Here is the plebbit post on it:

Set your phaser's to POZ.

Other urls found in this thread:

Set your phaser's to POZ.
dude star trek always had that pozzed element to it. Why complain now?

The POZ has been different over the decades but these days its identity and "gender" politics. The gender stuff is straight anti-family, something The Original Series was not against, and identity politics is just racist, something Star Trek is also against. It's just inconsistent unless you view it through the /pol lens which then the messaging becomes crystal clear. Anti-white and anti-western. Some /tv people don't like /pol for some reason.

Star Trek?

Mostly because people like OP take a single line from a tweet and spin some elaborate yarn of some cultural agenda subtext before we know much about this shitty series.



Check the catalog, you queer.

it's batman.

I think you're mistaken

It's clearly The Shadow

nah the shadow has the fedora and red scarf.

Clearly a he's a atheist commie.

nah dude the shadow killed commies. not sure about his religion though.

It got pretty Reddit in here.

Wow, paranoid racist.

who's the cuck on the right?

Some cuck, who cares?


Something ain't right here.

I wonder if the women in the show will wear the low cut dresses like in TOS or if that will be changed because ((( current year )))

The complete creative bankruptcy of Hollywood is what's apparent.

Well, they were covering up Troi's tits towards the end of TNG and shit has only gotten worse so you can probably guess which it'll be

It's gonna be great.

I hope they didn't blow their whole budget on that sweet CGI.

It's like potery

Joking aside, I like the idea of a Trek show with a lead who is not the captain.

My right? Or her right? They are both cucks so you have to make yourself clear.

your right.

Fucking hell that new ship looks like a damn ugly pizza cutter.

Bryan Fuller, Discovery's show runner, was the cuck who wanted to make a Star Trek show with Angela Basset as the Captain and Rosoria Dawson as the First Officer. The female lead will probably be black or hispanic. This show is fucked.

This design was also rejected by Roddenberry in the 1970s for the same reason.

I know I am, but which one?

I mean the one to the right of the chick.

where did you get that song?

Summerfag detected. The song has been floating around /pol for years.


something like the uniforms from The Cage maybe?

dude just enjoy the summer.

it gets hot in my basement I cant

Go back to reddit.

The uniforms will have to be modest otherwise it would be considered "objectifying" women.

Back to Holla Forums retard

then get a fan or something.

The show runner is an SJW who is obessed with a non-white female lead. Go back to your dragon dildo summerfag.

there's a place where SJWs can talk about trek

holy fucking poz, batman

I dunno I expect a lot of this to be changed pretty drastically closer to when the series starts getting filmed.

Bare in mind that when TNG was being cast and when it was being filmed huge amounts of what Roddenberry wanted were absolutely batshit retarded. Some were arguably better ideas but weren't done for various reasons. Like Tasha Yar was originally going to be some Mexican woman who was based on that one chick from Aliens. But was cast differently and changed into a more boring character. Roddenberry even axed character driven scripts in the first and second seasons because he didn't want drama on the show because he thought that wasn't a thing in the future. And once he got moved off an active role on the show it got noticeably better.

I expect the series to have more "mass appeal" injected into it later. This sort of thing is usually done by writers to they can at least have 5 things they wanted put in and compromise on the other 15.

Even then it's not like it's going to get watched by SJWs anyway. It's only really Trek fans that are going to subscribe to NBC's streaming service to watch it. If it does shittily in it's first and second season then they'll just redesign huge parts of it for broader mass appeal or just cancel it and start over.

Personally I've grown more interested in making my own Star Trek episode and this actually dabbles into Holla Forums a little but I've started learning how to mod a Star Trek game called Star Trek Voyager Elite Force so I can make my own Star Trek episode with my own crew.

It seems for every good idea Roddenberry had, he had at least one incredibly stupid one to match. He didn't want there to be any conflict among the crew because the Federation was supposed to be a utopia. Wesley is supposed to be a marysue based on his grandson.

I remember feeling like I was hit with a ton of bricks when I read that comic explaining just how autistic the show was on paper. "Data doesn't understand human emotions, and exists specifically to ask questions about them for the audience. Troi's super power is that she can tell what other people are feeling and explain it."

And let's not forget the Ferengi. It's funny how everyone shits on the people who took over the show for Voyager and DS9, but every race became so much more complex and interesting in other writer's hands, but the Ferengi are the best example. They were initially imagined as his criticism of capitalism. They were portrayed as dim-witted, evil, misogynistic and troll-like. Quark comes along and before long they're one of the most beloved races in the series. They're cunning, hilarious, scheming, fun to be around, and often give really wise reflections on humanity. The Cardassians were supposed to be a criticism on Communism and Statists, but by the time DS9 rolled around they became more of a commentary on Nazis and Nationalists. It's interesting how around this same time they started becoming more charismatic, complex and interesting.

I still think the conversation between Quark and Garak is probably the best scene in the whole series.

On the right? Neil Grayston. He played a scientist on the tv show Eureka.

True. If I remember correctly, he didn't want a conflict between the Federation and the Klingons.
The TNG crew was fucking boring because he didn't want them to have a fight. They're all friends and colleagues, blablabla everything is beautiful.

He created Star Trek, sure, but holy shit I'm glad he didn't have carte blanche.

Thanks user. Haven't seen Eureka is it any good?

My god, Quark is a lovable character.
I agree that making a show with no interpersonal conflict is boring as hell, thank goodness Star Trek strayed from that.

It's the typical Syfy "problem of the week" show. A marshal and his cute daughter arrive in a little town full of weird scientists. Stuff happens and he becomes the new sheriff.
It's a comedy show with some drama. It's ok but I think it lasted too long and both Wheaton and Day were guests on the show in the later seasons.

The best DS9 characters were never human, funnily enough.

I made a bet with someone that there will likely be bitches with hijabs within the first season of the series as background members of the crew or an actual character. Easiest $10 I'll ever make. Seriously, you know these people are out of ideas when most of the interviews now have the progressive/inclusive angle as the main selling point rather than having the selling point be that it has a complex tale about what future technology and alien interaction might be like based on our current level of technological progress, and it likely won't have that and it'll just be some Abrams-inspired schlock full of action and relationship drama and recycled stories from past Star Trek shows that have been updated for Current Year sensibilities and needs.

Which is another reason that DS9 was infinitely better. It didn't rely so heavily on the importance of humans and their shit and explored the charms and behavior of aliens and what they would do and handle things compared to a human.

but I thought humans had no religion in star trek?

Roddenberry keeling over was the best thing that could've happened to TNG tbh. And to be more honest, I would love to see a fanmade ST project from Holla Forums anons who got together. Good or bad it would definitely be amusing to watch.

Oy vey, what are you some kind of islamaphobic communist? Why haven't you embraced Islamic Socialism, goy?

Didn't you hear CBS made some jewy fan–film requirements so they could get more people to subscribe to their all access shit? You'll have their lawyers breaking down your door almost immediately.

I still want to see how autistic Holla Forums trek would be, make the Captain and First Officer Holla Forums and Holla Forums regulars for maximum kek.

They'll add a hijab into the mix somewhere. Also I think that within Roddenberry's depiction of his universe, there wasn't organized religion among humans but spiritual leanings (mild or prominent) could've been a thing. After Roddenberry kicked the bucket though that sort of thing commonly became kind of a mute point. While I don't mind it as long as it's written well, I know that they'll just throw in a hijab while avoiding any complex character depth just so they can meet a progressive token character quota or some shit.

I'm not surprised. Hollywood's jewery has been really over the top lately and they'd probably shot off any fan project even if it was made for fun.

Yeah, I don't care how dumb or silly it might sound, I want to see that shit. Although I hate to see a Star Trek fan project by Holla Forums.

because Egypt tried it and it failed horribly.

I had an old college "friend" who once went to Egypt. Never saw him again.

Pure coincidence, honest.

A federation warship from Section 31. MACO squads doing "Seal Team Six" type of missions.

Please end up being thr Star Trek answer to CISbusters
I want another shit storm before 2016 ends.

Shill harder, Dice. He's just another pozzed Christcuck.

Or we could not bother with a shit, Marxist propaganda IP and get something good, like maybe a 40k TV show.

That sounds rad.

Well, I did see a lot of disqus commenters on other sites get called sexist, racist, bigots and whatnot because they said that they didn't like the new film or what they've seen of the new series so far (like the ship design), and I think that mostly stems from the people behind this show saying that they've promised a more diverse Star Trek and a prominent feminist angle. So whether or not this might turn into another cisbusters is dependent on how well it performs. If it does badly they'll mostly likely start blaming the patriarchy or something on its failure.

Pozzed would be that he approves of this which he doesn't seem to from the video

40k's been shit since the novels.

Even the worst IP's can be made into something good with enough effort and dedication.

I'm sure you're right.

Yeah, the Hours Heresy is basically a bunch of numale cucks ruining the setting with moral relativism and vile Chaos cocksucking.

So, basically, Terran Empire and Vulcan sex slaves?

How is Egypt doing these days? Any smoldering craters where their cities once stood?

My fucking nigga.


Is Quark easily one of the best aliens in scifi?

Unless they're men. "Male" crewmembers on the ship will be allowed to wear skimpy clothes and short skirts just like in TNG, but more revealing.

Mark my words, 10 years down the line She Who Thirsts will be the good goy sending the noble Chaos Legions to protect the tumblr special snowflakes from the evil, oppressive empire.

Either that or GW will mercifully go out of business before they can ritually sacrifice 40k like they did with Fantasy.

I hope I love to see the day when the right wing, after the social paradigm has shifted, appropriates Star Trek and turns it into 40k. It would be a balm on my soul.

Forgot the pic.

Can the vile shit of the Horus Heresy ever be undone? Only thing that saddens me more is that /tg/fags actually like it.

We can only hope…

It can, just retcon the shit out of everything and pretend it was a demented nightmare unleashed upon the faithful by Chaos sorcery.

They're cucks, it's as simple as that. They might profess they aren't, make overtures about their disgust with what leftists have done to their hobby, but at the end of the day they still slobber over shit like Eclipse Phase and White Wolf.

They should fire Ward as well. Either that or take him out back and put a bullet in him.

Abnett is thankfully down for the count as the Emperor punishes him with seizures for all the dumb shit he did (especially ruining Ollanius Pius for everyone) and marrying a fat feminist (redundant, I know).

McNeil is a feminist bitchboy, and on top of being the precursor of the IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR meme, he also seemingly has no understanding of how weapons work, because if he did he wouldn't have written about bolt action lasguns.

Ward quit GW and had no you involvement with the HH pozzing you fucking poser.

GW rehired him recently but that's besides the point

I've been noticing a lot of cocksucking and asskissing on /tg/ lately. 40k could literally just sell them shit on a platter and they'd buy it as long as it has the 40k label on it and a "le funny" tag that says "heresy-free and approved by the Emperor himself".

I wasn't talking about HH, Ward is a cancer all his own, the man has no ability to do anything but make the factions he fanboys over into Mary Sues.

Then again, HH is pretty much proof of what happens when you let critical theory and moral relativism close to 40k, so now all the Primarchs act like tumblr children and the Emperor is an asshole just because.

That's natural for them, they are like battered housewives at this point.

I just wish someone had some fucking idea of what they are doing, because GW sure as fuck don't.

Slaanesh has already been removed from Warhammer Fantasy.

40k is just autistic 14yr old shit and has been edgy grimdark cringe since 3rd ed. You couldn't make a TV show of it without it looking like a bunch of nerdy spergs on camera.

Fantasy > 40k

"Mankind has no need for Gods. We find the one quite adequate."

James T. Kirk, "Who Mourns for Adonais?"

Part of his total BTFOing of Apollo at the end of the episode.

This is how you can tell someone has never watched Trek. They automatically assume it's atheist.

Of course it's not atheist, it's Luciferian. They worship Satan, as per 33rd Degree Scottish-Rite Freemason Gene Roddenberry's will.

But it is. The Federation don't worship God. Gene Roddenberry famously said something like 'As far as I'm concerned, everyone in the 23rd Century is Atheist and better off for it'

If they got in stuff like that it was very much against Roddenberry's wishes

You do realize this is the same franchise with a notoriously anti religious episode called "Who Watches the Watchers" right? The same franchise that had God literally appear and Kirk notoriously asked him "What does God need with a starship?"

Who Watches the Watchers was the episode of TNG where the Enterrprise touches down on a planet and the inhabitants conclude they must be Gods and start worshiping them. And the crew tries telling them to stop worshiping them and stop assuming their modern technology makes them Gods. And indeed the way the episode ends has the primitive people say "You have taught us there is nothing beyond our reach.". Essentially indicating that their belief in Gods held them back intellectually.

It's certainly not a show where the characters are religious or that it has a religious slant in any way. Almost every time a godlike character appears on the show they're portrayed as very arrogant. See Q/Nagilum/Trelane.

Indeed the show even has a disdane for these sorts of characters. There's an episode in TNG where Riker is given the power of a Q but he notices it doesn't make the people around him happier when he just wishes what they want into existence. And he then asks for it to be taken away from him.

Basically this. From the way I interpreted it judging from certain episodes, they didn't seem to be into organized religions in the Federation but they were still written as holding on to certain traditions and spiritual ideals that weren't organized around specific orders but still openly accepted and occasionally endorsed.

They went against Roddenberry's ideas a lot of times and to be fully honest TNG became a lot better after he croaked if you may pardon my bluntness. He was just too politically driven and self-righteous rather than focusing on good stories and character development/drama, as user points out in his fine post here:

Even Patrick Stewart basically said as much

We both know it's silly to treat TOS and post TOS Star Trek as the same thing. TNG is when they went mad with the liberal angle.

TOS and DS9 were still the superior shows though.

Star Trek Enterprise Fan Fic Idea #1
Title: The Problems with Porthos
Porthos, the Captain's beagle, goes through major cycles of shedding throughout the year. That hair travels throughout the ship the through ventilation system. The Captain is hosting a dinner party for onboard in honor of a successful first contact mission. During dinner T'Pol notices beagle hair in her food and alerts the Captain. The Captain realizes Porthos' hair is in everything! Realzing that the aliens don't know any better, Archer keeps quiet. Meanwhile, the hair in the ventilation system is building up on a grate somewhere in the bowels of the ship. Beagle hair is building up and choking life support to the ship. The ship is in crisis. Life support is failing all around the ship. Trip heroically finds and fixes the problem. The episode ends with the Captain ordering Phlox to give Porthos an anti-shedding treatment.

This idea comes from the submarine disaster the Thresher. Which tried to blow ballasts and the air got frozen on a grate.

They never addressed Beagle shedding on Enterprise. It could have made for a decent filler episode based on a real life tragedy. They made that one episode about Suliban detained like the Japs were during WWII.



Some people just can't enjoy their space communinst utopia without well ventilated balls.

No such thing exists in the communist utopia of the future.

Doesn't look very SJW to me.


Star Trek: Discovery has the worst acronym, STD. Fitting for a show with gay characters.




I don't know. Last I heard they overthrew their dictator and the military took over. Then again I think that was in 2013?


Nice OC

mind = blown

I don't get how a space tunic keeps triggering people.

I want to experience how terrible it is.


Why not? They are easy to wear and they don't need pants for pockets.


wait until february nigga