves sentient beings as opposed to flies or spiders, unless they are Buddhist or something. To ask why is it not okay to kill something that has 'potential' sentience is a separate argument. Personally I think the best you can do is state that it causes anguish to the parent so it is immoral. Any other argument would have to be based on the existence of an immaterial soul and is just metaphysical poppycock.

That poor kid deserves better.

Yeah… this is totally Holla Forums-related.

muuaaah the french



I like the idea of only aborting shitskin babies.

Might as well call me a cuck while you're at it.


What the fuck, isn't that chick on the far right the one with the horse teeth who was e-begging for $2000 to spend a week in Africa to teach English on KSTV?

How was it not a red flag that their acting leads keep showing they don't know how to fake a smile? We're talking acting so basic that even laymen hiding sadness or depression know it – a good 50% of smiling is what you do with your eyes, so if you want to fake happiness you have to crinkle them a little or you're just showing teeth.

Theyre not actresses, theyre 'comedians'

Which begs the question

"Who the fuck assumed they can act?"

It's an ongoing source of confusion for me. If an actor tried to release a rap album or stand up set with zero previous experience, 9/10 times they'd be flat told no, so why do rappers and comics just assume they can act and get the chance to? Why can't I watch American Hustle without seeing Louis CK badly mumble lines with a constant fucking smirk on his face? Is it considered enough acting ability if you can make funny faces on the stage then star in a show that you yourself produce?

They don't. Minorities and women do.

Seeing her in all her lesbian glory in Sisters was kind of a let down.

This is the dedicated shit posting board. It may as well be Holla Forums

This is true, Holla Forums is usually the comfiest board here. As long as the usual lot stay in their game of cucks shed and people ignore the one or two obvious goon trolls.
We have the best discussion on the site, albeit it's always about DS9, but still.

I don't know about that, every thread on this board devolves into shitposting within 5 posts

Oh yeah well as a matter of fact you can eat your own fecal and munch it down with some rice krispies and milk


5 more than the other boards, we get a lot more as long as people stop feeding the goons.

It's true, but at least it taste better than capeshit.

You sound like an anally blasted gamer goober gobber

Holla Forums is pure retardation and shitposting.

Care to assist me in writing O'Brien in as the new Trek Commander.

Live long and JUST
All aboard the USS Diversity - NCC 1701-XE/XIR

I think it's going well so far.

sup goober

I love Wiig's expressions in these photos. She looks like she's dying inside, like she knows just how awful this situation is but can't escape.


Yes, kill yourself



And no munterfaggots post quasimodo

The correct term is Glippity Gloppity-gloop