Is radio considered Holla Forums?

Let's be honest, it all started going down hill the moment old time radio evolved into standard television programming. Radio is clearly superior. There are no TV shows as good as stuff like the Shadow or Voyage of the Scarlet Queen. Admit it, Holla Forums.



Are books tv? Are folk tales tv? Are cave drawings tv?

Old time radio programs have pretty much the same format as TV.

if your cave drawings are too accurate we are gonna have to sacrifice you to the god of feces

perhaps this will answer your question.


I like the one where two jews pretend they're niggers

I admit it. Television is going the way of the radio. The internet supplies us with all the entertainment we need uninterrupted and we can freely access any of it without channel limitations, commercials or being forced to watch shitty programs that air right before the programs we do wanna watch or be forced to watch something because other people tell us to since there's so much media to choose from its dispersing tastes and preferences. TV's disappearance will be for the best tbh even if the internet has just as much shit, at least we can just disable the shit we don't want to see, unlike TV which shits out as much bullcrap as it can every moment or even political ads or virtue signaling shit. TV will soon be Gone With The Wind and reduced to a worse state than radio, because at least radio lives on thanks to cars.


You have good taste.


in my country, TV is called "seeing radio"

There are a great number of shows I don't actually watch, and they very closely resemble radio shows.

You can easily not watch TNG and still enjoy it, if you enjoyed it to begin with.

I agree, it's very easy to enjoy not watching TNG

Your country sounds like it might be a little retarded.

why? makes perfect sense

it's like a radio, but you can see the programming instead of just hearing it


Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

Only the Shadow knows…

Sounds fitting if it has a fitting term in his native language.



But that's literally what a motorcycle is… A MOTORised biCYCLE

In fact, the word automobile is taken to mean "self(AUTO) propelled(MOBILE) CARriage"

smh at your silliness fam

Johnny Dollar always got paid